Sunday, 14 April 2024



📕Acts 3:13-15, 17-19ab; Ps 4:2, 4, 7 and 9 (R.v.7b); 1 John 2:1-5a; Luke 24:35-48


Imagine the pains that the disciples had to bear at the death of Jesus. The experience must have been like that of the chicks that were separated from the mother hen. They were now exposed to persecution, and so, they started hiding away for safety. That explains the setting of todays Gospel, where Jesus came to meet them behind closed doors. That was also the reason why some of them were running away to Emmaus.

So after calming the fears of those who were on their way to Emmaus and transforming them into witnesses, he came also to the eleven apostles to give them more reason to believe. The eleven would become his major witnesses on earth, but they would not be the only witnesses.

Can you see why the Church lays so much importance on the magisterial office but does not play down on the contribution of other members of the Church?

The angels had already given the message to some women (cf. Luke 24:4-8) and Jesus gave the same message to those on their way to Emmaus (cf. Luke 24:13-32). But he still had to come back to the eleven because they would be the foundation upon which his church would be built.

Notice one essential part of that visit  His first words to them were, "Peace be with you (Luke 24:32). This is the peace that had eluded them for a very long time due to the fear of persecution. But now, his presence would restore them to that peace.

Peter wanted the Jews to also share from that peace. Hence, in addressing them, as we see in the First Reading, he invited them to repent of their sins so that they would be forgiven and then have a share in the peace that the presence of Jesus brings.

At the celebration of the Holy Mass, that presence of Jesus is continuously being renewed. That is why the Rite of Peace is included in the Mass.

Since we can only reap the full benefits that come from the Holy Mass when we celebrate it worthily (cf. 1 Cor. 11:26-32), St John, in the Second Reading, encourages us to be faithful by keeping the commandments of God. But if we happen to make mistakes at any time, we have an advocate who is Jesus (cf. 1 John 2:1).

This advocate, in turn, has given his apostles the power to forgive sins (cf. John 20:22-23). Do we still doubt why we should go to confession at the hands of a priest?

May the Spirit enlighten us and clear our doubts so that we may strongly believe in Jesus. And by believing, we may have life in his name (John 20:31) and also become strong witnesses to Christ in the face of the doubting world and for peace in the world. Amen.

Have a joyous and peaceful Sunday. Peace be with you.

Saturday, 13 April 2024


Dear Dating Couple

 1) Sex doesn't Strengthen a Relationship.

 A Relationship that is weak is weak not because there is no sex in it, but because there is no LOVE (affection, attention), COMMUNICATION and COMMITMENT in it..

 "Sex is not Love"

Adequate daily Communication, giving Attention to each other (hanging out, spending time together) and showing Affection (speaking each other's love language) for each other strengthens Relationships. 

2) Sex doesn't Spice up a Relationship

Ndi "let's spice our relationship with sex"

A Relationshp is boring not because of a lack of Sex, but because of a lack of purpose, fun, friendship and excitement in the individual and cooperate lives of those in it. 

 3) Sex doesn't Prove Love

Ndi "if you love me, prove it"

Sex is not a way you prove your love for anyone, especially someone you're not married to, in fact, abstinence is a better proof of love than sex. 

 Your ability to wait is a proof of true LOVE than your inability to wait which is rather a proof of LUST.

A Person can have sex with you and not love you.

 4) Sex doesn't Keep a Relationship

 Ndi "I don't want to lose him"

You can give him/her sex and they'll will still dump you tomorrow, I counsel victims of this daily.

 Even with good sex, MARRIAGES still break down everyday, talk less of a relationship. 

What keeps a relationship is LOVE, RESPECT, CHARACTER, and COMMITMENT. 
 5)  Sex doesn't Prove that you're a mature adult

Ndi "We're matured adults, let's do it." 

When did sex become the sign of matured adults?.

Immature and irresponsible teenagers have sex everyday, does that make them adults?

 Sex doesn't mean you're matured, rather you prove your maturity by discipline and self control.
Dear Single in a Relationship. 
Sex Has its Time

Wait, in the right season, na you go tire..

Keep sex out of your Relationship and build a solid foundation for your Marriage.

S*X is good but ROMANCE is NEEDFUL

S*X is good but ROMANCE is NEEDFUL

Frank and Felicia, were getting set for an event...

Felicia: “Dear, How does this jacket look on me?” 

Frank: “ohhh...Felicia, I don't know!!...just check yourself in the mirror,  is that not what the mirror is meant for? Please hurry up and let’s go! "

Felicia was not completely suprised by Frank's unromantic response. Frank never gives complement or feedbacks.

Since Frank got married to Felicia, He took his foot off the ROMANCE pedal.

(Felicia thought within herself): “Well, I know I don’t look good in this outfit. I just couldn't find anything else to wear!  Gosh, I'm I still attractive at all?”.

While Felicia was busy despising herself and her outfit,  Frank drove her straight to the event centre.

In the parking lot, Frank walked fast ahead of Felicia and completely forgot about her. Not minding the fact that she was left behind, Felicia swung her body from left to right, in a catwalk manner, as she watched other gentlemen holding their wives' hands. ("That is what I also want".. Felicia cried inside).

In the hall, someone hollered at Felicia: "Wow! Goodness gracious!!! Sorry, I didn't mean to be forward but I just have to tell you this truth... The moment I saw you from a distance, My jaw dropped, sweet wine poured away freely from my glass... but more sweetness flowed freely from deep within my heart towards you. I was enraptured, captivated, magnetised, dumbfounded and totally ravished by your elegance. I just couldn't take my eyes off you. This is the first time I'm seeing a beauty goddess in a shining armour.
Woman, you are the epitome of beauty, You look so adorable & charming in this well fitted outfit. Your fuchsia pink designer jacket sits so well on your well shaped gown, as beautifully as a King sits majestically on a royal throne. 

(Felicia covered her mouth with her hand, Blushing to bits)

Her Admirer then reached for her hand: 
"Hi, My name is Anthony, your greatest admirer. It will be the greatest honour of the millennium to have a selfie with you. Hope you don't mind?" 

(Knocking her out with the most charming smile ever.)

Totally Blown away, and subconsciously saying "yes..yes... yes...yes with a big smile... Felicia consented to his request.

"I would really love to see this beauty queen again. Can I have your number please?"

Felicia called out her phone number fast.

Anthony didn't write the number in any notepad, neither did he type it on his phone, but as he took three steps away from Felicia, Anthony called out all the 11 digits without any mistake.

Wow...Felicia was over thrilled....she said  within herself: "Even Frank, my husband doesn't remember anything about me. He doesn't know my phone number or account number. He always forgets my birthday and our wedding anniversary."

After the event, all manners of holy and unholy messages kept flying from Anthony to Felicia. That was how their illicit romantic affair started.
Felicia didn't plan to cheat on her husband, but someone swept her off her feet and arrested her heart with Romance, which she has always longed for in her Marriage.

Dear husbands, some things may look very trivial or unimportant to you, but those things really matter and they mean a lot to your woman.

Don't ever stop doing the things you did right during your courtship. Don't lead your wife into TEMPTATION, by only giving her S*X in the bedroom while you starve her of quality ROMANCE outside the bedroom everyday. (Sadly, some men don't know the difference between sex & romance)

If S*X is a Slice bread, then ROMANCE is the peanut Butter, which adds smooth, creamy delightful taste or flavour to the tender bread.

My dear Christian brothers, Holiness is not an excuse to be unromantic. Infact, the Holier you get, the more romantic you you should become.

I come in peace....

Discipline Tips for parents

Discipline Tips for parents 

1- Avoid Giving your child everything he asks for. He will grow up believing that he has the right to get everything he wants.

2-Avoid laughing when your child speaks insúlting words. He will grow up thinking that dísréspect is entertainment.

3-Avoid remaining insénsitive to bâd behavior that he can display without scølding him for his bâd behavior. He will grow up thinking that there are no rules in society.

4- Avoid picking up anything that your child mésses up. He will grow up believing that others must take responsibility for his méss.

5- Avoid letting him watch any program on TV. He will grow up thinking that there is no difference between being a child and being an adult.

6- Avoid giving your child all the money he asks for. He will grow up thinking that getting money is easy and will not hesitate to stëal for it.

7- Always avoid putting yourself on his side when he is wrøng against the neighbors, his teachers, the police. He will grow up thinking that everything he does is right, it is the others who are wrøn and he can always get away with everything.

8- Avoid leaving him alone at home when you go to the place of worship, otherwise he will grow up thinking that God does not exíst.

Discipline your child and he/she will give you rest; he/she will give you delight to your heart.”
May our labour over our children not be in vain



Courtship is the period before marriage. A period whereby a man/woman ready to get married study, know and understand themselves.

The period to ask questions and get answers. The period to repeat unanswered questions and make sure you're satisfied with it. The period to know both families,their way of life, background, their culture, beliefs, likes and dislikes, dos and don'ts, everything knowable about both families.

The period where critical decisions are made, whether to move into marriage or not. The period for total and complete preparation. The period where you need to open every part of you, your physical/ spiritual eyes, physical/spiritual ears, physical/spiritual mind, your reasoning, thinking faculty and your mouth in discretion/wisdom.

The period where WISDOM is the principal thing, and profitable to direct. The period to close your legs as a lady. The period to PUSH(pray until something happens). 

This is not the period to show off, the period to tell your friends, families you have arrived but the period to APPLY wisdom in all your doings. 

This is NOT the period for pretence, but to be yourself and show the real you. When I say,the real you, I mean the real you. Let the man/woman you want to marry know you for who you are and not after marriage, you'll start showing your real colours.

This is the time to make things easier for yourselves, so that, both of you will know whether to go on with the marriage or stop there and remain good friends. This is the period to prepare for marriage, not wedding because wedding is just a day but MARRIAGE is for A LIFETIME.

Ladies,this is not the time to know all the hotels, fast food in the world and never a period to visit all your friends, unfriendly friends and even enemies, but the period to know your husband family and to be a better woman for your husband to be and your unborn children. This is not the time for RECKLESS SPENDING but the time to SAVE and PLAN. Not the time to party but to seek the face of God and find it, time to move closer to God.

May God bless us all and all our courtships.



The real battleground of marriage is in the mind....let's demystify this.

You are free to marry anyone you choose, but I won't advise you to marry anyone that does not fear God. You won't understand how important this Godfactor Studios is until you find yourself in a situation nothing else will suffice except Him. 

Promises fades, wealth fades, the so called "love" people usually say they have for you dies, but a heart where God reigns never lacks, love, peace, joy, forgiveness, understanding, patience, wealth, etc.

Don't marry people because of the assurance they give you that you are the only one that makes their life meaningful, any man that haven't found meaning in God has not yet found meaning in life.

When I get all blown out and human emotions take a toll of me and I feel like being human, or feel like acting human, the Holy Spirit reminds me who's I am. I'm not just a man, I'm a child of of God. I'm not permitted to act out my heart because the heart of man is desperately wicked. My heart sometimes may admire a fine girl and may desire to touch her, that's my human instinct, that's the same instincts controlling other men that cheat on their wives. This instinct thinks about self, wants self gratification and wants to do everything for self indulgence, this human instinct is where sin lies; that is the grooming ground of all evil... But as the battle rages in my mind, the Holy Spirit speaks and then there is peace. 

By always submitting myself to the Holy Spirit, I have shrunk the wit of my human instinct. I now know how destructive my human perception could be and have learnt to lean on the Holy Spirit for help. In the mist of disagreement, I know that if I let myself to be in-charge, I will hurt my wife, others and myself, so I lay it all down at his feet...

My wife has provoked me severally to to the extent of thinking of just getting comfort with another woman. There are times when revenge seem to be the only thing that will serve her better, but deep down my thought line, the Holy Spirit intervenes. I know that I could also have pushed my wife to certain extent, but I believe God has also calmed the storm in her.

You can't do without God. Don't ever think you can. This world is empty, nothing in it makes any meaning until you have peace with God.

I wish someone will reconsider. I wish you will reconsider doing it without God, I wish you will reconsider letting sin. Sin is the absence of God. You can't be committing sin and claim that God is in your relationship. The entrance of sin is the exit of God.  

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