Thursday 20 June 2024


Dear husband, you can make your wife the most loving, romantic, admirable and beautiful woman on earth.
Ask her what you can do to make her happy. This is the most important question you will ever ask your wife.
Spoil her with your love. Pamper her.
Treat your wife with dignity.
Don't be her headache. Don't be her pain
Make her happy. Never let her regret getting married to you.
Never compare her to anyone living or dead
Never cheat on her.
There is nothing you desire from side chic that your wife does not have. Don't put your life in danger because of momentary sexual pleasure from side chic
Never beat her no matter what she does. Your wife is not a goat. Real men don't beat women.
Understand her love language and give it to her. Either it can be words, gifts, touch, actions, etc. If it is words, then frequently tell your wife you love and appreciate her. If it is action: regularly do things that she appreciates
Never allow any member of your family to insult her or make life difficult for her.
Be gentle and tender with her.
Make her your priority. Be 100% committed to her.
Pray for her always.
Play with her. Never create a hostile environment for her.
Listen to her. Drop your phone and be attentive to whatever she has to say.
Forgive her no matter her offense. Love forgives
Support her vision. Never bury her dreams because she is married to you.
Encourage her. You should be her number one encourager
Protect her from every physical and spiritual attack.
Satisfy her sexual needs. Never deny her of your body.
Always tell her she's beautiful.
Celebrate her always both online and offline
Spend money to beautify her.
Treat her like your beauty queen.
Give her gifts constantly.
Buy her new sets of undies: buy her bags, shoes, clothes, creams, perfume, chocolate, fruits, cakes, ice cream, shortbread biscuits or snacks for her.
Women’s love for shoes, bags & clothes are incurable .


1. Your biggest enemy is yourself. That enemy is the one who makes you overthink, develop a low self-esteem, make you emotionally unstable and give you ulcers. Love yourself from the inside first before you expect love from the outside

2. You are not in a relationship with a man until you both clearly state it. Don't get carried away by the idea of love with a man simply because he spends time with you or treats you special
3. If you are in a relationship or marriage, demanding your man to spend time with you will not make him do so. A man willingly spends time with you because you give him peace and he enjoys your company. Attract him the same way you peacefully and warmly attracted him when he was pursuing you
4. Mr. Right is the man who offers a conducive environment for you to be the best you. Choose your environment well
5. Your husband will never find you if you keep fooling around with other women's husbands
6. Mr. Right can also hurt you. The difference is that Mr. Right hurts when he hurts you, he apologises, owns up to his short comings and makes effort to love you better. Love is a learning process
7. Silent treatment will not solve anything. If your man hurts you, learn to speak your hurt and teach him to love you better. The best couples have mastered the art of conflict resolution
8. Most men don't mind being corrected. What they do mind is the tone with which you correct them. The world has been harsh towards women for years, but tone down your defensive mode and learn to communicate effectively with respect and love. You two don't have to fight and argue to look like you are addressing issues
9. A man who is not serious about you will avoid accountability, will operate in grey areas and will hide you. You will never go far with him. Serious men like being kept accountable, they take pride in what they commit to and are not afraid of responsibilities

Tuesday 4 June 2024

Best Marriage Advice EVER...✍🏾

1. Choose to love each other, even in those moments when you struggle to like each other. Love is a commitment, not a feeling.

2. Always answer the phone when your husband/wife is calling. When possible, try to keep your phone off when you're together with your spouse.

3. Make time together a priority. Budget for a consistent date night. Time is the "currency of relationships," so consistently invest time into your marriage.

4. Surround yourself with friends who will strengthen your marriage. Remove yourself from people who may tempt you to compromise your character.

5. Make laughter the soundtrack of your marriage. Share moments of joy. And even in the hard times, find reasons to laugh.

6. In every argument, remember that there won't be a "winner" and a "loser." You're partners in everything so you'll either win together or lose together. Work together to find a solution.

7. Realize that a strong marriage rarely has two strong people at the same time. It's usually a husband and wife taking turns being strong for each other in the moments when the other feels weak.

8. Prioritize what happens in the bedroom. It takes more than sex to build a strong marriage, but it's nearly impossible to build a strong marriage without it.

9. Remember that marriage isn't 50/50— divorce is 50/50. Marriage has to be 100/100. It's not splitting everything in half, but both partners giving everything they've got.

10. Give your best to each other, not your leftovers after you've given your best to everyone else.

11. Learn from other people, but don't feel the need to compare your life or your marriage to anyone else's. God's plan for your life is masterfully unique.

12. Don't put your marriage on hold while you're raising your kids or else you'll end up with an empty nest and an empty marriage.

13. Never keep secrets from each other. Secrecy is the enemy of intimacy.

14. Never lie to each other. Lies break trust .


Sometimes when two people have been dating or married for so long, the communication can be flat. You've already known each other, so what is there to talk about? The chats become short and few, the phone calls become short and cold, when you are both at home everyone is busy doing their own thing, you both struggle in a conversation, when driving in the car both are silent, you two have ended up talking mostly about the things that need to be done at home, you can feel that the communication is dry.

 How does one restore that funny, warm, alive, quality communication to what it used to be before?

1. "Stop panicking"
When you panic that the communication has changed, you begin to force conversations; making things awkward and complicating things further

2. "Both of you grow intellectually"
When you don't grow as much, you stagnate. Or one of you grows more than the other, there can be a disconnect. But when you acquire more knowledge, research more, go to school to get that Degree, Masters or PhD, or even when you can't go to school you read more and become more exposed to new content; you will have more to talk about

3. "Engage your family and friends more"
Often a man and a woman spend time alone and isolating themselves. But stop making yourselves an island. Meet up with family, do stuff with friends, especially as a couple; that way you will have new experiences and memories. Conversations often revolve around two things: memories and what someone knows

4. "Kiss more"
You cannot kiss and stay quiet. Kissing excites the senses. If you don't have much to say, just kiss each other, get lost in those long intimate kisses. Soon, you both will find yourselves talking

5. "Watch movies together"
Movies are a great way to connect

6. "Go out on dates more"
Sadly, many couples, especially married couples stop going out on dates. Staying at home every time can get monotonous, nothing new to experience

Before You Say I Do:

Before You Say I Do:
 Ladies! Do not be committed to a man who is not committed to you. When a man truly loves a woman, he will show it by his loving actions. Words are cheap. Do not believe every word that a man tells you but believe everything he shows you by his actions. 

If a man loves you, he will pursue you and will never leave you wondering if he truly loves you. If you are always the one chasing him and calling him and sending countless unreturned text messages, he is not serious with you. 

If all he does is give you countless excuses of why he cannot be with you, then he is probably committed to someone else. 

A man who truly loves you will give you undivided attention and unsolicited affection. If his love is not freely given, then his love is not worth receiving. 

Do not be with a man who just tolerates you, be with one who pursues, appreciates and values you. A man who takes you for granted will always take advantage of you. Move on! You deserve better. – Isaac Kubvoruno

Don't be so much about who's at fault

You'd both lie down facing opposite directions of the same bed, both acting busy with the phone or pretending to be asleep. Action would be so close yet so far away. Frustrated, you'd both drop the phones one after the other and pretend to sleep, hoping that your move will trigger a reconciliatory move from the other. 

Your eyes will be closed but your senses wide open, painting a very clear image of every single body movement coming from the other side of the bed, hoping that one of those moves would be a hand in your direction....hoping, just hoping.

Next comes the tossing and turning that would be done again, hoping to trigger something.... again, hoping, just hoping.

Finally, the sigh of giving up and sleeping, having wasted hours hoping, just hoping.

The next morning will begin in more frustration and anger for even betraying yourself enough to descend to hoping, just hoping......and worse, without results.

You'd both leave for work angrier than you were yesterday and it just continues till it feels like there's no way back.

If you are lucky and you make it out of the eye of the storm, you'd remember someday and ask yourself why one of you didn't just say sorry.

If you are not as lucky, you'd continue to be bitter but someday too, your mind will come round and ask you why one of you didn't just make a move.

Please, I beg you with all you've got, all you are and all you hope to be. Don't let ego destroy what you have. 

Don't be so much about who's at fault as much as you'd be about who fixed it.

-Shamseddin Giwa