Wednesday, 17 November 2021

Before you become committed to any relationship, be committed to something that will fetch you income,

A Woman is A Provider!
One of the great reasons why a lot of relationships and marriage could not work out is that of provisions.
A lot of ladies and women go into marriage with a wrong mind set of provision. A woman always believes that her man should provide for her basic needs. As a father and as a husband, he must provide for the family. This is good! A man who is able to do that is a good man.
But let me tell you this, it is so wrong to believe that a man must do this while you can't provide anything too. A complete relationship or marriage is one which both of them is a provider.
Marriage can't be sweet without money! Let's learn this and change our mind set. A woman must also be a provider for herself and her home to enjoy her marriage.
We are no more in the age where women stay at home and do not work. We are in the age where women who stays at home even works from home.
When you can provide for yourself first as a woman in your marriage. The crises of marriage is about 30% solved. Insufficient money is a major marriage problem, leading to many other problems in home.
Before you become committed to any relationship, be committed to something that will fetch you income, however small. This God can bless and make big.
Let's stop running or rushing into marriage empty handed. Only few men can foot the bill without you participating fully in the family income.
Don't be ruled by emotions! Don't allow emotions blind you to the right things. Think straight when it comes to marriage.
Most men did not plan for what is happening right now in their homes. They really love their wives from the onset. And they think they can foot the bills all alone. Asking you to go into marriage while still at school having nothing to take care of yourself may work for some but not all.
When children comes in and income is no longer enough. Financial frictions will start, fightings and arguments on money matter will start. He still loves you! But he didn't know it will be that way.
Women are always at the center of the family crises. People will come back to blame the woman, who can not be patient or manage with her man. Wisdom is lacking!
If you desire early marriage, please desire early income as a woman. You are a provider. You need to provide for yourself, husband and family.
You are a helper! You need to help your husband. A lot of ladies leave a relationship because the man is not giving them this and that. Drop that mediocre spirit!
A woman herself is a giver. When a man notice that you are complete and can provide for yourself, he will treat you specially. You need not ask him if he is a good man before he does the right things.
Abigail gave to David before she even be his queen. Dorcas not only provide for her family, but for the society. The good woman in the book of proverbs our example today, bought land, planted and made good business. She provided for her home. The words says; her husband is not looking for extra gain because she was capable. She was a provider!
Change your mentality today! Say to yourself, I am a provider! Stop running after recharge cards, shoe, dresses, bags and weave on money, while you loose your chastity. Because of this most ladies lost their great glory of provisions to sins of adulteries and fornications.
Ladies! Start out your journey this year with that mind set. Women instead of fighting for more money with your husband, start praying for divine help and favour and start thinking on what small business you can start to help yourself and your family.
I pray for all women and ladies here, that Lord all mighty will favour you and send help to you to become a provider in Jesus name.
By Evang Kemi Longe

Introduction is not marriage -to the ladies

Dear Ladies
Introduction is not marriage!
Boyfriend is not Hubby!
Fiance is not Hubby!
Living together is not marriage.
What is the problem here? Don't you all know the meaning of marriage again?
You've not been aknowledged, by him with his family and yours and elders, your brideprice hasn't even been paid not to talk of marriage registration, you've not been giving a ring, and you're calling him your, "Hubby", are you okay at all?
Please girls, please respect yourselves.
Respect your parents as well...Quit confusing these guys, quit giving them more than they are ready for, calm down with your desperation, raise your value!!!
Know your damn worth!!!
Today you visit, you leave toothbrush!
Tomorrow you leave slippers!
Yesterday you left panties!
Next tomorrow, you stayed forever.
Have you been asked yet? Are you sure he is ready, if you turn yourself into a free cow that gives milk freely, why would a sensible men then buy milk again? Stop turning yourselves to
free foods that could be eaten anytime by any
Enough is Enough, be wise from today.
I know a lot of ladies will not comment nor like this update. Well.
Truth is always bitter

Living a Sexually Pure Life in this Polluted World".

Our dear Pastors, Bishops, Apostles and Gospel Ministers...always Spend about 5-10minutes of your Preaching time today to talk about "Living a Sexually Pure Life in this Polluted World".
Remind our Youths that it's OK to have sexual urges but a sin to follow its dictate. Tell them to refocus their minds on something edifying whenever they have sexual thoughts.
Remind our teenagers that sex is an adult food that's only meant for the married. Tell them that eating an adult food as a child could mean that they're eating up their future.
Remind our married couples to take their eyes off other people's spouses. Tell them to focus on their own spouse and build their family.
Let's be deliberate and teach Sexual Purity from our Pulpits. The world is throwing so much at God's people... There's need for constant purifying words from the mouth of God's anointed... You.
Dr. John S. Balogun
Crusader of Sexual Purity

No man will marry you simply because you're a Virgin, or because you are keeping yourself.There's the place of character too.

Dear Lady
After giving a lecture on Sexual purity few days back, someone asksed me a question
"Sir, why do ladies who keep themselves find it harder to get husbands than even ladies who don't?"
You see,
Keeping one's self isn't primarily a method to get a Man quicker.
Keeping yourself is something you do because your God demands it of you.
Getting a Life Partner requires more than just chastity..
No man will marry you simply because you're a Virgin, or because you are keeping yourself.
There's the place of character too.
Sad to say, some ladies who subscribe to the Abstinence code have bad, repulsive characters.
Some can't sustain a Relationship long enough for It to culminate in marriage because of certain attitudes and lifestyles.
You say you're Team ATM, you can't dress well, the hair on your head is 5 months old, the bra you are wearing was once white.
You aren't kind hearted.
Hospitality, Zero
Friendliness, Zero.
Smile, you won't smile, Aunty soldier of the cross..
You will talk to a full grown Man as if he is a boy, just because you can Pray for 3 hours.
You're harsh, proud, stubborn, self centered, stingy, difficult to please, and you want to use Team ATM to cover all that?, Aunty, it won't work na.
To thy Virtue, add Value
To thy Chastity, add Character.
By Musa Gift

Practicing Abstinence, Keeping your Virginity is useless if you're not practicing Sexual Purity.

Dear Lady/Brother that is keeping themselves till Marriage
Practicing Abstinence, Keeping your Virginity is useless if you're not practicing Sexual Purity.
You want to marry as a Virgin, (with an intact hymen, for the ladies), but you practice all manner of sexual activities with your partner behind close doors, you're a 419
You practice oral sex, anal sex, nude sharing.
You practice deep petting, deep cuddling, dry humping, you allow him play with your breasts and private part, and use your naked body to satisfy himself.
You're deceiving yourselves. The both of you.
You tell him "do anything you want to me, my body is yours, but don't penetrate me"
Tomorrow, when they shout virgins, you will raise your hand, my friend, the value of that your virginity can be compared to the value of N5 in this present economic situation.
No Value.
Don't be a Virgin Sinner.
Any cake that you want to eat and have carries no value in the eyes of God.
The goal isn't to just marry as a Virgin (who has never had penetrative sex), the goal is absolute Sexual Purity, only that Pleases God.
You are practicing Abstinence, but you're not even born again, you're not really concerned about pleasing/serving God, you just want to marry as a virgin because you're afraid of pregnancy, infection, abortion etc, such strikes no cord before God.
Saying NO to sex before marriage doesn't mean you've said YES to Jesus, but saying YES to Jesus will make you say NO to sex before marriage
Get your motive and aim right.
Team ATM is about pleasing God.
Sexual Purity is the Goal. Not just an intact Hymen.
By Musa Gift


1. Always remember that there is nobody on this earth that does not have problems. You are not the only one that has problems.
2. Challenges is part of life. It is only a dead man that has no challenges.
3. There is no problem that has no solution. There are solutions to the pains you are passing through.
4. The way you picture yourself in your mind can affect your happiness. Picture yourself as a valuable and beautiful person. Avoid low self esteem and inferiority complex.
5. Do not mind about what people say about you. Some people are sadists. They can just say something's just to make you feel sad.
6. Make friends with reasonable people who make you happy. Do not make friends with people who make jest of you or laugh at you over your challenges.
7. At your leisure time, keep yourself busy with your favorite hobbies like reading , Learning, etc.
8. Do not allow anyone to intimidate you with money and material things. A poor man today can become rich tomorrow. Change is constant.
9. No matter what you are passing through today, do not give up. As long as there is life, there is hope.
10. Be very prayerful. Pray without ceasing. Prayer is a catalyst that can speed up your blessings to come to you on time.
11. Be courageous to go for what you want. Life is all about risk. If you don't take a risk, you will not get the desires of your heart.