Wednesday 29 May 2024


May 28th every year is set aside by the United Nations to mark World Menstrual Hygiene Day.

To mark the day, a member of the JDPC Issele-Uku in St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, Agbor, Mrs Anwuli Ukwamedua engaged the female students of Ogbemudein Model Secondary School, Agbor in an interactive session on the theme of this year’s celebration; Period Friendly World.

She stressed the fact that Having Monthly periods are very normal and natural events that every female must experience from the age of puberty. She debunked some myths surrounding monthly periods like the old beliefs that ladies having their monthly periods are unclean and should be treated as such. She went further to explain ways to maintain good hygiene during the monthly periods including taking regular baths, changing the sanitary napkins regularly as well as using appropriate underwear. She also showed them a sample of disposable sanitary napkin and explained the proper way to use them.

There were questions from the students which the speaker answered satisfactorily and the students got value from the session.

The high point of the session was the handing out of packs of sanitary napkins to some students who answered questions during the session.

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