Saturday, 18 May 2024


1. Will enjoy mutually talking with them

2. Will be easy to talk to without feeling judged or looked down

3. Will have a unique sense of humor. Laughter warms things up

4. Will ask questions not to investigate or interrogate but to seek to understand

5. Will give eye contact when being spoken to. Paying attention

6. Will turn some conversations into prayer requests. Praying as a couple

7. Will keep their secrets and not look at them differently when dark secrets are shared

8. Will give them peace and be inviting to talk to

9. Will not say hurtful things and blame it on hot temper or alcohol

10. Will know when to shut up and listen and give a shoulder to lean on

11. Will also be vulnerable enough to open up

12. Will flirt but not turn every conversation into a sex subject

13. Will study their body language and tone to know what words cannot say

14. Will speak to them with respect privately and publicly

15. Will reply to their messages or return missed calls instead of ignoring them

16. Will also make an effort to initiate conversations rather than it being one sided

17. Will talk more than just chores, projects, money, children and responsibilities and get to talk heart to heart. A companion. A confidant

18. Will apologize when they say something wrong instead of brushing off the issue as if no hurt happened

© Dayan Masinde

The Endless Yelling Cycle

This is the reason I NEVER yelled at my kids, ever…
If you’re yelling at your kids weekly or even daily, then you’re likely trapped in what I call the Endless Yelling Cycle.

You love your kids. You want a peaceful home. You don’t want to yell. 

But when your frustration levels hit level 11 out of 10 you explode. You can’t help yourself.

But I can tell that it’s NOT your fault. The Endless Yelling Cycle is often passed from generation to generation…
If your parents have yelled at you, that’s deeply ingrained in your subconscious mind and that’s now your instinctive response.
Fortunately, there is a way to change that… 

There’s a way to say the right things, at the right moment, in the right tone of voice, and suddenly your kids LISTEN, cooperate and pay attention…

…because they WANT TO, not because they have to.

Over the last 40 years, I’ve coached countless parents, written 16 parenting books, and delivered 100s of workshops. But there’s ONE THING that parents said helped them more than anything…

It’s my 3-step No-Yelling System. Any parent can implement it by making SIMPLE changes that only take 5 minutes a day.

Over 50,000 parents have now used this system to become No-Yelling Parents, feel more empowered, and build happy families.

To celebrate this milestone, I’m currently giving it away at a significantly discounted price in a fun and engaging 28-day challenge.

Join the 28-Day No-Yelling Challenge today! Take the guesswork out of parenting and start seeing LASTING IMPROVEMENTS in your kids’ behavior within days!


Love is not enough for a successful marriage. Love can be deceiving and may not be a reliable qualification for marriage. Love may bring happiness, but it does not necessarily provide the tools and skills needed to make a marriage work.

A successful marriage requires knowledge and understanding about how to live and commit to your partner. Understanding how to navigate the challenges of a committed relationship is a crucial element for a lasting and fulfilling partnership.

Love can make us believe that we can overcome any obstacles in a relationship. However, the reality is that many divorced individuals were once deeply in love with their partners. This challenges the notion that love is what keeps a marriage together. Love alone does not guarantee success in marriage. While love brings happiness, it lacks the necessary ingredients to sustain a marriage. Knowledge is what truly makes a marriage work.

Many people enter into marriage solely based on their feelings of love, without considering the practical aspects and challenges of living with someone. Our culture places a strong emphasis on emotions, leading us to make impulsive commitments without considering the practical aspects of a long-term commitment.

To protect and sustain a marriage, individuals need to acquire knowledge about how to navigate the complexities of a long-term commitment. This knowledge may include understanding effective communication, conflict resolution, compromise, and the ability to adapt to change. By possessing this knowledge, individuals can better equip themselves to build and maintain a successful marriage.

In conclusion, love is not the sole determinant of a successful marriage. Instead, knowledge about how to navigate the complexities of a committed relationship is crucial for a lasting and fulfilling partnership.

Tuesday, 14 May 2024

This is love?

When single ladies choose to cohabit with men, yielding to free sexual servicing, domestic chores and the likes, what exactly goes through their minds?
This is love?
This will make him marry me?
I am married and this is my duty?
This is what it takes to hold a man?


More importantly, why is it difficult for women to see this at this point.
Chances are many are reading this now telling themselves "no, this is not me. My own case is different. We are in love."

Okay then. Love.

What is love? What to you is love?

We cannot understand, you think. 

Welcome to the journeys that led to the pregnancies that led to undesired marriages that became toxic and ended up in very hurtful divorces having one person bearing almost all the physical, financial and social cost of it as a single parent.

Welcome to the realities many of us currently live but then, maybe we don't understand.

If he truly loves you, he'd do the needful and marry you right. Don't be mistaken. When the right one comes along, he'd do away with all the excuses he's giving you and marry her. Unfortunately, many learnt this lesson the hard way.

The choice is yours.

-Shamseddin Giwa

Stages of infidelity gaslighting

- Feigned confusion: What girl?

- Pretend Anger: I don’t know any girl.
- Attempted refocusing: Who told you? Why did you check my phone?

- Deliberate denial: It’s not what you think/I don’t know her/ maybe when my friend used my phone.

- Shallow apology: If you say it’s like that then I’m sorry……it’s not what you think though.
- Attempted blame game: I didn’t want to do it, you caused it when you…..

- Sweep away: At least I have apologised.

- Emboldened denial: I don’t remember anything like that happening.

- True reveal: I’m not saying I did but even if I did, what would you do?

In the end, you are left questioning your own sanity and sometimes even having to apologise!!!

-Shamseddin Giwa


A man who can control his sexual urge is a man who can
live many years on earth. Men don't know that some of
their failures are caused by multiple girlfriends Not all girls
have good spirit. Some are demons, others have venom
between their legs.
Some women are destiny destroyers, beware.
Pay close attention:
1. A real man only has one woman in his life.
2. Don't obey your Erection at all times. Most erections
mislead you Control your erection if you don't want to have
few days on earth with much poverty in you.
3. Don't date a lady because she has curves, boobs and a
sexy shape. These things are simply misleading avoid
such, don't fall for what is called social media irony.
4. Not everything you see under skirt you must work to
eat, some skirts contain snakes that bite you and make you
uncomfortable. control your sexual urge Self control and
abstinence pays a lot in most cases.
5. Marrying a woman doesn't mean she owns you. Treat
her with respect Make her your queen, love, honor her and
give her reasons to treat you the same.
6. Having many girlfriends doesn't make you a man. It only
makes you a womanizer, a cheater and a boy.
7. Just because you're good in bed doesn't make you a
man. A real man is a man who does not run away from his
responsibility but faces it squarely.
8. Respect any woman who loves you Yes, is not easy for a
lady to throw her love on you and support your future.
9. The world celebrates successful men No one will
celebrate you for having many girlfriends. So what's the
point tho? Waste of energy, money & wasted sperm.
Remember, being honest, loyal and faithful, is the
trademark of a real man.

Always remember that….