Sunday 12 May 2024

What peace means to men

So many keep asking what peace means to men. I don’t know what it means to yours as everyone is different but if you ask me, this is what peace means in the context of marriage:
1. Communicate verbally and effectively if you have a concern, don’t throw tantrums without explanation. Better still, don’t throw tantrums. 

2. Don’t jump to false conclusions based on assumptions, work with facts.

3. Embrace emotional intelligence in not just choice of words, volume, tone but right timing  as well.

4. If you’ve said it once, at best it needs just one reminder if not done. You have made your point, it has been noted and being worked on as feasibly as it is possible to do it.

5. Respect my need for rest especially when tired from work and more.

6. Be patient especially with understanding. Everything needs not become an argument or fight.

7. I will play my role as mutually agreed upon, do yours.

8. Pay attention, if I say I don’t like it, don’t do it.

9. Where errors happen, let it not become a norm.

10. I will give it by best, what I can afford is what I can afford.

11. Don’t be the one fighting everyone every time. Learn how to interact with people cordially.

12. If you are wrong, you will be corrected. Show remorse and don’t create excuses or justifications.

13. My family is important to me, as much as I will honour you with them, honour them too.

14. I am me, don’t compare me to anyone.

15. Keep everything simple and straightforward.

-Shamseddin Giwa

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