Wednesday, 10 November 2021


The will of God is another factor to consider before you marry anyone. What is heaven saying about this person you're considering? What is God saying?
The will of God in marriage is simply the person whom God approves for you to marry. That is, some that God is pleased with and approves for you(see Matt. 3:17).
Now, this doesn't mean that God specially created one particular person for you to marry. There is nothing like that. But as a child of God, you need to carry God along in your choice of life partner.


Apart from love another important factor to consider is compatibility. Lack of compatibility is the leading cause of divorce around the world.
Compatibility is defined as when two things are capable of existing together in harmony.
For two people from different backgrounds, upbringing, culture, orientation, experience, education, philosophy etc., to live peacefully and in harmony with each other, they must be compatible.(see Luke 5:36-37)
Sometime ago, I wrote about these important areas you must be compatible with anyone you want to marry.
Let me highlight them here…
Spiritual compatibility.
Do your spiritual beliefs and convictions align?
Are the both of you born again?
Purpose compatibility
Is there an alignment in purpose? Are the both of you walking towards the same direction?
Mental compatibility.
Are the both of you operating on the frequency intellectually?
Some people are analogue in thinking while some are digital. Some are still operating with the mentality of the 7th century in the 21st century.
When you hear, "This is not how my forefathers and ancestors did it," that is mentality speaking.
Some men still believe a woman belongs to the kitchen and the other room.
Health compatibility
Does your genotype, blood group and Rhesus factor match?
What is your genotype status? AS, SS, AA, AC, SC
What is your blood group? A, B, O, AB
What is your rhesus factor? +ve or -ve?
Personality compatibility
According to research a large percentage of what you do is influenced by your personality type.
What is your temperament? Sanguine, Choleric, Melancholy, Phlegmatic
Many couples are quarrelling and fighting today because they don't have this knowledge, they don't understand their partners.
So does your personality match?
Sex compatibility
Are your sexual orientations, education, exposure align with the person?
What's your take on oral sex, anal sex, BDSM etc?
What are the things you cannot do or accept wjen it comes to sex, do they align your partner?
Preference compatibility
This talks about hobbies or things that interests one.
Is there an alignment?
See, when there is disparity in any of these areas of compatibility, it may result in conflicts in marriage.
Without compatibility, someone is definitely going to get hurt, either the couple or the children.
Lack of health compatibility is the reason why we have many children today suffering from Sickle Cell disease.
I know a couple that has lost 2 out their 3 children because of this sickness. And these are children they spent almost 12 years looking for.
Lack of health compatibility in Rh factor one of the reasons why many women are having miscarriages.


1. Love
Because I said love is not an enough reason to get married doesn't in any way negate the importance of love in marriage. It will take a book to explain the criticality of love to marriage.
No marriage can survive without love. Anger, irritation, resentment, quarrels, frustrations etc., are inevitable when there is lack of love.
To show you the importance of love, almost a whole chapter of the Bible was dedicated to that effect.( see I Cor 13)
Love is one of the vital pillars that sustains a marriage but as we all know that one pillar doesn't sustain or hold a building, other pillars are needed.
So love is the first vital factor to consider.
Do you really love the person?
Does the person also love you?


"Don't marry anyone just because you love the person, love is not enough reason to get married. There are other factors to consider."
The post gathered some reactions both on Facebook here and on WhatsApp, some people agreed with me that love is not enough, while others disagreed and then many others asked me about the other factors that need to be considered before you marry someone.
So what I intend to do in this article is to show you the other factors you need to consider before you agree to marry anyone.
My intention for making that post two days was to help people to make sure all coasts are cleared before they venture into marriage to avoid regrets.
There are many people that got married only because of love but are now regretting that decision. They were blinded by love but marriage performed a miracle on their eyes, now they can clearly see their mistakes.


1- When a woman is angry, she doesn't mean over half of what she says... if possible always hug her to calm her down.
2- The most difficult time for a woman is when she is away from the man she truly loves. She can get distressed.
3- It takes time for a woman to trust a man, its hard to change her mind when she does, but if you mess-up, you might just forget it.
4- A woman is such a school you will never graduate from.
5- Your wedding certificate with her is not a "driving licence", its just a "Learners permit". Continue wooing her.
6- She can be very bitter now, and a very sweet angel later on, it all lies in your approach. Yes treat her right always.
7- A woman hardly forget things, she remembers hurts more, avoid making her hurt. Avoid negative words and affirm her always.
8- A woman can be highly secretive Most times when they prove hard to men, they go to their closet and cry to friends. Make your woman your best friend.
9- All women Love to be begged. Men often miss out on this. Yes please handle them like babies sometime its all they want.
10- All women have a unique character like salt, their presence might not be noticed but their absence makes all things tasteless.
11- if she loves you she can do everything you ask of her as far as it makes you happy, so never force her to love you.
12- If you don't take care of her, she will find someone who will. They are always there only that she chose you.
13- If a woman truely loves you, even to ask money from you she will be shy, but as a gentleman don't wait to be asked and most especially if she loves you she can never leave you to spend unnecessarily, that’s what makes them special.
If you have a good woman in your life, don't take her for granted. Love and cherish her Because
they are expensive jewelry.


The Scars And Stretch Marks On Your Wife's Stomach Symbolizes The Pain That Comes With Motherhood, Remember How Beautiful She Was When She Was Your Newly Wedded Wife. She Is Still The Same Woman You Fell In Love With. The Difference Now Is She Has Given Children, She Has Giving You Life, She Has Blessed You With A Family.
Don't Ignore Your Woman, Appreciate Every Stretch Marks And Scars That Comes With Motherhood. Don't Leave Your Woman Because Of Her Tummy Because That Was Where She Housed Your Son's And Daughters For Months. The Scars And Stretch Marks Represent Her Love For You, The Pain She Went Through In The Delivering Room Is A Proof Of Her Undying Love For You.
Dear Husband! Don't Make Her Go Through Any More Pains, Please Don't Hit Her, Don't Nag, Don't Insult Her Body. Appreciate Her And Show Her LOVE