Friday 10 May 2024

Hold each other when it gets tough

Hold each other because physical touch communicates love 

Hold each other like you value what you two have 

Hold each other till you hear each other's heart beat and thoughts

Hold each other till you stop being mad at each other

Hold each other even when sex is not the agenda

Hold each other in prayer

Hold each other in thoughts even when you are distant from each other

Hold each other till every doubt fades away

Hold each other so you do not lose the love you have

Hold each other for together you are strong

Hold each other even if others abandon you two

Hold each other, a mutual hold, both of you stuck to the cause

Hold each other and no other

In a world where people easily give up on love and think only of themselves, think of each other and hold on..hold on to love

© Akello Oliech and Dayan Masinde

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