Wednesday, 1 December 2021


By Kuukua Davis
1. Sometimes he may not need s...ex from you at night.
2. He may not be hungry to eat what you have spent hours cooking.
3. He may not come home with gifts for you nor the children as he usually does.
4. He may not wear his usual smiles on his face as he walks into the house.
DONT NAG him dear sister. Rather MOTHER him.
Be the shoulder he can cry on till he smiles again.
Be the STRONG and MATURE woman he can show his vulnerablity to WITHOUT DISPISING him.
The lion grow weak at times.
The supper man looses his balance at times.
Men also have emotions, most of them bottle up so much to play the role of a HERO just to please you.
Learn to give your husband the healing he needs.
If you don't he may get it from somewhere else ( Addictions or another woman ) or die before his time.


1 ***** Difference between mind and heart? Your mind will tell you the smart thing and your heart will tell you what you are going to do anyway.
2 ***** If you really care about someone, you'll make an effort to make things work out instead of leaving them unhappy and confused.
3 ***** Love is like playing the piano. First you must learn to play by the rules, then you must forget the rules and play from your heart.
4 ***** What if finding the love of your life meant changing the life that you love?
5 ***** Why do we love the people that ignore us, and ignore the people that love us?
6 **** The only people you need in your live are those that need you in theirs.

Don't Marry to Manage.

We all have desires, expectations, personality types and elastic limits.
It's not everything we can cope with and remain mentally and physically sane.
Know this, and know Peace, it's not everybody you can marry.
Do not get into the boat of Marriage with someone whose lifestyle, character, and habits you can not tolerate, to avoid "e choke" marriage.
Apostle Johnson Suleman once said, and I quote, "don't HOPE in a future whose today you can't COPE with"
If their MENTAL capacity isn't exciting or stimulating to you and they don't seem interested in upgrading
If their GIVING capacity is nothing to write home about
If their COMMUNICATION capacity is not what can fill your emotional tank, especially you that like gist and talk.
If their SELF CONTROL capacity is dead and buried, they talk before they think, and do before they know, and they don't seem very willing to change NOW, .
If their ideolgies about Marriage, Gender Roles, In-laws, Family isn't something you're comfortable with, THINK TWICE
Most times it's easy to believe they'll change with time, some of them will even promise to, but this isn't always the case for everybody
Some change, some don't.
As a rule, when you see a person with a character defect that you aren't comfortable with, and you still want to marry them, ask yourself this simple question
"What If he/she doesn't change after marriage, can I cope happily with him/her as they are now?"


------- I hate when girls say "I bet you say that to a lot of other girls" Don't you send the same CV to employers when looking for a job?
------ Snoring is men's way of revenge for us having to listen to y'all females while we're awake.
------ Most women don't even need to workout. They burn enough calories jumping to conclusions.
------ If any girl boldly tells you that her favorite food is EBA in this era,put a ring on her finger... She's original.. Wife material 100 yards
------ You came to my house to play FIFA, left my room to get water only for me to come back and see you smiling at my sister. Pls leave my house.
------- After an Emotional hug Girl said to the boy: if you hug me once more like that, I will be Yours forever... Boy: Thanks for the warning;-)
------- Chronic Android phone users don't give a f*ck where they charge their phones. They will be at a Funeral using the socket next to the casket to charge.


When a woman accepts the hand of a man in marriage, he has accepted to perform for and onbehalf of her father those functions of and the will of that her father. That's why such a husband must pay a dowry to her father. By paying a dowry, a husband has applied to the father of a woman, to take over his responsibilities over his daughter.
That is when her father is said to have GIVEN THE HAND OF HER DAUGHTER IN MARRIAGE. Meaning that he has transferred to his son inlaw, his whole responsibilities for SECURITY of body and mind; PROVIDING essential needs of shelter, clothing, food and health. That is, TENDING.
This understanding is basic in all cultures and Religions irrespective of the style or pattern of administering the procedure.
THEREFORE; when a husband lacks the will or ability to carry out these responsibilities through his own fault of negligence or laziness, he has disappointed his father-in-law, his status, his gender and most unfortunately his God.
In some Faith, such a husband is considered worse than a pagan. The worst sin a husband can commit against God who created him a male is to deliberately refuse those functions for which he was created and made the Head of a Home, God's brick for building a godly society. It is sabotaging God's Divine Plan for mankind.
THESE RESPONSIBILITIES are the indices of the love of a husband. They are used to measure the sense, maturity and goodwill of a husband. What makes husbands fathers are responsibilities.


**** Missing Someone is a Part of Loving
Them. If you're Never Apart, You will never
really Know How Strong Your Love is.
**** It's not About Who you Spend the
Most Time With, It's About Who you have
the Best Memories With. If you're Lucky,
that's the same Person.
**** Don't Worry About People Who Hate
You, Worry About the People Who Love.
(One Fake Friend can do you more harm
than 10 Enemies)