Thursday 11 July 2024


Matthew 7:15 "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves."   
Not everyone who calls on God is a Child of God. 
Never be in a hurry to trust someone because they carry a religious ambience around them
Wearing Suit is not Holiness 
Long Skirt is not Righteousness 
There are decently dressed witches. 
Not everyone you meet in church is a Christian, the church is like a Hospital, not everyone there is a Doctor, some are psychiatric patients 
Don't fall for Gifts
He can Prophesy, a person can prophesy and still have a wicked heart. 
They can speak in tongues in prayer meetings and be neck deep in fornication. . 
Don't fall for charisma alone. 
Just because he is a Youth leader in church, She is coordinating the Sisters fellowship, these doesn't count for righteousness 
Don't fall for social media razzmatazz.
Some of the Social media pastors and advocates of sexual Purity and Sister's on fire are something else in their closets, 
Get to know the person well enough before you get serious with them. 
Check out their CHARACTER not CONTAINER 
Check out their FRUITS not GIFTS 
Check out their ACTIONS not their WORDS  
Watch and Pray.
Do not ignore Red flags because of a Person's flashy appearance and religious appeal.
Matthew 24:11 "And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many."
May You not be deceived into a Relationship that will lead to regrets.
(c) Musa Gift

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