In a baby's first year of life, breast milk or formula is crucial for health. Breast milk/formula can be easily digested and contains all the nutrients necessary for the baby's growth. After a year, it's not necessary for a child to continue drinking breast milk or start drinking cow milk, as long as the child has other sources of calcium and protein (meat, fish, eggs, yogurt, etc). In fact, there are many cultures that don't traditionally drink milk. In vegetarian cultures however, milk and other dairy products are often very important sources for protein.
Relationship, health(physical and spiritual), religion, education and relevant items
Monday, 30 September 2019
What is the importance of milk in human health
Sunday, 29 September 2019
I having a lot of dandruff on scalp can it be cured
The skin cells on the scalp are shed on a continual basis. In some individuals, this shedding process is accelerated. This leads to visible skin flakes on the scalp which is known as dandruff. The cause for dandruff is unclear. In some cases a fungus has been implicated as the cause. Anti fungal shampoos may help in such cases. Usually, anti-dandruff shampoos that are commercially available can control dandruff adequately. If these do not resolve your problem, I recommend that you consult a dermatologist.
Glaucoma in one eye
I have glaucoma in one of my eyes. I can't see written text clearly with it and i often use computer or phone. Will that make things wors[e]? What are some of the precautions i need to take in order not to make things worsen?⚕️⚕️
Glaucoma is a condition where the pressure inside the eyeball increases. The increased pressure affects the retina and can cause retinal damage leading to impaired vision. There are different kinds of glaucoma and many causes for glaucoma. You should consult an ophthalmologist to find out the cause of your glaucoma. Treatment can then be started for the same. You should start treatment at the earliest in order to minimise damage to your vision.
I am Unaffected by Porn ?
I have no effects or feelings after watching I normal?
If you're female, you're completely normal. Women, on average, are less stimulated by visual erotica, and while there are plenty of women love porn, many others aren't turned on by porn unless accompanied by a sexy story line. If you're male, you're in the minority, but that doesn't mean anything is wrong with you. In fact, there are plenty of people with porn addictions who probably wish they were you right now!
Kidnapping Phobia?
I'm scared to go to concerts because I'm scared of being kidnapped! What should I do?
It's easy to become paranoid when the news focuses on the sensational, but kidnappings by strangers, human traffickers, etc, are actually pretty rare - most children and young adults are kidnapped by someone they know. Unless you actually know someone out to get you, you're probably safe. If worried, always go to concerts with a group of friends, and don't leave their side!
Also, tell potential kidnappers Liam Neeson is your dad. Nobody messes with his kids any more!
Relationship Stealing
Is it okay to steal someone out of a relationship in which you know they were unhappy?
It's normal for someone who is unhappy in a relationship to break up and to move on with another, but the order is important - first break up, then move on. If you are interested in someone who is clearly in an unhappy relationship, it's fine to let them know you're interested and available...but after you tell them, wait! The best course of action is to give the person time to end their current relationship, rather than to tempt them into cheating. That way, your love won't be forced to lie and betray, and you won't have to stress out over being the other woman/man.
Saturday, 28 September 2019
His mom is dating his ex. What should he do?
Well, that's awkward! If you feel uncomfortable with it, be honest and let your mother know how you feel. If your ex isn't a greatest person, you should also warn her. If your mom gets defensive, let it go. Your mom is an adult, and she really ought to have better judgment than to date your ex, but not all parents/adults are perfect, and unfortunately, she gets to have her way, as long as it's not against the law.
Wiggling Ears
How is it possible to be able to wiggle your ears?
Once upon a time, the ancestors of human beings could wiggle their ears, much like many other animals. We still have vestigial muscles around our ears which some of us are able to control with practice. While there are no official studies done on the subject, an estimated 10 to 20% of people can wiggle their ears.
If I sleep with my GF then I produce sperms in her, I'm expecting her to be pregnant, but she is not - she said she took after morning pills is she worthy to be my wife?
You need to have a proper discussion with your girlfriend regarding what each of you wants and expects from the relationship. Raising a child is a big responsibility and a huge burden on a woman's body - both of you need to be on the same page before taking any more chances. As for whether she should be your wife, while she did absolutely nothing wrong by taking the morning after pill (it is her body and her choice), if you desire children right now, she is probably not the right one for you.
Mr J is a diabetic patient on insulin he is afraid it is causing into hypoglamia. How can he control this?
Insulin therapy for Diabetes mellitus requires fine control over your diet as well as your insulin dosage. Most cases of hypoglycaemia with insulin therapy occur either when the insulin dosage in high, or when you take your insulin dose without eating an adequate quantity of food. You must consult your doctor to adjust your insulin dosage based on your blood glucose levels.
In the meantime, you should ensure that you eat adequately along with your insulin dose. As first aid for hypoglycaemia, you should always keep some sugar or a sugar candy with you. If you feel hypoglycaemic, you should immediately consume the sugar which will help you overcome the immediate effects.
Can a baby be affected if i don't have enough blood in my body in 33weeks pregnancy?
The foetus in the uterus gets all its nutrition from the blood of the mother through the placenta. Low Haemoglobin will cause low delivery of oxygen to the baby. Further, if you have low haemoglobin it is also possible that you have other nutritional deficiencies. These factors will cause decreased amounts of nutrients that are available for development of the foetus. This can manifest in the form of slow growth, inadequate development, or even developmental abnormalities in the foetus. You should immediately consult your doctor who can prescribe appropriate treatment for you. In addition, your doctor can also examine the foetus by doing an ultrasound scan to check on its health.
If I sleep with my GF then I produce sperms in her, I'm expecting her to be pregnant, but she is not - she said she took after morning pills is she worthy to be my wife?
You need to have a proper discussion with your girlfriend regarding what each of you wants and expects from the relationship. Raising a child is a big responsibility and a huge burden on a woman's body - both of you need to be on the same page before taking any more chances. As for whether she should be your wife, while she did absolutely nothing wrong by taking the morning after pill (it is her body and her choice), if you desire children right now, she is probably not the right one for you.
Hydrocoele️- What does it mean when one is said to have water in his testicles and is it serious?
When you say “water in the testicles”, I presume you are referring to hydrocoele. Hydrocoele is a condition where fluid collects in the layers covering the testicle. It is not a serious condition by itself, though the amount of fluid can be enough to cause a large swelling. If required, it can be corrected by minor surgery. However, you will also need to determine the cause for the condition. If the cause is treatable, you should get that treated as well. However, in some cases no cause can be found. In all cases surgery will cure the problem of fluid collecting in the testicular sac.
Friday, 27 September 2019
I have an abnormal swelling on a scar. What's the problem?
That is probably a keloid. Keloids are formed when there is exuberant formation of scar tissue. We do not know why this happens. There may be a genetic basis for this. Keloids commonly occur on the chest, collar bone, back, and ear piercings. Keloids tend to occur on surgical scars, vaccination sites, ear piercings, acne scars, tattoo sites etc. There are multiple treatment modalities available for keloids, with varying efficacies. If it is bothering you, you should consult a doctor who can examine you and offer you treatment options.
I have an abnormal swelling on a scar. What's the problem?
That is probably a keloid. Keloids are formed when there is exuberant formation of scar tissue. We do not know why this happens. There may be a genetic basis for this. Keloids commonly occur on the chest, collar bone, back, and ear piercings. Keloids tend to occur on surgical scars, vaccination sites, ear piercings, acne scars, tattoo sites etc. There are multiple treatment modalities available for keloids, with varying efficacies. If it is bothering you, you should consult a doctor who can examine you and offer you treatment options.
Negative Ante Natal Checkups️
4 months pregnant but haven't been going for any check up
You should get an Ante Natal Checkup (ANC) immediately. There are multiple advantages of getting regular ANCs. The doctor can check the well being of the baby. Ultrasound examination can see whether the baby is growing well. Placental abnormalities can be detected. Developmental abnormalities in the baby can be detected. Your health can be monitored. You can be given nutritional supplements if required. You will be given a set of vaccinations which will protect the baby immediately after birth. If you have a Rh negative blood group, that can be managed as well. You should definitely get regular ANCs.
Blind but can see
My eye is reddish and its pains me so much to an extend I can sleep. I have to buy pain relief the pains. What do I do to make it white
Painful red eye can be due to many causes. You may have conjunctivitis which is an infection of the outer covering of the eye. It may be an allergic reaction. You may have a foreign body in the cornea or conjunctiva. You may have glaucoma. It may be uveitis. There are other causes as well. You must consult an eye specialist at the earliest. They can prescribe the right treatment for you after a detailed examination.
Diabetes worst with Eyesight
I was diagnosed to diabetes when I was 6years and now i'm 24 years old on insulin medication, my eyes have been affected i can't see properly, what can i do to regain my sight?⚕️
Diabetes mellitus affects several organs. Vision is commonly affected in uncontrolled Diabetes mellitus. Loss of vision in Diabetes mellitus is due to damage to the blood vessels in the retina. The vision that has been lost usually cannot be recovered completely. A certain degree of recovery may be possible with appropriate treatment. You must consult your doctor, preferably an endocrinologist and an ophthalmologist, at the earliest. You probably will need adjustment in your insulin dosage. The eye specialist may be able to offer you some relief after examination.
I have an abnormal swelling on a scar. What's the problem?
That is probably a keloid. Keloids are formed when there is exuberant formation of scar tissue. We do not know why this happens. There may be a genetic basis for this. Keloids commonly occur on the chest, collar bone, back, and ear piercings. Keloids tend to occur on surgical scars, vaccination sites, ear piercings, acne scars, tattoo sites etc. There are multiple treatment modalities available for keloids, with varying efficacies. If it is bothering you, you should consult a doctor who can examine you and offer you treatment options.
Temporal Blocked Nostrils
My nostrils are always blocked only one use to open and support me to breathe what should I do??
In the normal course, only one nostril is used at any given point of time. I presume you mean that one nostril always seems to be blocked. There could be several causes for chronic blocked nostrils. Common causes could be nasal allergy, a deviated nasal septum or a chronic infection. All of these can be corrected with appropriate medication. You must consult an ENT specialist to find out the cause of your blocked nostrils. Only then can appropriate treatment be prescribed.
Infant Diarrhoea
What should i do to stop running stomach to my 8 months baby?
Diarrhoea in a baby is a very distressing condition. It can also lead to rapid deterioration in the baby’s health. Most cases of diarrhoea in babies are caused by a virus. These can be managed just by giving the baby lots of fluids and breastfeeds (if the baby is breastfeeding). You should immediately consult a paediatrician. They can determine the cause of diarrhoea and prescribe antibiotics if required. They will also be able to assess the level of dehydration of the baby and manage it appropriately.
I have an abnormal swelling on a scar. What's the problem?
That is probably a keloid. Keloids are formed when there is exuberant formation of scar tissue. We do not know why this happens. There may be a genetic basis for this. Keloids commonly occur on the chest, collar bone, back, and ear piercings. Keloids tend to occur on surgical scars, vaccination sites, ear piercings, acne scars, tattoo sites etc. There are multiple treatment modalities available for keloids, with varying efficacies. If it is bothering you, you should consult a doctor who can examine you and offer you treatment options.
Menstruation without breast development!
Usually, breasts start developing one to three years before a girl's first period. However, the rate of development and their final size is mostly up to genetics. You have probably have started developing breasts already, but they may be developing more slowly than those of others. An exception is if menstruation has started extremely early (8 years of age or younger) without any breast development, in which there may be something amiss, and a visit to a doctor is warranted.
Is it normal to have suicidal thoughts as a teen?
While the teenage years are tumultuous for many, suicidal thoughts are never normal at any age - teenage, or otherwise. If you are feeling depressed and/or have suicidal thoughts, get help! Talk to a friend or an adult you can trust.
You can call a suicide prevention hotline. They are available in all countries. In South Africa, you call: 08 000 55 555.
Should I get married simply because I am over 33 yet I don't love the man?
You can get married late in life or not at all. However, if you want children and feel the need to be married before you have children, 33 is an age to be seriously considering marriage. Being in love is not absolutely necessary for a successful marriage - many people have arranged marriages and things turn out fine. Consider carefully if this is a man you can respect, a potential good father and a good life partner. You should share similar values, at least a few interests, and you should find him reasonably attractive. If he is all of these things, he is a good candidate for marriage. Don't get married because just because of societal expectations though - get married because you desire marriage yourself. Otherwise, you will be miserable, especially with a man you don't love!
Why does my vagina become dry even though I'm turned on🤔?
If you are on medications, using hormonal birth control, breastfeeding, smoking, stressed/anxious, or approaching menopause, these are all potential reasons for decreased lubrication. If none of the above apply to you, try spending more time on foreplay. Sometimes, even if you are turned on, it take a little longer for your body to catch up! Take it slow, and use extra lubrication is you're too dry.
Why does my vagina become dry even though I'm turned on🤔?
If you are on medications, using hormonal birth control, breastfeeding, smoking, stressed/anxious, or approaching menopause, these are all potential reasons for decreased lubrication. If none of the above apply to you, try spending more time on foreplay. Sometimes, even if you are turned on, it take a little longer for your body to catch up! Take it slow, and use extra lubrication is you're too dry.
Is it okay to date a girl because of their physical appearance?
Of course! Physical attraction is often the starting point of many relationships. Just keep in mind that if you start dating her and you discover that she is only looks, the relationship is unlikely to last very long. Hopefully, you will discover many other wonderful things about this girl, as you get to know her.
Do I need a surgery If I have fibroadenoma?
A fibroadenoma is a benign tumour of the breast. It is a localised collection of normal breast tissue. It _is not_ malignant. It _will not_ become malignant if left untreated. If a _definitive diagnosis_ of fibroadenoma has been made, there is no requirement of surgery. However, surgery may be indicated in some situations. Some of these situations are if the diagnosis of fibroadenoma is not definitive, if it is associated with fibrocystic disease, if it is a large tumour, or if the patient wishes surgery for cosmetic reasons. The decision to undergo surgery or not is one that you have to make in consultation with your doctor.
Do abortion pills really work?
Given that you have the correct pills (Mifepristone in combination with Misoprostol), yes abortion pills are effective in terminating early pregnancies. Moreover Doctors recommend not taking abortion pills and opting for a surgical procedure if you are more than 10 weeks pregnant, since the chances of an incomplete abortion increases as your pregnancy advances,but be ready to join the aborted baby(ies) during the murderous act.
Circumcision Survival
How long does it take to recover from circumcision?
For a baby, the recovery time is about 10 days. For an adult, the recovery time is also about 10 days (after which you can resume most day-to-day activities), but doctors recommend avoiding heavy exercise for 2 weeks, and sexual activity for 4 weeks - so the road to full recovery is closer to a month.
Lost My Tune 🎶?*
It has been long since I last sang and I've lost my tune how do I get it back🎶?
Unless you've gone through puberty since you last sang, or you've been really unhealthy (smoking, excessive alcohol, etc), your natural singing voice only slowly changes over time. You can certainly lose some vocal range and techniques, but this can be gained back with practice! So start singing again and you will improve. Sing old songs you once sang, copy your favorite singers, and your tune will be back in no time.
Is circumcision a must?
Certainly not, unless you belong to a religion for which it's a must. While circumcision may be promoted in certain countries because it reduces the risk of HIV transmission, it is entirely optional.
Having 90 kg weight means you have obesity
You have not mentioned your height, age and sex. Weight of a person is always considered in association with these three other factors. A weight of 90 kg may be normal in a male who is 6 feet tall and 35 years of age, but may be not be so in a shorter person. This is only a crude indicator of whether you are overweight or obese. For example, a wrestler or a weight lifter may weigh more than what is considered normal for their age and height; however they would not be considered to be obese. There are many other parameters like Body Mass Index, Lean mass etc that determine if you are obese or not. You should consult your doctor to find out if your weight is appropriate for your age, sex and height. If you are obese, your doctor will also be able to determine if it is due to any medical condition that you may have and also advise you on how to reduce your weight.
What causes blackouts when drunk?
Human beings have two types of memory - short term memory, which allows as to remember a small number of things that just happened, and long term memory that allows as to remember things that we learned or experienced a long time ago. A high blood alcohol level interferes with long-term memory encoding and retrieval in the brain. So, when you are very drunk, you can appear functional because you can still make decisions based on things that just happened (short-term memory), but later on, you won't be able to remember much that happened, since your brain couldn't create long-term memories properly.
Monday, 23 September 2019
Triangular love
I love two boys at the same time but one really more than the other but I don't want to date him cause I don't want to hurt the other guy
Date the boy you like more. If you don't date either of them, you'll eventually lose both of them, and then you will certainly regret missing out on dating the guy you love more.
Does social media cause depression
Yes, current studies do show that social media causes depression - not in all but in some. In particular, people who compare themselves to others on social media, passively consume social media, and are addicted to social media are more likely to experience negative effects. On the other hand, users with lots of followers who post actively on social media (especially pictures of themselves with friends) tend to be less depressed. Always keep in mind that people post the highlights of their lives on social media, so their lives are probably not as exciting as they seem. If you find yourself endlessly browsing social media instead of actively participating in life, look away from that screen, and do something else!
Why I feel like there is sand in my eyes
You could have a foreign body on your cornea or conjunctiva. It might be dust, a small insect etc. If so, it will need to be removed. There are other reasons why you may have that symptom. The outer surface of the eye is protected by a thin film of tears. This film is refreshed each time you blink. If for any reason, the tear film is broken, the surface of the cornea can dry up and feel rough. This can happen if there is reduced production of tears. It can also happen if you do not blink your eyes often enough. The commonest cause of this is staring at a computer or phone screen for too long. You must consult your doctor to find out exactly why you have that problem. You can then be treated appropriately.
Are body building steroids safe?
The body secretes steroid hormones in order to maintain several normal functions. The amount of steroid secreted is controlled very delicately, mainly by assessment of the concentration of steroid hormone present in blood. Body building steroids cause an increase in the concentration of steroids in blood. This will suppress the secretion of the normal hormones by your body. Over time, the organ systems in the body that secrete these hormones can stop functioning normally. Further, when you stop taking the hormones, your body may not be able to recover normal functioning of the steroid hormone system. So, taking external steroids whether for body building or as medication can have severe side effects. Steroids should _never_ be taken without medical prescription and supervision.
Is it possible to have a rush on penis without contacting HIV?
HIV does not cause a rash on the penis. Rash on the penis is most commonly due to other infections, most usually due to Candidiasis. There are several other causes of rash or sores or blisters or ulcers on the genital regions. HIV does not cause any of these symptoms. You must consult a doctor who can prescribe the appropriate medication for you after examining you.
Sunday, 22 September 2019
Which medicine can make you intelligent?
While there are medicines that allow people with disorders like ADHD to focus better, or medicines that improve working memory performance in a sleep deprived person, unfortunately, there is no medicine that makes a healthy and well-rested person more intelligent. The good news is that you can become more intelligent by just using your brain more often - reading, studying, and tackling challenging problems.
My boyfriend seems to be a prideful person, he gives me mean replies to my texts but when we are together he is much more interesting. What could be wrong💔?
Some people aren't very good at texting. Perhaps your boyfriend gives really short replies when texting because he doesn't enjoy texting, or perhaps his humor doesn't quite come across without subtle inflections in the voice, facial cues, etc. Trust in what you see in person rather than what comes across in the texts, unless he is literally insulting you.
I'm HIV positive and I'm 19 years now I was born in that state and I recently discovered a month ago and started medication what's my possible remaining life span
Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) for HIV is very effective. The medication suppresses the multiplication of the virus in the body and helps to preserve the immune system. ART, these days, offers individuals a nearly normal life span. More importantly, it enables you to achieve a good quality of life helping you to lead a healthy and full life. You should remember to take the ART regularly, at the same time every day as prescribed by your doctor. You should take care not to miss any dose of ART. In addition you should eat well, exercise well, and take care not to expose yourself to infections.
Is it advisable to give a 10 day old baby antibiotics for rash*
It is _never advisable_ to give a 10 day old baby _any medication_ for anything without consulting a doctor. A baby may develop a rash due to many reasons. You should consult a paediatrician to determine the cause of the rash. They will be able to prescribe medication if required for your baby.
HIV+ attracts other diseases
Is it true that an HIV positive individual can be easly affected by other deseases?
Over time, HIV destroys the immune system of the individual. This weakened immunity makes the individual susceptible to other infections, which they may not have contracted otherwise. However, HIV induced immune suppression takes time to develop. During this time, the individual remains reasonably healthy. Medication for HIV (ART) can suppress the multiplication of the virus. Thus it prevents or delays the suppression of immunity. You should discuss ART with your doctor or HIV counsellor at the earliest.
Eye Problems -Myopia
I can't see something written while standing far from it⚕️
You probably suffer from myopia or short-sightedness. This occurs when the image is focused in front of the retina instead of on the retina. A simple eye test should confirm whether you have myopia or not. If you do have myopia, it can be corrected by appropriate glasses. If your problem is due to some other cause other than myopia, that can also be diagnosed and treated accordingly.
Cure for Chicken Pox
Chicken pox is a self limiting viral infection. This means that it is a viral infection that will heal by itself over a certain period of time. Chicken pox usually is noticed when the individual starts to develop crops of fluid filled blisters on the body. These blisters come up in waves, so that there can simultaneously be fresh lesions along with healing lesions. The blisters heal by formation of scabs which then fall off. Though it will heal without any treatment, an anti viral drug called Acyclovir can reduce the intensity of the symptoms and help in quicker healing.
Saturday, 21 September 2019
Dating a Married Person
will I be wrong to date a married person when I am not married myself😓?
While adultery isn't a crime in most countries, if you are in an adulterous relationship, your actions are morally questionable (assuming that the cheating is in secret, and not approved by the spouse). You are complicit in potentially breaking apart a family and hurting someone. You're also helping your partner to do something that is wrong - if you love someone, you should try to steer them away from doing wrong. Don't take something that's not yours!
Does a boyfriend love his girlfriend if he beats her?
Violence isn't a sign of love or lack of love. Some boyfriends who beat their girlfriends may be cold-hearted bullies incapable of true love, while others may be madly in love with their girlfriend, but have very poor anger-management issues. In any case, love isn't an excuse for violence - the best way to deal with a violent boyfriend, loving or not, is to leave.
Does a boyfriend love his girlfriend if he beats her?
Violence isn't a sign of love or lack of love. Some boyfriends who beat their girlfriends may be cold-hearted bullies incapable of true love, while others may be madly in love with their girlfriend, but have very poor anger-management issues. In any case, love isn't an excuse for violence - the best way to deal with a violent boyfriend, loving or not, is to leave.
⏰Feast of St. Matthew (21 Sept. 2019)
📖Eph 4:1-7, 11-13; Ps 19:2-3, 4-5 (R.v.5a); Matt 9:9-13
My dear, the Feast of the apostle Matthew reminds us again that our God of justice is also the Merciful God. He is ever ready to accept us back to himself and use us irrespective of what our past has been.
Matthew, or Levi in the Gospel of Mark (Mark 2:13-17), was a public sinner in the rating of the Jews. But Jesus went to the very source of his sin to begin his salvation.
Can you not also hear Jesus calling you from that particular sin you have been dwelling in to come out and be saved? It does not matter how dark your past has been; he is waiting with mercy to save you.
Just as in the case of St. Matthew, your conversion can also mean the conversion of many. Jesus called only Matthew, but many other tax collectors followed (cf. Matt 9:10; Mark 2:15).
Do you know that there are many people who are looking up to you as their model? Are you not going to give them the opportunity to get saved too by turning to Christ yourself?
Finally, this Feast reminds us that we are all objects of God's mercy. God has shown us mercy while we were sinners. We must also become disciples of mercy to others especially those we consider as never-do-wells in the society (see Eph 4:1-13).
May the mercy of God always follow us to lift us up and guide us along the right path to success in this life and salvation in the next. Amen.
Have a joyful day. Peace be with you.
Friday, 20 September 2019
Trying for Pregnancy
I have tried getting pregnant for few months and the results are negative always
Try, try, again! Most couples under 35 are able to naturally get pregnant within 6 months to one year of actively trying to get pregnant. Consult a doctor if you are healthy, under 35, but not able to get pregnant despite trying for a full year.
what's the meaning of RSVP
RSVP is short for the French phrase "répondez s'il vous plaît" which in English simply means, "please respond." It's usually used at the end of invitations as a request for a response to the invitation. The acronym was used in English as early as 1845 - when French was still the language of diplomacy around the world.
Chest Pains
I have chest pains here and there but I haven't gone for checkup, I fear it might be heart diesease.What must I do?⚕️
If you have recurrent chest pains you should definitely consult a doctor. Chest pain related to the heart are usually associated with palpitation, difficulty in breathing, sweating, and dizziness. The chest pain will also increase with exertion. Chest pain could also be due to other causes, not only heart disease. You must get a complete evaluation at the earliest.
Boosting CD4 Count
Is it possible for someone to have a low CD4 count and an undectatable viral load?Also how can one boost his/ her CD count⚕️🎗
CD4 count refers to the number of a type of lymphocyte in the blood. Viral load refers to the number of viral (HIV) particles in blood. Both these parameters are important in management of HIV. Both these parameters have to be interpreted by your doctor keeping in mind your previous readings as well as your clinical profile.
CD4 count is variable from person to person. It can also vary in the same person on different days. The normal range of CD4 count that is mentioned on test reports refers to an average count that is seen in the population. A person may have a count higher or lower than this “normal range”. So what is normal CD4 count for one person may not be so for someone else. There is no way to boost your CD4 count. It is helpful to take your medication (ART) regularly, take any other medication prescribed to you regularly, eat well, exercise and try not to be exposed to other infections. These little precautions can help to maintain the CD4 count at an optimal level.
What is the treatment of fibroids.
Fibroids are localised collections of normal muscle tissue present in the uterus. They are not a form of cancer. Fibroids may vary in size form very small to very large. The smaller fibroids may not cause any symptoms and are only detected during examination for something else, for example while doing an ultrasound examination for pregnancy. Larger fibroids may cause symptoms ranging from menstrual disturbances, pain, or a lump in the lower abdomen. Small fibroids may not require any treatment. The larger ones will require surgery. Surgery may be in the form of removal of the fibroid or in severe cases removal of the uterus itself. There are different techniques for removal of fibroids and the appropriate technique will have to be decided in consultation with your doctor.
📖1 Tim 6:2c-12; Ps 49:6-7, 8-10, 17-18, 19-20 (R. Matt 5:3); Luke 8:1-3
Where your treasure is, there would your heart be too (Matt 6:21). Yet, our hearts are meant for God, and would not rest until they rest in God. That is the reason it is wise to seek Godly ways while on earth so that you will not miss that way at the end of time.
The way that leads to material things can indeed be deceptive. That way has made many pastors follow the way of Gehazi, the servant of Elisha (cf. 1 Kgs 5:19ff) and make prophecies in the name of God when the Lord has not spoken. It has also made some to neglect the work of God in pursuit of material wealth. The love of money is indeed the root of all evil (1 Tim 6:10).
St. Paul encourages us today to seek after things that are Godly (see 1 Tim 6:2-12), being detached from the things of this world. This is not a suggestion to die in penury. You may be a very rich person, yet not attached to material things. That is the example that the women disciples of Jesus gives us (cf. Luke 8:1-3). They used their material wealth to follow Jesus.
In the nineteenth century, the Christians in Korea faced great persecution that led to the martyrdom of great number of them whom we celebrate today. They freely gave in their lives and the blood they shed for the sake of Christ became the seed of strong faith in parts of Korea today, especially in the South. But the Christians in North Korea still face great persecution and we are encouraged to remember them in our prayers daily, for courage in bearing authentic witness for Christ.
May the Holy Spirit guide us to follow Jesus faithfully in righteousness so that we may not miss that way that leads to life everlasting. Amen.
Have a spirit-filled day. Peace be with you.
For more details.....
Thursday, 19 September 2019
cure for lamber Disc Protrusion
Intervertebral discs are pads of fibrous tissue and cartilage that are found between two vertebrae.
They help to cushion the jerks felt by the spinal cord during walking, running and other activities. The discs may in some cases protrude into the spinal canal. In severe cases, the protruded disc can press on a nerve and cause pain or other symptoms. Mild cases of disc protrusion require no treatment. Only physiotherapy may be needed to strengthen the back muscles. Intermittent traction may also be required. Severe cases of disc protrusion may require surgery to remove the portions of the disc that are protruding into the spinal canal.
Drinking water abnormally- Diabetes Symptom
Diabetes mellitus causes an increase in the glucose content in the blood, Increased glucose in the blood causes increased thirst. The excess glucose is excreted by the kidneys. Excretion of glucose occurs along with increased formation of urine which removes water from the blood.
why are some persons lactose intolerance
Lactose is a type of sugar that is present in milk. Lactose is digested in the intestine by an enzyme. The levels of this enzyme are high in infancy especially when the baby is being breastfed.
Cure for Acid Reflux
Preventing HIV without condom
Causes of Palpitations
Palpitation is the term given to an uncomfortable awareness of your heartbeat. This is usually accompanied by breathlessness, sweating, dizziness, nausea, vomiting and a general feeling of being unwell. In the normal course, you should not feel your heart beat. Strenuous exercise can cause you to become aware of your heartbeat. However, this is not uncomfortable and therefore not palpitation. Palpitations can be induced in a non disease state by anxiety. Heart disease including heart attack, heart failure, hypertension and angina can give rise to palpitation. There are other conditions also that can cause palpitations. If you have palpitations, you should consult your doctor for a thorough evaluation to find out the cause. Only then can you be treated.
Book Napping
I feel sleepy every time I try to read📚!
Get a good night's rest, and don't read close to bedtime or in a dim room. Read sitting up, not lying down. Keep a drink (something that will wake you up like cold water or tea/coffee) or healthy snacks by your side, and take a sip or munch on something every time you start feeling sleepy. If you are reading to study rather than for pleasure, don't just read, but underline, highlight, take notes, or summarize each paragraph in a notebook while you are reading. Actively using your mind and engaging your hands while reading will help you not fall asleep.
Divorcee Marriage
However, keep in mind that divorce rate increases with each divorce - someone who has divorced once is more likely to get divorced a second time, and someone who has divorced twice is even more likely to get divorced a third. It's because just like everything else that is difficult, people can get used to getting a divorce. The first divorce is the hardest.
Illiterate boyfriend
I discover that my boyfriend can't read or write, should I dump him because of that?
A woman's place- kitchen
Signs of stomach ulcers
Stomach ulcers are caused due to damage to the lining of the stomach. This damage exposes the underlying tissue of the stomach to the acids in the stomach. This can cause further damage. Damage to the stomach lining will cause pain in the abdomen. This pain is more towards the upper part pf the abdomen in the middle. The pain will characteristically increase when the individual is hungry and can decrease upon eating. The pain may be relieved by drinking cold milk or yogurt. Before reaching this stage, the patient may have suffered from “acidity” and “gas in the stomach”. These present with a sense of burning in the stomach, sour burping, and a feeling of bloating. If left untreated a stomach ulcer can increase in size and sometimes also cause perforation of the stomach.
How to Slaughter a partner who cheats
Is TB associated to HIV curable?
Tuberculosis (TB) is caused by a bacterium. Due to sustained efforts, TB is mostly curable these days. However, there are cases of TB that are resistant to the drugs usually used (MDR TB). These cases of MDR TB can be very difficult to treat and will require highly intensive efforts for a cure. TB associated with HIV is treated just as TB that is not HIV associated. The only difference is that along with treatment for TB, the patient will also require Anti Retroviral Therapy (ART). ART will help to control the virus, which will improve the immune status of the patient and this will help in curing the TB.
Tuesday, 17 September 2019
A CV is an official document that contains the profile, educational and career background of a person.
In our part of the world, CV and a résumé means the same thing but in other climes, they mean different things entirely. Some of us have been submitting CVs like forever and yet we don't get interview invites. The problem is that your CV is not passing what is known as The 30 seconds Test. The 30 seconds test simply means that an employer or interviewer will decide if he's going to employ you or not within 30 seconds of perusing your CV.
** The Do's and Donts of CV
1. Never start your CV with "Curriculum Vitae". Start with your name boldly written with a larger font.
2. Ensure the address on your CV is the same as the location of the job. It will make interviewers consider you faster. e.g, if the job is in Lagos, apply with a Lagos address. If you don't stay in the same location, look for someone you know that use the same location.
3. Don't use a childish email address. Use an email address with your name. Don't use an email address such as It says a lot about your maturity and professionalism. You can use or If the name is already taken, add some numbers, e.g
4. Under personal data or profile. Some entities like date of birth, state, local government, and nationality are not compulsory. As a matter of fact, if the age they need doesn't favour you, just take off your date of birth. Keep the interviewer in doubt. Rather sell your skills.
5. Under educational background and dates, simply write your school, your course of study and then the year you graduated. Take off the year you got admission. Some people started school in 2005 and graduated in 2012 for a 4-year course. It might not be their fault but employers wouldn't take it that way since you're not there to defend it. So I repeat, write out only graduation year.
** Also, there's no need for your grade (First class, 2.1, 2.2, etc). Just take it off.
6. Professional Certification is another area that's making people lose out of job search in recent times. Under this section, most people don't have what to put and it pisses off most employers. It means you haven't done much to add value to yourself. If you are a Corp member here, try to do one or two professional courses during your service year, else you will be submitting what we call a blank CV'. For those working, you can use your weekends to achieve same. It will help you in your next job search.
** Under your work experience, you are expected to state where you worked, your job designation and your responsibilities. If you are no longer working in the firm, write your responsibilities in the past tense. The current place of work can be written in the present tense.
However, all your work experiences need not go on your CV except the one relates to the job you're applying for. it makes your CV concise.
** Under your hobbies and interest, you need to be careful of your choices. I once saw a CV that has playing video games as the applicant's hobby. I quickly discarded the CV. Your hobbies should be within researching, meeting people, playing scrabble or chess, mentoring and traveling. But be sure you are into the hobbies as it could be placed before you one day.
9. Under your referees or references, please you are expected to have your referees name, address, phone number, and email address. You can also use your family member as your referee but ensure you don't use the same surname. Also, ensure your referees are aware you are using them as referees to avoid stories that touch.
10. An ideal CV should be in black and white not coloured except on two occasions: if you are applying as a graphic designer and you want to wow your employer or when your CV has the logo of the company you've worked before under your job experience.
11. Never forward a CV from your inbox to another employer. Open and compose a fresh mail then upload your CV and send.
12. When sending your CV, make sure the subject carries the job role you are applying for.
13. Don't save your CV on your laptop or phone as 'My CV' or Edited CV'. Simply save it with your full name, e.g Adebayo Michael Samuel.
14. When sending your CV, don't leave the email page blank. Copy your cover letter and post on the email page. Forget the usual 'Sir, kindly find attached herewith for your.
15. You don't need to append your passport photo on your CV except the employer's request for it which is quite rare.
** Cover Letters;
* What is a Cover Letter?
A cover letter is a letter used in applying for a job position. It tells the employer your achievement(s) and how you can replicate the same achievement in his firm if considered for the job. In fact, a cover letter allows you to sell yourself to an employer, making him see what he stands to gain should he employ you. The major idea behind cover letters is to enable you seduce your would-be boss to see you as the best candidate. However, we have to be careful with our choice of words so we don't brag instead of selling our skills. We have three major types of cover letters and they all play different roles:
1. Speculative or cold calling cover letters
2. Cover letters in response to job adverts
3. Cover letters with names dropping.
1. Now, we send speculative or cold calling cover letters to firms we are not sure have vacancies but we want to work there. You send such cover letters and then send a follow-up letter three weeks later. The idea is to put yourself in the eyes of the employer.
2. Cover letters response to job adverts have taken over application letters. It is written to woo an employer that you are the right candidate for the job. Here, you look at the skills they need the candidate to have and tell the employer you can do it. You also tell the employer problems you've solved in the past. It could be when you made your students do well in WAEC during your Youth Service year or when you made a good sales for your former/present firm. Even your social media skills can be brought in by telling your employer that you would use it to project the firm to people.
3. Cover letters with name dropping is used when you are recommended by someone to a company. In the letter, you will need to state who recommended you and address the letter to the particular person you were told to write. It takes the form of a speculative cover letter but only has names stated on it. So in a nutshell, cover letters are to make you sell your skills, so give the employer your best shot.
Ok. I will like to address some interview questions and how to answer them.
You are not expected to tell them your life history of how you are the last born and related to your village head. All they want to know are your name, educational background, and career background. e.g My name is Michael Jacob, a graduate of Mechanical Engineer from the University of Lagos and also a career engineer.
This gives you an opportunity to sell yourself. Tell them about your qualification, experience (if you have) and skills.
I should be hired because I'm academically qualified for the job. I also have the needed experience and skills needed to carry out the task I'm being interview for.
If you like to tell them 'Yes, I have a car' or 'Of course! who doesn't have a phone?'. You are on your own.
What they are simply asking is are you free to relocate from your present location if we employ you?'. If it's possible, simply say 'yes'.
This question is meant to cage you to 'one corner'. I know you all know the song.
If you say 'yes', it means you can't be trusted. If you say 'no', it means you don't have the interest of the firm at heart. So what do you say?
Simply tell them, 'As a professional, I will do anything within my powers to protect the interest of my company'. 'within my powers' is an open statement. That means if you can lie, you will. If you can't lie, you wouldn't.
This is a tricky one. Don't go self-destructive by telling them,' I have two boyfriends sir, Emeka and Peter. In case, Emeka disappoints me'.
They are not interested in your affairs. This is a 'perfunctory' question meant to probe your disposition. They want to know how sociable you are. So answer this way, Sir; I have many friends and if given the opportunity to work here, I will make sure they do business with this firm.
*1. Tell us about yourself?* The interviewer is not interested in hearing stories; they simply expect to know your academic and professional achievements, your name and the institution you currently work for. Take a minute to introduce yourself, and state your recent academic qualification and your relevant experience (if any).
*2. Why do you think you are the best candidate?* The recruiter expects you to tell them about your professional achievements and the unique skills you possess that will add value to the organization. If you are a Customer Care graduate then you should tell them that you are a good listener and patient; these are the qualities the employer is looking for.
*3. What are your weaknesses?* The question is not as simple as it looks; most candidates go blank when they face this kind of question. Take your time in explaining why you can’t leave the office before you complete a task. You can also inform them how you are quick to trust a person, which in most cases makes you a victim.
*4. Where do you see yourself in five years?* The employer wants to know whether you are ambitious or you’re the kind of person who secures a job and then you forget about yourself. Answer the question by stating how you intend to further your studies and grow professionally as you strive to meet your employer’s goals. (It is important to tie your goals to your employer's goals because no employer would be willing to hire and invest in a rookie who will leave their organization in a year or less after they have invested in training the individual)
*5. How do friends describe you? The question is testing your personal attributes, when answering it ensure that you don’t over exaggerate. Take the shortest time possible to state the best attribute you possess that you believe will add value to the institution.
*6. What do you know about this company?* Before you enter the interview room, ensure that you go through the company website to read the latest news, company profile, goals, management team, objectives, vision and mission; they will help you answer this question. (where the company is unknown, do your research and be familiar with the business/industry you desire to build your career) The question expects you to briefly describe what you read on their website and not what you imagine of the company.
*7. Do you have any question to ask the panel?* This is usually the last question that the interview panel asks interviewees; if you fail to ask them questions, you will lose some marks, always have a question to ask no matter what. Ask them whether they have plans to expand their business, whether they support employees to further their studies and how they motivate employees. You can pull a surprise by asking when you can start, it shows confidence.
*8. What is your salary expectation?* The question is tricky because as a fresh graduate you don’t have a clue what to be paid; simply ask them what they pay others of your level if they fail to give a satisfactory answer then give them a reasonable range. Ensure you do your research before you go for interview room because you must be asked this question.
🎤"DO NOT WEEP" (Luke 7:14)
⏰Tuesday of the Twenty-Fourth Week of Ordinary Time 1 (17 September 2019)
📖1 Tim 3:1-13; Ps 101:1-2ab, 2cd-3ab, 5, 6 (R.v.2c); Luke 7:11-17
🎤"DO NOT WEEP" (Luke 7:14)
Child of God, wipe your tears! Look up and see your Savior coming. He does not want to see you in tears. He came to restore your lost hope and put a smile once more on your face.
Let your mouth shout out for joy for great in your midst is the Holy One of Israel. He came for liberation; he wants to take you back to the original plan of God for you. The devil comes to destroy that plan and steal your joy but he that is in you is great than the devil (cf. 1 John 4:4).
Consider the example of the widow of Nain who just lost her only son and was on her to burial. The word _Nain_ means a place of happiness. Now, is it not ironical to come into a place of happiness and meet sorrow and tears? So the presence of Jesus in the town changed the story from sadness to joy, from hopelessness to hope.
That is Jesus for you! He is the story changer; he wants to change your story too for the better. Are you going to give him a chance? All that is required of you is uprightness (cf. 1 Tim 3:1-13) and everything would be well again.
As Jesus went about doing good, may he come into your life to change everything that gives you sorrow. Amen.
Have a beautiful and joyful day. Peace be with you.
*Breast Fall 👶?*
Why is it some ladies their breast won't fall after they breast feed👶?
Some women just get lucky - they have the right genes and their skin bounces back, especially if they are young, and if it's their first pregnancy. Smaller breasts are also less likely to sag. Breasts fall when skin gets stretched too much, so if your breasts produce more milk than most mothers, of if your baby drinks less often and your breasts get engorged and painful, you're also more likely to end up with saggy breasts. Feed the baby often, wean slowly instead of suddenly, and hope for the best!
Lost virginity- regained virginity?
I lost my virginity with a weirdo and when I remember this I feel so bad what can I do!
The number one regret that women tend to have when it comes to sex is losing their virginity to the "wrong" person (the number two regret is cheating). So, you can take comfort in the fact that you're not alone - a lot of women feel exactly the same way. Instead of focusing on the past, focus on your present love or get excited about meeting someone new. After you start having great sex with someone you love, you'll think about your first time less and less often.
Milk has deficiency
Does milk make you grow tall?
Milk contains a lot of calcium and protein which is necessary in growing bones and muscle. So, if you're not getting enough calcium and protein in your current diet, your growth may be stunted, and additional milk will help you grow. However, if you're already getting enough calcium and protein, milk won't make you grow any taller - height is mostly determined by genes, and milk will help you achieve your maximum potential, but nothing more.
A boy with Nipple Lumps
I am a Boy an I have Huge Lumps in ma Nipples .. what should i do I tried A lot of things for the past 4 years But No Signs of change Plus I am not fat ?
Small lumps under the nipple can occur in boys around puberty. These are due to hormonal changes and usually regress without any treatment. If the lumps are large, or persist beyond the teenage years you should consult your doctor. You may be suffering from gynaecomastia. Males have the same breast tissue that is present in females. However, because of the hormonal differences, the male breast tissue does not develop. There are several causes of gynaecomastia including increased sensitivity of breast tissue to even low amounts of oestrogen, imbalance between male and female hormones in the body and several other conditions. You should consult your doctor for a complete evaluation after which appropriate treatment can be started.
Risk ways towards Contraceptive?
Doctor how can I protect my self from getting pregnant?
There are many methods for avoiding pregnancy, or achieving contraception. All these methods have different efficacies and failure rates. The only definitive method to avoid pregnancy is to avoid sexual intercourse. The other effective methods of contraception are using condoms, taking Oral Contraceptive Pills (OCP or Birth Control Pills), Injectable contraceptives, and Intra Uterine Devices. All these methods have almost equal efficacy in preventing pregnancy. Condoms have the additional advantage of preventing transmission of Sexually Transmitted Infections. _None_ of these methods have a 100% efficacy in preventing pregnancy.
Monday, 16 September 2019
Breast feeding and Pregnant?
l am breastfeeding but haven't seen my period for eight months, could l be pregnant..?⚕️
Breast feeding causes the release of a hormone called prolactin. Prolactin has the effect of suppressing ovulation. However, this effect is only seen when the woman is breastfeeding frequently. It has been estimated that the woman should be breastfeeding every four hours at least for this contraceptive effect of Prolactin to take effect. If the breastfeeding frequency is lower than this, it is possible to get pregnant. It has been known for women to get pregnant without having a period after a prior pregnancy. If you are concerned that you may be pregnant, you should take a pregnancy test.
Sunday, 15 September 2019
⏰Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C) - 15 Sept 2019
📖Exod 32:7-11,13-14; Ps 51:3-4, 12-13, 17 and 19 (R. Luke 15:18); 1Tim 1:12-17; Luke 15:1-32
The three readings that we have in our Liturgy of today point out, in a very clear manner, the imperfection of man and God's unconditional love towards man. In the First Reading, the people of Israel deserted God and chose to worship a molten calf. Worst still, they ascribed to the molten calf, the glory which ought to be given to God, saying: These are your gods, O Israel, who brought you out of the land of Egypt. This action angered God a great deal but even before they repented, God forgave them based on the promise he made to Israels ancestors (cf. Exod 32:13-14).
That attitude of God is equally symbolised in the Gospel, in the characters of the shepherd who went after the strayed sheep, the woman who searched for the lost coin and the Prodigal Father that welcomed the Prodigal Son. In the eyes of the world, the action taken by these different characters might seem foolish but that is exactly how far God can go in bringing a sinner back under the canopy of his love.
Last Sunday, we were warned against using human wisdom to judge the things of heaven. Today, the Pharisees and the elder brother of the prodigal son used human wisdom to interpret the action of God's love. But as the saying goes, Gods foolishness is wiser than any human wisdom. Notice that the story did not end by telling us what became of the Pharisees or the brother of the prodigal son whether they were able to accept God's love for what it is or not. That could be a challenge for us. We can choose to embrace God's love or keep ourselves outside of it.
The most striking thing about this love of God is that it is an unmerited love. God does not love us because we are good or because we merit it. It would infact seem that he loves us more in our fallenness. That could be what St. Paul makes reference to in the Second Reading, "I am the foremost of sinners; but I received mercy for this reason, that in me, as the foremost, Jesus Christ might display his perfect patience for an example to those who were to believe in him for eternal life" (1Tim 1:15-16). He would say in another place, "See how God manifested his love for us: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us" (Rom 5:8).
However, we should be careful not to take Gods love for granted. Even with this knowledge of Gods abundant love in our weakness, St. Paul asks, _Shall we keep on sinning so that grace may come more abundantly?_ (Rom 6:1). The answer is no. Note what was said of the prodigal son, "when he came to himself" or in other words, _"when he came to his senses."_ Even though Gods love is unconditional, it is important that we make a decision to seek to be one with him. He is a merciful but equally a God of justice who would repay each man according to his deeds.
There are many positions we could take from the readings. We can try and emulate God who loves unconditionally. We are called to embrace the position of the repentant prodigal son but must be discouraged from taking the position of the Pharisees and the brother of the prodigal son who could not come into terms with the nature of Gods love. _God is love. He who abides in love, abide in God and God in him_ (1John 4:16).
May the love of God never depart from you in all things. Amen
Have a lovely Sunday. Peace be with you.
what's the average sexual partners should one have before 25?
When it comes to love and sex, there's no single magic number that you should hit before a certain age. For someone who doesn't believe in sex before marriage, zero or one sexual partner may be the ideal whereas for someone who believes in free love and loves sex, the sky may be the limit. What is "average" or "normal" depends a lot on culture, location, religion, etc. According to a large global sex survey from 10 years back, the average number of sexual partners in China and India was 3, Indonesia - 5, France - 8, US - 11, South Africa - 12, Turkey 14 (survey was not restricted to 25 and under). A much more recent survey of Western countries, showed lower numbers (US - 7, Europe - 6). So instead of worrying about hitting the average, just take life as it comes, and do what feels right for you.
*Pills on an Empty Stomach💊💊?*
what would happen if you drink different types of pills on an empty stomach💊💊?
It depends on the pills! Some pills need to be taken on an empty stomach to be effective, while others need to be taken with food to be the most effective. Certain pills will irritate the stomach lining if taken on an empty stomach, and too much could lead to gastritis. Also, keep in mind that certain combination of pills could interact with each other and shouldn't be taken together regardless of whether your stomach is empty or not - consult a doctor before taking multiple medications at once.
I understand there is viral load and CD 4 count which one should I
Both the parameters are important. Viral load indicates the number of HIV particles that are present in your plasma. CD4 count indicates the number of a type of lymphocyte in your blood. Viral load indicates how efficiently the virus is multiplying in your body. Higher the number, greater the multiplication of the virus. Lower the number, better for the patient. A higher CD4 count indicates a better immune status, while a lower CD4 count could mean that the patient will have to monitored closely. CD4 count however is a variable number. Normal CD4 count may vary greatly from patient to patient, at different times in the same patient, from region to region, and between different races. Both the values may need to be compared with previous values for a particular patient before interpretation.
Cure for Rheumatoid Anthritis
I have Rhumetiod Anthritis,how can I be cured.Both my elbows and wrist are swollen not stretching straight.⚕️
Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune condition. This means that there are antibodies in your blood that are attacking and destroying your own tissues, in this case the lining of your joints. Rheumatoid arthritis cannot be cured. However, there are several excellent medicines that can keep the progression of disease under check. This will delay the onset of severe disease as well as provide you with a better quality of life. The exact treatment can only be determined after examining you and conducting some tests. I advise you to consult your doctor, preferably a Rheumatologist, for the same.
HIV Penetration through a condom
HIV penetrate through a condom I'm afraid of contracting it
HIV cannot pass through condoms. Under laboratory conditions, condoms have been shown to be impermeable to HIV. However, condoms can slip during sexual intercourse, they can break, they may not be worn properly, or they may have degenerated if they are old or not stored properly. In such cases, HIV can be transmitted even if condoms are used. The most effective way to prevent transmission of HIV is for the HIV positive partner to take Anti Retroviral Therapy and to use condoms during sexual intercourse. Post Exposure and Pre Exposure Prophylaxis is available in some regions. You may consult your doctor or a HIV counsellor regarding these.
Side effects of eating sand
Eating soil may be part of a condition called Pica. Pica normally occurs because there is a deficiency of certain minerals or vitamins in the body. The body instinctively induces the patient to eat soil or lick walls or eat paper etc. Correction of the deficiency will remove the urge to eat soil. One of the side effects of eating soil is that the human body is not attuned to digesting soil. This may lead to stomach or intestinal illness. Another major side effect is that soil can contain eggs and larvae of worms and other parasites. These can be ingested when a person eats soil leading to worm and parasite infestation. Soil in certain areas may also be contaminated with heavy metals and other substances. This could lead to toxicity upon ingestion. Eating soil can also occur as part of a mental illness. The cause of eating soil will have to be evaluated by a doctor so that appropriate treatment can be initiated.
Menstrual cramps
Is it true that i you are experiencing menstrual cramps you can have the chances of not getting pregnant?
Menstrual cramps, or Dysmenorrhoea, is a condition where women suffer cramps and pain around the time of menstruation. It can be due to an underlying condition like fibroid, endometriosis, PCOS etc or it can be primary dysmenorrhoea when none of these causes are present. Some of the conditions that cause dysmenorrhoea could impact fertility. For example, endometriosis involving the ovaries could impact fertility, as can a large fibroid in the uterus. However, most women suffering from dysmenorrhoea _do not_ have reduced fertility. You should consult a doctor, preferably a gynaecologist, for a complete evaluation of the cause of your dysmenorrhoea.
10 Things School Will Never Teach You About How To Be Rich.