Monday, 18 September 2023


1🤷...Some people will only "love you" as much as they can use you. Their loyalty ends where the benefit stop.
2💘..--- You can listen to Promises, but to avoid Disappointment, Trust Actions, not Words.
3💁..--- Don't Judge People by What you See, bcoz you only see what they Choose to show you.
4🙆---- Never make Someone Your Everything, coz When your Everything is Gone, You have NOTHING!
5💔--- Don't safe a Permanent Place in your Heart for Someone Who Only has Something Temporary in Mind for you.
6🤫---  Jealousy is the Spice of any Relationship, When it is too much, Its a Poison..
7🙅----  The more time you spend with the Wrong Person, The Less time you have for the Right one.
8⚡----  Don't compare your Chapter 1  to Someone else's Chapter 20

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