Wednesday, 24 August 2022

If you wanting to heal from a deep emotional wound, you must allow it to happen.


Healing an emotional wound requires self-love and empathy towards self. There are times when someone's behavior, actions, or words disappoint so much that we feel wounded. Most people find it hard to heal because they think about it over and over again, rubbing the wounds repeatedly so that it only gets deeper. Then, they look for people who can heal them forgetting that healing only happens from within. 

To allow yourself to heal, stop blaming yourself, be forgiving and be kind. Accept what happened was for a bigger reason. Learn from that episode so you can prevent such heartbreaks from happening again.

Dr Bhawna Gautam

Can losing something be a reason to find something else?


When we lose anything precious, we go through a lot of pain and discomfort. We try to get it back but not every time we are successful. What we are successful is in finding something else that we never thought was there for us.

The two biggest losses we see as humans are loss of a relationship and loss of path. Losing a path, you become directionless, and losing a relationship, you become lonely. Walking lonely on a directionless path can seem very frightening but our inner instinct is to look for what we have lost. This is when we find another path or other people in life and nothing seems like a loss anymore.

When you lose something in life, don't lose heart. It is only a period of change to get you closer to something else in life.

Dr. Bhawna Gautam

How can we remain hopeful every moment of life?


All days are not the same. This very moment you might find reasons to be happy, the next moment you might find reasons to feel sad. 

Different phases of life are a part and parcel. It doesn't matter which phase of life you experience as long as you don't let any phase take control over you. Most of the time, it is the dark and dull moments of life that make some people so disappointed they don't see any worth in their lives. 

Don't lose heart in the hard times of life.  Remember those happy times when you look forward to the next moment of life. They were also the moments you have experienced. It won't be long before those moments will come back and you will rise and shine again. 

Dr. Bhawna Gautam

Is your life an inspiration?


If you are leading a truthful life, you are leaving a legacy for others to be inspired and benefit from.

Legacy is often referred to as the material objects or wealth that one leaves behind. Wealth and material objects can be lost, but what can truly help someone is the knowledge and experience shared with them. Knowledge gives people the ability to understand life and experience to overcome situations that they may face in their lives. 

Lead your life with optimism, truthfulness, and positivity, when you leave, you will remain alive as an inspiration.

Dr. Bhawna Gautam

How can believing help us to achieve our dreams?

When we believe, we put our trust in the unseen force. This force brings inner strength and builds courage within us.

When we feel courageous, we are likely to take every opportunity of life and not miss any chance that can lead us to our dreams. When we do something with doubts, we are reluctant to take chances because we are afraid of losing and that's when we lose even those opportunities that could have helped to achieve our dreams. 

Don't just look at your dream and wonder how it will happen. Believe and work towards it to make it possible.

Dr. Bhawna Gautam

Does our own perception actually decide how we feel about our situation?

When people go through similar situations, it is not necessary that they feel the same about what they face. Although one's personal environment, culture, and socioeconomic factors influence one's decisions and ability to make a judgement, happiness largely depends upon what one makes out of their situation. 

People who stay happy in every situation find reasons to stay hopeful in life. They realise that life is full of many different experiences. They can't let every event affect them so that it affects their lives negatively, rather they try to look for ways to improve this experience. 

Don't let any situation draw you down. Every situation has a brighter side, you just need to remind this to your mind.

Dr Bhawna Gautam