Sunday 12 May 2024

Lessons from Matthias' Appointment and Jesus' Intercessory Prayer

Dear friends,

In reflecting on today's Gospel passage (John 17:11), we are reminded of valuable lessons from Matthias' appointment and Jesus' powerful prayer for his followers.
Last Sunday, Jesus emphasized the importance of bearing lasting fruits through love for one another. Loving as Jesus loved requires us to emulate God's impartiality, allowing rain to fall on both the good and the bad (Matthew 5:45). This inclusive love extends beyond language, race, or religion, exemplified when the Holy Spirit descended on Cornelius, an uncircumcised Gentile (Acts 10:45). St. John warns that genuine love is a hallmark of knowing God (1 John 4:7-8).

Today's First Reading highlights Judas Iscariot's betrayal, driven by love for money over friendship. Reflecting on this, we must examine our hearts and repent of any similar tendencies. St. John continues to emphasize the imperative of love, stating that abiding in love signifies abiding in God (1 John 4:16).

Jesus' prayer in today's Gospel teaches us profound truths:

**1. "Holy Father, Keep Them In Your Name..." (John 17:11)**

Jesus prays for our steadfastness and resilience as disciples, urging us to remain faithful even amid life's challenges. This fidelity reflects true friendship—loyalty in both good times and bad. The selection of Matthias, chosen for his unwavering commitment throughout Jesus' ministry, underscores the importance of enduring faithfulness.

**2. "That They May Be One, Even As We Are One." (John 17:11)**

Unity among believers is paramount, yet divisions persist. Jesus prays for our unity, stressing that love among brethren is a testimony to our discipleship. Disunity within the Church contradicts our call to love one another and undermines our witness to the world (1 Corinthians 6:6-7).

**3. "Leave Them in The World But Keep Them From The Evil One." (John 17:15)**

Jesus acknowledges the challenges we face in the world but prays for our protection from evil. This prayer reminds us that our faith invites hostility yet sustains the world through our witness. Let us trust in God's safeguarding amidst spiritual battles (Ephesians 6:12).

**4. "Sanctify them in the truth; Your word is truth." (John 17:17)**

Jesus prays for our sanctification through God's truth, found in His Word. This underscores the importance of studying and spreading the Gospel. As we celebrate World Communications Day, let us use media to evangelize truth and counter falsehoods.

Let us pray:
Heavenly Father, make us agents of unity, love, and holiness in your Church. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

May we embrace these lessons and strive for unity, fidelity, and sanctification in our Christian journey.

God bless you abundantly,
Fr. Abu

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