Sunday 12 May 2024

Stop doing these

"Don't instruct your partner on how to be in a relationship with you.

Avoid requesting constant text check-ins for your mental well-being.
Refrain from asking for surprise reservations at your favorite restaurant.

Skip the requests for a warm bubble bath after a tough day at work.

Don't plead for acknowledgment of your existence.

The right person will naturally do all this and more.

Find someone who has always dreamed of having someone like you since childhood.

Find someone who consistently shows how much you mean to them every day.

Find someone who not only says "I love you" but also proves it through actions.

Find someone who prioritizes you enough to protect your feelings over others'.

Find someone who supports your dreams and life goals.

Find someone who understands it's not about giving you the world but making you a priority in theirs.

Find someone who continues to pursue you long after they've won your heart.

Find someone who memorizes every detail of your body with their fingertips when they miss you.

Take my advice and wait for this person, because the longer you settle for what's not meant for you, the longer you delay finding what is."

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