Tuesday, 30 April 2024



*“Jesus said to her, ‘Woman, what concern is that to you and me? My hour has not yet come.’ His mother said to the servants, ‘Do whatever he tells you.’” (John 2:4-5)*

As the month of April comes to an end today, we celebrate a Feast that perfectly sets us in the mood for devotion to Mary, given that May is Mary’s Month. Today is the feast of Our Lady, Mother of Africa. Our Gospel passage today captures that familiar scene of the Wedding Feast at Cana. The role Mary played in ensuring the miracle is one reason we often turn to her when we pray to God.

First, Mary understood the problem and immediately informed Jesus that “they have no wine.” In other words, “Do something.” Mary teaches us to have faith in Jesus.

Secondly, we see that Jesus has very high regard for Mary. Jesus initially protested, “My hour has not yet come”, but Mary pressed further. Mary teaches us never to give up when we pray for anything.

Thirdly, after successfully convincing Jesus to help the couple, Mary told the servants, “Do whatever He tells you” (John 2:5). Mary teaches us to trust and obey God.

Fourthly, after the miracle, we do not hear anything from Mary. She remained in the background. Mary teaches us humility. She does not brag like some of us do.

Mary is the definition of an intercessor. If we ask human intercessors to pray for us, we should not be afraid to ask Mary to pray for us, whether we are Catholics or not. Asking for her intercession is not worshipping her.

Our first reading tells us that Mary was present with the Apostles in the Upper Room, where they devoted themselves to prayer. They took her as their mother. Anyone who acknowledges that Jesus Christ is fully human and fully God knows that Mary is not just any woman; she is not an envelope God used and dumped. 

In our responsorial psalm today, Mary declares: “Henceforth, all generations will call me blessed” not because she is some goddess but because “He who is mighty has done great things for me” (Luke 1:48-49). We honour Mary because God honoured her first.

Today, we celebrate the fact that Mary intercedes for Africa. When Herod sought to kill the baby Jesus, Mary and Joseph took shelter in Africa. At a time when our continent is faced with turmoil and suffering under the yoke of neo-colonialism, we need Mother Mary’s intercession more than ever. 

*Let us pray:* Almighty, ever-living God, may your mother pray for us. Through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen

*Remember, amid all challenges, choose to be happy. Live with a positive mindset and believe in God’s plan for you. God bless you abundantly. (Our Lady, Mother of Africa - Feast. Bible Study: Acts 1:12-14, Luke 1:46-55, Luke 1:26-38).*

Fr. Abu



๐Ÿ“–Acts 1:12-14; Luke 1:46-47, 48-49, 50-51, 52-53, 54-55 (R.v.49); John 2:1-11


Beloved in Christ, today is the last day in the month of April. Obviously, it has been a challenging time for us, especially those of us in Nigeria. So as this month ends today, we pray that it may also bring to an end, our challenges and disappointments, and that in the subsequent months, blessings and breakthroughs and good health of mind and body shall be our lot through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

The Church in Africa, today,  celebrates the Feast of our Lady, Mother of Africa. In this celebration, we express our belief in her maternal intercession and learn from her mode of prayer. After the Ascension of Jesus, she remained with the other disciples in prayer (cf. Acts 1:12-14), teaching us the importance of praying in season and out of season. 

What is the content of that prayer? Acts 1:12-14 did not give us the format of their prayers but because Mary was there, we can say that they prayed for the will of God to be done in their lives (see Luke 1:38; John 2:5). Such prayer is one of faith that makes a seemingly impossible task to become possible. 

Consider what happened at the wedding feast at Cana in Galilee (John 2:1-11). Mary approached Jesus and informed him that the host had run short of wine. I wonder who sent her on that errand! Well, that is in her nature as a mother; always looking for ways to offer a helping hand. 

Wait! Jesus was just a poor carpenter! So what was she expecting him to do? Well, she is the mother of Jesus, and she knows Jesus more than we do. Hence, with faith, she tells the servants as she tells us today, "Do whatever he tells you" (John 2:5).

Can you hear that? Mary is not dragging power with God. She does not replace God for us as many people allege. She directs us to meet God - "Do whatever he tells you!"

We pray for her maternal intercession so that we may always learn to do the will of God and pray fervently as we ought to pray. May our jars be filled with blessings, good health, good fortunes, and protection now and forever through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Kindly pray for the return of all those who are missing, especially those who are in serious danger at the moment.

Have a grace-filled and joyful day. Peace be with you.


Monday, 29 April 2024

School of Finishing Touches (SOFT)

5 Reasons you should attend the School of Finishing Touches (SOFT)

1. Marriage, like a garden, requires constant care and attention. It's important to understand the nature of the soil before planting the seeds.

2. Before saying 'I do,' understand what 'I do' truly means. Learn about the commitment, the sacrifices, and the joy thatcomese with marriage.

3. Entering marriage without understanding its complexities is like setting sail without a map. You might reach your destination, but the journey will be fraught with uncertainty.

4. Marriage is a journey, not a destination. Take the time to study the map, learn the route, and prepare for the challenges and joys ahead.

5. Before you say 'forever,' ensure you've learned about the art of compromise, the importance of communication, and the beauty of partnership.

To register chat 0902 010 1080

#marriage #school #learning #Finishingtouches

Before you eat

One morning, I woke up to find my neighbor's children drinking garri with salt in the compound.

They saw me and greeted me.

"Uncle Praises good morning."

The last born shouted.

"Uncle Praises come and eat."

Playfully I walked to them.

"What are you eating?"

"Gmax." The firstborn replied.

The rest of the children laughed.

"You mean Garri?"

"Uncle Praises this is not garri, it is GMax. A kind of snack."

I chuckled.

I told them to bring me a spoon let me join them.

They raised their head and looked at me. They were shocked.

The second born touched the last born and said.

"Go and bring spoon for Uncle. Uncle Praises wants to eat GMax snacks."

The boy ran in and returned with a spoon.

As I took a spoon, that was when I realized the Garri was not with Sugar but with salt.

The children started laughing.

I paused for a while and swallowed.

"Uncle, so you use to eat GMax snacks too." The last born asked.

I nodded my head. I told him I am a professional in Gmax garri.

Their mother who heard the laughter came out of the room and saw me. She was smiling.

"Uncle Praises, you seff the drink garri."

I told her I decided to join my younger brothers to eat.

She smiled.

"Eya. Today wey we no get better food to cook except garri, na that time you come chop."

I chuckled.

"Mummy, God know say na my favourite food na im make he make me see am to chop today."

The last born laughed.

"Uncle Praises like Gmax o."

I told her that after eating, I and my younger brothers would go out and buy noodles for breakfast.

She laughed.

The boys were excited. They began to rush the garri so it would finish quickly.

When we were done drinking Garri, I took the boys out and we bought a carton of noodles for them. 

When the mother saw her children carrying a carton into the house, she became emotional. 

She said to me.

"Uncle Praises, this is the first time I will have anything in carton in my house. See how God the take bless him children."

I handed her money that would be enough to cook two pots of soup for the week. 

The first child held my hands and said.

"Uncle, Thank you."

He beckoned on the brothers to come say thank you. 

The last child ran and embraced me.

Then he said.

"Uncle... Uncle... In the afternoon you will come and eat GMax with us again ba. We would put sugar inside for you."

I tried hard to hold back my tears.

Before you look down on that meal God has provided you to eat, remember that there are people who do not have up to that standard. Be grateful and content.

My name is Praises Chidera Obiora and I am the best at what I do.


*“Paul, looking intently at him and seeing that he had faith to be made well, said in a loud voice, ‘Stand upright on your feet.’ And he sprang up and walked.” (Acts 14:9-10)*

In today’s first reading, Paul and Barnabas fled for their lives upon hearing a rumour that a combined team of the Gentiles and the Jews were planning to molest them and stone them. Why did they run for their dear lives? First, remaining in that town would only put God to the test. Secondly, evangelisation is never forced. While sending out the twelve, Jesus said: “Wherever they do not receive you, when you leave that town, shake off the dust from your feet as a testimony against them.” (Luke 9:5). In today’s Gospel passage, Jesus stated that He will manifest Himself only to those who keep His commandments. Salvation is not by force. Let us now examine today’s lessons in detail:

*1. Do Not Put God to the Test:* There is a difference between exercising one’s faith and acting irrationally (throwing caution to the wind). Unfortunately, many Christians do not know where to draw the line. Some time ago, we heard of a certain man of God who claimed he could jump into the lion’s den and be unharmed. At first, the lions left him in peace. He started shouting: “Do you see? The lions can’t harm me.” The noise rattled the lions, and one of them came from behind him and dealt a terrible blow. Remember the words of Jesus: “Behold, I send you out as sheep amid wolves; so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.” (Matthew 10:16). By running away, Paul and Barnabas applied the wisdom of serpents. 

*2. There is a Time to Run, a Time to Fight Back and a Time to Surrender:* Running away when you can is not a sign of timidity or lack of faith; it is doing what is best. Do you know that Jesus escaped on several occasions when people wanted to kill Him? In Matthew 2:13-15, an Angel warned Joseph to flee to Egypt to escape Herod’s planned massacre. In Luke 4:28-30, Jesus’ townsfolk took him to the brow of the hill on which their town was built, and they wanted to throw him down headlong, but Jesus slipped through the crowds. In John 8:59, the Jews took up stones to stone Jesus, but Jesus hid Himself. Again, in John 10:31-35, they picked up stones to throw at Jesus, but Jesus escaped. However, at the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus knew it was time to surrender. 

*3. Go Where You are Appreciated:* A man and his son an old wristwatch to sell, saying: “If anyone asks the price, don’t say anything, just point out two fingers.” The boy went to the local market, where a young man asked the price, and the boy raised two fingers. The man asked: “Do you mean two dollars?” The boy took the watch to a pawn shop. When the dealer saw it, he said: “This is a classic watch; I will give you twenty dollars.” The boy took the watch to a museum, and surprisingly, someone offered to buy it for two hundred dollars. Still, the boy took the watch to an antique trade fair, and a man offered to buy it for two million dollars. Never judge your worth by the negative behaviour of others. Did Jesus remain in Nazareth after He was rejected? He didn’t need to force anyone to believe; he left them and went elsewhere. The same Barnabas and Paul who ran like thieves from Iconium became gods at Lystra. Barnabas became Zeus and Paul; they called Hermes because he was the chief speaker. For healing a cripple who had never walked from birth, they could not stop the people from offering sacrifices to them. Those making life difficult for you may not know they are pushing you to glory.

*4. Have Faith; With God, All Things are Possible:* How on earth did Paul and Barnabas cure the cripple? First, they began by preaching the Word. As they preached, Paul looked at the cripple and “seeing he (the cripple) had faith to be made well, said in a loud voice: ‘Stand upright on your feet.’ He sprang up and walked.” (Acts 14:9-10). The cripple contributed to his miracle because he had faith. This is why Jesus would always say to those he cured: “Your Faith has made you well.” (Matthew 9:22, Mark 10:52, Luke 17:19). Miracles happen not because the man of God is powerful but because we had faith to expect such miracles. Do not idolise the person who prayed for you; they are only instruments. By believing, you contributed to your testimony. Remember that Jesus said: “If you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you.” (Matthew 17:20). “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in me will also do the works that I do, and greater works than these will he do because I go to the Father.” (John 14:12). 

*5. If You Love Someone, You Will Follow Their Rules:* In today’s Gospel passage, Jesus said: “He who has my commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves me.… If a man loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home in him.” (John 14:21,23). A man who truly loves his wife will never cheat on her and vice versa. You cannot claim to love God and still derive pleasure in disobeying His commandments. It is either you love God, or you are only interested in the benefits you gain from God – like the crowds who followed Jesus looking for bread, and when the bread was not forthcoming, they deserted Him. Our churches may be packed full, but God is interested in those who truly love Him.

*Let us pray:* Almighty, ever-living God, draw me nearer to you daily. Through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen

*Remember, amid all challenges, choose to be happy. Live with a positive mindset and believe in God’s plan for you. God bless you abundantly. (Saint Catherine of Siena, Virgin, Doctor. Bible Study: Acts 14:5-18 Ps. 115:1-4, 15- 16, John 14:21-26).*

Fr. Abu

Sunday, 28 April 2024


*“I am the vine, you are the branches. Those who abide in me and I in them bear much fruit because apart from me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5)*

Last Sunday, we celebrated our Lord Jesus Christ as our Good Shepherd, who lays down his life for us, his sheep. Without Jesus guiding and guarding us, we would become prey to the thief who comes to steal, kill and destroy. (John 10:10). Today, Jesus emphasises our dependence on Him by describing himself as the Vine that sustains us, the branches. As branches of Jesus, the Vine, our survival depends on our ability to remain connected to Jesus. Today’s Psalm praises God in acknowledging His great deeds in our lives. When we reflect on our dependence on God, we praise Him.

Life is all about connection. No human being can survive entirely on their own. No one is an island. Just as we need to remain connected to Jesus to stay alive spiritually, we also need to be connected to our fellow human beings to remain alive. In today’s First Reading, Barnabas saved Saul from disaster by removing him from an environment of distrust. Barnabas believed in him when other disciples feared associating with Saul. We all need someone who can stand for us when the world rejects us. We need good friends. As St. John explains in today’s Second Reading, we need friends who love not merely with words but with action. There are so many lessons contained in today’s readings:

*1. Without Jesus, we are Nothing.*

Just as branches die off when cut from the tree, without Jesus, we are nothing. Jesus says: “Whoever does not abide in me is thrown away like a branch and withers; such branches are gathered, thrown into the fire, and burned.” (John 15:6). Without a healthy spirituality, without a solid relationship with Jesus, everything falls apart in our lives. We cannot be successful without Jesus, be it in business, marriage, school, pastoral ministry, or name it. Without Jesus, we are like dry grass in the field, lifeless and unproductive. Someone might ask: “Father, what about those who don’t know Jesus? What about those developed countries that are not as religious as Nigeria? Are they not doing better?” I recently saw a video mocking Africans for their religiosity. 

It is important to clarify this point: Prayer does not take the place of work; it only adds to it. Prayer cannot replace work (the effective use of one’s reasoning faculties). If God has given you the ability to think, you will insult Him by refusing to think just because you have prayed. We do not pray because we cannot work (or do not want to work). Rather, we pray because we want God to bless our work. We do not pray because we lack creativity but because we want God to help us maximise our natural endowments. We pray because we know human efforts without God’s divine touch are useless. “The human mind plans the way, but the Lord directs the steps.” (Proverbs 16:9). “Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, says the Lord of hosts.” (Zechariah 4:6). Jesus is the Vine, we are the branches. Branches depend on the tree but do not leave all the work for it; they work just as hard as the tree.

*2. The Secret to Answered Prayers is abiding in the Word*

Jesus says: “If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask for whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.” (John 15:7). There is power in the daily study of God’s Word. This is why God instructed Joshua: “This book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth; you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to act by all written in it. You shall make your way prosperous, and then you shall be successful. (Joshua 1:8). It is not enough that we pray; we must study the Bible daily. Jesus emphasises abiding in the Word. This means reading it over and over again. Do not say: “I have finished reading the Bible; I know everything in it.” This is like saying: “I will not eat anymore since I already know how food tastes.” Have you ever noticed how you read a passage you have read before, and it suddenly strikes as if you are reading for the first time? Do not play with God’s Word; the connecting pipe joins us (branches) with the tree. To be cut off from Jesus the Vine is to stay a whole day without reading or meditating on God’s Word.

*3. To Abide in Jesus is to Love Your Neighbour as Yourself.*

St. John would say: Whoever says, “I am in the light,” while hating a brother or sister is still in the darkness.  …  Whoever hates another believer is in the darkness, walks in the darkness, and does not know how to go because the darkness has brought on blindness.” (1 John 2:9-11). In another passage, John says: “No one has ever seen God; if we love one another, God lives in us, and his love is perfected in us. By this, we know that we abide in him and he in us.” (1 John 4:12-13) How can we claim to be branches of Jesus (who is love) when we hate one another? Can a bitter leaf branch grow out of a pawpaw tree? Can we carry bitterness and hatred in our hearts and come forward to receive the body and blood of Jesus, who died forgiving His enemies?

Today’s First Reading shows us that not all Christians in the early Church were branches of Christ. 1. Those who almost ended Paul’s missionary enterprise by their poor reception and suspiciousness. 2. Those who could not forgive Paul because of his past even though God had already forgiven him. 3. Those who thought he was pretending. 4. Those who argued with him, hoping to provoke him (trigger the past). 5. Those who conspired to kill him. Sadly, we still have people like this in church today. If you hate your fellow Christians and wish them evil, you are not Christ’s branch; you are just answering a name that is not yours.

*4. Every Paul Needs A Barnabas*

Barnabas behaved as a true branch of Jesus the Vine because He knew Paul had the potential and zeal of an evangelist. Barnabas introduced Paul to the Apostles. When Paul’s life was at stake, after disputing with the Hellenists (the same group that accused the Hebrews of unfair distribution of food to their widows), the apostles arranged for Paul to be whisked away to Tarsus. Barnabas would later go to Tarsus to bring Paul with him to Antioch. (Cf. Acts 11:25). I pray for you today: May you have a friend like Barnabas – a friend who knows everything about you but sees beyond your past and your limitations, a friend who will save you when others (fake Christians) are trying to kill you, a friend who will teach you and then, allow you to shine. Do you notice that after Barnabas and Paul set out on a journey in Acts 13, not much is heard about Barnabas again? Paul’s name appears in every chapter from Acts 16-28, and more than half of the New Testament, from Romans to Philemon, came from Paul’s handwriting.

I am sure St. John referred to Barnabas when he wrote today’s Second Reading. “Little children, let us love, not in word or speech, but in truth and action. And by this, we will know that we are from the truth and will reassure our hearts before him.” (1 John 3:18-19). Action speaks louder than words. In the parable of the Good Samaritan, Jesus teaches us that it is not enough for us to feel pity for others; we must do something! Saying sorry is useless if you are not going to help. 

*5. To Abide in Jesus is to Believe and Obey His Commandments.*

Still, in our Second Reading, John writes: “All who obey his commandments abide in him, and he abides in them.” (1 John 3:24). We cannot sin while assuming we are connected to the Vine. Have you noticed a dryness in your heart whenever you are not in a state of grace? Whenever you sin, you feel ashamed like Adam and Eve, and you want to hide from God (skip prayer or avoid going to church). This happens because you have cut yourself from the Vine at that moment. Like a branch on the ground thinking it can do without the Tree, we may lie to ourselves that we don’t need God. However, the reality will soon dawn on us like the Prodigal Son. We soon realise that we have lost our source of nutrients and life. If this message speaks to your heart, it is time to reconnect. Return to Jesus; forget your past like Saul, who did not allow his past to disturb his call. Stay with Jesus.

*Let us pray:* Almighty, ever-living God, cut off from me everything and anything that takes me away from you. Wash me from all taint of bitterness, malice and hatred. Through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen

*Remember, amid all challenges, choose to be happy. Live with a positive mindset and believe in God’s plan for you. God bless you abundantly. (5th Sunday of Easter. Bible Study: Acts 9:26-31, Ps. 22:26-28,30-32, 1 John 3:18-24, John 15:1-8).*

Fr. Abu