The Bible asks this important question in Amos 3:3, "Do two walk together unless they have agreed to do so? The answer is a capital NO!
By definition agreement is the state of being of one opinion about something or harmony of opinion, action, or character.
There are issues that a couple needs to be in agreement on if they will navigate the ocean of marriage successfully.
Take for an instant, a feminist and a non-feminist, these two people are different in opinion, when it comes to submission, order and leadership in marriage.
If they are not in agreement in this area, what do you think will happen? I leave the answer to you.
As a man, you want to marry a housewife, a woman that will stay at home and take care of the home and the children yet you will not look for such a woman to marry.
You will be looking for an ambitious career driven woman and want to force her to stay at home, you're looking for trouble, Sir!
Lack of agreement will lead to conflicts, irreconcilable differences and if these are not managed properly, the continuity of the marriage will be under threat.
In 2 Cor 6: 14 the Bible says, "Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness..."
In Israel, the farmers have a practice of yoking two animals of the same kind, say two donkeys, together for the purpose of ploughing the ground for plantation.
The two animals that are yoked must be of the same kind. You can't yoke a donkey and a sheep together, you cannot yoke a donkey and a cow together. That's an unequal yoke.
Marriage is a yoke. It yokes two people of the same kind and with the same purpose together.
A believer and unbeliever is an unequal yoke because the both of them are different. They carry different natures and have different purposes.
Because of love, many zealous sisters got married to unbelieving partners, today they are nowhere to be found in the faith. Their husbands stopped them from going to church and rubbished their Christian lives. The same applies to some brothers.
When you yoke a donkey with a sheep together, there will be a problem. The donkey is likely to strangulate the sheep to death or the donkey may end up having a hunchback as a result of bending.
So ask yourself, can I be yoked with this person and there won't be any problem?
If you don't want to be strangulated to death or develop a hunchback, my dear look for your mate.
Your progress in life will either be accelerated or decelerated it all depends on who you marry.
So these are the factors you need to consider before you venture into marriage. No matter how much you love someone, if these factors are not checked, I bet you there will be problems.
Make your marital journey as easy as possible by getting it right from the beginning.
Tick the boxes before you go further
The will of God
Good character
This is the reason why we have prayer, friendship, dating and courtship. They are not for frivolities. They are agencies and mercenaries for getting things right.
I hope you can agree with me now that love is not enough reason to get married to someone. Tell me what you think in the comment below.
Thanks for reading.
For counseling and prayers, what's app Dr okechi Iwunze on +234706511522