Saturday 18 May 2024



🎯In this article, you will learn the important maturities you need to attain before marriage. 

Maturity is one of the principal requirements as far as preparing for marriage is concerned because marriage comes with a lot of responsibilities that only a mature person can handle. 

Marriage is not for babies, it's for those who are mature. 

If you marry as a baby, you will cry tire for marriage.

By definition, maturity is a state of being fully mature, ripe, fully developed, and grown.

 It's important that you attain these maturities before you marry.

 1. Physical Maturity

Physical maturity refers to the development and growth of the body, reaching its full potential in size, strength, and physical capabilities.

Physical maturity involves the following 👇

👉 Full development of physical attributes (height, weight, muscle mass)
👉Sexual maturation (menstruation, voice change, etc.)
👉Development of fine and gross motor skills(ability to make precise use of your hands, fingers, wrist, and legs) 
👉Physical coordination and balance
👉Overall physical health and well-being

Adam and Eve were fully mature and grown before they were joined in marriage. 

 2. Spiritual Maturity

Spiritual maturity refers to the development of a deep understanding, relationship, and connection with God. It involves cultivating a sense of purpose, meaning, and values, and living a life that aligns with God's principles.

Spiritual maturity involves 👇

🛐Character development 
🛐Connection with God 
🛐Sense of purpose and meaning
🛐Cultivating the fruits of the Spirit(Compassion, empathy, and kindness towards others) 
🛐Inner peace and contentment
🛐Becoming more like Christ 
🛐Becoming mature in handling spiritual matters 

You have heard before that, spiritual controls the physical, that's true.

Marriage has its spiritual dimension. One of the reasons why most marriages fail is because they lack divine covering.

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