Saturday, 28 August 2021

Faked cAr key

My best friend bought a brand new car and called to inform me. I was so happy for him. I screamed on the phone in joy and told him I was coming right away.
When I got to his house, he threw the car key on me and told me to drive around and bring the car back to him.
"Omoh you mean am?" I asked in excitement.
He said yes.
I got into the brand new car and drove straight to my house to pick my wife. That was the only place I could drive to. I wanted her to enter a brand new car and feel the excitement.
When I drove into our compound, my wife ran out of the house. I saw the smiles on her face. She was just waiting for me to confirm it.
"I bought a new car baby."
She screamed for joy. Fell to the ground. Rolled in the compound and stood up again. She started singing "Narekelemo". All her face was smeared with dust. She had used her cloth to clean the floor. By the time she got up, she was looking like someone whom soldiers had beaten up with firewood.
I did not know how to tell her it was a joke anymore. She opened the car and entered. I also got into the car.
We started driving around Jos. We were just driving around without a destination. My wife was screaming in the car. She was Shouting like a terrorist. Dancing. Even touching my manhood with style.
After three hours, my friend called me to bring the car home so his Uncle could see.
That was how I took the next U-Turn and started driving to my friend's house. We got to his house and I alighted from the car. I handed the car key to my friend. My wife was still in the car looking at me.
My friend asked why my wife was still tying wrapper and why her face and hair was dusty. I told him she fell down why we stopped to buy something on the road. I begged him to go inside as she may be embarrassed if he came close.
He went in.
I walked to the car and told my wife to come down so we could climb Okada and go home.
The woman became surprised.
"What about our car? Who did you give our car keys to?"
"It was Patrick's new car o. I just wanted you to enjoy what our future will look like."
My wife looked at me. She realized it was all a prank. She alighted from the car without saying a word to me.
That day we boarded Okada. She sat in front and I sat at the back. My wife was just turning from left to right while on the Okada. In my heart I was praying let her not push me on the express. I kept holding the back of the Okada very well.
When we returned home, she entered the house and locked me outside. Despite begging my wife did not open. She left me outside till 2am before she finally opened the door for me.
Man became humble.
I told her thank you as I walked into the house.
A year later I bought our very first car and brought it home. Even though my wife and I had gone to buy the car, she didn't jump or celebrate. I asked her why she had celebrated our friend's car and why she didn't celebrate this one.
She looked at me.
"Praises, I am careful now. Once beaten twice shy. I will celebrate when the car is two months old in our compound."

Friday, 27 August 2021

Why Sex again

There is something both the aged and the infant do not know anything about.
The church also has closed her eyes on this particular issue. Nobody wants to talk about it but it is very real.
In case you are not aware my brethren, I want to tell you that: SEXUAL IMMORALITY is the last bullet the kingdom of darkness has thrown against the church of God, and the church is wounded very sore that there seems to be no cure or remedy.
I want to make it so clear and not in jargons or vocabularies that, you cannot count the number of people who go to church and proclaim the name of God, that are still living in immorality. They may either be suffering from *lust, masturbation, pornography, adultery, incest, homosexual, lesbianism, sodomy, bestiality and many more* which time will fail me to mention.
Hardly will you come across a young lady who has not been misused by 'so called boyfriends'. And every guy is now dating because of sex.
God is watching all those that are having sex with people they haven't married.
It's a headache for God seeing his own created people perishing in a sin called sexual immorality. How many young men today in the church can you count and point fingers at that fornication has not pulled down?
A pastor slept with his junior pastor's wife, impregnated her, and used the name of God to defend himself that it was God who instructed him to do so.
Sex that is supposed to be between husband and wife only, is now between father and daughter in the church, do I need to tell you there is fire on the mountain?
If sex that is only legalized between a man and his wife, is now between a guy and his girlfriend or between a man and his fiancee, do you need angels to come and sound the warning against sexual immorality?
If sex that is a sacred thing in marriage has become a desecrated thing in dating, what else do you want before you prepare the way of the Lord?
Cry aloud, spare not. And tell the house of Jacob their sins, and Israel their transgressions. Pastor why are you not crying aloud? Why are you so mute like ELI? Heaven is shedding tears over the perishing souls every day and you are there raising funds every Sunday to build bigger Auditorium.
You call your members for anointing services and prayer meetings without urging sin out of them.
Some are living together with men that did not pay any dowry on them.
Some commit abortion and cover it up. Some are lesbians and homosexuals. What are you doing about that?
Where has the word of God that says *"flee fornication"* gone to in your Bible? From henceforth, if you don't take this warning and start declaring war against this strange spirit that has taken over the church, you'll have questions to answer.
And those who claim they love holiness messages with negligence to this particular truth about sex have actually missed the mark.
To be active in church and still be committing immorality, God is watching you.
To be a child of God and still having a boyfriend or girlfriend, God is watching you.
To be a choir member or youth leader and still be doing what the married are doing, if you like continue.
All you need is genuine repentance.
God Said : There will come a time when mankind will love five things and forget five things.*
1. They will love the enjoyment of this world and forget the day of judgement.
2. They will love money and forget the day of accountability of how they acquired and spend the money.
3. They will fear things that are created and forget the creator.
4. They will love beautiful mansions and forget their grave.
5. They will love sins and forget to seek for God's forgiveness.
Oh God, bless those who spread this message.
Come to think of this?.......
1. Eternal life = free
2. Church entrance = free
3. Christ's salvation = free
4. God's love = free
5. Breath of life = free
A. Cigarette = pay
B. Prostitution = pay
C. Alcohol =pay
D. Nightclub entrance fee= pay
E. Powers to rule the world = pay
Then why are people paying for hell while PARADISE is free?
Think twice
Believe in Christ and you shall be saved..
We always think of
Valentine's day
Birth day
Father's day
Mother's day
Children's day
Our day,
Farmer's day
Teacher's day
Christmas day
Independence day
Boxing day,
This day,
That day,
Day in Day out.
Have you ever thought of Judgement Day, is it going to be a day of celebration or condemnation for you ?
If you’re safe, what about your friends & loved ones. Show them love by telling them about the Judgement Day. Please pass this to any group and let heaven be happy for you today. Please don't say later, do it now because tomorrow may be too late.


*"Keep your heart with all diligence, For out of it spring the issues of life. (Proverbs 4:23 NKJV)."*
Sex was not only designed by God for reproduction, it was also designed by God for pleasure. The pleasure that can be derived from sex is astonishing. God designed it this way. However, the pleasure of sex should only be derived from sex with your spouse.
The urge for sex is very high in adolescents. The reason is that at the stage of adolescence, the reproductive organs in a boy or girl develop rapidly. The tendency to want to engage in sexual intercourse is very high at this stage, but a high level of self-control must be exerted to overcome the frequent sexual urges otherwise, sexual sin will occur.
Every act of sex is highly dependent on one word called "pornography". Pornography is any display of material such as a video, photo, audio or a book that can arouse sexual desire or excitement. Many times, pornography opens the gateway to masturbation, fornication, lesbianism, gayism, rape, adultery etc. The aim of pornography is to wet your sexual appetite to the point of desiring to have sex at all cost. Pornagraphy can sexually arouse anyone including children and adolescents.
When a man wants to sexually assault a child, the first thing he does most times is to expose the child to a pornographic material (a pornographic video, picture or book). The child becomes sexually aroused by it, then the man or woman begins to sexually abuse the child. This is a frequent characteristic of men with uncontrolled sexual appetite. They introduce you to pornographic materials to sexually arouse you so that they can easily penetrate you.
It's wrong for a lady to display nude photos of herself online. She's only increasing the urge for sex in men and inviting them to sleep with her. If you're interested in breaking free from the grip of masturbation and fornication, *novels with high romance and sex contents should be discarded, movies and videos with sex contents should be deleted and discarded, pornographic photos should be deleted and indecent dressing should be avoided.*
You can't keep deriving pleasure from watching people kiss and have sex, and not want to engage in it. It's practically impossible. The more your eyes are engaged in viewing pornography, the more likely you are to masturbate or fornicate. As you keep exposing your mind to pornography, the thoughts of sex increases rapidly and the urge to physically engage in sex increases too.
*Sexual urge is a sign that you are healthy but engaging in sex before marriage is a sin. Uncontrolled sexual urge is a product of pornography. You can overcome the urge for sex by the power of the Holy Spirit but first of all make a choice not to engage in sexual intercourse until you're married. Secondly, get rid of all pornographic materials. Further instructions will be stated during the series. Please obey.*

Whose Responsibility Is It To Provide?

"But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel." -1 Timothy 5:8 KJV
I want to shake some tables.
I have read countless books; listened to countless messages from renowned pastors; all saying that it is the responsibility of the man to provide for the home and the usual anchor scripture is the one quoted above.
The effect of that message is that generations after generations of ladies have come to see themselves as the responsibility of the man.
It is classic conditioning at play. You hear something too often and you begin to believe it as truth.
Not long ago, I read a post where a lady was advising guys to go for ladies their size because you cannot expect a lady who has been using a very expensive body cream to lower her standard because you, the guy who is now dating her, cannot afford the class of body cream she was using.
As expected, most of the ladies who commented were in support. Ladies who have seen the four walls of a university. Ladies who should be able to apply logical thinking to spot the flaw in such a statement were all in agreement.
I have tried to look for the rationale behind that post. A lady who, obviously, was buying her cream by herself, now has a guy who is interested in her, and suddenly the new guy has an added responsibility - to start buying her cream for her. How that makes any sense, I still cannot fathom.
Unfortunately, the story is not different all over the world. For some ladies, being in a relationship with you means you cater for all their personal needs.
The questions that beg answering are,
1. Who was responsible for those needs before they met you?
2. What happened to the source of income that met those needs before they met you?
3. Why does all that have to stop just because they met you?
I don't deny that the female gender is pleased when her man shows certain gestures like buying stuff for her. But surprising someone and taking responsibility for their needs when they are not handicapped are two different things.
Then you get into the marriage institution and you see the same mindset at play. It is the responsibility of the man to provide for the family.
"Says who?" You ask
"The Bible." They answer.
"Where in the bible?"
"1 Timothy 5:8. But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel."
But is that verse saying the male gender is responsible for providing for the home? Why don't we back up a few verses before and read further a few verses after? Let's say from verse 3 down to verse 16.
What you will find is a mentor, Apostle Paul, writing to his protege, Timothy, instructing him on the subject of catering for widows, not on the subject of marriage.
He mentioned three categories of widows:
1. Widows indeed - elderly, no family members to cater for them.
2. Widows - elderly but with family members that can cater for them.
3. Younger widows - young, vibrant, with strong sexual desires, advised to remarry.
It was while addressing this subject of catering for these three different categories of widows that the verse of 1 Timothy 5:8 was sandwiched in the mix.
In that verse, Paul was specifically instructing Timothy that widows who still have family members around should not be a burden to the church.
That it is the responsibility of the family members of that widow to cater for her. For he (or she) who cannot (refuses to) provide for his (or her) own (widows in the family) has denied the faith.
Paul was not saying it is the responsibility of the man (male gender) to provide cooking money for the home. That was not the subject he was addressing. Unfortunately, that has become the twist we have given the verse.
There is nowhere in the bible where the male gender was given the responsibility of providing cooking money for the home.
The places where responsibilities ware meted out to the male, they were the responsibilities of
1. Leadership. The man is the head of the woman.
2. Love & Protection. Husbands love your wives as Christ loved the church and gave Himself (died) for her.
Beyond those two, no other responsibility was given to the male gender.
In fact, when the wisest man who ever lived wrote about the virtuous woman, one of her qualities was rising up early to provide for the home.
Of course, that does not in any way imply that it is the responsibility of the woman to provide for the home. But the virtuous woman did that.
If providing for the needs of the home is not the responsibility of the man and not the responsibility of the woman, whose responsibility is it?
This therefore calls for wisdom.
We must be mindful of taking cultural practices in the bible and turning them into doctrines. The bible contains both the word of God, the word of the devil, the words of angels and the words of men.
It is not anything that Israel practiced as a nation that automatically becomes a doctrine. Bear in mind that certain dispensations bestows certain responsibilities on people.
The physical structure of the man reveals that he is more suited for manual labour than the woman. So in an agrarian culture, the man farms while the woman takes care of the home. It was the dispensation that bestowed such responsibilities on them.
As time changes, we must also be ready to change with the changing times. The era where only the man went out to work is over. Why then should only the man shoulder the responsibility of the household?
In my home there is no financial responsibility that is mine. All financial responsibilities are ours - my wife and I. Whether from rent to cooking, we are both responsible for the provision of whatever is needed.
When we prepare the budget, it is both our incomes that fund the budget. It is not my responsibility to provide for the home. It is our responsibility. It is our home.
Now, I earn more than my wife so I bear more financial responsibility. When we prepare the budget, I fund a higher portion because I earn a higher income.
If she was earning the higher income, she would bear more responsibility. It is not my home, it is our home. It only makes sense that we must do whatever makes the home work.
Maybe, out of my personal pride as a man, as my income grows, I can decide to fund the budget 100% and ask her to keep her money. But that is a separate matter. It does not make it my sole responsibility to provide for the financial needs of the home.
Now, even though I earn more than my wife does, I don't have a 9 to 5 job. I work from home, so I am at home all day from Monday to Sunday. My wife, on the other hand, has a regular job. She leaves in the morning and returns in the evening.
Seeing that I am at home all day and my wife goes to work, who should take care of our daughter? I, of course. It is only logical that the one who is at home should cater for the baby.
So I clean her up, change her diapers, and change her clothing when she needs changing. Those are not the responsibilities of the wife. They are the responsibilities of the parents.
It will be stupid of me to say that because I am the man then I cannot do such tasks as changing diapers. That my wife must take the baby with her or find someone else to do them when I am at home all day doing nothing besides checking Facebook.
Only two commamdments were given by Paul on the issue of marriage.
The first is, husbands love your wives. The second is, wives submit to your own husband. Nothing outside of those two is a commandment.
There is no commamdment that the man should be the provider of the home.
There is no commandment that the woman should be the one to bathe the kids.
There is no commandment that only the man should work.
There is no commandment that the man must earn more than the wife.
Different dispensations only bestowed certain responsibilities on the different genders that helped them cope with the time. And as time changes we must be willing to make the necessary changes to suit the changing times.
And to you, young lady, that thinks that any man who dates you is automatically responsible for your personal upkeep, that is so 19th century thinking. This is the 21st century. Human up!
Tell me. What do you think about this? Do you agree? Do you disagree? State your case by posting a comment.
Thank you.


Guys comes up with all sorts of stories these days about marriage when truely they want to do damage.
As a lady you should be smart to read between the lines and see the the vivid signs.
But it all lies in your hands to act and take the needed decision.
It is not about dragging the horse to the water, it's whether the horse really wants to drink.
*These sure signs will help you detect the time waster from afar*
If your guy asks you how you want your dream wedding to be, your preferred wedding colours, ring size or likes to raise some important aspect of the wedding, he is particular about them, he's definitely planning to settle down with you.
Men naturally are wired to know the details and intrcacies of every project they want to get involved in.
Yes! Project.
A wedding is like a project to a man, and factors such as accommodation, career development, finances etc are considered.
The interesting thing about this is that to plan all these with you in mind.
He is genuinely concerned about how these details will affect your life.
If a guy goes out of his way consistently and genuinely to do tasks or go on events he normally would not go to, just to make you happy, he is definitely gearing to pop the marriage question.
A guy who is really to get married to a lady genuinely wants her to make progress.
Guys wants their woman to represent them in a good way, so they want to help their woman become better.
Hey! Ladies, this is not to say if your gut is not telling you things, he is not ready to get married.
One thing you have to understand is that, trust is earned.
A guy who wants to get married to you will eventually be open to you when he finds out you are genuinely concerned about his welfare.
We call it 'wife material' he opens his inner thoughts, fears and deep feelings.
If your guy wants you to meet his family, be around him at family events, meet his siblings and people he loves, he really wants to settle down with you.
He has seen you as a member of his family.
He's not ashamed to tell you how much you mean to him.
He is always telling you how special you are to him.
8#. KIDS.
When your guy jokingly asks about the names of your kids, or the number of kids you want to have, he is actually considering the motherly side of the woman he wants to spend his life with.
You have to understand that it takes commitment to raise kids, and for a guy to talk or joke about them often, he really means to spend his life with you.
*You Are A Fountain Of Goodwill, You Will Not Run Dry In Every Aspect Of Your Lives*


1. AFFECTION: Your wife needs your tenderness, love, care, physical touch, embrace, cuddle, etc to feel loved and cared for in marriage. When she is starved in this area, she will be opened to the temptation to have an affair.
2. CONVERSATION: Women must talk. We easily get connected to a man who listens to us, understands us and honestly share his heart and mind with us. We need a gist mate with an open mind and understanding heart.
3. ADMIRATION: Women need lots of admiration too. Praise your wife. Admire her, compliment her especially her looks. We are very conscious of our looks, that is why we make efforts looking good for God, for our husbands, then ourselves.
4. FINANCIAL SECURITY: A woman needs a man who can pay all the bills and take good care of her. Not paying bills on time, owing rent, school fees, not having good food, clothe and shoes to wear, becoming an object of ridicule can destabilize a woman.
5: OPENESS AND HONESTY: Hiding your phone, keeping secret friendship, staying alone with an opposite sex friend whom your spouse must not know about, having secret chat with ladies on facebook, whatsapp, and other social media platform which your spouse must not see, secret business deals, hidden projects etc can destabilize any woman and destroy your marriage.
6. FAMILY COMMITMENT: Every woman wants a man who is committed to the family, the
children and the home. It makes her feel secure, loved and priceless.
You must consciously work on meeting each other's needs. Marriage is not a joke, it is not a child's play, it is hard work, commitment and self sacrifice to ensure your partner's needs are met, and they are happy and fulfilled being married to you.
May the Lord grant us all the grace to do all we need to do to enjoy bliss unlimited in our marriages. Thanks for reading. God bless you, cheers!