Wednesday, 10 November 2021

The Crimes Many Married People Commit Against The Success Of Their Marriage*

1) Turning to many people for marital advice there by becoming confused
2) Treating visitors more warmly than family members, making family members feel unfairly treated
3) Respecting the Pastor, Bishops, celebrities and public figures more than they treat their spouse
4) Praising other children more than their children; speaking harshly to their children while speaking with a loving tone to other children
5) Working so hard for the family yet forgetting to spend quality time with the family they are working hard for.
6) Comparing themselves with other families and thus putting pressure to compete
7) Going through life without a vision for their marriage thus the marriage becomes a victim of circumstances instead of a force that shapes circumstances
Wanting God to bless their marriage yet the two choose not to do love God's way
9) Getting into debt, living a lifestyle they can't afford; thus bringing financial strain and digging the family into a hole
10) Looking at marriage as a competition between a man and a woman instead of a lifetime partnership
11) Being impatient with their marriage yet healing, love, progress, nurturing takes time
12) Failing to invest time, effort, communication, affection and honesty in their marriage yet expecting a strong union
13) Failing to put their marriage above in-laws and friends thus attracting outside interference.
*Thanks for reading*


Why can't you drive home during lunch and have a quickie with your wife? We're equal gender in sexual intimacy and satisfaction - it's not just about a woman satisfying her man. You have to satisfy each other as it's fitting in the Lord.
Have you ever seen a woman who has been sexually satisfied in marriage?
Have you noticed how she glows and becomes energetic?
Age has nothing to do with sex in marriage. The older spouse you're, the more you should enjoy it but do it in God's way as it's acceptable.
May God Bless all Marriages with deep understanding to do our part while God is Faithful to do His part.


Kadiri, popularly called ‘celebrity shrink’, urged women dealing with depression to frequently indulge in Marital sex, while boosting their self-esteem.
She also advised women who are over-weight to also involve in active sex, saying doing so will boost endorphins which are happy hormones.
“The happy hormones will make them lose some calories as well as sleep better.
”Orgasms trigger the release of endorphins which are happy hormones secreted by the brain that act as effective painkillers,’’ she said.
She added that sex was not only beneficial to the men, but especially to women because it was capable of freeing them from stress.
Regular Sex (For married ones only). A lot of people don't associate sex with God - they associate it with Satan and darkness, as if sex is not holy. Sex is holy within marriage, and there is no prescribed style.
Not discussing sex in a Marriage will eventually leads to divorce!! I have counseled women who've complained: my husband treats me as if I were his sister. There was one who told me: I am tired of getting sex fortnightly, like a salary. I told her she was lucky to be getting sex fortnightly, since some wives only get it on big days, like elections day, Christmas and birthdays.
Many husbands exposes their wives to temptations of seeking sexual pleasures in Avenues . Have you ever asked yourself what those women have that you don't?
Some Wives have become very frigid and even sleep with their panties. If you're a married woman, you should sleep naked and let your bum touch your husband.
Today you find men indulge in porno to get their way to get a glimpse of a vagina. They page through magazines and even go to lingerie departments in stores hoping to see what's hidden under panties because their wives hide it from them.
Marriage is about being free with your body in front of your partner. A woman is free to parade nakedness and do some modeling to tempt her husband without saying.
Physical, Spiritual, Emotional and Sexual nakedness is highly necessary, if Marriage must maintain Stability (Gen 2:25). There are many married women who don't know what their husband's penises looks like. She only feels it when he enters her. They've never touched it, let alone seen it, because the husband switches off the lights before undressing. A penis is a wife's toy - she is supposed to play with it.
I blame couples for not making time for sex and complaining about being tired after a day's work. You find many couples who've been sexually starved for years behaving like tensed adult and extremely violent around opposite genders without good reasons. God created sex for procreation and also for emotional pleasure. You can't marry and not have a good time in bed.

Careless death

Please, don't be in a hurry to scroll off this piece away.
This is the story of a young hustler who found love but never lived to consummated its allure.
After working hard for many years, Akin the only son of his aged mother succceeded in founding Funmi, the woman of his dream.
He was driving home the nght before their wedding day, when a yellow Lagos Transit Bus drove past him.
The very moment the bus overtook his New Luxury Car was when a passenger in the bus threw out a plastic container.
Akin lost control of his car while dodging the thrash from hitting his windscreen.
He ran into an electric pole along the road, which eventually landed on him.
That night, the next call Akin's bride got was the news of her groom's demise
-Akin died with blood decorating his handsome face.
Please, dear reader, help families retain their joy.
When you throw out thrash from a moving vehicle it endangers all the beautiful people we share the road with in many bad ways, and it's very dangerous,
If it hits another vehicle next to you.
Please, use a waste basket or take your thrash home.


1. "Are you sure God is in it?"
Can you confidently say your future together has the backing of God?
2. "Will your faith be an issue?"
Are you a believer? What's your faith? Faith in God is such a personal thing in people, people defend it and even put it above their spouse. Talk about this before marriage
3. "Are you the best of friends?"
Beyond the romance, sweet stuff, intimacy, chemistry; are you true friends? Friendship is the foundation of any lasting relationship
4. "Are you attracted to each other"
Sex is a gift to be enjoyed in marriage. Wait till marriage to have sexual intercourse, but before marriage do you find each other sexually stimulating? Does the person ignite your sex drive or do you struggle to make a connection? Is the person your kind of sexy? You have sexual needs, it is dangerous to enter marriage with someone who will frustrate that need yet expects you to be faithful. You don't have to have sex or see someone naked to know you are attracted to them
5. "Do you really know each other?"
Ask yourself if you are rushing things, if you have really known each other enough, your strengths, limitations, annoying ways and admirable ways? Can you look at that person and say "I know you deep"?
6. "Has your love passed the test of time?"
Has your love passed the pleasing and mushy phase where you just show the good side of you? Have you gone through challenges and storms that reveal who you both truly are and valued each other even more? Have you gone through moments where you could have quit but you fought for your love because you truly need each other? Has the quality and strength of your love been tested because bigger battles await you in marriage.
7. "Will finances be an issue?"
How do you both handle finances? Does little money make you intolerable to each other? Does big money bring pride and economic wars? Money comes and goes but will it change how you view each other? Finances are a big threat to marriage if handled wrongly
8. "Are you comfortable with each other's past?"
Every one has a past; the good, the bad, the ugly. With what you know about each other's past, will you love each other fully or will you keep bringing up the dark past, attacking each other with scars of the past? When you go through tough times will you belittle your tough present by comparing it with the glorious past you came from?
9. "Can you handle each other's relatives?"
Not every in-law will be loving and accommodating. Get to know your potential spouse"s family, but incase they don't like you will you two be divided? The ideal is to be accepted by your spouse's relatives, though the reality is some relatives smile on your wedding day but look for reasons to attack you later. Remember you are marrying your lover, not your lover's relatives or parents.
10. "Do you love yourself?"
You will never love another purely and fully without first loving yourself. Resolve any issues you have with yourself, don't hide behind marriage.
11. "Are you individually ready?"
Both of you must be ready, not just one. Interrogate your reasons for wanting to get married? Is it external pressure or internal conviction and desire? Never should you walk into marriage and later on feel trapped.
12. "How do handle disputes?"
Has your love matured enough to the point of having a dispute solving mechanism? The closer you two get the more frictions will emerge between you two. Have you agreed on how to handle arguments, differences of opinion, tempers, feelings, communication, decisions or do you relate in a crude non-re conciliatory ways leaving room for potential chaos?
13. "Are you willing to give your all?"
Marriage will not work unless you give your all. Are you ready to commit to that one person all your life, to let that person completely in and put your heart on the line to reap the benefits of the highest union between two people?


1. Don't justify why you did wrong. Accept it was wrong
2. Don't seduce your spouse into sex hoping that sex will make your spouse forget the wrong you did and you can escape humbling yourself to say sorry
3. Don't blame your spouse for making you do something wrong. Be an adult. Take responsibility for your actions
4. Don't send friends, family or siblings to apologise on your behalf. It shows cowardice. Face the one you have wronged
5. Don't belittle the wrong you did as if showing your spouse he/she is overreacting. If it is a big deal to your spouse, take it as a big deal
6. Don't start listing your spouse's past wrongs when your spouse confronts you on your current wrong. Love doesn't keep a record of wrongs
7. Don't apologise on social media or put a post on Facebook or WhatsApp status hoping your spouse will see it without saying anything in private. Make your apology personal and heartfelt
8. Don't brush it off and move on as if nothing happened just because you know your spouse loves you. Don't sweep things under the carpet
9. Don't throw money and gifts at your spouse and doing good deeds without addressing the hurt you have caused and the issue. You can't buy your way into healing. Healing is emotional, not material
10. Don't apologise rudely and casually saying "Aah, OK then, I am sorry then if that will make you stop complaining" just because your spouse has asked for an apology. Show genuine remorse
11. Don't wait for when your spouse has decided to divorce you or to break up with you to let go of your ego and say sorry. You might be too late
12. Apologise as soon as possible, sincerely, acknowledging your fault, recognising how it hurts your spouse, assuring him/her of your love and commiting to do better.