Monday 15 July 2024

Other things that matter

Looks - This includes facial looks, physique, complexion etc
Character: Your behaviour is critical. It includes how you talk and act. If you are well behaved, your chances are better.
Appearance: This will include how you present yourself. You may be pretty but unkempt for example. Stay sharp.
Humility: The average man wants to set up a home to lead, not one where a wife is competing with him.
Financial intelligence and shrewdness: Even where wealthy, he is unlikely to desire a wasteful woman who doesn’t understand the value of money.
Intellect: Be smart enough to support and contribute, be wise enough to not hijack the system.
Have means and direction: With deeper economic realities, a man feels safer with someone who can be a viable backup in case of any need for it. While not compulsory, it is a serious advantage.
Be domesticated: As marriage is likely to come with parenting, having a woman who is comfortable adapting to the biological and parenting needs is critical.
Be adaptable: Situations will vary from time to time, a woman that can adjust positively is a serious asset desired.
Spirituality: Even those not spiritually aligned will often favour a woman who has a solid spiritual side to her with a good balance.
A good name and profile: Obviously, nobody wants to have a wife with a poor record or with an upbringing that’s synonymous with negativity.
Age: While there are those who don’t mind, more times than not, age is a factor.
The above will result in different profiles and combinations because each man is unique but if you know the above and act on it, your chances are better. While there are more men in the world, there are more women seeking husbands meaning you are up against many. 
You can only control what you can but at least let it not be that you are missing out on suitors because you are not paying attention to the things that matter.
-Shamseddin Giwa

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