Friday, 19 November 2021

Is He Ready For Marriage?

A MUST READ For Single Ladies.

1. A man can date you for 10 years and still NOT get married to you. I heard someone say ‘God forbid.’ That’s good. Don’t let that happen to you.
2. It is sad but MANY men are NOT ready for marriage. Many are immature.This has nothing to do with love. It has to do with wanting to settle down with you.
3. Now that you are young and hot and irresistible, you are not paying attention to this article. But the truth is that you will not remain young for ever. You should therefore not allow any unserious man waste your time.
4. A man may love you but does he want you to be his WIFE? If all he wants is fun and games, he will never propose to you. May the Lord deliver you from time wasters and deceivers.
5. There are ladies who are ready for marriage but are in a relationship with jokers who are still immature. Such ladies will experience pain unless they let go of such a relationship.
6. A man who is READY for marriage will have marriage burning in his eyes. It will be in his every sentence. If you are wise and know he is God's will for you, GRAB him now. When the Lord sends a blessing your way, it is foolishness to let it slip out of your hands.
7. If you have dated for at least 6 months and he has not raised the subject of marriage, my dear sister, he is NOT ready to get married. You may grow old waiting for him to propose to you.
8. A man who is emotionally mature, financially prepared-he doesn’t have to be a millionaire- and talks to you about marriage should be taken very seriously. If you reject him, he will get married to the lady who accepts his proposal.
9. Marriage for a man is not complex. It is the most direct thing for a man who is ready. So, when a man keeps beating about the bush and evading the subject of marriage, he is not ready for you. Let him go or be ready to wait until he is ready, whenever that may be.
10. Let’s wrap this up. Are you good for each other and happy together? Is he ready for marriage? Has he asked you to marry him? If he has, don’t let this moment pass you by, seize it. And may the Lord give you understanding.

Thursday, 18 November 2021


It's possible for any man to ask for sex in a relationship, but is left for you as a lady to know that sex, can't keep him..(Sex isn't enough)
There are two major factors ladies complain about sex in a relationship:
1. After giving him my body he left me..
2. He left because I refused to have sex with him..
NOTE: Both those who gave and those who refused to give are complaining...
( Whats the difference)
Ladies Listen, Sex isn't enough, its not the only thing you can offer a man.
If You Don't Have Anything To Offer A Man Outside Sex, Please remain Single...
A man can't stay with you because his having sex with you....
Relationship is not buying and selling.
There are much to life than Monkey style, Doggy style, Missionary style, Apple and juice style, step pillows style, etc ...
Are you sound intellectually? Spiritually? Physically? Mentally? Emotionally?
Men love intelligent ladies...
Men love ladies with ideas..
Men love respectful ladies...
Sex is very cheap these days, anybody can buy it.
You need to build yourself beyond sex.
Leave make-ups and be a productive lady.
Men are looking for ladies with ideas and solution not those who paint their faces with different colours.
What a man wants is beauty with brain not make ups with boobs or hips....
Sex is not everything about life there is more to life than sex ..
So please build yourself very well , so that when the man is now coming to you your ability to arouse his loins and his intellect is what will keep you with the man outside that sex is sold on the street and he can always buy it .. Is cheaper everyday and he can afford it.


Always try to initiate Relationships from a casual level first, and see how things go.
It's in every facet of life, even in Relationships matters, you Aim high, but Start small...START SMALL!
You can't just "love" somebody today and ask them out tomorrow.
Even God tested Abraham before he released his blessings on him.
All this see today, toast tomorrow,
Toast today, accept yesterday, without no Friendship, no evaluation, no nothing, just a speedy conclusion on compatibility based on hunches and feelings.
Please, Love is not Blind oh and Marriage is not instant Noodles..
All this rushing into and then rushing out of.
The Best and Strongest of Relationships and Marriages are between two persons who are True friends, and friendship is not prepared in 30 minutes.
PS: "There's a big difference between taking your time and wasting your time."
Take your time, but don't waste your time.
Observe, Watch, Spend time together, communicate (ask questions, listen to their answers), get to really know each other, bond.
Have Friendship before Marriage. Not sex.
A Couple who are married but are not Friends are just Roommates..
By Musa Gift


That moment a brother finally got to his town after four hours on the road and his mother welcomed him dancing with open hands and their local panegyric.
"Justina! Justina!!"
"Yes Mama!"
She came running as if she wanted to catch a Christmas chicken that has escaped from the cage.
"Go and collect the luggage from him!"
She hurriedly greeted him, collected it and smiled at him.
After exchanging pleasantries, Daniel asked his mother the reason for the urgent call to visit her.
"I'm growing older and I want to carry your children."
He was a bit startled to hear the same thing again. The last time she did the same thing was when he was in a board meeting where he excused himself to answer her call only for his mother to start crying over the phone because of his adamant conviction on God's will for his life.
"Mama, you will carry my children when the Lord says it is time"
His response angered her and she called Justina again. She came out with a changed appearance. The wrapper gave in to a blue jeans skirt and yellow top, her 1875 slippers gave in to tennis shoes and her erstwhile roasted maize smell was replaced with a flower perfume. Her appearance made him to look at her twice before turning to his mother to know the reason for the drama being played in their house. His mother was staying alone with his younger sister but their father was living with another young woman who displaced his mother with her beauty and literacy.
His mother couldn't complete her education when she got married but the promise made by her husband to help her complete her higher studies after the wedding was broken. He always complained of insufficient money and the need to take care of the children. After several pleadings, she stopped troubling him and faced the upbringing of their children.
Her husband travelled to the northern part of the country for a business purpose but an extra package of a beautiful woman living around where he lodged readily took her key of enticement to unlock his yearning heart and sat comfortably on the seat of his heart. The news of a strange woman really shattered her until he eloped with her finally. It took the efforts of her family and church members to bring her back to normal level. She decided to face her children and God helped her.
Daniel politely asked his mother to explain her mission to him. She promised to do so after the dinner. Justina prepared the food and personally served Daniel. This unsettled him and he asked his mother to intervene. She only smiled and told him she was doing her conjugal duty.
"Which conjugal duty, Mum?" he said angrily.
"My dear, I'm doing my duty" Justina said jokingly.
"Who are you? Who asked you a question?" He challenged her.
His mother began to sob, "After spending my all on this boy, is this how you want to repay me?"
Still confused about the whole situation, he asked Justina to leave the dinning room.
"No way! She isn't going anywhere. This lady has been helping me ever since and she hails from a good family. Do you know Mr Goodluck, the headmaster of the nearby primary school?"
David refused to answer her but she continued, "Their family is well cultured and disciplined. I want my son to marry from such family unlike your so-called will of God who may be ugly like an old woman. Justina is also the will of God. Is that clear?"
Justina looked at him admirably and waited to hear his response. After a while, she looked at his mother who was waiting anxiously to hear his response too.
David gulped the glass of water and faced them, "Mum, I don't want to marry without God's approval. By the way, did I ask you to search for me a wife? How do you want me to marry this... this..."
Justina cut in, "I'm a graduate of microbiology and just finished my compulsory national service." That response struck a new chord of his heart.
" You? A graduate?"
"Yes! She can measure the number of the micro... micro... orgasm coming out of your mouth" His mother said aloud.
"Mama, it is microorganisms not orgasm." Justina said jokingly.
David gently lowered his high fence to accommodate fresh air of more information about the beautiful lady with local intonation typical of their town.
"From which University?" He asked her facing her in a more relaxed mood.
"Eat your food first and I will tell you more" Justina said calmly.
David began to eat and his mother was surprised to see her magic working on him already.
"May God keep you together!" His mother prayed.
"Amen" Justina answered.
As he was eating, he began to think about many things until his mind wandered to Sister Victoria who was instrumental in getting the new job and a true lover of God. The truth is, David loved her and many things are pointing in her direction that showed God was involved. In a twinkling of an eye, he analysed the two of them and here was the result: Justina was more beautiful than her.
After the dinner, his mother pretended to be sleeping but started eavesdropping. They talked at length in the sitting room but one thing stood out: No mention of God or anything godly in her words. She told him how she enjoyed eating fast foods and suggested they should go out the following day.
From their brief meeting, he realised that Victoria was an indoor person while Justina was an outdoor individual.
The five days he spent at home were like a few hours. He has bonded so well with her but didn't show it openly. He still maintained his stand of seeking God's approval but his heart has cleaved with her. Sometimes, he wondered why the sudden love but concluded it might be God's way.
He was supposed to leave on Saturday evening but decided to leave on Sunday. He even received a call from his pastor to come back to assist with the special ministration on that Sunday but he told him he has something important to do for his mother. In his usual manner, he didn't force him but prayed for him. Later in the evening, his mother was called upon to attend to two petty traders in the neighbourhood fighting over a customer who patronised one of them.
David didn't open his Bible for once during his stay in his town. To prepare for the new week, he decided to read his Bible while his mother was away. Without knocking the door, Justina came in and sat on his laps. Like an imaginary 16th world war, his Bible fell off his hand as he sat there helplessly like a conquered soldier. Justina even mocked him for reading the Bible. He couldn't say a word. This is unlike fiery David in his church. He was known to be another "David livingstone" that great missionary in the making. But here Brother David was now a "David Deadstone" whose fire was about to be quenched.
Justina whispered some romantic words into his ears to finally accomplish her mission of making him to be hers forever. David was stuck between yielding to sin or standing for Jesus Christ. Determined Justina was about to set him on fire of immorality when someone came in. She sprang up and David quickly picked his Bible from the floor.
Lo and behold, it was that same stubborn goat that was determined to eat the fresh vegetables in the house. It has been hit with a big stick during the day but his stubborn nature won't surrender easily.
Out of anger, Justina tried to hit the goat with her right shoe but mistakenly hit the standing mirror. Before they could clear the broken mirror, his mother came in. David travelled early the following day without bidding her goodbye. It was a mixed feeling of victory and missed opportunity to taste her as he travelled back to his city.
Without any prior notice, he was sacked after three weeks in his place of work. Within the same week, his younger sister fell sick. He was forced to travel back to his town. While still in that dilemma, Justina called him aside to bare her mind.
"Will you marry me?" she asked him.
"Are you so insensitive to know my present predicament?"
"I know everything and I can help you if you agree to marry me" She bargained with him.
David was surprised to hear that from her.
"If I agree to marry you? Is it by force?" He asked her.
"I give you 24 hours to answer me otherwise..." She threatened him again.
"Justina, what will you do? Answer me!"
She laughed hysterically and turned to him holding his collars, "I love you and want to be with you forever"
"Is it by force?"
"Yes, it is by force. You and your mother have stirred up my love and there's no going back" she said solemnly.
"Justina, leave me alone and let me go and attend to my sister"
"24 hours? I give you 24 hours otherwise..."She warned him again.
Fear gripped him and he ran to the house. Justina stood there shaking her head in pity. Evil has been determined.
David was so engrossed in his dilemma when his Pastor called. It was a relief when he saw his Pastor's call. He picked it and didn't allow him to talk before narrating his ordeals to him.
"Is that all?
"Yes, Pastor!"
"God is in control" he assured him.
It was as if he has been handed a AK 47 to go and blast her head off. However, he remembered the Bible verse the Pastor read and used to pray with him.
"3) For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:
4) (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)
5) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.
(2 Corinthians 10:3 - 5)
He realised he needed to be spiritually at alert. He was restored after confessing his spiritual state to the Pastor who led him to the Saviour Jesus to help him and strengthen him. God is ever faithful to forgive and restore.
Some brethren came down to support him financially and spiritually. The following day turned out to be a day he wouldn't forget for life. True to her words, his sister's health deteriorated and prayer was going on. The doctor couldn't figure out anything. David knew it was a spiritual attack but kept it away from his mother. When it was the 23rd hour, Justina came to meet him and reminded him. Her look was fierce and she asked him again, "Will you marry me?"
Something within told him to accept it in order to save his sister. He struggled for a while and emphatically said No.
"David, I love you. Please, marry me" she began to beg him
The brethren were praying, his mother was still counting on Justina who has promised to bring more professional doctors to attend to her but they were outside exchanging spiritual banters.
When she realised he wouldn't agree, she called her friend. After 10 minutes, Georgina arrived and she told her his final decision. Georgina turned to her and told her, "The potion was working until one hour ago when everything mixed together against the instruction given by my father."
They were best friends and their evil plan started when Justina told Georgina about her love for David. She promised to make him hers by consulting her herbalist father.
On hearing this confession, he knew the prayer was working and God has sent confusion into the camp of the enemies. It was the shout of "Hallelujah" that dismissed them. He ran to meet them and saw his sister hale and hearty through the stripes of Jesus Christ that makes one healed.
He later told his mother the confession of the ladies. She couldn't believe it until Justina confessed again how she was instructed to sleep with him to seal their love forever.
His mother regretted her action to force her on him but thanked God for His grace and mercy. She thanked the brethren for showing practical love of Jesus and their support. They led Mama, his sister and Justina to Jesus Christ for the salvation of their souls. God saved them and gave them true transformation.
"David, I'm really sorry. Please, go and marry whoever God asks you to marry and I will support you. I will be praying for you and you will not marry wrongly in Jesus name." His mother prayed.
"Amen!" They chorused together.
After eight months, God answered his mother's prayer and he was led to Victoria. They were convinced, prayed, followed the marriage protocols and finally wedded in a glorious way. His estranged father graced their wedding too.
Thus, the Lord glorified Himself in their family. One mistake brought them to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Truly, God is a God of second chance.
Beloved, our weapons of warfare are not carnal and we are not wrestling against flesh and blood.
Don't take the decision about your life with levity. Seek God's help and direction before going ahead.
David would have missed it for life but thanks to God for His mercy. Never let down your guard at anytime. The devil is roaming around in order to strike. Be spiritually sensitive and at alert always.
Dear parents, don't force your will on your children. You can pray and guide them. God will answer your prayers over them.
Dear sisters, please study to a certain level before getting married. Don't rely on his promise and stop your education half way. Secure your career!
There are "Justinas" who are determined to mar your destinies so far they can satisfy their desires. Beware!
There are negative influences like Georgina who are ready to support their friends in destroying lives. God will deliver you.
God will bring back estranged parent or spouse in Jesus name. Believe God.
Sin is still the gateway the devil is using to gain access to the great treasures God has deposited into your life.
Flee from sin. It may be sweet at the beginning but it will surely strike at the end. Don't toy with sin. Repent of known sins and accept Jesus Christ into your life.
Be patient and wait on God to guide you through, especially in the area of marriage.
There is power in the name of Jesus Christ.
By Olumide Fatunsin

*Men of Gold don't wear gold.*

Yesterday, I had to visit somewhere and it was raining so I did not want to drive there since I was not too familiar with the road, so I parked my car somewhere close and used a keke (tricycle).
While I was there I got a call from a long time friend reminding me of my promise to her husband over a job, so I quickly told her my location, and asked her to tell her husband to meet me up ASAP since I will be leaving town soon, but I told her to tell her husband to meet me up where I parked my car since that place was a popular land mark .
I don’t know her husband and we have never met before. As I sent her the address, she called me back and was so excited that I was even around her area which will make it easy for him because he did not even have transport to come out,things was that bad. So I told her that he should pick a drop and I will pay.
In order not to keep him stranded I had to start rushing back to where I packed my car. God, I even entered under the rain, cold, just to meet up with him so he will not be stranded. As I was walking under the rain I saw a keke and stopped it. The keke man asked me to beg the man inside so he will allow me join him since i was drenched, so I started begging. The man refused and said I was wet. I told him I will sit to one side, and he refused, saying except I pay for both his fare and mine.
I agreed, then he allowed me. As I entered this man kept me uncomfortable, saying if my wet clothes touch him again I will get down. I just kept my cool until I finally got to my destination. I did not even reach when I stopped at the junction and paid then used my legs to walk to my car, since it was very close.
I was inside my car warming myself, then I got a call from my friend saying her husband was around, so I described my car and he came. I saw someone knocked on my car glass, wound down and it was this same man in a keke with me. Gosh!
I was suppose to pay the keke man, and recommend him for a job? Tears rolled down my eyes, I brought out N3,000, gave him, started my car and zoomed off. My friend has been calling and sending me messages, I had to block her.
Be careful, many times men of gold don’t wear gold. Be nice! Angels do not wear ID cards.
*I saw this piece and decided to share the story!*


There was a day I offended my wife and I was ready to get all defensive. I expected that she would give me the silent treatment or withdraw her commitments.
I was surprised and at the same time scared of the way she handled things. She made my food, served me (with extra meat). I dey even fear say hope otapiapia no dey inside this stew? I never ready to chop the last supper o
When she invited me to the dinning, na so my hand dey shake as I dey chop the food.
Indeed, a sinner runs when no one pursues (Prov. 28:1). She did everything she would do under a normal circumstance and even added jara.
That night, I was truly broken, I wondered what kind of a woman she is. I envied God's grace upon her life. I didn't only tender a sincere apology to her, I also made up my mind never to repeat such a thing again.
In our homes, there are many times that we would have been able to resolve issues that turned into serious problem, but things blow out of proportion because our love and kindness towards our partner is a payback. It is like a "give and take" kind of transaction.
The script we have in our head is "The way my partner treats me will determine the way I'll treat him back. If he's kind to me, I'll be kind to him too, if he gives me trouble, I'll double it for him"...and this has scattered many homes.
Hmm, in Christian marriage, love should not be a payback, it is beyond the feelings too. Love is an obligation. Love is unconditional. Love is a commitment. Love is God's commandment. Maybe I should say it is compulsory to love your partner . Love is not to be measured and acted upon based on the way our partner behaves towards us or treats us.
The Bible says Christ loves us and died for us even when we are yet sinners......(R
omans 5:8)
Jesus didn't die for those that are saved o, that would have been a waste of death. Jesus died for the same sinners that hate and persecute him...I know someone is already saying "I'm not Jesus now"
Please tell me, what's special in showing love to someone who has first shown you love? Just anyone can do that.
Know this from today, that whenever you repay kindness just because the person has been kind to you, it is a waste.
For marriage to work, one must do beyond the usual. You must make sacrifices that will cause people to think you're "mumu". As a man, you must do things that'll make people around you suspect that your wife is controlling you.
If you want to live by the "If you do me, I do you" rule, your marriage may struggle. This is not a curse, it is the truth.
See what I am saying in essence is that forgiving your spouse when he/she offends you is not a choice, it is a must and it doesn't end there, even after you have forgiven, you'll still have to show him/her more love and kindness than ever before...this isn't easy, not even for me too, but God's grace is sufficient.
Talk is cheap. I know it is easy to say these things, walking the talk is the difficult part. But I tell you sincerely, with the help of God, it is possible and if you desire it, God can do it for you. Showing love to someone that hurts you is another level of spiritual maturity. Even God Himself will be proud of you.
Look at it this way, since you have been giving it back to your spouse hot hot, just the way he/she has been giving it to you, has that solve the problem?....I guess not.
So this is a pointer that you need to change your approach. It's time to do the unusual. You can't keep doing the same thing and then expect different now!
You see that your husband that is misbehaving and doing things that you're not proud of, that your wife that has no respect for you, show her love anyway, show her genuine love and also pray to God to change her for better, then watch as God turns things around for good in your marriage.
Search your mind for the answer and evaluate yourself.
By John Adesogan