1. Sex only requires two horny people; intimacy requires two people in love
2. The goal of sex is orgasm; the goal of intimacy is connection
3. Sex doesn't need investment in conversations; intimacy requires conversations to communicate why the closeness is happening
4. Sex you can have with anyone; intimacy you can have with only one special person
5. Sex feels like a failure when there is no climax; intimacy doesn't need a climax to achieve fulfillment and sometimes just a touch is enough
6. Sex can be hurried; intimacy doesn't want to be rushed
7. Sex can be done outside the confines of love, even in affairs; intimacy happens because of love
8. Sex leads to comparison and competition "Is the one I am with as good in bed as my ex or the porn star I lust for?"; intimacy is personal and full of depth
9. Sex alone is empty and makes one experiment with others to see whether there is better sex out there; intimacy brings fulfillment and completion leading to faithfulness
10. Sex you can have with someone you've just met today; intimacy takes time to cultivate
11. Sex is easy to forget; intimacy is what you will cherish even into your old age
12. Sex abused can confuse you; intimacy inspires
13. Sex is largely physical; intimacy is emotional, spiritual, mental and physical
May you pursue more than sex, may you pursue intimacy. May you have more than sex with your spouse, may you have an intimate marriage
© Dayan Masinde
In the love book called GOOD SEX BAD SEX, I reveal how to get the most out of intimacy and also show what happens when you abuse, misuse or use sex wrongly.
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