Friday, 10 May 2024

Dark Truths that will Make You Stronger

Dark Truths that will Make You Stronger

1. Nobody cares about you, your plans, your goals, or your little dramas. So, stop pretending they do, or getting upset when they don't. Do the good things you have to do for your benefits. 

2. When it comes to reaching your goals, discipline is more important than motivation. If you don't have discipline, you will never be committed to anything.

3. You are the only person capable of changing your life; no one can do that for you and no amount of excuses can do it for you. The easiest way to change yourself is to change the things you do each day.

4. The biggest threat to your progression in life isn't something or someone around you. It is you.

5. The key to a successful life lies not in what you know, but in what you do with what you know.

6. Failure is just a steppingstone on the road to success.

7. You can't change the past, but you can still d£stroy your future if you repeat the mistakes. 

8. Success is not about what you accomplish, it's about who you become in the process.

9. Your comfort zone is a barren place. Nothing ever grows there.

10. Anything in life worth achieving will not be easy to get. Stop believing otherwise. If it was easy, everyone would get what they wanted. Most people give up on their goals when things become too difficult. Don’t be like them.

Fight between wife and side chick

I watched a video of a wife and side chick fighting. The side chick is a street lady while the wife is kind of a calm person. The unpleasant thing is that the side chick calls some area boys and they nearly strip the wife naked after beating her. Thankfully, some women rallied around them to save the woman. The side chick was shouting “Did I force your husband or am I the one who toasted him?”  The wife said the man didn’t pay their children’s school fees, and he is not responsible at home, but he spent money for the side chick and slept in the house he rented for her most of the time now which is so sad to hear. I was just thinking, what if the they injured the wife more than this? Does that mean the man will stop cheating? 
Dear ladies, don’t go fight with another woman over a man. If he makes another woman feel like she stands a chance with him, he should be held responsible for his actions. You shouldn’t be fighting over someone who lacks discipline and respect for you, and let another lady who has nothing to lose injure you. Confront your man too, you have reasonable business with him. 

You cannot keep a grown man because you love him, rather a grown man keeps himself because he loves and respects you. Nothing keeps a man who doesn't want to be kept. Stop fighting another woman over a cheater, you will end up belittling yourself because of a man who doesn't value your existence. If something bad happens to you while fighting another woman, he will continue living his life and continue cheating. You are the one who loses.

If another woman can get close to your man, your man is the problem and has the highest percentage of the blame. The fact that another woman feels so welcomed reflects on your man’s behavior behind your back because no woman can date or get close to your man if he doesn't allow it. A good and responsible man will place you above other women, he will respect your feelings and set boundaries.

Anglican Vs Catholic (2)

It was King Henry VIII that started the whole Anglican-Catholic rift. What started like a simple quarrel, grew to become something that to date, a lasting repair is becoming impossible. 

This is because no one wan gree for anyone. 
In those days, it was truly a fight. . . a bloody one.

Anglicans say they are in charge of England and anything belonging to The Catholic Church in England is now their property. Catholics say it is not possible. England's parliament passed laws to kukuma make it difficult to practice Catholicism in England. 

That quarrel that started in 1534 by King Henry VIII, the effect is still with us to date.

Do you know that the name “Roman Catholic Church” came from Anglicans? It was used as an insult. This is because after England broke out of the Catholic Church, most of them still referred to themselves as “Catholics” to imply that they were the real Catholics. Then, they added “Roman” to those other Catholics who still see the Pope as their head. They regarded those as fake Catholics.

In history, and in all fairness, there have been efforts to resolve the differences between Anglican and Catholic.

As you would have noticed, the two denominations have so many things in common. The difference in doctrines is also not much. Their liturgical pattern and worship are similar as well.

It was after the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) that the Catholic Church opened discussions with the Anglican Communion in an attempt to reconcile the churches’ historical differences. 

A commission to carry out a dialogue was created. The Anglican Centre in Rome was created. The center serves as a sort of embassy for Anglicans to the Vatican.

But something happened during the reign of Pope Benedict XVI from 2005 to 2013. Some Anglican clerics decided to become Catholic. This was as a result of the approval by the Anglican church on women's ordination, joining gay couples in marriage, and ordaining non-celibate gay priests.  

In response to Anglicans’ desires to be received into the Catholic Church, Pope Benedict XVI in 2009 created the personal ordinariate for Anglicans. 

The ordinariate is an ecclesiastical apparatus by which entire Anglican parishes, including priests, can be received into the Catholic Church while still keeping some elements of Anglican worship. 

A year after the ordinariate was created, some Anglican Bishops became Catholics. As at the moment, there are at least 15 Anglican bishops who have become Catholics. Many parishes and lay people from Anglican have become Catholics. 

It is to this same ordinariate that Pope Francis recently appointed as bishop one of the priests who became Catholic and was ordained a Catholic priest. He is to serve this growing community as their shepherd. Ever since the creation of the ordinariate, it will be the first time they will be having a Bishop who shares the same Anglican background as them.

What happens when an Anglican priest or bishop decides to join the Catholic Church?

Next post. . .


πŸ“· The Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby and Pope Francis met in 2016 to mark 50 years of ecumenical dialogue that was meant to foster a closer relationship between Anglican and Catholic.

Hold each other when it gets tough

Hold each other because physical touch communicates love 

Hold each other like you value what you two have 

Hold each other till you hear each other's heart beat and thoughts

Hold each other till you stop being mad at each other

Hold each other even when sex is not the agenda

Hold each other in prayer

Hold each other in thoughts even when you are distant from each other

Hold each other till every doubt fades away

Hold each other so you do not lose the love you have

Hold each other for together you are strong

Hold each other even if others abandon you two

Hold each other, a mutual hold, both of you stuck to the cause

Hold each other and no other

In a world where people easily give up on love and think only of themselves, think of each other and hold on..hold on to love

© Akello Oliech and Dayan Masinde


1. Your biggest client calls you but you missed their phone call, you quickly return the call. But when you see a missed call from your spouse, you do not even bother

2. You get a new boss at work, you go out of your way to make a good impression by buying that new boss a gift. But when was the last time you even bothered to make a good impression on your spouse?

3. You take a selfie with the President, a celebrity, you are quick to post it on social media. But you cannot even post a photo to celebrate your spouse, you don't want to be associated with your spouse

4. You cheer on other children who do great things on TV and in the community. But you have little kind words for the children you have with your spouse

5. When you win an award in your profession, you are full of gratitude. But when your spouse compliments you, you say no "Thank you", you rubbish the praises from your spouse

6. When you are talking with your pastor, you display a peaceful and warm demeanor. But when you talk with your spouse your countenance is unwelcoming

7. When you see other people well dressed, you compliment them, even strangers; whether with your eyes or words. But when your spouse makes effort to look good, you give no attention

8. When you are having a meeting with a client, you meet the client in a luxurious restaurant. But you can't even take your spouse out on a date

9. When you're out with your friends, you talk so highly about a politician, a footballer, an actor or actress, a musician who doesn't even know you. But you have no warm words to say about the spouse who has been with you through thick and thin

10. When a public figure asks to meet you, you stop everything you are doing and make it for the meeting on time. But your spouse has to beg you for your audience

11. When your opinion is asked at work, you willingly give it. But when your spouse asks for your advice, you disengage letting your spouse walk alone


1. In a relationship, the man needs attention, love, and respect. Even if he have an outside relationship, these things can draw his mind fully to the one who gives them to him.
2. Men does not need a woman who is only a consumer, that can't multiply. Women are helpers to men, so it hurts men a lot to know that they are the only source of income.

3. When a man is angry, he need to be talked to in a moderate manner. Remember, it is water that can quench fire, so you won't talk to him in any harsh manner for him to listen, even if he's wrong.

4. Men hate to be cheated by their women. It hurts a lot for a man to catch his partner with another guy. Even if he don't have today, give him that respect, you don't know what tomorrow is going to bring. MEN ARE JEALOUS!

5. The man always feel pleased to be comforted by his wife.

6. If a man loves you, trust me, he can do anything just for you to put on the smile.

7. Let the man food be prepared very well and in time. Don't make him eat out, not even at his office. Prepare him a lunch if necessary.

8. Make it your habit to always surprise him. It makes him feel good.

9. Always welcome him home with smiles, hugs, and soft words. You don't know the tension he went under at his job site.

10. Whenever he's out there, keep calling him to check if he's safe. Show him concern.

11. Study and know him as your ABC so that you'll know if he's in bad mood to comfort him. He might not explain to you when he's not in a good mood.

12. Whenever there is an issue, don't address the man outside, mostly in public gathering.
If you do all these, trust me, you got a perfect husband for life.