Sunday 12 May 2024

"Choosing a Partner with Common Sense"

Dear sisters,

Select a man with enough common sense to understand that paying your bride price or dowry does not equate to purchasing you.
Marry a man who comprehends that marrying you is not a favor he's doing for you.

Find a man who recognizes that your menstrual cycle may bring cramps and mood swings, and he should support you through it, not use it against you.

Choose a man who understands that childbirth may change your body with stretch marks, a bigger stomach, and sagging breasts, and he shouldn't compare you to a younger woman or cheat on you because of these changes. He should see them as signs of motherhood, appreciating your journey back to physical fitness.

Marry a man who respects your right to say no to sex at times and, if he desires intimacy, seeks to make you happy and comfortable.

Select a man who doesn't see eating out or cooking for the family as taboo when you're tired from cooking.

Marry a man who values your opinions, frustrations, and right to express agreement or disagreement.

Choose a man who can apologize sincerely and isn't afraid to admit fault, understanding that leadership doesn't absolve him of saying sorry.

Marry a man who knows that violence against women is unacceptable in the eyes of God and humanity.

Find a man who loves your soul, not just your body, who enjoys conversing with you without needing physical touch to communicate.

May you avoid marrying someone who acts as your enemy.

Take care,

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