Tuesday 4 June 2024


[29]For no man ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and carefully protects and cherishes it, as Christ does the church. (Ephesians 5:29)
The Bible says you should nourish and cherish your wife. To nourish means to feed and grow something. How do you nourish your woman.
1. Nourish her with the Word and Wisdom: As a man you must be deep in the Word and full of wisdom. Only a foolish man complains about the character flaws in a woman. It is your responsibility to wash with the Word. Teach her to be a good and virtuous wife. Stop grumbling and murmuring. Stop hating. Stop comparing her with other women. If you're not correct as a man, your wife can't be correct too.

2. Support her: Your wife's or a woman's progress ad prospects shouldn't be a challenge to you. The best gift you can give a woman is to unconditionally support her to achieve her dreams and visions. Stop being rivalrous and competitive.

3. Promote her: Many men are potential- hunters not potential-promoters. Promote the skills, ideas and gifts of your woman. Your woman's progress shouldn't be a threat to you. God didn't bring a woman into your life to kill her abilities but to promote them. 

4. Feed her: I still don't understand why a man would eat sumptuous meal in a canteen but hardly gives money to his wife and children. Your prosperity should be evident in your wife. If you're concerned about your wellbeing while neglecting your woman's welfare, you're a task master not a husband. 

5. Satisfy her sexuality: Give her the best sexual experience. Why should you punish a woman by denying her sex? Be skillful and creative about it. Women appreciate and enjoy good, long and thrilling sex. Must she bribe you with food before you make her feel like a woman? Lol.... Stop complaining about her size, shape and stature, at least you used her to such state. 

With love from Papa Zion...

© Impact Breed, 2019

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