Wednesday, 17 April 2024


Come fill our marriage,
Come reign in our home,
We ask for peace.

As we ask for peace,
We are aware You desire us to peacemakers.
We are Your vessels of honour,
Give us peace beyond human understanding.

Give us peace when we are close to fighting,
Hold our tongue so that we don't hurt each other.
We bring every thought in us captive to You,
Especially in moments of anger.

Give us peace when life issues come to shake us,
When outsiders try to frustrate us,
When work is burdensome;
Make our home an oasis of peace.

Give us peace when we sleep.
Protect us in the spiritual and physical,
Let us sleep trusting each other;
But above all, trusting in You eyes shut.

Give us peace when plans don't go our way,
When we suffer setbacks and disappointments.
Give us peace to hold on to You,
When things are beyond our control.

Let me be peace when my spouse is in a storm,
Let me be assuring and calm.
May I never be the reason my spouse hides or cries,
The reason my spouse doesn't feel at home.

Help my spouse to be peace to me,
To know how to handle me,
To know how to comfort me and console me;
To be gentle with me.

We ask for peaceful conversations,
For genuine embrace.
Blessed are the peacemakers,
They will be called children of God.

Bless us oh Lord

© Dayan Masinde 



Every Woman dreams to have a Husband that is Supportive, that always listens to her, that meets every of her needs..

Here are things you can do to get the best out of your Husband.


It has not become outdated.

"One of the ways to a Man's heart is through his stomach."

As a Lady, know how to prepare your husband's best meal, and different dishes.

The things a Man can do for his wife when he is well fed, let me not talk too much. 

You may have heard it in 1960, and it is now 2019, an hungry Man is still an Angry Man 


Yes oh.

Queen Esther knew this

She wanted something from her husband the king..
what did she do?

She threw him a party.


Any Woman who knows how to praise her husband, she will collect his entire salary and he will not bat an eyelid.

Be his cheer leader, his praise singer

Men like to be praised.

Men love Words of affirmation

Call him Mr Handsome

Call him Talk and Do (even if he doesn't do)

Call him Sweet Husband

Use praises to whine his head.

The rest is history. 


Yes oh...

Let him know you pray for him

Let him hear it.

Before he leaves the house, pray for him.

Tell him he is blessed.

Tell him he will get contracts. 


Men like sex,

He may be Anointed and Spirit filled, he still likes sex from his wife

Learn how to please him in bed, know the things he loves you to do him.

He will give you the keys to his kingdom 

Let him have access to your body 24/7, you will have access to his support, love, care, bank account 24/7.


Buy Gifts for his mother, younger ones,

Call them occasionally

Be friendly to his friends. 

Don't come into his life and try to seperate him from his friends and family.

Be so close to his family and friends that even when you guys are quarreling, his family will side with you. 

His friends will ask him to go and settle with you.


Life can be serious with a lot of things to cater for which can stress us out. In the midst of it, couples should intentionally work towards their happiness; if this is not done, they will drift away from each other while trying to meet up with life demands.

And it came to pass, when he had been there a long time, that Abimelech king of the Philistines looked out at a window, and saw, and, behold, Isaac was sporting with Rebekah his wife. Genesis  26:8

Create time to have fun with your spouse once in a while, this will rekindle the love you share and help create a bond between the two of you.

These are some of the ways to have fun with your spouse:

1. SEE A MOVIE TOGETHER:  You can go to the cinema or see a movie together at the comfort of your home. Make sure there are no distractions, so you both can enjoy the movie. It is fun. 

2. PLAY: Loving couples can be likened to children as they can play without shame. Pillow fight, hide and seek etc brings about a happy mood in the home. Don't be serious all the time, create time to play like children and just laugh out the stress.

3. GO OUT ON VACATION: Go for vacation if you can afford it.  Create time to be alone with your spouse, enjoy a new honeymoon again.

4. PLAY GAMES: Games like Ludo, Whot, Chess, etc  can be fun and entertaining. Do them together. 

5. DANCE TOGETHER:  Dancing together shows you have decided to be happy despite all you may have been going through.

These are just a few of the things you can do together as a couple, do them often. 

Take care of each other, you're one.

The right type of affection.

Dont say a word, don't even let her get undressed after work.  

Pull her to the living room, lie down with her and pull her next to you.

 Not because you want anything from her but just to simply let her know that whatever it is that she goes through you'll be there every step of the way.  

Gently run your fingers through her hair and tell her how much you appreciate her and everything she does ........ it never goes unnoticed.

Women go through so much on an daily basis and sometimes a pair of strong arms and some words of encouragement from the one she loves is all she truly needs the most. 

~ Cody Bret

You are worth so much more.

You are worth so much more. 

This is for the girl who is healing from the trauma that nobody apologized for. 

This is for the girl who was fired because she was late to work for the third time this month all because she had been awake for days up on end with her sick child.

This is for the single mom who doesn't know how she is going to afford winter clothes for her child because her child's father left as soon as he found out she was pregnant.

This is for the girl who has gone through multiple miscarriages and has tried for years without success but still shows up to all of her friends baby showers. 

This is for the girl who has a line of judging eyes at her and her children as she slides her welfare card across the counter at the grocery store.

This is for the girl that opens the door to the news of her husband being killed overseas three weeks before he was to return home. 

This is for the girl that gives to her family every single day and just needs a small break from reality. 

This is for the girl that puts on a smile every single day for people she doesnt know ..... but as soon as she goes to bed, she falls asleep in a puddle of her own tears. 

This is for the girl that heard the rumor about herself at church last Sunday. 

This is for the girl who's partner punishes you for the mistakes made by the ones behind you. 

This is for the girl whose genetics will never allow her to look like the ones in the magazines.

This is for the girl that endures one broken relationship after another because there was no father around to teach her what love actually looked like.

This is for the girl raising a fatherless daughter and praying that history doesn't repeat itself. 

This is for the girl falling asleep every night wondering if she still matters. 

Let me tell you something ......

Everything you do on a daily basis never goes unnoticed and I respect and admire you for who you truly are as a person.

-Cody Bret



1. When you meet young people - INSPIRE THEM.

2. When you meet children - EDUCATE THEM.

3. When you meet old people - HELP THEM.

4. When you meet wise people - STUDY THEM. 

5. When you meet leaders - HONOUR THEM.

6. When you meet foolish people - AVOID THEM.

7. When you meet humble people - TREASURE THEM.

8. When you meet arrogant people - IGNORE THEM.

9. When you meet gracious people - EMULATE THEM.

10. When you meet aspirational people - ELEVATE THEM.

11. When you meet strong people - SUPPORT THEM.

12. When you meet godly people - BLESS THEM.

13. When you meet elderly people - RESPECT THEM.

14. When you meet weak people - STRENGTHEN THEM.

15. When you meet hardworking people - ENCOURAGE THEM.

16. When you meet kind people - ESTEEM THEM. 

17. When you meet Honest people -

18. When you meet virtuous people - REWARD THEM.

19. When you meety evil people - EVADE THEM.

20. And in all situation “ Watch, Pray and wish everyone well. 

1. Dr. Ben Carson said,  "I struggled academically throughout elementary school yet became the best neurosurgeon in the world in 1987."


 Struggling is a sign that you are on a verge of success. Don't quit yet. 

2. Bill Gates said,  "I didn't even complete my university education but became the world's richest man." 


 School does not make you rich. School is only supposed to polish what will make you rich, not make you rich.

3. Christiano Ronaldo said, "I told my father that we would be very rich but he couldn't believe me. I made it a reality." 


Your words rule your life. If you mean what you have said, each word will come to pass. You get what you say. 

4. Hear Lionel Messi!

 "I used to serve tea at a shop to support my football training and still became one of the world's best footballers."


 Believe in your dream. Don't let your pain tell you how your future will look like.