Wednesday 8 May 2024



1. Say NO to going to bed with unresolved issues. The longer issues pile up the messy things become and the climate in your home worsens 

2. Say NO to involving outsiders or family sometimes in solving marital matters. Instead, see a counsellor, a pastor or a neutral person of authority who believes in marriage if you can't manage a breakthrough as a couple. Family are biased and after you two have solved issues, they will remember the wrongs done to their son/daughter and it will affect family relations. Minimise the amount of people involved in your domestic affairs 

3. Say NO to coming to big decisions without giving the other an opportunity to be heard and considered. This is how to build unity 

3. Say NO to using the words "My" in marriage. "My car", "My child", "My house", "My money"... Instead say "Our car", "Our child", "Our house", "Our money" regardless of who contributes the most financially. You two are a team 

4. Say NO to arguing in front of the children. Don't expose them to tension that will emotionally stress them

5. Say NO to ending a sexual moment with only one of you sexually satisfied. Both of you ought to enjoy love making 

6. Say NO to using insults no matter how angry you get. Your spouse will easily remember the insults spoken in moments of anger than the loving words spoken in times of peace 

7. Say NO to eating outside yet your spouse has taken the time to prepare a family meal for you. Make it a habit to eat together 

8. Say NO to visits by your relatives without informing your spouse. It is not your home alone. If you want your spouse to be a good host to your relatives, consult with him/her when the visit will happen and for how long 

9. Say NO to entertaining another or flirting with others. You two are allowed to have a healthy social life and friends even of the opposite gender but with boundaries and transparency 

10. Say NO to sleeping in different beds/rooms

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