Monday, 15 July 2024

Other things that matter

Looks - This includes facial looks, physique, complexion etc
Character: Your behaviour is critical. It includes how you talk and act. If you are well behaved, your chances are better.
Appearance: This will include how you present yourself. You may be pretty but unkempt for example. Stay sharp.
Humility: The average man wants to set up a home to lead, not one where a wife is competing with him.
Financial intelligence and shrewdness: Even where wealthy, he is unlikely to desire a wasteful woman who doesn’t understand the value of money.
Intellect: Be smart enough to support and contribute, be wise enough to not hijack the system.
Have means and direction: With deeper economic realities, a man feels safer with someone who can be a viable backup in case of any need for it. While not compulsory, it is a serious advantage.
Be domesticated: As marriage is likely to come with parenting, having a woman who is comfortable adapting to the biological and parenting needs is critical.
Be adaptable: Situations will vary from time to time, a woman that can adjust positively is a serious asset desired.
Spirituality: Even those not spiritually aligned will often favour a woman who has a solid spiritual side to her with a good balance.
A good name and profile: Obviously, nobody wants to have a wife with a poor record or with an upbringing that’s synonymous with negativity.
Age: While there are those who don’t mind, more times than not, age is a factor.
The above will result in different profiles and combinations because each man is unique but if you know the above and act on it, your chances are better. While there are more men in the world, there are more women seeking husbands meaning you are up against many. 
You can only control what you can but at least let it not be that you are missing out on suitors because you are not paying attention to the things that matter.
-Shamseddin Giwa

A giver can’t be with a taker

A giver can’t be with a taker. They’ll allow you to give to them until you have nothing left to give while rarely ever giving to you because they know that’s just who you are, giving genuinely makes you happy. They don’t even think to include you in any activities in their life but once you think of them and want to include them, they are there. If you are a giver, don’t ever let a taker take advantage of you like that. Go where your energy is reciprocated. Many of you will have this realization soon about someone in your life. It’s not about wanting anything back when you give because you give without ever expecting anything in return but realizing that all they ever really did was take from you. Reciprocation was never in their mind when it came to you.

Thursday, 11 July 2024

The truth about a man.

Just because you get thousands of likes on your profile picture will not keep a man. 
Being honest about things in your past will not keep a man. 
Being faithful and loyal since day one doesn't keep a man. 
Treating a man better than he's ever been treated before doesn't keep a man. 
Making an effort every single day to make sure he knows you truly care will not keep a man. 
Giving him all of your time that you can spare, doesn't keep a man. 
You could have the best intentions in the world and could have the most sincere feelings, and you could be the most perfect woman in existence and you still wouldn't be able to keep a man. 
The only way to keep a man is if that man wants to be kept by you. 
With a man, you can tell he wants to be kept when the relationship gets very hard and he does everything to fight for you. 
A man only fights for a woman he wants to belong to, so if he isn't fighting for you when things get hard, then that means he doesn't want to be kept by you anymore. 
Don't hold on to a man who doesn't want to be kept by you. 
You're not giving up on him. It's quite the opposite. 
It's him who gave up on you, and it's you who shouldn't waste any more of your time than you already have. 
Know when it's time to let go, know when it's time to walk away, and know when it's time for him to be unkept. 
~ Cody Bret


SIGNS THAT YOU ARE IN THE WRONG RELATIONSHIP – avoid them and safe your life!!!
Good or bad, every relationship has indicators. One common indicator in every wrong relationship is that: 
You cannot be in a wrong relationship and not know.
As confusing as that sounds, it’s really true. Deep down within you, down, down somewhere there, you will inevitably have that nudging within you that there is something wrong with that relationship.
Here is a list of signs that show that you are in a wrong relationship.
A wrong relationship will squeeze you up. It sucks also. It will always attempt to make you to adapt to the other person without a corresponding demand on them as well for change and adaptation. You become a shadow of your real self – always trying to be who you are not in order to make someone else accept you, love you, validate and eventually marry you. That is not love. That is a cage, a lifelong one. Get out of it now before it is too late.
A situation where you aren’t sure of anything. I mean, there are no inner guarantees and assurances within you that everything will be alright. Even when you now seem to be sure, that assurance is short lived – it soon fizzles out into outer space and you are back to square one. You are not always sure about the tomorrow of that relationship. It seems to be looking good today, but you have a feeling everything might soon go south for both of you. 
There are vital relationships in your life before this lover boy, lover girl came on board your life. Relationships with parents, siblings, mentors, business partners etc. I am talking about relationships upon which your life has been premised before he/she came. Relationships that have added colour and balance to your life. Relationships without which your whole essence is not in view. If those kinds of relationships come to an end, wahala dey


It's very terrible to see a Brother in a Relationship, and when you ask him what he wants from the Lady and the Relationship, he can't give you a straight answer..
Which one is "I'm still thinking about it"
Thinking about it, on top 2 years old Relationship? 
Be sure about her Ethnicity/Religion and how your family will welcome that first..
Be sure about your Genotype compatibility first. 
Watch, Look at everything First, Physical, Social, Financial, Spiritual and otherwise. 
Pray (Get your conviction)
Before you now ask a lady out, otherwise, you may end up wasting her time.. 
I counseled a lady some months back, uncle wasted her 2 years and was apologizing, will apology bring back her 2 years?
 His Mother never liked the lady, but he kept assuring her that he could do something, that he would marry her, so she waited, in the end, he succumbed to his Mother and the lady was left to bite the dust. 
Don't make Promises you can't keep.
Yes Sir, don't go there at all.
Sex would complicate issues. Without sex, your brain and heart will process what they want from her faster and do so unbiasely. 
I must buy a Car First
I must build a house first.
"I must do this, I must do that... " and she will enter Menopause, you will now be saying she's now too old for you, you want someone younger to marry. Fear God oh. 
Don't put a ring on a lady's finger when you are not ready to Marry her in a few months time, maximum a Year. Make God no vex for you.
Don't make any Lady Lord of the Rings. If you aren't ready, clear road for those that are ready. 
(c) Musa Gift


1. It reminds your spouse he/she is your lover, not just a parent to the children you have
2. Kissing when you wake up and when you sleep make you both start and end the day right
3. Kissing communicates to your spouse that there is still warmth in the marriage. When a couple is drifting apart, one of the first things to suffer is kissing
4. Kissing is part of making out. Yes, married couples should also make out. Making out is the grabbing of butt, fondling of breasts, rubbing of the tip of the penis, passionately hugging, touching up even when fully clothed; as you kiss deeply - without necessarily making love
5. Kissing welcomes you to each other when you meet each other at home or outside after some hours of being a part
6. Kissing says "I love you"
7. Kissing promotes emotional intimacy. Conversations become more heartfelt when a couple embraces kissing. You bond better
8. Kissing promotes spiritual intimacy. When a couple kisses after praying to say "Amen", they value praying together more
9. Kissing releases the tension and a couple gets to have difficult conversations in a relaxed atmosphere. Imagine talking heavy stuff with random kisses
10. Kissing makes your spouse feel wanted and desired
11. Kissing heightens sexual intimacy as foreplay
12. Kissing is an activity you do exclusively that makes you both feel special
Sometimes all your spouse wants is for you to shut up and kiss him/her
© Dayan Masinde