Sunday 19 May 2024

Do not hide whatever it is you know how to do really well.

There are many things that I can do so well, one of which is writing. I began writing as a child. I've mentioned before that I'm not much of a conversationalist, despite appearing talkative; I'm actually quite the opposite.

I communicate more effectively through writing, I recall expressing my needs as a child by leaving notes under my mom’s pillow. Outside of formal speaking occasions like lectures or public events, I can go days without speaking to anyone.

Writing became a significant focus of mine. I observe cues, pay attention, and gather information during conversations that many overlook. Later, when I'm alone, I write about them. I mentally process meetings and situations before documenting them.

Last year, at an event in Abuja, one of the country’s stakeholders was the speaker. I listened attentively to his speeches and stories. A few days later, after processing the experience, I wrote a detailed account of the event and posted it on my Facebook feed. Despite not gaining much traction, it led to a meeting with the speaker. This skill facilitated a strong one-on-one relationship with him and even led to a job offer, despite my ongoing national service commitments. It's also granted me access to places and people I wouldn't normally reach.

Then, I observe people who label themselves as writers without any written content on their social media platforms. Similarly, I see individuals claiming expertise in certain skills without evidence to support their claims. The Bible verse that says "the gift of a man will make a way for him" holds true. I believe that whatever we need to become something in life is already within us. What's the use of skills and talents that aren't utilized?

Remember the parable of the servant who buried his talents without gaining more? It also suggests that other talents that are within you won't materialize until you start utilizing those already known to you. Through writing, I developed an interest in corporate and brand communication and public speaking. I discovered I'm adept at storytelling and scriptwriting, among other skills unrelated to writing. These abilities unveiled themselves as I continued to utilize the ones I was aware of.

Let your existence, actions, and presence serve as a testament to who you claim to be. Never hide what you excel at; you never know where it might take you.

Have a productive week.

Iyawo Oga.

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