Wednesday 17 November 2021

Living a Sexually Pure Life in this Polluted World".

Our dear Pastors, Bishops, Apostles and Gospel Ministers...always Spend about 5-10minutes of your Preaching time today to talk about "Living a Sexually Pure Life in this Polluted World".
Remind our Youths that it's OK to have sexual urges but a sin to follow its dictate. Tell them to refocus their minds on something edifying whenever they have sexual thoughts.
Remind our teenagers that sex is an adult food that's only meant for the married. Tell them that eating an adult food as a child could mean that they're eating up their future.
Remind our married couples to take their eyes off other people's spouses. Tell them to focus on their own spouse and build their family.
Let's be deliberate and teach Sexual Purity from our Pulpits. The world is throwing so much at God's people... There's need for constant purifying words from the mouth of God's anointed... You.
Dr. John S. Balogun
Crusader of Sexual Purity

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