Tuesday 14 May 2024


1. Marriage is not a scam. It is just that some men are getting married with a lowly and negative view of women and some women marrying with a repulsive and suspicious view of men. Work on your view of the opposite gender
2. Marriage is not a scam. It is just that some couples are living together without having a joint vision and values. Work on the foundation of your marriage 

3. Marriage is not a scam. It is just that some people are marrying for the wrong motives, when the motive is wrong, everything crumbles. Ask yourself and your spouse, "Why did you get married?"

4. Marriage is not a scam. It is just that some people are too selfish in marriage to consider the other person. Love calls you to be considerate of the other.

5. Marriage is not a scam. It is just that some people married and became parents without sufficient preparation. What you're not prepared for will overwhelm you. Study, learn, buy books, read articles, go for counselling to equip you with tools in how to be a better parent and spouse. Don't pretend to be a "Know it all" yet your family is not getting your best. 

6. Marriage is not a scam. It is that some people would rather hold on to their pride than admit wrong and say sorry. Your marriage needs humility.

7. Marriage is not a scam. It is just that some people are getting married without healing from the pain of their childhood. The bullying, rejection, pain, trauma you experienced as a child can destroy your marriage if you don't heal. 

8. Marriage is not a scam. It is just that some people used to quit easily in their dating relationships and now they don't know how to quit in marriage because they are tied by a marriage certificate, public pressure and children. Stop this habit of being a quitter, marriage will require effort. This is not dating, this is marriage.

9. Marriage is not a scam. It is just some are sadly listening to the wrong advice of bitter friends and hurting social media souls.

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