Saturday, 13 November 2021



40% Organic olive oil( as base)
5% Nutmeg
5% Onions oil
2% Black seed oil
2% Cloves
20% Alkpi oil
1% Vitamin E oil
5% Ginger oil
5% Garlic
5% Coconut oil
5% Mustard seed oil
2% Maca powder
3% Propylene glycol 

Add all oils in a mixing bowl and add your maca powder
Mix all ingredients together using stick blender and pour dark amber containers or jars tightly covered.
Make sure you store it far away from light.

For those that want to sell it here are some instructions to tell or educate your clients on it.

Before using this product make sure you make sure you do a patch test on your penison your penis, To do this:

Rub a small amount of oil into your forearm.

Cover the area with a bandage.

Wait 24 hours and check for irritation. If you aren’t experiencing any redness, swelling, or other irritation, it should be safe to apply elsewhere.

If you pass the patch test, follow the oil’s application instructions closely. Only apply as much as the label advises, and keep the substance away from your urinary opening. Don’t apply more than the label directs.

Are there any possible side effects or risks?

Because these oils aren’t regulated, you never really know what ingredients they contain and in what quantities. Not everyone has these same skin type or skin texture,  if which they might be possible side effects on some clients 
Some side effects are mild, including:

skin irritation

rash or bumps

fluid-filled blisters

itching or burning at the application site

These effects may go away a few hours or days after you stop using oils.
If you keep using the oils, these side effects can get worse or progress into more serious symptoms, including:


pus or discharge from blisters or rash

infections in broken skin from scratching, which can also make you more susceptible to sexually transmitted infections (STIs)

If left untreated, these symptoms can lead to permanent scarring or damage to your penis.

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