Monday, 18 September 2023


Did your wife choose you? 
Then, lock up your ego. 
Don't let her down!! 
Is she an asset? Then give her the full honour due to her. 

Did your husband choose you? 
Then hide your pride deep inside a pit and give him PEACE.
 Is he the leader of your home? Then, don't let him down.

Being emotional or talking about rights in  marriage is imprudent because in a marriage, individual rights are collapsed into the MARRIAGE. What operate is roles not rights.


πŸ’ƒ¤¤ Your True Love will be your last Love, all other's were just Practice.
πŸ’”¤¤  Sometimes, You just have to accept the cold harsh truth, that the one you can't live without, can live without you.
πŸ’ž¤¤  Better to be happy with Someone who Loves you but can't buy you much than to be with Someone who can buy you the World but treat you like crap.


1 πŸ’΅--- Material things Definitely have it's own merit...But it alone cannot provide the Riches of a Truly Meaningful Life.

2 πŸ™Ž------  Before you Hurt a Girl, think about How your Mum would feel if your Dad did what you're Doing.

3 πŸ™…----- Don't Safe a Permanent Place in your Heart for Someone who only has Something Temporary in Mind for you.

4 πŸ’------  Being able to wait is a Sign of True Love and Patience. Anyone can say "I Love you"...but not Everyone can wait and Prove that its True.

5 πŸ™‹------  When you say Goodbye, it doesn't end there. Feelings remain, Memories Linger. When it's True Love, No One Really Ends it Completely.

6 🚢------  Some Girls do this a lot... Loving The People that ignore them, and ignoring the People that Love them... Such is irony of Life..


1 🀦****  They don't cheat with you because you're better, they cheated with you because you're okay playing second .

2 πŸ’”****  Break-ups aren't always meant for make up's, some relationships end so you can wake up. 

3 *πŸ’˜***  Everybody deserves second chances, but not for the same mistakes . 

4🚢****  Most people cheat because they're too focused on what they're missing instead of appreciating what they have . 

5 πŸ’₯***   Cheating is not a mistake, its a choice, if u had time to cheat, u had time to know u where wrong. 

6 πŸ₯°***   If you were happy before you met someone, you can be happy after they're gone. 

7 πŸ‘©‍❤️‍πŸ‘¨***  It's not hard to find someone who will say they love u, it's hard finding someone who actually means it . 

8 πŸ’ž***  Being in love doesn't mean you have to be together and being together doesn't mean you're really in love.

ROMANCE 102 ,πŸ’“

1 🀷.You become mature in a Relationships when you become the Solution although you didn't cause the Problem.

2 πŸ’-----   Don’t save a permanent place in your heart for someone who only has something temporary in mind for you.

3 πŸ’”----    Sometimes it's just not meant to be, no matter how hard you try. 

4 🀷-------    I DO care.. but I act like i don't.. because i know I shouldn't.

5 πŸ’----     Love is not what you say.  Love is what you do. · 

6 πŸ’˜-----    I'm a he that needs a she, you're a her that needs a him. So together, why can't we make a we? 

πŸšΆπŸ™‹-------   I'll never let you go, so never let me go. I will be your journey and you will be my road.

Ten tips for newly weds for retaining fire in your marriage.

1. Pray together always, a family that prays together sticks to each other. Pray for each other , bear each other's burdens, your best friend is the one who shares in your joys and your pains.

2. Prioritize each other, always treat each other as top priority, position one.

3. Protect each other always at all costs, identify threats to your marriage and deal with them speedily together, both internal threats and external  threats.

4. Play together, play with each other. There is power in playing, playing causes bonding, it enhances teamwork and bonding. Playing minimizes boredom.

5. Have plenty of time to talk, to discuss, to teach each other, to learn from each other. There is power in words. Talking is not arguments, talking is not quarreling talking is not shouting at each other. Choose your words, use special words, words of wisdom, polite words, gentle words, loving words, words of inspiration, words of encouragement, sweet words, words of good counsel and advice, words are powerful, use them to build and not to destroy each other. Do not allow unholy silence, talk and talk life to each other.  

6. Plenty of pleasure together. It's a long journey, have zero tolerance  for boredom. Within your income picnic together, party together, holiday together, dine together, plenty of  outings together, laugh together. Remember marriage as God intended it was  meant to be enjoyed not a lifetime inconvenience pain and loneliness. Have maximum fun. Have zero tolerance for a boring marital journey. 

7. Planning together and always doing things together, including the budget. Attending events together, going to church together, shopping together, bathing together, singing together, ministering together, walking together, jogging together. Unity is powerful. If God blesses you with children parent them together. Team work and team spirit in marriage is key. 

8. Pulling together without  hurting and pushing each other, be each other's keeper and helper. Have zero tolerance for pride, selfishness, violence and dishonesty. Celebrate each other, commend each other, you chose each other out of over eight  billion people, pull together peacefully, add value to each other's life. Be a good shoulder to lean on. 

9. Uphold sexual purity and  exclusivity, no room for infidelity, adultery and unholy secret unions. There is power in sexual purity and moral uprightness. Keep your marital vows no room for cheating and side chicks. 

10. Finally brethren do not get tired of learning. We all need to learn and equip ourselves for challenges ahead. Read good books on marriage, attend marriage seminars and workshops, go for counseling, learn learn learn every day. Above all learn from each other. 
Daily learning leads to daily growth. 
God bless you, may there be peace, harmony joy and plenty of laughter in your marriage. Amen.
Attorney Chuchuchu Nchunga Nchunga.