Tuesday 4 June 2024

Before You Say I Do:

Before You Say I Do:
 Ladies! Do not be committed to a man who is not committed to you. When a man truly loves a woman, he will show it by his loving actions. Words are cheap. Do not believe every word that a man tells you but believe everything he shows you by his actions. 

If a man loves you, he will pursue you and will never leave you wondering if he truly loves you. If you are always the one chasing him and calling him and sending countless unreturned text messages, he is not serious with you. 

If all he does is give you countless excuses of why he cannot be with you, then he is probably committed to someone else. 

A man who truly loves you will give you undivided attention and unsolicited affection. If his love is not freely given, then his love is not worth receiving. 

Do not be with a man who just tolerates you, be with one who pursues, appreciates and values you. A man who takes you for granted will always take advantage of you. Move on! You deserve better. – Isaac Kubvoruno

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