Thursday 9 May 2024



 1. Ask them why the are marrying you and set out to work on that purpose as soon as possible. The primary purpose of getting married is to fulfil your vision, others are secondary. Find out what their vision is and begin working on it together. Couples who succeed fast in marriage are those who take their future seriously since courtship. What is your vision?

 2. Pray together about your future, home, ministry, vision, career, business, etc. Use the power of two to demolish any devil that may want to tamper with your destiny! "For one will chase a thousand. Two will chase ten thousand."

 3. Ask each other serious questions about their past so you can know where they are coming from, why they act the way they do and how to help them become better.

 4. Get to know their friends and family especially family members. Study them, find out about their customs, traditions, beliefs and see how you can fit in, wisely reject what does not favour your Christian beliefs and start developing your own core beliefs together.

 5. Study your partner. Read WHY YOU ACT THE WAY YOU DO by Tim Lahaye to understand their temperament. THE FIVE LOVE LANGUAGES by Gary Chapman to understand their love languages and start speaking them from courtship forward.

 6. Talk about what your home will look like.

 7. Thoroughly discuss finance. How to make money, increase money, multiply mony and manage money. Discuss kingdom investments: tithe, offering, sacrificial offerings, seed sowing and other ways of growing money like investments, etc and start working towards financial freedom as early as possible.

 8. Study their weaknesses. Develop the character to relate well with them and develop conflict resolution skills.

 9. Go out together often and watch how they relate with people, things, circumstances and situations.

10. Study each other and be sure your personality agrees.

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