Friday, 29 July 2022


When you die, don't worry about your body...

Your relatives will do whatever it takes.
They will take off your clothes
They will wash you
They will dress you up
They will take you out of the house and deliver you to your new address.
Many will come to the funeral to honor you.
Some will even cancel their plans and ask for labor to go to the funeral.

Your things you didn't like to borrow will be sold, donated or burned.
Your keys
Your tools
Your books
Your CDs, DVDs, games
Your collections
Your clothes...

And be sure the world won't stop and cry for you.
The economy will continue.
You will be replaced in work. Someone with the same or even better ability will take your place.

Your property will switch to heirs.
And don't doubt that about you for the small and big things you have done in your life will speak, judge, doubt and criticize.

People who only knew you face will say, ′′ Poor thing!"

Your good friends will cry for a few hours or several days, but then they will laugh again.

Your pets will get used to the new owner.

Your pictures will be hanging on the wall for awhile, then they will be put on furniture and finally stored at the bottom of the box.

Someone else will sit on your couch and eat from it.

Deep pain in your home will last a week, two, one month, two, one year, two... Then you will join the memories and then your story will end.
It will end among people, end here, end in this world.

But your story begins in a new reality... in your life after death.

Your life is earthly where you couldn't move with the things you had here will lose the meaning they had.
the beauty of your body

Last name
working position
bank account
the house
the car
academic titles
Friends of the world
man / woman
the kids
the family...

In your new life, you will only need your soul.
The only property that will last is the soul.

So try to live your life full and be happy while you are here because, as Francis of Assisi said, ′′ You won't take what you have from here. You only take what you gave!"

Wednesday, 27 July 2022


Don't blame me yet
Listen to me first

I can't count how many times I had it
But am not proud about it

I was young and naive
Inexperienced and faint
My mum couldn't tell me about sex
My dad said it was my mum's task
Until I did the unimaginable
Now everyone sees me as abominable

No one cared about me
Damm my parents for being a religious maid
When I first Saw my period
Aunty chika my class teacher,
Told me to stay away from boys
I was confused and puzzled

I told mum about it 
She just taught me how to clean up
I was enraged because I was expecting more
She just took her Bible and went to church.

I became lost and wounded
I needed someone to talk to but I found none.
I finally told bola my girlfriend
She congratulated me and said I could have a boyfriend.

You can't blame me for listening to her
Because she was the one that listens
She taught me about my cycle
She took away my burdens to tackle

She introduced me to her male friends
I was shocked at their friendliness
She told me Mike loves me
I accepted him
I really want to feel among.

I often sneak out to meet him
My parents believe me and no suspect me
I always feels fire in my body
Anytime mike hugs my body
I told bola about it
She said I should do it
Every big girl does it.

I was nervous but yet I did it
I was happy yet disappointed
Sex is sweet but I regretted it
Until I got pregnant and had to abort it.

I became wild
Because I was untamed
But now I regret it
I don't know who to blame
But sex isn't what people think it is
It is conscience draining.

Dear parents
Big sis
Big bro
And elderly ones.

Tell us about sex
Tell us when we are yet innocent
Not when we are already crucified.

Written by ©blessing Oyikowo Freedom 
# Listentous#

Who is responsible for ur happiness?

1.Man's affinity with divinity
2. Man recognition of who he is.
3. And man contribution to humanity.

The three concept of happiness is so central, is not an issues to be trusted by people, venturingly every human act is motivated by the obvious or remote desire to be happy.
U don't need anyone or anything to be happy. To think people or things will make u happy is to arrogates to them powers the do not possess, there is always a tendency to think money is all will need, money is as powerful as it is, but can't make a better home.
Some have go ahead and learn this philosophy, while some enter into marriages thinking that it will make them happy, did it.  It wasn't long before the realizes the only happiness is the one the brought into it, are the no men like me who has postponed their happiness because the tied it to things people and event. U can be happy right where u are without am extra dain to your name. 

Marriage has been liking to be a trends while many look forward like their life depends on it, others can't wait to the bus stop called divorce. Marriage can make u feel trapped and hell, so at the end of the day u are entirely responsible for ur happiness. U can be happy all by yourself, although u should be  better of with people but you shouldn't be dead with out then.
People marry or long to marry because there is this illusion that the experience of  marriages will make them happy.
Marriage is wonderful but can't make two unhappy people happy, it will rather become a wedlock of unhappiness. They happiness mirage, there was a time i think all i needed was admission into the university and one day i got it, but before i got it, my chance was until i get admission, then until i graduated, then until  i get a job, then until i have enough money to put a societal party to put me in a headline, then it eventually became until i get married, now until i have children and then when children come more pressure and more fund needed to take care of them, will then get gross with their up keep that will even forget or lose the love that brought them into existence, then happiness mirage keep shifting it post. The first lesson in happiness is if it most be, is up to u. Will spent the fleeting moment training the kid's instead of enjoying them, and now the moment the leave us for either high school or university. Now the have their own life to face, and will see them few times than will like to, the graduate will are happy but this new era or the stage of their life show us the signals the neediness of marriages. The moral of the analysis is that u can enjoy people and things now stop postpone ding  ur happiness there is no other better time. 

©Uchenna Wilson


There are many things that single people can do that the married can't do. Some of these things may not even be bad, just that they do not befit the status of a married person, or perhaps, because they are not appropriate. 

Some of these things are sometimes small things (trivial issues) but they are capable of ruining marriage if care is not taken, that is why it is important to pay attention to them. 

Here are few instances of such activities that are not (or may not be) appropriate for the married.

Haaa, you will make your spouse jealous and uncomfortable now. The only bestie you should have is your spouse. 

When you marry, you have to draw the lines for all your besties. They may become toxic intruders if care is not taken. 

You have to understand that the fact that you're married does not turn you to an automatic saint. So, you must deliberately stay away from things that can make you fall into temptation. You're not invincible.

Even same sex bestie should have limit. You can't be going about with those friends you had when you were single. It is not pride, it is because you no longer have that luxury of time.  This is more common to men. Please spend that time with your wife instead. Most women appreciate attention, give it to them. These things are part of the responsibilities that come with marriage. 

I used to post jokes a lot when I was single (even corrupt ones) but after I married, I noticed my wife don't usually like the insultive comments that people drop under the jokes. Whether playfully or seriously, my wife gets angry if anyone insults me. 

For me, I don't mind, jokes usually attract playful insults, but since my wife is not cool with it, I reduced the jokes, or I make jokes that feature her. Na married man joke I come switch to 😜😜😜😜

Nowadays, whatever "cruise" you see me partake in, it's because my wife is cool with it. 

Any kind of "cruise" that your partner frowns at has to be stopped. 

Note also that, your general online activities should reflect your status. As a married man, the way you compliment people of opposite sex has to be decent. You can't go under the comment section of a single lady's picture and write love poems. What is "You're sexy and hot"?  E get as the thing be o.🙄

As a married man, your privacy may be intruded by your wife. Having some time all to yourself may be hard, especially when you marry a woman that loves attention. 

So, if you want some undisturbed time, you have to reach an agreement with your wife, and it must not be too long, else, a point will be reached that your absence won't matter anymore, probably because she has gotten used to being lonely or there's someone who now gives her the attention you've been starving her of. 

4. Late night outing, drinking, smoking, clubbing, womanising and all of those are not good for anyone, but it is a no go area for the married. 

5. Those addicted to watching football should learn to stay home to watch with their wives and stop going to public view centres. The matter no even hard, follow your wife watch Zee world (or whatever she likes) make she follow you watch football. That's how married men do.✌️

Sometimes ago, a woman once told me that her husband is addicted to gambling. She said the man has sold most of their properties to play bet. Betting is not for anyone, not even married people please! You have responsibilities and pressing needs. Stop wasting resources

You must be ready to forsake your numerous girl friends and stick to one woman forever.

Extra marital affairs kills faster than Boko Haram, SARS, Fulani Herdsmen, Coronavirus and HIV/AIDS all put together.

Thank you for banking with us 🤝

©John Adesogan

Monday, 25 July 2022


Timothy Ofoegbu wrote

These are few mistakes some single ladies make.
1. WAITING FOR PRINCE CHARMING: From childhood women are exposed to sentimental stories of a beautiful Princess and Prince Charming that will come in a white horse to marry her in a castle. Many of them have missed their husbands as they wait endlessly for a Mr Perfect that will have all the qualities they are looking for in men. Even God is also looking for such man but where are such men? Scale down some of the impossible indexes in your checklist and settle down, time is going.
2. I WILL PICK HIM FROM A GUTTER: He is jobless, homeless but very handsome and highly romantic. You are paying all his bills with hope that he will marry you if you finance your own marriage with your own money. Sorry, you can’t buy a real man and a pretender will one day show his true colours.
3. SEX AND PREGNANCY WILL KEEP HIM: if frequent sex can keep a man in a relationship and make him to be committed and marry the woman, then all harlots will be married because they are experts in sex. Pregnancy before even proposal is both risky and suicidal. Be wise
4. PLEASER MENTALITY: Some ladies have very low sense of their worth and value. Pleasers want to loved and accepted by all means. They hate the word rejection and will do anything for a man that neither truly love them or committed to the relationship. Their partners beat them up, rape them, scream at them, curse them and date even their friends but these emotionally weak women will always run after them in tears. They are trapped in a loveless violent relationship with highly controlling and domineering men that they can’t even pick calls in their presence.
5. I CAN CHANGE HIM WHEN WE MARRY: Some Ladies see smokers, drunkards, drug addicts, night clubbers and occult men and start serious relationships with them with the hope that these hard men will change after marriage. Chances of such anticipated positive changes after marriage is very slim. Such men will beat ladies to submission if they fail to submit to them after marriage.
6. HE MUST WED ME IN MY CHURCH: This has made some ladies not to marry because they want to eat their cake and have it. They will tell men and their parents that the men MUST come to their Churches for the wedding or forget the marriage. It sounds funny that such thing should even be mentioned at all. If you are not interested in following the man, forget him and wait for someone from your Church.
7. I pray for all the unmarried ladies that are ready to settle down, may God bless you with men that truly love you and give you the wisdom to know when to settle down, AMEN.

Timothy Ofoegbu




1. Wives want their husbands to communicate with them frequently.

2. Wives want companionship from their husbands.

3. Wives also wish their husbands would make provision for the family a priority.

4. Wives wish they would be genuinely respected for their roles as wives and mothers.

5. Women Appreciate husbands who respect their opinions on issues.

6. Wives Appreciate commendation from their husbands.

7. Christian wives admire and are proud of their husbands when they are committed and devoted to God's calling.

8. They also wish their husbands are vast in and have deeper understanding and application of the scripture.

9. Wives wish their husbands could vouch for their fidelity.

10. Wives Appreciate men who pay attention to the spiritual and moral upbringing of their children and the uplift of their wives.

11. Wives loves husbands who protect them from  harassment of in-laws.

12. Women do not appreciate it when their husbands compare them with other women.

13. Wives wish that their husbands would constantly affirm their love and commitment to them.

14. Women love surprises.

15. Wives hate when their husbands forget important dates ( wedding anniversary, birthday and the likes)

16. Women want men to appreciate both their physiological and emotional make-ups.

17. They want their men to be happy, healthy and successful in life.

18. Wives said they feel more inclined to respond to their husband's physical intimacy later in the day when they connect with them emotionally and were loving, considerate and romantic all day.

19. Women wish their men would buy clothes for them as they buy for themselves.

20. Most women want their husbands to support their family.

21. Most women don't like their husbands to take crucial decisions about the family without their input.

22. Women, especially Christians, want husbands who they can be proud of.

23. Wives want husbands who are patient with them.

24. Women respect men who resist undue influence from friends and relations.

25. Women want men who support their goals and ambition.
26. Women want husbands who commend their cooking, care of the home and everything they do.

27. Wives also wish their husbands would spoil them occasionally by taking them out and giving them a special treatment.

28. Women love to be married to Godly and prayerful husbands.

29. Wives want men who play with the children,  help them with their homework, discipline them when they err, and give them Godly upbringing.

30. They want men of purpose, goal and ambition.

I bless and pray for you that your home will find peace, joy and happiness.

From this day, your home shall be what God says it will be in Jesus name.

As you walk with this understanding, your home shall be fruitful and be heaven on earth in Jesus name. 

Extract of 




Never bite the finger that feeds us


When people talk about madams being wicked to their house helps , I laugh . 

Do you even know what  some of this house helps do ? . 

I do not ever support a person maltreatmenting another human but sometimes , madams never get to tell what this people do to them . 

I will tell my story .  

" You are leaving this house today  nneka " ... I said to her 

The atmosphere was heated . I have had enough . I  am done with this . 

Nneka is my house help of 5 years . 

I brought her from the village after her father died leaving behind her mother with 7 children . She was only 15 when she came . When I brought her , she looked extremely mal nourished . Not eating well and tedious farm work made her look like a 12 years old . 

I feed and cared for her like my child. If I didn't tell you she wasn't my blood , you wouldn't even know . Nneka turned 20 this year . But I started noticing a difference in her when she became 18 . 

" Which house " ? She glared at me , folded her hands and looked me straight in the eye   ." I go nowhere " 

she sat down . 
"  let me say this , I will leave this house when Your husband or rather my baby comes back and ask  me to leave.  

If he says to go then , it's fine . If he says not to go , what can I do ? .... She gestured arrogantly . 

I was beyond shocked . 

" Don't provoke me woman .. or you may be the one to leave the house " . ...

 She stood up , hissed at me and walked into the room .

I slumped into the chair .  
My husband has a lot of explaining to do . 

Episode 1 . 

May we never bite the finger that feeds us 

skinning alive of a corrupt judge, Sisamnes, in the year 500BC.

A 16th century painting showing the skinning alive of a corrupt judge, Sisamnes, in the year 500BC. 
Sisamnes was a corrupt royal judge at the time of Cambyses ll in Persia. 

It was discovered that he took a bribe in court and passed an unfair judgement. As a consequence the king ordered that he be arrested for his corruption and ordered that he be skinned alive. Before passing judgement the king asked Sisamnes who he wished to nominate as his successor. Sisamnes, in his greed, chose his son, Otanes. 

The king agreed and appointed Otanes  to replace his father. He subsequently passed judgement and ordered that Sisamnes removed skin should be used to upholster the seat on which the new judge would sit in court to remind him of the potential consequences of corruption. 

Otanes, in his deliberations, was forced to always remember that he was always sitting on the skin of his executed father. This helped to ensure fairness and equity in all his hearings, deliberations and sentences.

The Zambian Voice @2022

Sunday, 24 July 2022


▪Don't make mistakes some of our Fathers or Senior Brothers made.

▪Marry now with the little you have. Don't wait to be a millionaire, Have kids early so you can grow with them. Grow with your kids and succeed with your wife.

▪You will never finish making money or
achieving your plans. You might still not succeed
at your target year. So start your life early, with
consistency you will grow.

▪My father said this to me: When i was 25, i was
talking about making billions before i marry.
Many years later, billions didn't come, yet no kid
no wife... I had an opportunity to marry the most beautiful love of my life very early, But my fear was, can i really take care of her? But right now She's married with
Four grown up children.
The guy that married her
was still schooling then, but had the courage.
They worked hard and succeeded together.

▪So please if you can feed yourself, you can feed your wife. You have to believe it, marry early, don't wait.

▪Stay away from abortion. Don't make our mistakes, I see my childhood friends play with their kids. Most of them are not doing as well as me.. But they are happier with their families..

▪Trust me it isn't money only, but Rather your Maturity, your happiness depends entirely on your wisdom and the way you Handle Life. with a well planned life they are happier.

▪Trust me it isn't money, What is our problem? Build mansion? buy the latest Car in Town? marry Sharon Stone type? but still we don't have those things we dreamt of, and of course the years we wasted, we can never have them neverrrr!!!_

✔Please don't be 60yrs old and your kids will still
be in their 20's..What are you supposed to be at
that age? Their grand father.

° I (Pastor Iyke) am 40 years and my first child is 11 years old and my last child is 6 years old. At 60 my first daughter will be 31years & last child 26 years. 

▪Please young men, take my advice seriously.

Marry, don't be afraid, that girl you are finding too many fault in has many good qualities if you look well.

▪Don't think you will get every thing before you
settle down.

Ofia afuluaagu 

Friday, 22 July 2022

procedures and requirements to meet before one starts wearing the Cassock.

Normally, there are procedures and requirements to meet before one starts wearing the Cassock.

When I got admitted into the seminary, we went through a series of physical and mental evaluations comprising of thorough medical assessment, psychological assessment, and even our family medical histories were checked.

Then, there was the spiritual part. . .prayer, fasting, mediation, and discernment. There were days we spoke to no one, we spent time in silence and prayers. 

There was also the academic part. You must be above average at least.

During our investiture, the bishop came. It was a very special and solemn ceremony. The bishop prayed for us and blessed our vestments. 

For a seminarian, the proper vestment for mass is cassock, sash surplice, and biretta. (Though sash and Biretta are now almost optional or depending on congregation and dioceses.)

It took me the next eight years and some months before I was ordained a deacon. That eight years was no joke. A day in the seminary is like a thousand elsewhere. You can ask anyone in the seminary.

At every new office, an addition or a change of Vestment is made.

As a deacon, my liturgical vestment was Soutane (Cassocks), Amice, Alb, Cincture, Stole, and Dalmatic. (Deacon Stole is worn from left shoulder crossing through, while the dalmatic looks short in comparison to the Priest’s chasuble.)

Then after nine years of my studies, and having been found qualified by my superiors, I was ordained a priest. The way I wear my Stole changed. I no longer cross it one-sided. The Chasuble was added to my liturgical vestments as it replaces the Dalmatic.

To be a Bishop is another process. They do not just appoint you a Bishop randomly. You must be at least 35 years of age and have spent about 5 years as a priest. There are other requirements though. 

After one is ordained a bishop, there will be changes to the person's vestments and also lots of additions. His Sash, Cassock, and Birreta will change to purple. Then, there is the Crozier, Mitre, Skullcap, Bishop Ring, and Pectoral Cross.

Then, if he is made Archbishop, he adds yet another vestment called the Pallium.

The vestments priests and bishops wear are not for show; they have great significance. People should learn to respect this fact. 

I do not think I will go out to wear a lawyer's wig or a soldier's uniform and pose as a lawyer or soldier when I am not one. Well, unless it is a drama. . . even at that, there are some lines that should not be crossed.

Note: I took time to put this forth so you know. You may save the post or share it so as to have it handy on your timeline. You may need it one day.

📷I have tried to give some notes in each of the pictures below.

The End!



A sleeveless outer garment worn by a priest at Mass. It is worn over all other vestments and is made of silk, velvet, or other rich material usually decorated with symbols. The arms are to be free when it is worn. It symbolizes the yoke of Christ and signifies charity. It is a vestment used only during mass.

There are different colours. . .
1. Red: Feast of Martyrs, Pentecost, Good Friday, Palm Sunday, Mass of the Holy Spirit, Feast of Apostles.
2. Green: Ordinary season of the year.
3. Violet: Lent, Advent, Funerals, sacrament of reconciliation.
4. White/Gold: Easter, Christmas, Feast days of saints.
5. Pink (Rose): 3rd Sunday of Advent and on Laetare Sunday (fourth Sunday of lent).


The stole is worn by priests, deacons and Bishops.

The stole is worn only during the celebration of sacraments or blessing of sacramentals. The stole is not worn when attending a political meeting or function that is not liturgical in nature.

It is a strip of material that is embroidered with different designs or just a simple cross. There are different colours and they vary with respect to the liturgical season or feast day. 

It is the most important vestment because it signifies authority. This is why, even in the absence of other vestments due to some reason(s), the priest can celebrate the mass just with the Stole alone.


Knowing this by heart

Understand this:

Most single women in their late 20s and early 30s are thinking of and worried about getting married. What they would define as love is a man who loves them and is ready to settle down with them.

Most men in their late 20s and early 30s are thinking about financial independence. What they would define as love is a woman who understands their predicament and sticks by them.

Knowing this by heart will help you understand why your relationship hasn't been working out and or the partner you should be dating.

Good morning beloved fans❤️

Don't take 'no' for an answer.

Most times, we think that being successful entrepreneurs ends in having  courage to start, yes to start is one, and to keep up the energy is the IDEAL and never lose FOCUS.  

Most times people give up on themself without knowing, when they got to realize, it might be  too late already, that they will lack the zeal to push on.
All this happens because as an entrepreneur, we tends to forget or rather neglect that SIMPLE exercise and at the same time requires DISCIPLINE which is PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT.

Personal development is the process of improving yourself, assessing your life goals, and working on acquiring skills and values for your growth and to maximize your potential.

As an entrepreneur, you need this and more to be successful 👇👇👇

Don't take 'no' for an answer.
Learn from the best.
Stay hungry and ambitious.
Never stand still; evolve with the times.
Nurture long-term business relationships.
Inspire those around you.
Trust your gut instinct.

Believe me, this attribute  won’t come if you ain’t intentional about building them…
Imagine where MR A who got no better  skill to use to inspire people around him and make them feel hopeful , he will end up making gist of himself. You can’t give what you don’t have. 
Excatly why you need personal development. Added that, Personnel  development  provide solution to challenges that you are yet to encounter as an entrepreneur.


I Can't Keep A working Relationship! Why?

5 Likely Great Reasons  of  Broken Relationship/Courtship!

A broken relationship is better than a broken home they say! True! But you can also have the best! You can have a smooth relationship that will lead to marriage! How?

By avoiding these:

1) Impatience: if you rush into a relationship, you may have to rush out. Don't choose wrongly out of impatience. Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers says the word. Don't bend the rule! Can two work together without agreement? Amos 3:3.
 You are a child of light! Choose light! Don't say I will change him or her. Only God changes a soul! Be patient! Your age does not matter. If it worth doing, then it worth doing well. Pray and take wise counsel before proceeding. Find out everything you need to know and be sure God is leading you.  Then get a good  mentor for your relationship as you commence your courtship.

2) Immaturity:  Marriage is for grown up adults not a child's play. You must be matured in every wise before you start preparing for marriage. Be matured physically, emotionally and spiritually. Emotionally you must be balanced and stable. You will discover different things and character of your partner. Solve issues with maturity. You will have to disagree and agree most often on many issues.

3) Prayerlessness: You started in faith, don't end it in the flesh. The devil does not want any christian home to come into play. He knows more soldiers will be raised against his kingdom.  So expect disagreements and be ready to win. Fight your battles together on your kneels.  don't allow prayerlessness. There will be war against your relationship, pray and win! Some people does not want to see your joy. They don't want you settle down in marriage. Do not be ignorant of the devices of the enemy says the word of God.

4)Sin: Don't allow sin to creep in into your relationship. Keep your body pure until marriage. When you start sinning, you both get tired and discouraged.   Both of you will start feeling you both are not the best choice for one another. Focus on building your carrier and purpose as you build your relationship, not on touches, romance and sex. God is not happy with  such relationships living in sexual sins and other sins. It may eventually break when you loose God's backing.

5) Parental Disapproval: parents need to approve your relationship. This area needs a lot of prayers, counsellings and patience. Most especially for those facing disapproval for some reasons. Sometimes, you need great patience, wisdom and prayers, most especially when you are sure of what you are doing. A lot of people does not know what they are doing. And so, a little shaking, they are gone! When parents see great maturity, and with good prayers, they succumb. Parents want the best for their children. That is why they always want to guide you. Although, not all parental guidance are correct. So many guide against God's will, in the name of the 'best'.
Determine to lead yours to marriage through good prayers, counsels, patience, self discipline, and great determination.

I see you make it in your relationships as it leads to marriage in the mighty name of Jesus.
I see all wrong relationships that will yield regret in future destroyed and the lives channeled aright in the mighty name of Jesus. You will not marry wrongly in Jesus name. Peace  shall be your end in Jesus name. 

©Evang Kemi Longe



A week to the wedding of Franca and Francis, Franca called Francis to relay a scary dream she had, to him:

Franca: "hello dear" 

Francis: "Hello dear..." 

Franca: "i am scared... 

Francis: (breathing heavily) "you too? what happened"?

Franca: " it's a dream!

Francis: "a dream too? okay am listening"

Franca: "(panting) yes yes yes... okay so i slept around 2pm after the 12am to 1am midnight prayers for our wedding. Then i had a dream that at the hotel of our honeymoon, an old woman came close to collect some stuffs as we were... you know... afterwhich she disappeared. 

Francis: "JESUS! I had a similar dream as i laid down few minutes after the online prayer we had. You were ready for me on the bed but as i came out of the bathroom i saw an old woman holding a calabash standing as though waiting to collect something"

Franca: "oh my God... oh my God, Pastor,  lets call the pastor, no no! lets go to the pastor 1st thing tomorrow morning..."

They were at the pastor's office.

Pastor: "i have heard all you have said. Can i tell you something? the woman that both of you saw is the same person! she is the witch that is waiting for that night, but if you can pray well for 3(three) nights from your wedding night, without sex, that woman will die".

couple decides to have HOT prayers instead of HOT sex for 3 days/nights.
By morning of the fourth (4th)day, they both received a distress call.

Franca: (Call from Francis's uncle) "hello sir..."

Uncle: "Ahan! why is your husband not picking his phone nah?

Franca; "oh  sorry sir, his phone is on silent, maybe that's why he/we didn't hear... "

Uncle: " silent? can you imagine anyway tell him that his mum died last night, he should come home"(cuts the call)

Franca: (jumps up and starts to dance) Honey, God is faithful! your uncle said you weren't picking so he called my line instead, He said your mother died this morning! wow! God has killed the witch for us oo"!

Francis: "darling stop, you can't just conclude like that. As i heard you mention that my phone was on silent, to uncle, i quickly went to pick it up, not long after that, your sister called that she has been trying your line but it has been busy that your mum died last night... "

Franca: " hey Mr. hold it there, i just hope you are not insinuating that my mum is a witch"?

wife is is blowing hot, husband is foaming red! Who now is the witch waiting for wedding night?


— Pastor Kingsley Says As He Speaks On Marriage

The popular Pastor and relationship councilor, Kingsley Okonkwo, has advised married couples who don't bathe together to start bathing together and do many other things together.

According to a video posted by Pastor Kingsley Okonkwo on his Instagram page, he said a couple should bathe together. How can you be married and not bathe together? So how do you wash your back? That's weird, married people should always bathe together and do things together, eat together and sometimes use one car together even though you both have more than one car.
There have been some reactions after Pastor Kingsley Okonkwo advised his congregation who are married to cultivate the habit of bathing and doing so many things together as a couple. He said this in his church when he was counciling the congregations on 5 things that show a marriage is going down. What is your take on what Pastor Kingsley said?

#KingsleyOkonkwo #pastormildredokonkwo 
#HusbandAndWife #ReflectorHub



Sex has a way of relaxing a man. You will change his mood when you make love to him, especially if you are the one who seduces him and initiates it


If coming home to you is coming home to yet another argument and fight where you explode and turn everything into an issue, he will dread coming home and it hurts when home is a place to run away from, not to run to


Most women want the husband to ask them "How was your day?", "How did you sleep?" "How are you?" yet they rarely ask the husband these. If these questions make you feel cared for, your husband also wants to feel cared for 


A lot of men can be disorganized, especially when they are going through a lot in life or have a lot on their mind. This chaos in their system, dressing, schedule or environment can lead to more unease on their mind. When you help him clear the clutter and attend to some of his needs without him asking, he will think better 


Most have a man cave. This is an activity they do or a place they go to perhaps a room; maybe to play a game, watch TV, meditate and think, write, read, create, work out or just be. Don't attack this, just agree with him on how he can balance his time so that he doesn't spend too many hours in his man cave 


You are the one who knows best his potential, struggles, battles and questions; commit him to prayer. Let him hear you pray for him 


A lot of men are going through stress due to finances. Help him, by not putting pressure on him to give the family a lifestyle he can't afford at present, by helping to pay some of the bills, by helping him manage finances better, by saving and seeking long term investments, by stepping up especially when he has been fired or going through business losses 


A man can get tired, a man can go through burn out,


Pregnancy period is a very glorious time, a time you are happy  for the blessing you are carrying.  But note it is also a very delicate time. 

Whatever you see or hear can go a long to either affect you positively or negatively. 

Tips to note when you are pregnant: 

👉 Always be positive in your thought and action.  

👉Avoid any  person,  movie or scene that create fear or worries to you.

👉Abstain from unnecessary arguments. 

👉 Admonish yourself daily be speaking good things about the pregnancy.  

👉Avoid advertising your pregnancy on social media, not everyone is happy to see you smile. 

👉Advised yourself to take daily walk, engage in little work  and be joyful. 

Daily say this CONFESSION: 

✅My baby you are blessed 

✅My baby you will not die but live

✅My baby you are a bundle of joy. 

✅ My baby you will make it in life. 

✅My baby no body will exchange your destiny. 

✅My baby you are a carrier of solutions to age long problems in the world. 



1. Rejecting food when there's an issue:
Mr husband, you gave your wife money for
food and after it was prepared you refused
to eat because you are angry. It's one of the greatest signs of immaturity, it's time to grow up! You should not even abandon your home for any reason. You could go somewhere when angry but ensure that you don't allow it to linger unnecessarily because that is enough for the devil to build on even though some women can be really troublesome.

2. Telling your wife severally that you are the head:

 May I let you know that even when your wife disobeys/ disrespect you she still knows that you are the head. You need not shout or scream it daily. Or do we need to get you a slot on CNN? It's important for you to know when and how to be firm and put your feet down over issues, however don't become a nagging husband just to prove that you are the head.

3. Issuing threats: 

beating, verbally abusing
your wife, issuing threats of divorce or
bragging about marrying another wife does
not make you a man. An EMPTY barrel makes the loudest noise. Your strength is in your ability to tame your tongue and control your fist. When she is acting her "childish woman" part, play the "matured man."

4. Reporting your wife to friends and family: 

When your wife offends you, correct
and talk things through. You don't have to tell everyone about her mistakes, that will paint her black and sell her cheap such that you will not be able to redeem her back.
By the way, are you a reporter answer my question ?

5. Keeping malice: 

is it not funny to know that some men keep malice? Some of them even nag, criticise, abuse and call their wives names in public. It may make you look like a "big boy" who's in control but you are not going to gain anything good from it, your home will only be a den of insults and confrontations.

6. Not helping with house chores: 
I must say here that it is the sole responsibility of a woman to tend and manage a home when she chooses to be a full time house wife.
However, it's not a bad thing if a man lends a helping hand when necessary. Watching football with newspaper in your hand every evening, not caring how stressful the house chores are will only increase the pressure on your wife and if you truly care you'll help, just checking on her while busy could encourage and sooth her, this also makes you a good example to the kids especially the boys. Some men don't even say "thank You" to their wives after eating, all they do is compare her with other women. It's a shame that after having 3-4 kids some men cannot change a simple diaper or
prepare cereal meals; a big shame.

My point?
A REAL man is a pillar of support to his wife, not a hole of depression.

Monday, 18 July 2022


I believe you need to understand how a husband and a wife technology works;

Men communicate for information, and women communicate for affection.

If you know this my friend, you have known peace in your marriage.

For instance when a man says he is having a headache, he knows where to find the pharmacy, and how to get himself some Panadol. He is only informing you that his head aches, and that maybe now is not a good time to cooperate with your village people to stress his life🤣. It is not 'sorry baby' he wants, he is just giving you an important information with an undertone of 'I have told you now o, I need some rest.'

But when the other gender that performs magic says she is having a headache, she doesn't need you to panic to the pharmacy, she is first of all informing you that needs your love and attention more than she needs that Amatem. It is not panadol extra she needs as your first response, the first aid she needs at the moment is your affection extra.

But most men don't get this, the response that comes to uncle's mind is "have you taken any medication?"

No Sir, wrong answer.

Or let me rephrase; right answer at the wrong timing.

That question is very important, but it is not as important as telling her "sorry baby" like 20,000 times. While at that, you have to feel her temperature like 32 times otherwise that medication will not work. 🤣🤣

Very amazing gender. 

Don't forget that after doing all this ceremony, she might say it's not a headache anymore, it's a stomach upset inside back pain and her left ear is paining her. My brother nobody forced you to get married, you think its by wearing white suit and white shoe in your prewedding photo? Uncle you will hear it.

By the way, after she takes her medication you need to go back and do it all over again, I mean the affection thingie. No jokes, I have come to understand that a woman can decide whether a drug works or not. I'm telling you, when you start carrying your face anyhow, you will buy glucose and Nutri-C for her tire, plus the massages for two weeks.🤣🤣

Few days ago I got home from a tiring day out and the first thing my wife told me was that she couldn't stand for long because she's feeling pains. I simply asked her why she didnt try sitting down, and then I walked away. Which isn't wrong anyway, if your legs are paining you why can't you just be sitting down na, ha!


She wasn't looking for a remedy at that time, neither was she asking for my professional advice 😀, she was calling for my attention. All she wanted to hear was "eyaaa, eyaaa, eyaaa, sorry, is it better now? Sorry o, do you want to lick icecream?"

Even though icecream has nothing to do with her hurting legs, but guess what, it will heal it faster than aboniki balm.

Learn this dynamics guys, it is peace on a whole different level.

These days my wife helps me alot with this. I mean, she gives me pointers to the kind of affection she needs. Each time I try to ignore her feelings she will say "babe tell me sorry, tell me welldone, tell me the meal is delicious, tell me my dress is pretty, tell me, tell me, tell me."

And trust me guys it help alot, cos men won't always remember this,  including me your teacher forming pro.😀😀

So dear aunties, be like my wife. lol. help bring your man's attention to the affections you need at the time. Instead of always faulting him and making yourself unhappy, give him pointers, every godly man will work on becoming better, I know this.

God bless every home out there.


Marriage to stranger

Women want to marry you because you're: rich, famous, financially stable, hardworking, humble, a good listener, caring, you've got six packs, you've got broad shoulders, you're tall, etc.

They never really wonder: “Why would he want to marry me?” It's a stupid question, yeah! But why should your man marry you? Why not one of your friends? Why not other ladies? Why would he want to spend forever with you? Why are you so special? What stands you out? Women never really ask themselves these questions. And that's where the real problem lies. You cannot seriously hope to get married to a man and have a happy home and not know what men want.

You think it's because you're beautiful or sexy? You really think it's because of big nyansh? You're getting it all wrong.

The number one thing that men look out for in a woman is “understanding,” followed closely by “faithfulness,” “loyalty,” “respect” and “support” – all of which culminates into one thing for the man — PEACE OF MIND.

A man first considers whether you understand him, whether you'll be faithful to him, whether you're loyal and supportive and respect him. All of these things constitutes love to a man.

It's okay for you to have a mental picture of the man you want to marry, but to fit into a own’s picture, you have to understand what men also want. 

One of the most ignorant things I hear women say is, “I can't change for any man. If he can't accept me the way I am, he should move” – especially when they say this in relation to a bad character trait of theirs that they're unwilling to change from.

Get this into your head, sister. 90% of men will not accept you as you are. No matter how much a man loves you, he wants you to accept certain aspects of his life that you can't change. And he wants you to change certain aspects of your life for him. 

This is the truth.

Choose one to go

1. Marry a very traditional man who never allows you to pay any bills but insists you must su.b.m.i.t in totality to him in all things, you don’t to anything without getting his consent first, even things that are personal to you, he has veto power in the marriage. If he says No, you dare not do that thing.  

2. Marry a modern man with equality mindset who shares all bills with you but also respects and takes on board your opinion, with all decisions in the marriage jointly made by you both depending on whose opinion makes most sense. 

3. Marry a semi traditional man ( he pays all big bills and leaves all small ones for you, you submit to him, he does not submit to you) with a semi equality mindset ( your opinion matters in not so serious matters so he gives you room to do your own thing in normal everyday stuff but in serious matters he makes all the important decisions)

Sunday, 17 July 2022

Ignore the words

Remember what others say and do does not define you in any way, it is a perception of what they see and feel.

So don't take on their personal energy as if it's you, because it is not.

Speak up in a strong kind way if it feels like the right thing to do, or most often we simply walk away and wish them well from afar.

People who say really hurtful things are not worth your time and energy in the moment.❤️‍🩹

Your next chapter is going to cause some people to wish they had treated you better.

Am I ready to Marry?

“When you set a rule for yourself and break it, you are cheating on yourself.”~FKU

Dear men,

Before you get married to a woman, try to live alone. Rent an apartment. Pay your rent yourself. Buy a bed and a mattress. Buy a TV. Most importantly, buy pots, a gas cooker or stove, and all the utensils you will need in the kitchen. Learn to cook. Feed yourself. 

Can you come back home from work and stay alone in your house without going out to hang out with friends? Can you be comfortable with your own presence? 

Can you sit in your house alone, especially during weekends, and watch your football matches and still feel happy? 

Can you say your prayers on your own without anyone reminding you or waking you up? Can you wash your clothes, mop your house, and make your bed? 

Can you cook your food and eat without going out to buy already-made food? 

Ask yourself! 

As a married man, you cannot sincerely appreciate your wife’s ability to take care of the house when you don’t have any experience in taking care of your house. 

You cannot appreciate what it means to cook fresh food every day when all you did when you were single was buy cooked food or asked someone to cook for you. 

In most tertiary institutions, young men tend to date girls so that they will have someone that will be coming over to their houses to cook for them, and then they’d have sex. 

Most young girls, on the other hand, date guys so that they will have someone that will be giving them money to buy whatever they need, and then they’d have sex. 

Amongst male friends, once one of them gets a girlfriend, the friends would all believe that the girl would be coming over, at least on weekends, to cook, wash and clean the house. For them, that is the default duty of a girlfriend. 

Among female friends, once one of them is dating, they would all believe that she won't lack anything material, like phones, airtime, money for hair, and her general upkeep. For them, that is the mark of having a boyfriend. 

I don’t think you need me to tell you how stupid and childish such mindset on dating is. 

So, I ask you again, can you stay for weeks, months, or a year, as a man without bringing women into your house to sleep with, women you know you won’t marry? 

Don’t claim to have self-discipline until you have experienced opportunities and come out unscathed. 

You know it’s one thing to be claiming virgin when you have not gotten the opportunity or the tempting environment like having a car, a good house, staying alone, and having some cash. It is another thing to remain pure despite having all the opportunities and temptations. 

If you fall under the category of holy people because you’ve not had opportunities and temptations, you are still a child.

Learn this from me; it is one thing to get married to someone, it is another to get married to yourself. 

Getting married to yourself involves being at home with yourself. It also means being happy by yourself, being able to look after yourself, being able to have self-control and understanding that when you set a rule for yourself and break it, you are cheating on yourself.

It is not an easy thing. This is where the real test of who you are comes out. If you are not married to yourself, it will be a disaster getting married to another.

. . . .Excerpt from my forthcoming book “I DO”.

Note: we are putting the finishing touches on this wonderful book. Once everything is sorted out, I will tell you how to preorder.


Aguba isreali wife

Aguba, Israeli Virgin, OPM Generosity, and the Rest of Us

So a veteran Nollywood actor called Aguba became "homeless" and was found on the street.

And like the biblical story of the man attacked on his way to Jericho and left helpless, 

Some friends saw him and looked away, 

Some saw him and took pictures to share on social media,

Then a church saw the viral picture and decided to help.

Like the good Samaritan, they took the veteran actor to a house,

They gave him food and change his clothes and shoes.

Then, they thought of another thing as a way of helping him, 

And of all the things they could think of, it is the need to give him a wife.

Wawu!. . .

And like the Greek philosopher Archimedes, who jumped out of the bathtub naked shouting EUREKA when he discovered the principle of buoyancy,

This church jumped out “all naked” in their Eureka moment to publish their findings.

They published on social media that there is a vacancy, and the vacancy is that a wife is needed. 

The woman is to apply within if she meets so and so qualifications.

And as expected. . .boom, there were applications. 

Images of girls showing their front and showing their back started appearing on our timelines . . .

Even those praying on the mountain were not left out. . .

There were even those fighting and campaigning for the post of Aguba's wife.

And then Aguba, the main man, he looked at them all... even the Widow offered him for free, even the promises that a bride price will be paid for him, even the idea of the wedding being big. . . 

My guy looked at them all, and with his full small chest said he wants a virgin from Israel.

And for the first time, the church had to pause and ask what really does Aguba need?

I know some of you don't like asking questions and hate it when things on religion are interrogated. . .

Well, not me. Not this page.

See, the problem is not about the generosity of the church. . . The problem is offering the wrong help.

This post is not for Aguba or the church, rather it is for us to draw some lessons.

We all must have the discernment to know the sort of help to give anyone who is in need.

The wrong help is the worst form of help.

Sometimes we project our definition of the good life and what we consider to be the definition of success to others.

We often make the mistake of thinking people's needs are cars, houses, or even wives/husbands.

Ministers make this mistake a lot... You look at a single woman, and all you could think of as her problem is marriage. Sometimes, it could be true, but you need discernment to know that and you must do it without projecting your own bias.

Some of you look at a sick person, and the only thing you could think of is for them to see your G.O Papa, or to drink Goya oil, or buy a bracelet charm from your Ogbanje leader. 

You don't destroy people in the name of helping them. You don't give a sick person duplex when he or she should go to the hospital. 

Parents make this mistake too. . . They think taking their kids to Dubai, not allowing them to do any chores, or buying ice cream every single time they cry is the definition of loving your child.

Knowing the appropriate help that is best for a person in need as at when he or she needs it is the first stage of actually helping.

Learn this and do better!


Saturday, 16 July 2022


Susan attended a funeral service of her friend who lost her husband at Langata Cemetery.

Susan held her wailing friend strongly as the casket was lowered into the freshly dug grave.

Susan's friend was screaming "My husband, don't leave me, please, don't leave me!" as people looked on feeling sad for her. 

The children were screaming too. Losing a father is not an easy thing.

If not for Susan, the friend would have thrown herself into the grave to be buried with her husband who died of suicide. Because the husband found no meaning in life and he killed himself.

Susan remembered the many times the friend would say she is tired of her good-for-nothing husband and here she is screaming and feeling lost because the husband is no more. 

The friend cried till she fainted. Susan and others there carried the devasted woman to an ambulance for first aid.

As Susan watched the spectacle of broken hearts crying for a man who will never ever come back, Susan remembered her husband. 

Susan remembered how much she takes her husband for granted.

How she talks to him however she pleases.

How she gives him prolonged silent treatment over issues they can easily resolve.

How she denied him sex many times. And she asked herself "What if it was my husband that is buried today how would I feel?" Susan thought.

Susan remembered that she argued with her husband and he left the house with a tension between them just because after all these years, he still leaves his plate in the living room instead of taking it to the sink after eating.

"God forbid that my husband die, but what if as my husband went out in anger and never returns and passes on, is this the last memory I would like my husband and me to have?" She thought again.

Susan began to remember all the wonderful things her husband has done in the past, which she never taught of before except by complaining.

Now, in her heart, she began to appreciate him for all his efforts no matter how small it was.

At that moment, she realized her areas of improvement, and said to herself "there is no other man I would rather share my life with than my loving husband."

She thought of life without him and it scared her. And said, "I would rather have disagreements with my loving husband than to lose him to death. I prefer his sense of humor and laughter than to cry for losing him."

That evening, after Susan took her widowed friend to a safe place, she passed by the supermarket and bought her husband a card saying "Thank you for being in my life"

And when she got home, she cooked her husband's favorite meal and asked her children to join her in celebrating her husband.

That night, her husband came home expecting a fight from Susan, but instead, he got greetings and hugs from Susan and the children. 

He was welcomed with songs, dancing and laughter, cute drawings of him with warm messages from the children, a home-cooked meal, and pleasant conversations. And Susan's husband burst into tears when Susan and the children told him how much they love him and they surrounded him to pray for him. 

A grown man cried like a baby because of love. He felt needed and he asked them "Is today father's day?"

Susan looked into his eyes and said, "No, it is lovers' day. Because every day is special with you around me from now on, we will do nothing but love each other. 

I don't know how long we have to live together, but it will not be wasted by fights, misunderstandings, complaints, and lack of appreciation. 

In case you have forgotten, "I love you"

"I love you too," said Susan's husband as he kissed and hugged Susan, the children dancing and cheering on. 

Children long for a home where mom and dad give each other warmth.

Since then, both Susan and her husband have been a stronger and more loving couple after realizing that tomorrow is not guaranteed.
 ~ Sometimes the death of someone wakes us up to the reality of life. 

 ~ Don't let the death of your spouse wake you up to the reality of life, it will be too late. 

 ~ God forbid, if your spouse dies today, will you regret how you have been treating him/her? 

 ~ Do you think living alone without your spouse will be joyful for you? 

 ~ Will you be able to transfer your children to another man or woman whom they have not grown to know? 

 ~ If you decide to be a single father or mother, will you be able to do the job alone? 

 ~ Can you stand the pain of your kids asking why they don't have a father or mother like others? 

 ~ What is it that you cannot mend in your marriage? 

 ~ No doubt it's not easy, but prayerfully love your spouse while he/she lives. It rubs on the children as well. 

 So mend your home, don't destroy it. 

 This post can save a family, therefore kindly share it with others. 



It has come to the notice of the Department of the Social Communications of the Archdiocese of Abuja a false news which has gone viral on the endorsement of Kashim Shettima as the APC Vice Presidential candidate. 

This fake news is coming after the nationwide outcry that graced the Muslim-Muslim ticket of the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) since Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s announced the former Governor of Borno, Senator Kashim Shettima as his running mate in the 2023 presidential election, the loyalists of the ruling party have been at their wits end explaining to Nigerians the soundness of their choice.

One of their antics to give credit to the much criticized choice, has been to use the good names of reputable Nigerians to *launder* the image of Shettima. One of such futile attempts is dragging the name of Most Rev Ignatius Kaigama, the Catholic Archbishop of Abuja, into the fan base of APC. Recently, the social media was agog with the skewed news of such spurious endorsement.

To set the records right, at no point has the venerable archbishop either in his personal capacity or as the Metropolitan of Abuja Ecclesiastical Province made such comments. Those familiar with the norms of the Catholic Church understand that Canon 285 § 2 admonishes that “Clerics are to avoid those things which, although not unbecoming, are nevertheless foreign to the clerical state.” 
Endorsing a candidate of a particular party by any cleric as purported is certainly foreign to the clerical state *and not a possible action by Catholic cleric.* It is therefore unthinkable that Archbishop Kaigama who knows better the workings of the Church as *a* top cleric in the Nigerian sphere, *would* make such alleged endorsement. How could he when such posture contradicts the very essence of his episcopal ministry?  

The rumor peddlers depict that they are out of touch with ecclesiastical reality in Nigeria. Archbishop Kaigama ended his tenure as President of Catholic Bishops Conference of Nigeria (CBCN) since 2018. After him, there have been two successors, yet the bearers of the false news  *presented* him now in 2022 as the President of CBCN, *which he longer is.* 

The bigger question to be asked is: How did we come about such *a* nasty insinuation? Why the futile attempt to put words in the mouth of the Archbishop?  

Well, it has to do with the event of 2016. As the then President of CBCN, Archbishop Kaigama along with other bishops, graced the Golden Jubilee of the Catholic Diocese of Maiduguri while Kashim Ibrahim Shettima was the Governor of Borno State. 

As it was customary, he led the bishops to pay *a* courtesy visit to then Governor Shettima. Archbishop Kaigama minced no words in reminding his listeners that the Catholic Bishops of Nigeria has prophetic voice. His words: “We are a voice for the people. Our voice is a prophetic voice. We see things where things are good, we say it so. Where things are bad, we say it so.”

Coming from such premise, he of course commended some virtues he found in the governor as it relates to his working relationship with peoples of other faith. Six years after however, it surprising that his innocuous comment has been reinvented by mischievous makers to mean endorsement of Shettima as Tinubu’s vice presidential candidate, what a shame!

The general public is hereby notified that Archbishop Kaigama has not and will not endorse any candidate as his flock cut across *political* parties and he would not prefer one candidate above the other. It is up to Nigerian voters to make their choice through the ballot box by electing the best candidates.

Fr. Patrick Alumuku, PhD 
Director of Communications
Catholic Archdiocese of Abuja.

Memorial of the day - July 16Our Lady of Mount Carmel

Sacred Scripture already celebrated the beauty of Carmel where the prophet Elijah defended the purity of Israel's faith in the living God. 

In the twelfth century, some group of hermits withdrew to same mount Carmel where they organized themselves into an Order around 1150. 

Oppressed by the Saracens, the monks later slowly emigrated to Europe. During the night preceding the 16th of July, 1225, the Blessed Virgin is said to have commanded Pope Honorius III to approve the foundation. 

Since the Carmelites were still under constant harassment, the sixth General of the Order, St. Simon Stock, pleaded with the Blessed Virgin for some special sign of her protection. 

On July 16, 1251, Blessed Virgin Mary designated the scapular as the special mark of her maternal love. That is why the present feast is also known as the feast of the Scapular. The scapular, as part of the habit, is common to many religious Orders, but it is a special feature of the Carmelites. A smaller form of the scapular is given to lay persons in order that they may share in the great graces associated with it.

Devotion to Our Lady of Mount Carmel is worldwide, and most Catholics are familiar with the Scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, also known as the Brown Scapular. The feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel was instituted for the Carmelites in 1332, and extended to the whole Church by Benedict XIII in 1726.

May the venerable intercession of the glorious Virgin Mary come to our aid, we pray, O Lord, so that, fortified by her protection, we may reach the mountain which is Christ. Who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen

Friday, 15 July 2022


A fifteen year old boy in Turin was about to die. He called for Don Bosco, but the saint was not able to make it in time. Another priest heard the boy's confession and the boy died. When Don Bosco returned to Turin, he set out at once to see the boy. When told that the boy was dead, he insisted that it was "just a misunderstanding." After a moment of prayer in the room of the dead child, Don Bosco suddenly cried out: "Charles! Rise!" To the utter amazement of all present, the boy stirred, opened his eyes, and sat up. Seeing Don Bosco, his eyes lit up.

"Father, I should now be in Hell!" gasped the boy. "Two weeks ago I was with a bad companion who led me into sin and at my last confession, I was afraid to tell everything . . . Oh, I've just come out of a horrible dream! I dreamt I was standing on the edge of a huge furnace surrounded by a horde of devils. They were about to throw me into the flames when a beautiful Lady appeared and stopped them. 'There's still hope for you, Charles,' she told me. 'You have not yet been judged!' At that moment I heard you calling me. Oh, Don Bosco! What a joy to see you again! Will you please hear my confession?"

After hearing the boy's confession, Don Bosco said to the boy, "Charles, now that the gates of Heaven lie wide open for you, would you rather go there or stay here with us?" The boy looked away for a moment and his eyes grew moist with tears. An expectant hush fell over the room. "Don Bosco", he said at last, "I'd rather go to Heaven." The mourners watched in amazement as Charles leaned back on the pillows, closed his eyes, and settled once more into the stillness of death.

Wednesday, 13 July 2022

I can't tell her I don't love her anymore

Well, here are 5 solid reasons why a man who doesn't love you is unlikely to openly tell you to move on with your life:

One of the reasons why no woman has loved you is because you think and act like a woman. 

Let me explain this point so you can understand it. 

Have you heard women say: “if he doesn't love her, why doesn't he let her go.” Or, “if he doesn't love me, why can't he let me go? Why does he keep calling me? Why does he view my WhatsApp statuses? Why does he react to my picture updates on Facebook with the love emoji ❤️?”

Have you?

I know you probably have.

Women actually expect a man who doesn't treat them right to be the one to tell them, “I don't love you (anymore). Move on with your life and stop bugging me, before they get the memo.” 😎

1) He knows that you won't believe him. Women always attach emotional meanings to little gestures from the men they love. So even if he tells you off, you're unlikely to take him seriously. As long as he's kind to you, you'll naturally gravitate right back into his arms.

2) He will lose an option that is guaranteed to be available to him in the event that his main target hurts him or leaves him: Humans are selfish by nature. They will not fail to manipulate you for their selfish desires if you appear weak. Why will a man leave you knowing full well that you love him more than you love yourself and will do anything to please him even at your expense? Why will he give up free sex, free attention, even free money, just like that? Think about it. The exact same reason why women friend zone good men just in case their relationship with a bad guy does not work out, is the same reason why a man is unlikely to break off a relationship with a woman even if he doesn't love her.

3) Women love illusion more than reality: This means that a woman is more likely to believe and accept a lie that makes her happy than the truth that hurts her feelings but has the propensity to resurrect her wisdom and sharpen her critical reasoning faculty. Most women cannot engage in a civil and healthy conversation with their partner about issues in their relationship without getting emotional. It is the reason why your boyfriend/husband cannot tell you about a co-worker who's making passes at him at his office. It is the reason why he can't discuss some of the silly fantasies in his head. He knows you will read deep meanings into it and take it to great extents and he would rather you don't do that for the sake of peace.

4) You're his bragging rights: Losing you will mean he doesn't have anyone to brag with to his crop of foolish friends.

5) He knows that you're a fool: only foolish people remain where they are treated with disdain, disrespect and dishonour. 

While men are logical beings. Women are weird far more emotionally.

A man doesn't tell you he wants to leave an unhealthy relationship. A man leaves an unhealthy relationship.

A man doesn't think about all the good sex positions you gave him when you cheat on him. A man banishes all of those thoughts in distant memory and moves on with his life.

Is it funny that women expect men who serve no purpose in their lives to actually be the ones to initiate a breakup.

My point is, as a man, if you're more emotional than you're logical, you will not appeal to 90 percent of women, because no woman wants a man who acts like a woman for a life partner or a serious relationship.

Good evening beloved fans ❤️❤️

Tuesday, 12 July 2022


Some guys when asked why their relationship failed, they will tell you "she left cos I don't have money." But this is not always true NOT all ladies love for the sake of money. I have seen guys that had nothing but their gf stick to them. There are various reasons why ladies dumped their guys to mention but a few.

1. Some guys don't knw how to treat or make a woman happy.

2. Some lack courtesy at least if you don't have money, you should 've courtesy.

3. Most guys have Ego, they never say "l'm sorry" when they wrong you.

4. Some guys are not romantic & don't know how to use words such as; sweetie,Angel, Sexy, My world, Treasure, My Queen etc. Women love to hear their praises.

5. Some guys to lie alot and such guys believed that ladies fall in love when you tell them lies. It's wrong cos when she finds out the real you,she can quit the r/ship.

6. Some guys are dirty; such guys thinks neatness is meant for ladies alone. They hardly wash their clothes let alone their boxers.

7. Most guys are cheats just few of them are faithful. The cheat amongst them believed that it is in the nature of man to cheat.

8. Some guys has No Future Ambition (NFA). No woman wants a man that has no future plan.

9. Some guys are irresponsible always looking for ladies who have huge amount of money in their account. Gold diggers! Such guys are " INFIDEL" A responsible man should be hardworking. 

10. Some guys are immature and such guys will comment rubbish after reading this post instead of correcting themselves in the catagories they fall💯💯

   Good morning ndi anambra state 💞💞💞

Never ever date or marry a person you're not sexually attracted to

Never ever date or marry a person you're not sexually attracted to. Never marry someone you don't constantly feel the urge to have sex with. Do not marry a man that has never had an erection in your presence and attempted to touch you. Do not marry a woman who doesn't melt and get wet at the sight of you or when you're giving her some deep emotional lines.

Sexual connection and compatibility is one of the first things you must consider before marriage.

If sex was not important in marriage, God would have simply created us without Homo-erectus, viviana and bobby, made us unattractive to one another and found a way for us to reproduce like plants.

A man is not a bad man because he wants to sleep with you. A man becomes a bad man only if sleeping with you is the only thing he wants and cannot restrain himself when your answer is NO. 

A man is a bad man because his desire for sex comes before your mental state of mind, your mood and your health.

Good morning beloved fans.

Monday, 11 July 2022


After a person has broken up with you or made it very clear that you're not the one they want to be with, it is very important for you to cut-off every channel of communication with them. They may say, "Okay, we can still be friends."  While this may be true, what you need immediately after a breakup is healing, not the friendship of someone you love who no longer loves you. If you agree to be friends with them, you'll be constantly hurting. 

For a person to leave you for another, they must be very happy with their new partner. Do not be mistaken about this. Forget whatever nonsense things they tell you, it's all lies.  What they want is to know if you're still hurting or not...they want to know if you're still into them. 

Whatever they do for you thereafter is from a place of pity not love. The problem here is, you don't need their pity because their pity will stop you from healing. What you need in those moments is to be faraway from them. Cutoff all ties. Do not let them in on your feelings or next move. Don't allow them to pretend to care about you because they don't. Stop opening up your feelings to them by saying things such as; "I still love you..I still have feelings for you..and all. You need to show character. Shut them out totally from your life until after you have healed completely. 

When you've healed and are independently happy, you may wish to be friends with them again. It is very important to know that to do all the things I have highlighted will not be easy. But it's in your best long term interest. It is very important for you to be strong and even to pretend to be happy after a break up. 


The case of San Jose de Cupertino is undoubtedly the first of all for the conspicuous nature of this manifestation. -

Catholicism considers levitation as an extraordinary phenomenon in which a body rises above the ground, remaining in the air without natural support.

In Catholic mysticism, it is called ascending ecstasy, and ecstatic march when the body appears to move without touching the ground. In the studies carried out by the Bolandists, there are witnesses of some cases of levitation in the history of Christianity: Saint Joseph of Cupertino, Saint Francisco of Assis, Saint Thomas of Aquino, Saint Pio of Pietrelcina, Saint Martinho de Porre, Saint Afonso from Ligory, Saint Catherine of Senna, Saint Philip Neri, Saint Peter of Alcantara, San Francisco Xavier, Saint Teresa of Jesus, Saint John of the Cross, Saint Stephen of Hungary.

The case of San Jose de Cupertino is undoubtedly the first of all for the conspicuous nature of this manifestation.

The Church has explained this phenomenon as a precursor to the gift of self-agility of the glorious bodies. As a rule, mystical levitation is checked while the patient is in ecstasy and, if the body rises slightly, it is called ascension ecstasy; if it rises at a great height, it is called ecstatic flight; and if you begin to walk fast on the ground, but if m touch it it's called ecstatic march

The Priest in the photo is a Jesuit Father called Pe. Giovanni Sala, the photo is real. Until his death, Pe. Giovanni Sala, SJ, was a student of Bernard Lonergan, a translator of Lonergan's work into Italian and German, and a world-class Kant scholar. His writings below were translated into English with the support of members of the Lonergan Institute for the ‘Good Under Construction’ in Washington, DC.

Works like:
• Grace created — Pe. Giovanni B. Room, S.J.

•Fallible teachings and the assistance of the Holy Spirit. Reflections on the Ordinary Magisterium in connection with the Instruction on "The Ecclesial Vocation of the Theologian" Pe. Giovanni B. Room, S. J

The original photo is on display in memorial in honor of Pe. Giovanni Sala.

My father pays me 30,000 per each child I kidnapped: confession of a child kidnapper.

A suspected female kidnapper, Adeola Omoniyi, has revealed how she had been kidnapping toddlers in communities in Ondo State in the past two years for her father, Ilesanmi Omoniyi, who in turn pays her the sum of N30,000 for each operation.

The 22-year-old suspect disclosed this while being paraded at the police headquarters alongside her father.

Ominiyi, was arrested at Ore in Odigbo Local Government Area of Ondo State while on her third mission.

She said “I’m a kidnapper. I do kidnap little children and I always deliver them to my father in his house at Igbotako. I was successful with the first two children I took but I was caught with the third one.

“After delivering the kids to my father, he used to give me N30,000 for each operation. I do use the money to take care of myself. I don’t know what he normally uses the children for. All I do is just to take them to him.

“He was the one that told me to always bring the children to him. I picked the first child from Ilutitun and the from Ilowo.

“It was when I was taking the child away that the mother raised alarm.
People gathered to beat me and I was taken to the police station before I was moved to Akure.

“I have been doing the business for about two years. The first one was in 2021 and the second one this year. I always ask the children when they are alone where are they going and I hold their hand and they will follow me.”

However, the father of the suspected criminal who said that her daughter lied against him, # stated that she had been battling with a mental issue.

“My daughter used to stay in Lagos. She used about two years in Lagos. She got sick and they brought her to me in Igbotako. She was stacked naked when they brought her to me.

“I later took her to a church where the pastor said I should pay N80,000. I sold my cassava and I paid the pastor. He later told me that she is better but a few days after he called again that he could not find her as she had left the church.

“I’m the one that she used to bring the kids to. I have never given her N30,000. It was six months after she left the church that we have been looking for her that I heard that she went to steal a child.”

Meanwhile, the Police Public Relations Officer in the state, SP Funmi Odunlami, maintained that the suspects would be charged to court after the conclusion of an investigation.

Moral Lesson

A Woman walks into a butchery shop just before closing time and asks, "Do you still have chicken?"

The butcher opens his deep freezer, takes out his only chicken left and puts it on the weighing scale, and it weighs 1.5 kg.

The woman looks at the chicken and at the scale and asked, "Do you have one that's a bit bigger than this one?"

The butcher puts his only chicken back into the freezer, and then takes it out again, but this time when he puts it on the scale; he then craftily keeps his thumb on the scale pan, and the scale now shows 2 kg, "That's wonderful," said the woman. "I'll take both of them, please!"

In a situation like this, you realize at once that your Integrity and your reputation are firmly on the line. Your Wisdom becomes foolishness and your cunning becomes stupidity.

Until now the butcher has his head inside the big deep freezer looking for the first chicken.

✔️Always tell the truth and you will be free.
✔️A good name is better than riches
✔️Live to express yourself and not to impress others.

Sunday, 10 July 2022

My father pays me 30,000 per each child I kidnapped: confession of a child kidnapper.

A suspected female kidnapper, Adeola Omoniyi, has revealed how she had been kidnapping toddlers in communities in Ondo State in the past two years for her father, Ilesanmi Omoniyi, who in turn pays her the sum of N30,000 for each operation.

The 22-year-old suspect disclosed this while being paraded at the police headquarters alongside her father.

Ominiyi, was arrested at Ore in Odigbo Local Government Area of Ondo State while on her third mission.

She said “I’m a kidnapper. I do kidnap little children and I always deliver them to my father in his house at Igbotako. I was successful with the first two children I took but I was caught with the third one.

“After delivering the kids to my father, he used to give me N30,000 for each operation. I do use the money to take care of myself. I don’t know what he normally uses the children for. All I do is just to take them to him.

“He was the one that told me to always bring the children to him. I picked the first child from Ilutitun and the from Ilowo.

“It was when I was taking the child away that the mother raised alarm.
People gathered to beat me and I was taken to the police station before I was moved to Akure.

“I have been doing the business for about two years. The first one was in 2021 and the second one this year. I always ask the children when they are alone where are they going and I hold their hand and they will follow me.”

However, the father of the suspected criminal who said that her daughter lied against him, # stated that she had been battling with a mental issue.

“My daughter used to stay in Lagos. She used about two years in Lagos. She got sick and they brought her to me in Igbotako. She was stacked naked when they brought her to me.

“I later took her to a church where the pastor said I should pay N80,000. I sold my cassava and I paid the pastor. He later told me that she is better but a few days after he called again that he could not find her as she had left the church.

“I’m the one that she used to bring the kids to. I have never given her N30,000. It was six months after she left the church that we have been looking for her that I heard that she went to steal a child.”

Meanwhile, the Police Public Relations Officer in the state, SP Funmi Odunlami, maintained that the suspects would be charged to court after the conclusion of an investigation.

Saturday, 9 July 2022

Cry when broken! Lament when sad.

Dear men.....
I'm talking to you!!

Cry when broken! Lament when sad.
Share your pain, tell how you feel to anyone who cares to listen. You are human, not superhuman. You have blood running through your veins not water. You have feelings too, so break out from your silence. 
Who said a protector doesn't need protection? 
Who taught you that what makes you a man/woman is your ability to endure pain and die in silence? Who is telling you that you can't speak. 
I encourage you to speak, for there is no pride in dying in silence.

I love you all

For counseling and prayers

Friday, 8 July 2022


When you meet a lady and it feels as if you beginning to like her, take your time to know her, watch the things she wears, The kind of hair she makes, the quality of her shoes, Her Skin and things she puts on.

And most importantly, pay attention to things she says, places she has been to and how well she is living. Take time to find out if these things are true or not.

You know why?

There are some ladies you will meet today and just taking them out on a date, I mean one date and boom, your account is dry.

It's not because these ladies are materialistic, it's just their Normal lifestyle.

In fact, they even ate less because they were trying to be nice. If they eat the normal way they enjoy themselves? You will have to wash plate in that eatery to settle the bills.

Some of you like trouble, a lady will be busy with her classy lifestyle and boom, that's who you want, you like classic ladies but bring 30k for hair, you will start insulting every woman in the world.

Understand that, there are ladies at your level that will gladly accept you and even pray for you if you give them just 5k for hair.

Go for your level.
Go for your size.
Stop creating unnecessary headaches for yourself.

There are so many ladies you will come close to and you'll just shook your head and tell urself the truth.

She don't necessarily need my money or to ask for anything but I know the day I might decide to help her with her hair money? That might be my two months Salary so just respect myself.

I hate seeing guys complain that their partners is too expensive. Did she ask you out? Why didn't you go for the other lady that is not expensive?

Stop eyeing an Apple 🍎 when you know you can only afford Orange 🍊.

I won't stop advising u