Wednesday 8 May 2024



When a man treats his woman right, there is a reason why. The reason could be:-

1. "He doesn't want to be like his father"
If his father was a drunkard, unfaithful, a wife beater and irresponsible; the man grew up vowing to be different, never to sink as low as his father did, to counter his dad's actions. The father treated his mother like trash, but he treats his woman like a Queen

2. "His father set a good example"
The man's father could have modelled what a great man, husband, father, worker and friend looks like. As the man does good he refers to his father, his role model. Fathers, set the right example for your sons to follow

3. "Finding a woman is an answered prayer"
If the man used to genuinely pray for a woman to love, he will love on that woman when God sends her his way. Hurting her will be hurting himself

4. "He grew up with loving sisters"
A man who grows up loving his sister/s and respecting the females in his life, he learns how to relate with people of the opposite sex and that prepares him on how to relate with the number one woman in his life

5. "The pain of an ex"
A man who was cheated on, hurt and heart broken by his ex will most likely protect his woman from the pain his ex made him go through. Because he knows how it hurts to be messed up by a lover, he will not mess up his love

6. "Lessons from regret"
If a man once felt bad letting a good woman slip away, if he gets another chance to love that same good woman or a new good woman, he will not be foolish again 

7. "An act of God"
God shapes people, God can turn a man into a great man regardless of the man's past.A good man can be moulded into an even better man, a wrong man can be transformed into an attractive and loving man who unlearns how to hurt women and learns how to be there for a woman

8. "Appreciation for his single mother"
A man who grew up with a single mother and an absent father, he tends to honour his mother. He appreciates thesacrifice

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