Tuesday 30 November 2021


You are not a perfect spouse and your spouse is not perfect. Regardless of how much you love each other, you will hurt and disappoint each other for as long as you both shall live. Therefore, have the readiness to forgive your spouse daily and develop the habit to apologize whenever you are wrong. Do not let hurts and guilt accumulate and compound into big problems. Each hurt, each disappointment, and each fault must be apologized for, forgiven and dealt with decisively the day it happens. Tomorrow has its own new issues to be dealt with. But do not be in the habit of repeating the same mistake or the same sin every day. Encourage each other to openly communicate your feelings and disappointments without the fear of judgment or condemnation. At the end of each day and before you go to bed, hand in hand bring everything to the Lord in prayer, and let bygones be bygones and never to be brought up in future conversations. Sleep guilt-free, hurt- free, sin-free and stress-free and enjoy the blessing of starting tomorrow on a clean slate. “Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.”Colossians 3:13. MAY GOD HELP US IN JESUS NAME

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