Saturday, 13 November 2021



▪Tigernut/aya(dry one)
Tigernut milk is one of d most powerful ancient food source known to humanity and used traditionally to stimulate sexual arousal, treatment of week erection, premature ejaculation in men and boosting of breast milk supply in breastfeeding mothers.

This drink is a libido booster in both men and women. It gets you or your man in the mood for I will say if you are not married, please copy and save the recipe till then but if you a married try it, it works like magic.

If your husband is the quicky type, no wahala give him this drink daily, don't even tell him the work just prepare yourself and be ready for action.... in fact, hmmmmmm! 

1.Soak the dry tiger nut in a generous quantity of water for about 24 hours or overnight.

2.After the soaking, wash the nuts very well and sort out the bad ones.

3.Soak the dates for like 10minutes to soften it and remove d seed inside

4.Add coconut, ginger and tigernut

5.Put them in a blender and blend till it is smooth

6.After blending use a cheese or chiffon cloth to sieve the blended mixture
Serve chilled


There are many factors dat mks a woman nt to hv urge for sex, some of them are 
* Low libido
* Dry vagina
* Hormonal imbalance
* Oral contraceptives 
* Medical problems like depression, fibroid,hyroid disorder etc
* Medication u tk like antidepressants,blood pressure drugs etc
* Age: blood level of androgens falls continuously in women as we age there by causing lack of urge for sex
* How one lost vaginity 
* Ur man nt knowing how to mk love
Lack of romance (dat is nt touching u at d right places until u becum wet, him just focusing in penetrating) 
* Not loving Nd having feelings for ur partner etc 

The first Nd best way to tackle lack of urge for sex is to know d cause of it nd handle it. 
If is medical aspect of it like hormonal imbalance, medications,oral contraceptive,fibroid etc u seek medical help for it but if not then u need to work on urself Nd ur partner . 
U can prepare libido drinks to put u in d mood,( I will send d preparation later) eat fruits like banana, avocado pear, tiger nut, coconut etc 
Avoid stress Nd have enough sleep
Prepare ur mind Nd body for sex Nd u will see d urge flowing 
Flirt wit ur man, send him flirty sexy sms like darling I need u in me dis nit😊,baby I want it deep,hard, Nd fast dis nit 😎, baby I want to to tk me to heaven Nd bring me bk dis nit😍, all dis flirty text will mk d man prepare for u Nd want to gv u d best, Nd it also mk u to prepare Nd be in d mood for good love making 
Tell ur man to romance u, tell him d places u want him to touch u, let him tk tym in sucking ur breast, touching ur clitories, kissing u, sucking ur earlobes(I like dis one so muchπŸ˜‹it tickles meπŸ™ˆ) he can even gv u a head(lick ur pussy 😳yes) 
U d woman should also put ur man in d mood to mk him perform well . Men likes it when we tk tym nd romance them. Kiss him, suck his breast, tickle him wit ur fingers, lick his earlobes, gv him a bj(if he is d type dat likes it) 

I believe good romance will mk u both to be in d mood Nd mk u wet Nd u will beg him for penetration lolxxπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
Pls don’t think of any other thing during sex just focus Nd put all ur mind into d act. Good sex is a thing of d mind 
            Good sex will mk u have multiple orgasm πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹ nd d feelings is heavenly πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. Good sex mk ur lifespan longer Nd keeps u looking young πŸ˜ƒ


Achieving female orgasm can seem elusive. But all it takes is time, tenderness, and knowing how to stimulate ur sweet spots.

Bringing a woman to orgasm has nothing to do with penis size or pornographic skills. The key is spending more time on foreplay and learning about the two spots that, when stimulated, can lead to a female orgasm.

It also doesn't hurt to understand which sexual positions provide the best chance of u achieving orgasm.

1. *Spend More Time on Foreplay:*

Your husband may be pretty much ready to go from the minute u gives him a sexy glance or after he sees you in that bra he likes. But you as the wife, on the other hand, may need plenty of physical and emotional stimulation to become aroused, lubricated, and primed for an orgasm. That's why foreplay is so crucial.

The key is to emphasize the "play" in foreplay. It's shouldn't be rushed or treated like an obligatory task. In fact, foreplay can begin hours before sex actually occurs, and every minute of it will prepare you as a lady for an orgasm. Here are some tips for getting both of you in the mood:

1. Your husband should Use a tender touch on you.  Caressing you gently can create sexual tension even before you've started making love. He should Hug you hold ur hand, or touch ur thigh. Female orgasm is more likely to happen if, when he is  kissing  you , you let his hands roam to more erotic regions of ur body. (Another hint: Yes, the breasts are erogenous zones, but they're not the only one! Try stroking ur back or ur thighs, or sliding his fingers into your hair.)

°Take kissing to the next level. Kissing is essential to foreplay. Discovering new places to kiss that turn you on is both fun and rewarding. Tell him to kiss the back of ur neck or ur shoulders for starters.

°Whisper sweet nothings. Don't forget to talk to him during foreplay. Women tend to be more verbal, and hearing how good she's making you feel can help her open up and have fun.

2. *Know Her Sweet Spots:*
There are two places on the body that are critical to female orgasm. Here's how to tell ur husband to  stimulate them so  you can achieve orgasm.

° *The clitoris* : This tiny organ contains a high concentration of nerve endings and can be found near the top of the vagina. The clitoris is covered by a little bit of skin called the "clitoral hood," which keeps it from being stimulated all the time, so ur husband may have to coax the clitoris out by touching or licking it. Once ur aroused, the hood will draw back and the clitoris will become slightly erect.

The "G" spot. This other orgasmic area is located inside the vagina. It's a bundle of nerve endings about two inches up from the pubic bone on the inner, upper wall of the vagina. To find the G-spot, Tell him to gently slide his finger inside ur vagina with his palm facing up, then curling his finger up in a "come hither" motion. Be warned — some women love having their G-spot directly stimulated, while others prefer less pressure on this sensitive area. Explore different techniques and then as a lady choose the one u likes best.

3. *Try Female-Friendly Sexual Positions*

°Given what you've just learned, you can pretty much guess that the best sexual positions for female orgasm involve those which provide maximum stimulation to the clitoris or G-spot (or both!). These positions include:

Woman on top. This position provides some of the best stimulation of the G-spot, given the angle of the penis. You also can move ur body in a way that stimulates ur clitoris.

°Rear entry. This position isn't so great for clitoral stimulation, but provides excellent penetration and stimulation of the G-spot. Either of you can reach under during sex to rub the clitoris.

°Having you sit on your husband lap allows for both deep penetration and good clitoral stimulation. It also provides plenty of intimacy


 Consider adding turmeric to your diet if you suffer from pain or have fertility issues like pcod,endometriosis, fibroid , ovarian cyst etc.

Turmeric enhances the body’s ability to suppress inflammation by depleting the neurotransmitter responsible for pain.

Turmeric is also a powerful antioxidant that has the ability to help the body fight free radicals, which hinders tissue degeneration and inhibits pro-inflammatory molecules.

To get maximum benefit from tumeric, mix it with black pepper.

You can add 5 to 8 tablespoons of tumeric to 3 table spoon of black pepper depending on how strong you want it to be.

Put content in a jar and take a table spoon daily either as tea or as spice in your food.



40% Organic olive oil( as base)
5% Nutmeg
5% Onions oil
2% Black seed oil
2% Cloves
20% Alkpi oil
1% Vitamin E oil
5% Ginger oil
5% Garlic
5% Coconut oil
5% Mustard seed oil
2% Maca powder
3% Propylene glycol 

Add all oils in a mixing bowl and add your maca powder
Mix all ingredients together using stick blender and pour dark amber containers or jars tightly covered.
Make sure you store it far away from light.

For those that want to sell it here are some instructions to tell or educate your clients on it.

Before using this product make sure you make sure you do a patch test on your penison your penis, To do this:

Rub a small amount of oil into your forearm.

Cover the area with a bandage.

Wait 24 hours and check for irritation. If you aren’t experiencing any redness, swelling, or other irritation, it should be safe to apply elsewhere.

If you pass the patch test, follow the oil’s application instructions closely. Only apply as much as the label advises, and keep the substance away from your urinary opening. Don’t apply more than the label directs.

Are there any possible side effects or risks?

Because these oils aren’t regulated, you never really know what ingredients they contain and in what quantities. Not everyone has these same skin type or skin texture,  if which they might be possible side effects on some clients 
Some side effects are mild, including:

skin irritation

rash or bumps

fluid-filled blisters

itching or burning at the application site

These effects may go away a few hours or days after you stop using oils.
If you keep using the oils, these side effects can get worse or progress into more serious symptoms, including:


pus or discharge from blisters or rash

infections in broken skin from scratching, which can also make you more susceptible to sexually transmitted infections (STIs)

If left untreated, these symptoms can lead to permanent scarring or damage to your penis.


(a) Salt
(b) Cloves
(c) Hot water

Get a clean bow (paint plastic or custard plastic, or big potty) put your boiled water inside the bow, add a little salt, add the cloves then seat on it let the heat go inside your viginal until the water can't bring out heat.


1.It tightening the vigina

2. It fight infections

3. It gives your vigina a pleasant smell