Friday, 22 July 2022



A week to the wedding of Franca and Francis, Franca called Francis to relay a scary dream she had, to him:

Franca: "hello dear" 

Francis: "Hello dear..." 

Franca: "i am scared... 

Francis: (breathing heavily) "you too? what happened"?

Franca: " it's a dream!

Francis: "a dream too? okay am listening"

Franca: "(panting) yes yes yes... okay so i slept around 2pm after the 12am to 1am midnight prayers for our wedding. Then i had a dream that at the hotel of our honeymoon, an old woman came close to collect some stuffs as we were... you know... afterwhich she disappeared. 

Francis: "JESUS! I had a similar dream as i laid down few minutes after the online prayer we had. You were ready for me on the bed but as i came out of the bathroom i saw an old woman holding a calabash standing as though waiting to collect something"

Franca: "oh my God... oh my God, Pastor,  lets call the pastor, no no! lets go to the pastor 1st thing tomorrow morning..."

They were at the pastor's office.

Pastor: "i have heard all you have said. Can i tell you something? the woman that both of you saw is the same person! she is the witch that is waiting for that night, but if you can pray well for 3(three) nights from your wedding night, without sex, that woman will die".

couple decides to have HOT prayers instead of HOT sex for 3 days/nights.
By morning of the fourth (4th)day, they both received a distress call.

Franca: (Call from Francis's uncle) "hello sir..."

Uncle: "Ahan! why is your husband not picking his phone nah?

Franca; "oh  sorry sir, his phone is on silent, maybe that's why he/we didn't hear... "

Uncle: " silent? can you imagine anyway tell him that his mum died last night, he should come home"(cuts the call)

Franca: (jumps up and starts to dance) Honey, God is faithful! your uncle said you weren't picking so he called my line instead, He said your mother died this morning! wow! God has killed the witch for us oo"!

Francis: "darling stop, you can't just conclude like that. As i heard you mention that my phone was on silent, to uncle, i quickly went to pick it up, not long after that, your sister called that she has been trying your line but it has been busy that your mum died last night... "

Franca: " hey Mr. hold it there, i just hope you are not insinuating that my mum is a witch"?

wife is is blowing hot, husband is foaming red! Who now is the witch waiting for wedding night?


— Pastor Kingsley Says As He Speaks On Marriage

The popular Pastor and relationship councilor, Kingsley Okonkwo, has advised married couples who don't bathe together to start bathing together and do many other things together.

According to a video posted by Pastor Kingsley Okonkwo on his Instagram page, he said a couple should bathe together. How can you be married and not bathe together? So how do you wash your back? That's weird, married people should always bathe together and do things together, eat together and sometimes use one car together even though you both have more than one car.
There have been some reactions after Pastor Kingsley Okonkwo advised his congregation who are married to cultivate the habit of bathing and doing so many things together as a couple. He said this in his church when he was counciling the congregations on 5 things that show a marriage is going down. What is your take on what Pastor Kingsley said?

#KingsleyOkonkwo #pastormildredokonkwo 
#HusbandAndWife #ReflectorHub



Sex has a way of relaxing a man. You will change his mood when you make love to him, especially if you are the one who seduces him and initiates it


If coming home to you is coming home to yet another argument and fight where you explode and turn everything into an issue, he will dread coming home and it hurts when home is a place to run away from, not to run to


Most women want the husband to ask them "How was your day?", "How did you sleep?" "How are you?" yet they rarely ask the husband these. If these questions make you feel cared for, your husband also wants to feel cared for 


A lot of men can be disorganized, especially when they are going through a lot in life or have a lot on their mind. This chaos in their system, dressing, schedule or environment can lead to more unease on their mind. When you help him clear the clutter and attend to some of his needs without him asking, he will think better 


Most have a man cave. This is an activity they do or a place they go to perhaps a room; maybe to play a game, watch TV, meditate and think, write, read, create, work out or just be. Don't attack this, just agree with him on how he can balance his time so that he doesn't spend too many hours in his man cave 


You are the one who knows best his potential, struggles, battles and questions; commit him to prayer. Let him hear you pray for him 


A lot of men are going through stress due to finances. Help him, by not putting pressure on him to give the family a lifestyle he can't afford at present, by helping to pay some of the bills, by helping him manage finances better, by saving and seeking long term investments, by stepping up especially when he has been fired or going through business losses 


A man can get tired, a man can go through burn out,


Pregnancy period is a very glorious time, a time you are happy  for the blessing you are carrying.  But note it is also a very delicate time. 

Whatever you see or hear can go a long to either affect you positively or negatively. 

Tips to note when you are pregnant: 

๐Ÿ‘‰ Always be positive in your thought and action.  

๐Ÿ‘‰Avoid any  person,  movie or scene that create fear or worries to you.

๐Ÿ‘‰Abstain from unnecessary arguments. 

๐Ÿ‘‰ Admonish yourself daily be speaking good things about the pregnancy.  

๐Ÿ‘‰Avoid advertising your pregnancy on social media, not everyone is happy to see you smile. 

๐Ÿ‘‰Advised yourself to take daily walk, engage in little work  and be joyful. 

Daily say this CONFESSION: 

✅My baby you are blessed 

✅My baby you will not die but live

✅My baby you are a bundle of joy. 

✅ My baby you will make it in life. 

✅My baby no body will exchange your destiny. 

✅My baby you are a carrier of solutions to age long problems in the world. 



1. Rejecting food when there's an issue:
Mr husband, you gave your wife money for
food and after it was prepared you refused
to eat because you are angry. It's one of the greatest signs of immaturity, it's time to grow up! You should not even abandon your home for any reason. You could go somewhere when angry but ensure that you don't allow it to linger unnecessarily because that is enough for the devil to build on even though some women can be really troublesome.

2. Telling your wife severally that you are the head:

 May I let you know that even when your wife disobeys/ disrespect you she still knows that you are the head. You need not shout or scream it daily. Or do we need to get you a slot on CNN? It's important for you to know when and how to be firm and put your feet down over issues, however don't become a nagging husband just to prove that you are the head.

3. Issuing threats: 

beating, verbally abusing
your wife, issuing threats of divorce or
bragging about marrying another wife does
not make you a man. An EMPTY barrel makes the loudest noise. Your strength is in your ability to tame your tongue and control your fist. When she is acting her "childish woman" part, play the "matured man."

4. Reporting your wife to friends and family: 

When your wife offends you, correct
and talk things through. You don't have to tell everyone about her mistakes, that will paint her black and sell her cheap such that you will not be able to redeem her back.
By the way, are you a reporter answer my question ?

5. Keeping malice: 

is it not funny to know that some men keep malice? Some of them even nag, criticise, abuse and call their wives names in public. It may make you look like a "big boy" who's in control but you are not going to gain anything good from it, your home will only be a den of insults and confrontations.

6. Not helping with house chores: 
I must say here that it is the sole responsibility of a woman to tend and manage a home when she chooses to be a full time house wife.
However, it's not a bad thing if a man lends a helping hand when necessary. Watching football with newspaper in your hand every evening, not caring how stressful the house chores are will only increase the pressure on your wife and if you truly care you'll help, just checking on her while busy could encourage and sooth her, this also makes you a good example to the kids especially the boys. Some men don't even say "thank You" to their wives after eating, all they do is compare her with other women. It's a shame that after having 3-4 kids some men cannot change a simple diaper or
prepare cereal meals; a big shame.

My point?
A REAL man is a pillar of support to his wife, not a hole of depression.

Monday, 18 July 2022


I believe you need to understand how a husband and a wife technology works;

Men communicate for information, and women communicate for affection.

If you know this my friend, you have known peace in your marriage.

For instance when a man says he is having a headache, he knows where to find the pharmacy, and how to get himself some Panadol. He is only informing you that his head aches, and that maybe now is not a good time to cooperate with your village people to stress his life๐Ÿคฃ. It is not 'sorry baby' he wants, he is just giving you an important information with an undertone of 'I have told you now o, I need some rest.'

But when the other gender that performs magic says she is having a headache, she doesn't need you to panic to the pharmacy, she is first of all informing you that needs your love and attention more than she needs that Amatem. It is not panadol extra she needs as your first response, the first aid she needs at the moment is your affection extra.

But most men don't get this, the response that comes to uncle's mind is "have you taken any medication?"

No Sir, wrong answer.

Or let me rephrase; right answer at the wrong timing.

That question is very important, but it is not as important as telling her "sorry baby" like 20,000 times. While at that, you have to feel her temperature like 32 times otherwise that medication will not work. ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

Very amazing gender. 

Don't forget that after doing all this ceremony, she might say it's not a headache anymore, it's a stomach upset inside back pain and her left ear is paining her. My brother nobody forced you to get married, you think its by wearing white suit and white shoe in your prewedding photo? Uncle you will hear it.

By the way, after she takes her medication you need to go back and do it all over again, I mean the affection thingie. No jokes, I have come to understand that a woman can decide whether a drug works or not. I'm telling you, when you start carrying your face anyhow, you will buy glucose and Nutri-C for her tire, plus the massages for two weeks.๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

Few days ago I got home from a tiring day out and the first thing my wife told me was that she couldn't stand for long because she's feeling pains. I simply asked her why she didnt try sitting down, and then I walked away. Which isn't wrong anyway, if your legs are paining you why can't you just be sitting down na, ha!


She wasn't looking for a remedy at that time, neither was she asking for my professional advice ๐Ÿ˜€, she was calling for my attention. All she wanted to hear was "eyaaa, eyaaa, eyaaa, sorry, is it better now? Sorry o, do you want to lick icecream?"

Even though icecream has nothing to do with her hurting legs, but guess what, it will heal it faster than aboniki balm.

Learn this dynamics guys, it is peace on a whole different level.

These days my wife helps me alot with this. I mean, she gives me pointers to the kind of affection she needs. Each time I try to ignore her feelings she will say "babe tell me sorry, tell me welldone, tell me the meal is delicious, tell me my dress is pretty, tell me, tell me, tell me."

And trust me guys it help alot, cos men won't always remember this,  including me your teacher forming pro.๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€

So dear aunties, be like my wife. lol. help bring your man's attention to the affections you need at the time. Instead of always faulting him and making yourself unhappy, give him pointers, every godly man will work on becoming better, I know this.

God bless every home out there.
