Sunday, 12 May 2024

The Power of Prayer: A Remedy for Sorrow"

Dear friends,

In reflecting on today's (11th May, 2024)Gospel passage (John 16:23), we are reminded of the importance of prayer as an antidote for sorrow. Jesus encourages us to ask the Father for what we need, assuring us that our prayers will be answered and our joy made complete.

Here are some key lessons from today's readings:

1. **Prayer Brings Joy:** When we pray, we unload our burdens, calm our nerves, and alleviate our fears. Prayer is not just about asking for things; it is a spiritual and therapeutic practice that brings us closer to God and fills us with joy.

2. **God is King of All the Earth:** Despite the challenges and injustices we may witness in the world, we must remember that God reigns over all. Surrendering our problems to Him through prayer brings us comfort and reassurance.

3. **Pray with Expectation:** True prayer involves trust and expectation. We must believe that God hears our prayers and is working for our good, even when circumstances may seem challenging.

4. **Be Prayerful and Humble:** Like Apollos in the First Reading, we should be open to learning and growing in our faith. Being prayerful and humble allows us to deepen our understanding of God's ways and share His truth with others.

Let us pray:
Come, Holy Spirit, fill our hearts with your presence and ignite in us your sacred fire. Help us to approach prayer with faith and expectation, knowing that you hear us and will answer according to your will. Guide us in our journey of faith, that we may grow in wisdom and understanding. Amen.

Amid life's challenges, let us choose happiness and live with a positive mindset, trusting in God's plan for us.

God bless you abundantly,
Fr. Abu



*“Truly, truly, I say to you, you will weep and lament, but the world will rejoice; you will be sorrowful, but your sorrow will turn into joy.” (John 16:20)*

Life is in a state of constant motion. These days, I am fascinated by the speed of time. One minute, it is morning, and before one blinks, it is night. I sit down to write the day’s reflection, and when I think I have only sat for a few minutes, I realise I have just spent the last three hours pondering the points in the readings. The book of Ecclesiastes was correct when it stated that: “For everything, there is a season and a time for every matter under heaven… a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance…” (Ecclesiastes 3:1-4). Regardless of the season, you are in today; it will not last forever. In today’s first reading, Paul enjoyed a period of peace for a year and six months, but when Gallio became proconsul of Achaia, the Jews made a united attack on him. Nothing lasts, as Jesus tells us in today’s Gospel passage; even if we face sorrow, it will turn into joy. This brings us to our lessons today:
*1. Consider Your Sufferings for God as Labour Pains:* A few days ago, Jesus told us: “If you were of the world, the world would love its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world; therefore the world hates you.” (John 15:19). As long as we let our light shine as God’s children, we cannot escape moments of persecution. In today’s Gospel passage, Jesus likens these persecutions to the pains a woman feels when she is about to give birth: “When a woman is in travail, she has sorrow because her hour has come; but when she is delivered of the child, she no longer remembers the anguish, for joy that a child is born into the world. You have sorrow now, but I will see you again; your hearts will rejoice…” (John 16:20-23). It is not easy to be a Christian in a world that has rejected God. Nevertheless, when you experience sorrow, do not give up on God because moments of joy will follow. 

*2. Our Hearts Remain Restless, Insatiable Until We Get Home:* Just as nothing in life lasts forever, nothing on earth gives us permanent satisfaction. We are always in need of something. It appears there is a vacuum in our hearts; our desires are never met. The more we get, the more we need. Jesus tells us today: “I will see you again, and your hearts will rejoice, and no one will take your joy from you. In that day, you will ask nothing of me.” (John 16:22-23). We can only experience brief moments of happiness because many things can take away our joy on earth, but no one will take away our joy when we get to heaven. Jesus says, “On that day, you will ask nothing of me.” We would not ask for anything because we would lack nothing. Whatever joy the world can give you is nothing compared to the joy of heaven.

*3. Have No Fear, God is King of All The Earth:* Today’s Psalm sings: “God is King of all the earth.” This statement takes into cognisance Paul’s experience in today’s First Reading. God told Paul in a vision: “Do not be afraid, but speak and do not be silent; for I am with you, and no man shall attack you to harm you; for I have many people in this city.” (Acts 18:9-10). In as much as there would be moments of pain (as Jesus said in today’s Gospel passage), God is a Good Shepherd; He will not stand idly to watch the wolf destroy the sheep under His care. Remember that God is still in charge of this world. When Paul was brought before the tribunal, he didn’t even have to utter a word. His enemies ended up fighting themselves. After this experience, Paul remained for many days before leaving that city. Paul left not because anyone drove him away but because he wanted to continue spreading the Good news. As long as your hands are clean, keep doing what is right. God will protect you.

*Let us pray:* Come, O Holy Spirit, fill our hearts, and enkindle in us your Sacred Fire. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

*Remember, amid all challenges, choose to be happy. Live with a positive mindset and believe in God’s plan for you. God bless you abundantly. (Friday of the 6th week of Eastertide. Bible Study: Acts 18:9-18, Ps. 47:2-7, John 16:20-23).*

Fr. Abu

A Wish for Unwavering Love

I hope you discover a love without ambiguity—where you and your partner share glances across the room, unable to stop smiling when your eyes meet.

May you find a selfless love, where your significant other acts for your benefit without hesitation or inquiry.

May you encounter a love rooted in your happiness, with your joy paramount to their own.

I wish for you a love of sacrifices and compromise, where both meet halfway for the sake of the relationship.

May you experience a faithful love, where doubts are nonexistent, and you know that nothing can undermine your bond.

May you be blessed with a forgiving love, where mistakes are acknowledged and learned from together.

May you find someone who sees you at your lowest and still holds you in the highest regard.

May you discover a love that supports your dreams and celebrates your successes in all facets of life.

May you encounter a love that fights for you, steadfastly standing by your side.

May you find someone who chooses you daily, showing dedication and effort in each passing moment.

May you find a love that heals wounds of the past, teaching you that you deserve better than what you've experienced.

May you discover a love that values and appreciates you endlessly.

I hope you find a love that remains grateful, continuously amazed by your gestures and contributions.

May you find someone who treasures you for your essence, appreciating you as an individual.

May your journey be filled with unwavering love and appreciation for who you are.

"Embracing Self-Respect Over People-Pleasing"

Do not fall into the trap of people-pleasing.

Do you truly believe that by constantly trying to please others, they will genuinely love you? Unfortunately, they won't.
Genuine love and followership come from the heart, not from coerced emotions. Relationships built on people-pleasing will crumble at the slightest disruption.

Do not sacrifice your life to win people's love—it cannot be bought and will fade if you stop paying.

Stop seeking universal approval.

Don't fear disagreeing respectfully when something doesn't sit right with you.

Don't be afraid to voice your thoughts with civility—after all, you're only human.

Express your feelings without fear; emotions are fleeting.

Learn to set boundaries; it's crucial to know when to say yes or no to protect your emotional well-being.

Saying yes all the time won't earn you love.

Above all, prioritize your comfort and well-being; you can't give from an empty place.

Learn to act with integrity and let go of the need for constant validation.

You have a mind of your own—use it!

People will love you for who you are, not for what you do for them. True love stands the test of time.

Reflect on these lessons.

"Choosing a Partner with Common Sense"

Dear sisters,

Select a man with enough common sense to understand that paying your bride price or dowry does not equate to purchasing you.
Marry a man who comprehends that marrying you is not a favor he's doing for you.

Find a man who recognizes that your menstrual cycle may bring cramps and mood swings, and he should support you through it, not use it against you.

Choose a man who understands that childbirth may change your body with stretch marks, a bigger stomach, and sagging breasts, and he shouldn't compare you to a younger woman or cheat on you because of these changes. He should see them as signs of motherhood, appreciating your journey back to physical fitness.

Marry a man who respects your right to say no to sex at times and, if he desires intimacy, seeks to make you happy and comfortable.

Select a man who doesn't see eating out or cooking for the family as taboo when you're tired from cooking.

Marry a man who values your opinions, frustrations, and right to express agreement or disagreement.

Choose a man who can apologize sincerely and isn't afraid to admit fault, understanding that leadership doesn't absolve him of saying sorry.

Marry a man who knows that violence against women is unacceptable in the eyes of God and humanity.

Find a man who loves your soul, not just your body, who enjoys conversing with you without needing physical touch to communicate.

May you avoid marrying someone who acts as your enemy.

Take care,

Relationship Advice: Financial Prudence and Partner Selection"

Broke ladies setting standards for what they can't afford for themselves. The wรธrst mistake a man can do is to marry a lady without skills/job who loves expensive lifestyle and also in a competition with her friends.
Dear men, If you're building a generational wealth as a man ๐Ÿคท‍♂️

Don't ever settle for a woman that every 200k looks like a wig to her ๐Ÿ‘Œ

Finally, date babe wey de work or earn so when E chรธke, she fit run you 5k urgently ๐Ÿคท‍♂️๐Ÿ˜„

I love the fact that men of this generation are wiser and know what they want, if you ain't earning monthly or have a legit hustle that pays you, I won't settle for you as a woman.

 Thank you!!!

-Anipupo Ade.