Wednesday, 24 August 2022

Why you should never let failure stop you

 Why you should never let failure stop you

To achieve one's goals in life, one has to go through many disappointments. People who persevere and refuse to give when they face these disappointments are the ones who become successful.

We all wish that there was an easy way to achieve success but the truth is that the path to success is rough. Sometimes it takes years of effort and hard work to see the results you want while other times you may not see the results the same way as you desire. One must remember that success is not just about achieving goals but building qualities and attributes that can lead to success in any field.  

Give your best try but if it doesn’t work, don’t feel you have failed. True failure doesn’t exist because every time you choose to pursue, you choose to learn more.

Dr. Bhawna Gautam

Apologizing to self be the first step to improve upon our mistakes.


Apologizing to self means that we analyze the situation and accept that we did a mistake. It doesn't mean that we become so regretful that we start blaming ourselves. Rather, we learn from our mistakes to make changes in our behaviour and actions.

Every day we come across different people and situations so every day we have an opportunity to improve ourselves. The reason why we keep repeating our mistakes is that we never take time to look back on our lives to learn from them. 

Spend a little time each day to analyse your situations and actions. Applaud yourself for things you did right and accept the wrong so you can improve.

Dr Bhawna Gautam

Tuesday, 23 August 2022

Rejection hurts until you find yourself in a much better place”.


Rejection hurts until you find yourself in a much better place”.
If any rejection in life is making you feel like a loser, there is a reason not to see it as your defeat. Rejection hurts and could make you feel worthless, but once you move on and find yourself doing much better in life or with someone who cares for you, you will never see the past rejection the same way.
Whether you have been rejected for a job, failed an exam, or someone you loved has called it a quit, it is not easy to accept. We question our abilities and feel we must be at fault for everything that happened to us.
Don't doubt yourself or feel any less if you have given your best. If the other person cannot see your worth, it is better to move on until you reach a place or meet a person who never wants to let go of you.

How do you manage your life around people who are fault finders?


How do you manage your life around people who are fault finders?
Everyone has different abilities. It depends upon us if we choose to appreciate or criticise them.
Some people always find faults in others and problems in everything. It can be very difficult to please such people because no matter what you do or however hard you try, they will always ignore your effort and find a reason to belittle you. It hurts, and you feel demoralised until you realise that the problem is with them, not you.
Don’t start to feel imperfect. You are not lacking; critiquing others is their personality, their way to satisfy their ego. Express yourself and communicate if you can, and if you can’t, it is best to ignore, do what is needed and expect the least.

Opportunity denial


Why should we never deny any opportunity in life?
Every opportunity is a pathway to success. Accepting every opportunity creates a greater chance of success.
Many people let go of opportunities because they wait for the right opportunity to knock at their door. While some are waiting for that right chance and the right moment, people who end up becoming successful are those who explore every opportunity in life. They do not see opportunities as big or small, and they don't delay the start. They accept every chance, try every possibility and in the process, make their own way to success.
If you want to succeed in life, don't deny any chance to grow. With every opportunity, you learn new things, gain more skills and improve yourself; sometimes, this is all that is required to achieve your goals.

How do you forgive someone


How do you forgive someone?
If you are looking for a reason to forgive someone, you must have experienced pain. Forgiveness is not hard once you look beyond the physical body.
One of the reasons why we find it hard to forgive is because we remind ourselves of their behaviour or deed that led to our heartbreak. We need to remember that people's personality, attitude or behaviour is all learned, so it differs with the environment, upbringing and surroundings. Their behaviour represents their own sufferings, setbacks, lessons and understanding of life. The soul is free from external influences, and forgiving won't be difficult once you connect with it.
Free yourself from the heaviness. Forgive the body that is unkind, inconsiderate and harsh to you, for when the body perishes, grudges will also go and what will remain is the soul.