Wednesday, 13 April 2022

Baby's Actions

Your 3years old son gets angry whenever you give him a food he doesn't want and throws it on you, you laugh and say "πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ children ehh"

Baby boy will lift his hands and slap you when he wants you to drop him... All you'd say is "you're beating mummy πŸ˜ƒ"

No other child in that area messes with him... And you're calling him "A no- nonsense boy"

He picks up things from the ground and hits people whenever he's stopped from doing something... You smile and call him "action boyπŸ˜ƒπŸ€ΎπŸΏ‍♂️🀸🏽‍♂️"

You expose him to all manner of violence and say "He's a man, man suppose get mind"

Few years down the line the teenage boy bullies his sisters, commands them around, shares slaps as souvenirs to anyone that dares to challenge him. You call him "man of the house"πŸ˜ƒ

He grew up having his way all through. Now he's a full grown man in the society. And it's not funny anymore

Abusive husbands didn't fall from the sky, someone raised a boy wrongly.

*It's easier to train a son than to correct a husband*.
We could address a lot from the root.

Tuesday, 12 April 2022



The last thing on a Boy's Mind is Marriage.

Boys don't think of marriage, they want to have fun first, and marry later, they enter into relationships only for fun and sex,

Dear Lady, if you want marriage, stop dating boys, you'll only end up as a baby mama.. A Boy is different from a Man.

A Boy wants only Relationship.

A Man wants Marriage.


Aunty, say NO to Lord of the Rings oh.

Engagement ring will celebrate 7 years anniversary on someone's finger. No be juju be dat?

You're even planning to celebrate your engagement anniversary again this year. Kai.

When will he do the needful?


This spirit tells you not to accept a marriage proposal in a hurry, to do plenty unnecessary shakara so that the brother will not think you are cheap or desperate.

It tells you to tell him to give you nine months to pray, don't pick his calls, ignore his WhatsApp messages, behave as if you are not interested even though you are dying on the inside and truly love the brother.

This spirit will not leave you until you hear the brother is getting married to another sister, then your eyes will open and you will start saying "can't he even wait for me"

Wait for you? Because you are Jesus Christ?


That spirit that tells you to always talk to brothers anyhow because you are beautiful, educated, and anointed.

That spirit that tells you that every brother that greets you is not your class, so you keep ignoring and looking down on them.

That spirit that doesn't allow you to greet brothers except those that ride exotic cars and wear expensive clothes.

You have use pride to look down on and trivialize all the ones God sent to you.


I'm a Deeper Lifer and must marry one who's a Deeper Lifer as well so our marriage will be Deep.

I am a Redeemer and must marry a Redeemer, any other Brother isn't Redeemed.

I'm from Rivers state and must marry from Rivers. River will soon carry you.

Aunty, if God is leading you to another denomination or state, kindly obey and marry, stop delaying our wedding rice.


The character of some ladies ehn.

This spirit has kept many ladies single, by the time any brother gets close because of her beautiful MASCARA, her ugly CHARACTER will chase him away.

Aunty, this year, work on your character, your date will be fixed this year in Jesus Name.


That spirit that tells you not to dress well because you are going to heaven. Special Heavenly candidate.

You dress and add 10 years to your age .

You dress and brothers will be greeting you "Good afternoon Ma." "Yes Ma" "Thank you Ma"

This spirit tells you to use tarpaulin to sew your dress, wear green skirt, yellow blouse and red head tie.

You dress like egungun that is going to the express to collect.

Dress well, we said don't dress indecently, we never said don't dress well.


This is for real, this is why I encourage everyone to be prayerful, prayer isn't only for Pastors,

Be spiritual


Women love conversations. In fact, the worst thing you can ever do to your wife is to make her feel lonely, single and ignored in marriage.

Make your wife enjoy talking with you.

1. Create time to be with her, don't let it get to the point where she has to beg you to be with her

2. Have emotional conversations with her, listen. Do not be Mr. Facts all the time. Even you as a man have an emotional and vulnerable side, embrace it

3. Ask her how her dreams and life goals are going. Most husbands expect the wife to help him achieve his dreams but have no idea about the dreams of the wife. Show concern and be supportive

4. As much you can, come home early to her and the children. Don't give her the exhausted you where she is trying to make a connection but you black out to sleep on the sofa. Don't tip toe into the home late at night when she is asleep, she will feel ignored

5. Use the bed, not just for sleeping and sex but also for intimate conversations: pillow talks

6. Give her eye contact when she is talking to you. Don't let her compete with your phone or the television

7. Don't shout at her or intimidate her. A wife is not supposed to live in fear. You ought to be her safe spot

8. Don't belittle her conversations, ideas or feelings. If something is important to her, let it be important to you

9. Randomly call her or text her, not to give her a task, but just because you thought of her

10. Call her by a sweet name; "Hun", "Love", "Sherrie"... and don't call any other woman by that name. A woman who is made to feel special enjoys to talk

11. Know when it is time she just wants to be listened to and when she is in need of your advice. Discern. Sometimes she just wants to be heard

12. Start the day on a good note with her, tell her something like "Good morning Beautiful" and end the day on a good note, tell her something like "Good night Love". How a woman starts and ends the day with her husband means a lot to her

13. Touch her when you two are talking. Caress her, rub her hands, let her lay on your chest.. She will open up more and more, at home in your arms

14. Flirt with her. In every woman there is a naughty side. Connect with her flirty self and you will reap the benefits

15. Ask her open ended questions that require more than a yes or no answer. A woman is like a novel, she wants you to explore her by asking questions that show you are interested in her

16. Apologise to her when you wrong her. A woman who loves you wants to quickly forgive you and go back to warmth with you, make it easy for her by saying "I am sorry"

17. Have a good laugh with her. Anyone a woman laughs with she grows close with

18. Compliment her, tell her how beautiful she is and how great she is. Other people might tell her this but the one she wants to hear this from is you

As you do this, as you water your wife, you will see her glow in your presence, you will fall in love over and over again, you will look at her and be proud of yourself because of how you love her. Making your wife smile should bring you pleasure like it did the days you freshly pursued her.

The man who loves his wife loves himself


To have total control over your life, learn to have good control over your mout

Real talk is from the brain not from opening the mouth

Two things will make people listen to you. Either you tell them what they love to hear or you talk to them with problems facing their lives

What's the point of sleeping when you can't close your eyes, there's no point in singing where nobody wanna hear your voice. Knowledge is knowing what to say while wisdon is knowing where and when to say it. Whoever sings an obituary song at a wedding ceremony wil blame himself

The dangers of the mouth is more poisonous than the bite of snake

To whom brain is given, common sense is expected

Whoever wants to talk should talk with sense and whoever wants to listen should listen with brain

Never get carried away by the sweetness of mouth. Pay more attention to the actions and listen less to words

Think now and talk later. A keyless mouth can lead to a valueless lif

You don't have to be nude to be naked

No amount of clothing can cover a person whose mouth lacks control

Never trust a new friend with all your mouth

If you have a secret keep it to yourself

Once its out of your mouth, its already in the news

Never allow anyone to subject you to silence in life

A problem shared is half solved, but be very careful from who and where you seek advice. A listening ear is better than a running mouth, always make sure your confidant is also not a loud speaker

Remember everybody in life has a dirty linen in their close

Never wash your own in public

Learn to keep to yourself whatever brings you happiness

Not all those who tells you good morning wish you good morning in life

There are three sides to every stories in life. Not everybody will say the truth when it comes to self defense

Everybody has a right to freedom of speech, but if you are not feeling what you are saying, stop saying what you feel

Never feel sorry for saying truth, but be true to yourself when saying the truth

When you add sentiments to the truth it becomes attack

Whoever you accused wrongly may never forget

When you're short of words, use silence. Silence doesn't always mean you are afraid or weak

Remember your words may be misinterpreted but no one in this world can misquote a silent person

A closed mouth can also be a closed destiny. BE OPEN BUT DONT BE LOOSE...........t........e........h.*

Funny battle

So when I was 3years old my mother had a fight with Mama Nkechi

I was playing with my sand outside the house when my mother returned angrily from the market and dropped the items she had bought from the market. She then told my dad how mama Nkechi mocked her and how she was going to deal with her.

I stood up and went inside to see what was happening.

My mother was asking my dad to come with her so they can fight the battle together, but my dad insisted that the matter is a woman's matter and since her husband is not involved in the fight, she should handle it woman to woman.

This was how my mother grabbed my hands and landed me on her back. She carried wrapper and tied me on her back.

Fear gripped me.

I could not talk. I kept looking at my father who watched in shock.

"So where are you taking my son to?"

"If you are not coming with me, Chidera will follow me and fight the battle."

"Don't injure my son o."

Tears started coming out of my eyes.

I started talking in Baby's language.

"Mummy I don't want battle."

My mother wasn't listening. She kept walking fast.

"We would fight the battle with my son. You want to show me you have a baby who is 1year old. My baby is 2year old. We would see.

We arrived at Mama Nkechi's shop and my mother went straight to her and slapped her with iron fist.

Mama Nkechi who was backing her baby behind stood up and dropped her child in her shop. My mother also dropped me on the floor and the both women started fighting.

The fight was going well and my mother was winning the battle until Mama Nkechi lost balance and fell on me. Her armpit which was smelling crayfish covered my nose and I started shouting.

On seeing this, my mother Ran to her daughter Nkechi and used her armpit to clean Nkechi's face.

"Fight me and leave my child alone. If you touch my son, I will touch your daughter. Shey you want to tell me you have pikin."

Mama Nkechi did not like this. So she ran to me and poured me saliva.

My mother did not waste time.

She accumulated her own saliva and wired it on Nkechi's face.

That was when Mama Nkechi removed her trouser and started approaching me with her naked buttocks.

On seeing this, knowing that my mother will retaliate, Nkechi shouted "Jesus Christ" and ran into the shop to hide under the bench.

I don't know where energy came from. I stood up for the first time and started running home to meet my father.

My mother kept shouting.

"Chidera come here. Does she want to clean her nyansh on your face? Don't be afraid. Be a man. Come here let me see what she will do to you. If she do it to you, I will catch her pikin and do it to her pikin."

I was crying for my life and running with all my energy.

Battle I did not plan for.


Monday, 28 March 2022


I think it is desirous for a man to own his own house at some point in his life.
I think so.
However, as I go round Ibadan, I see all these mansions that are not occupied by anyone. Some are occupied by widows and widowers. Few are inhabited by old couples. No kids, just a couple of domestic staff. The houses in some cases are so large you wonder how these old folks maintain them.
I don't own a house yet. I have lived in a particular estate for about five years now. Two houses away from me, is a major mansion. No one lives there. There is a Baba, who comes in to sleep each night. Twice a month, he does some gardening work to keep the premises neat, suggesting that the original owners are alive and have relocated to probably their "home" states, or have grown up kids who have taken it upon themselves to maintain the property. No one comes in there not even during the festive periods.
The Bodija Estate, set up by Awolowo, as the first residential, housing estate in the country, is now almost 100% commercial.
Meaning that those who secured properties there have relocated or died and their kids dispersed across the globe, see no need to keep the properties in the family and have sold them off.
Yet, I see guys a little younger than myself, my age group and some maybe a little older, still erecting these major edifices all over. If they are in my age group, they are probably in the early stages of the empty or partially empty nest situation.
Kids grow up and left or leaving. Yet they still put up six, seven eight bedroom houses! I guess they are making statements of a kind, but personally, I doubt that I will ever tow that line. It just does not make sense.
My parents have a bungalow. Four bedrooms, two sitting rooms, two studies . The house is not a big house by Nigerian standards, but when I visit them, it looks way too large for them.
Two rooms are totally unoccupied. Just there. The reason why it's not three is because my old guy has had health challenges and when things were worse than they are today, it was impractical for him to stay in the same room with my mum. For one thing he had to be attended to so frequently at night that it would become a disturbance to my mum's sleeping pattern.
So he had another room made up to suit his purposes. They have a house woman who cooks and cleans. A driver and a Gardner, who don't live in. So it's just the two of them in that spread. I have loads of friends who have one parent left or none as the case may be and they all have these large houses that are beginning to look more like liabilities than assets. In fact one of the widows, actually moved to a smaller place, more adequately suited to her requirements.
So I ask myself, if I were to build a house now, why would I want anything more than a three bedroom house.
Three bedrooms because one would like to think that the children would like to pay a visit with their spouses when they marry and want to stay "at home."
I don't know if others think like I do, but to me, looking at things now,while understanding why a man/ woman would need their own property, it all seems like a type of vanity.
At the end of the day, we leave it all behind.
Our kids may sell if they don't live in the same places we do, or they may of course erect their own structures and won't see the need to fall back on whatever we may want to bequeath to them.
I am learning lessons from all this. Just thought I should share.
Well said bros. Houses of different sizes as you described here built in the cities are still better as they can still be redesigned and let out to tenants for some income. The one I'm struggling with are those built in the village where the owners rarely visit and are just there gathering dust and falling into disrepair every second.
Perfectly said. This is just Common sense which unfortunately is not common to many. Adding to this is the building of very big structure in the village with no one living in it. Just to bear the name of having a house at home which will only be useful during burial of a family member.
So sad.
We must change this orientation.
I am on the same page with you.
My dad of blessed memories made me know early in life about this.
From this, I conclude by saying live to make your dreams come to pass, live to be happy as much as possible with your life.
Be content with what you are and have.
Someone still checks out of this world any way and leave all behind to be in care of someone who will still leave it behind too.
My exact sentiments too...I also can't explain how folks in the diaspora save all their life earnings to build edifices back in their villages while they have no paid off home in the diaspora....worse still...death comes along and they in the diaspora will not move to the village and that big old house is taken over by happy relatives.
This is the reason why there is always those relatives that will encourage you to build a mansion in the village...they know that they will eventually own the home once you're gone. It's all vanity.
I plan to downscale as soon as my children leave the house to theirs.
Big house for old age is unnecessary wahala.
Even assets sef, I will convert enough each year to enjoy my remaining years travelling the world. I don't understand why people get stuck with large homes in old age.
Mazino God bless you real good for this and I shall be sharing with my friends. I've always told friends that when I choose to retire back in Motherland, I will rent an apartment of my choice and in my desired area and a friend almost skinned me alive last week, asking why I am not building. My question was why should I? Exactly what you've stated here, plus I am not building for family member/s (especially the less privileged ones you hardly know as those ones do nowadays) to come and fight/ take over my sweat.
We shall not build and another inhabit (aside tenants of course).
Nothing wrong in building, but most of those I know that do this foolishness have children who don't know MMA, let alone go and reside there.
I just told a friend she is building for her siblings in Nigeria as her children have only been there twice, she herself only go once in 2yrs, but building a property of 5-bed, 2 or 3 living rooms, now adding a jacuzzi (for her ailing bones I guess). Good for them.. Oyinbo will accommodate according to family size and then downsize after the children have all flown the nest. Anyway, to each their own.
A lot of people are just living their lives to impress other people.
Some even start and can't finish.
Big houses are great when children are around.
They are a burden when they go away. The way to balance it is to build in a way that one can easily convert to apartments later for unforeseen circumstances.
In the past, our parents claimed they were building for us, so how many of us are living in our parents' houses now?
Great writeup - with much wisdom embedded.
We don't seems to understand the dynamic of life yet - acquire and acquire houses everywhere to nothing. The position posted same in Abuja, Lagos etc
In fact everywhere - some of us try building a modest house because of high rent year in year out
One, from your post - I put it to you that you shall build or purchase your own house - for this to be a thing of concern to you.
I learnt a great deal from the writeup this morning.
Ah, my brother, it’s like you were a fly on the wall when my friend Ibironke Semowo and I were discussing this house matter yesterday.
She drove past a friend’s mansion in Lekki yesterday and called me. Madam and the kids live abroad. Only oga in the house. Our age mate o! She counted 26 bulbs on the fence alone!!! I gave her examples of houses my friend’s parents built in Bodija, Jericho, Idi shin and Ring Road/Oluyole when we were growing up in Ibadan. How beautiful and lovely those houses were then and how badly dilapidated they are now.
Those houses cannot be maintained with pension. And there is so much the children can do to help maintain those houses.
Too much vanity in this life o.
When the time comes, we will look for a 3 bedroom serviced flat to live in. May God grant us long life in good health!
I and hubby built our house in 2008. We have never slept there for one day. Our kids sounded to our ears that they have no intention to either relocate or live in Nigeria.
Sometimes when I look at the picture and the big house I thought about the decision to build in the first place.
You are absolutely right.
I learnt this hard lesson at Ilorin, kwara State. Many of the edifices built by powerful leaders of yesterday have been left vacant and no person occupied them.
In most cases, the "Living Parents" when having any occasion at all, the Children preferred staying in Hotels and other makeshifts that are comfortable to them. In my own locality at home, some parents are now blaming themselves of why sending their children to study abroad.
Most of these Children usually tell their parents to give whatever they have to their immediate family or orphanage homes. It is a sad development for the Living Parents.
Thanks for highlighting this "ugly trends" to others. I hope we can learn from this.
It is vanity upon vanity...all is Zero!