Monday, 18 September 2023


1 💵--- Material things Definitely have it's own merit...But it alone cannot provide the Riches of a Truly Meaningful Life.

2 🙎------  Before you Hurt a Girl, think about How your Mum would feel if your Dad did what you're Doing.

3 🙅----- Don't Safe a Permanent Place in your Heart for Someone who only has Something Temporary in Mind for you.

4 💁------  Being able to wait is a Sign of True Love and Patience. Anyone can say "I Love you"...but not Everyone can wait and Prove that its True.

5 🙋------  When you say Goodbye, it doesn't end there. Feelings remain, Memories Linger. When it's True Love, No One Really Ends it Completely.

6 🚶------  Some Girls do this a lot... Loving The People that ignore them, and ignoring the People that Love them... Such is irony of Life..

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