Saturday, 28 August 2021


Having vagina, boobs, and hips doesn't make you a woman.
A woman is the one who feeds a man with encouragement and ideas
A woman is the one who helps a man to save and invest wisely .
A woman does not run her mouth with sarcasm and insult just to prove a point, rather her words are gracious and can heal a broken heart .
A woman is the one that knows when to talk and to keep Quiet.
A woman is the one that doesn't leak secret.
A woman is the one that is content with what she has, and not the one that sells her self for material things.
A woman is a manager, a caretaker,a womb that can nature and birth destinies .
A woman doesn't do trending things, but she is reserved and has a taste of a Queen.
A woman doesn't look down on any man because of his present state of life and financial status, rather she encourages any man to get better.
A woman is the one that does not just bears babies, but bear ideas and inspiration anytime, anywhere.
A woman is the one a man can cry on her shoulders and not feel humiliated for doing so nor lose his value .
A woman is not the one that deceive a man just to eat his money, but the one who is honest and sincere in any relationship.
.A woman. Is not the one that makes men feel terrible, but the one a man can run to for comfort.
A woman is the one that will spoil a man with honour and respect because there lies her strength and integrity .
A woman is an influence, a nation and a helper.
Many are females but only few can be called a woman.
Now, let us ask ourself today this question:
Am I a woman.
God bless us all in Jesus name 


Johnson moved to US with his wife after he won American visa lottery in 2009. Things turned around for him as he secured a well paid job in Tennessee while his wife also got a good job as a Nurse.
4 years later, God blessed them with a baby and they quickly arranged a visa for Johnson's mother to come to America for babysitting. The baby is 8yrs old now and the babysitter is not yet back to her husband.
Johnson's father was forced by circumstances to marry a 32yr old lady after waiting endlessly for her wife to return from US. The poor man became a polygamist, ready to rear another set of children from his new wife in his 60's.
The man said and I quote "sending my wife to US for babysitting is a grave mistake I will never forget; the decision took a downturn on my life. I will never forgive Johnson for taking my wife from me while he enjoy his"
There are countless dad suffering like Johnson's father; all in the name of traveling for babysitting, fathers becomes bachelors who now eat outside or forced to marry or date another woman. Some of them sleeps around just because the absence of their wife set a big vacuum and emptiness into their lives.
Before you invite your mother for babysitting, think about her husband. It is a sin against God and mankind if u separate what God had joined together.
Remember your mum was your dad's wife before u were born, she was all your dad had before u. U should be a home builder and not a destroyer. Remember that one day, it shall be your turn to step into that grandpa shoes; what goes around will then come around.
Stop taking another man's wife all in the name of babysitting, as soon as your wife is strong enough to take care of the baby, return your mum back to her husband. You can't deprive your dad of the pleasure of togetherness while u enjoy yours, life doesn't go like that.
This piece sound trivial and unpopular but believe me, it is one of the leading pain grandpas go through.


1) The body is able to produce a hormone (Melatonin) which fights diseases in the body while asleep at night in the dark only.
2) While asleep in the dark, the brain cells are able to rejuvenate back to their original state ( cells which were damaged due to excessive sunlight and electricity) and function properly.
3) A study shows that Intelligent people all over the world do not sleep at night with lights on. *Take note*
4) Sleeping in the dark or without light at night, helps the body to fight Insomnia (check the meaning)
5) Melatonin decreases in the day time due to the presence of sun light. Hence you should not allow light at night when the body is ready to produce it again.
6) Melatonin tells us its time to sleep. Lack of it causes sleeplessness.
7) Sleeping without light at night, makes an individual look fresh, lives longer and looks younger all the times. (Healthy).
Learn to sleep at night without light for your good. Nothing bad happens to those who practice it. Don't be scared.
*Please dont keep this to yourself* Share!!! Health is Wealth, Someone need to read this!


A group of ladies arrived the church, wearing clothes that were quite revealing. Here is what the pastor did. He took a good look at them and made them sit. Then he said something that they might never forget for the rest of their lives.
He looked at them straight in the eyes and said,
''Ladies,everything that God made valuable in this world is well covered and hard to see, find or get.
1.Where do you find diamonds? Deep down in the ground, covered and protected.
2. Where do you find pearls? Deep down at the bottom of the ocean, covered up and protected in a beautiful shell.
3. Where do you find gold? Way down in the mine, covered with layers of rock and to get them, you have to work hard and dig deep down to get them.
He looked at them with serious eyes and said,''You are far more precious than gold, diamonds and pearls, and you should be covered too'' He added, "if you keep your treasured minerals just like gold, diamonds and pearls deeply covered up, a reputable mining company with the requisite machinery will fly down and conduct years of extensive exploration.
First, they will contact your government (family), sign contracts (wedding) and mine you professionally & legally marriage).
But if you leave your precious minerals uncovered on the surface of the earth, you always attract a lot of illegal miners to come and mine you illegally.
Keep your bodies deeply covered so that it will invite professional miners to chase you.
Moral Lesson: DRESS WELL and refrain from SEXUAL IMMORALITY
God bless you

Ovulation count

Most girls/ ladies don't understand this because of much heavy grammar used to teach it, and we don't listen to our body too. We read, we started listening to famale body for signs and we arrived at the simple analysis/steps........
# MENSTRUAL_PERIOD : The time blood flows out of your private area, when you use pad.
# MENSTRUAL_CYCLE : Days it takes to see another blood in the month. If you last saw your period in June 11th and it started again on July 10th 2021 , then you have 30days cycle (count from 11 June to 10 July).
#NOTE : It is erroneous to believe it's 28days cycle, different women have different cycles ranging from 21-35 days.
# OVULATION_PERIOD : This is time to get pregnant without stress. This is 2 weeks after your period or 2 weeks before the next period.
Here's a simple way to calculate your ovulation (unsafe) period.
1. From the first day you see the blood of your period.
2. Pick up a calendar and count 15 days including the first day of the blood stain.
3. Mark the 15th day with a pen.
4. Mark 3 days before the 15th day, and mark 3 days after the 15th day.
6. You will notice you have 7 days marked.
These 7 days are your ovulation/fertile days also known as unsafe period. That is if you have sex on any of these days, then you have 98% chances of being pregnant.
7. Do this every month diligently
1. If your period is 11th July, 2021 ,
2. 15 days after the first day of the blood stain will be on 25th of this July too (2weeks after) counting from 11th.
3. 15th day is on the 25th July 2021 .
4. 3days before the 15th day is 22, 23, 24.
5. 3days after 25th July 2021 is 26, 27, 28.
6. 22-28th July (7days) is when you are ovulating. It is your fertile period.
**Don't forget that the 7 days is a reminder that sperm stays in the female body for about 7 days. Any sexual contact in between ovulation period will form something that has ears, eyes, etc.
#ALSO ......
If you want a baby girl, have sex between 3 days before ovulation (22- 24th) 2021 .
For a baby boy on the main ovulation day and 3 days after 25th.
You don't need a doctor, just relax. After 2 weeks you may feel the following:
1. Headache.
2. High body temperature.
3. Dizziness (feeling of tiredness and sleepiness).
4. Breast tenderness/ size increases just like when you are menstruating.
5. Increased sex drive.
6. Light cramps or pain on one side of the pelvis.
7. Abdominal bloating.
8. Heightened sense of smell, taste or vision (you eat more).
9. Vagina mucus becomes slippery (if you notice, put it in between stretches like thick catarrh or snail mucus...colorless like egg white.
N/B: The instance here is for ladies with 30 days cycle. And someone who saw her period in July 2021. If yours is 28, then it's 14 days and not 15 days.
**If you have headache without a cause, check back to when your period started. You can drink both malt and peak milk....don't run to the pharmacist always on issues that can be naturally handled, because drugs are not always good on girls. Or you can take only paracetamol.
Please take Note: For single ladies and girls,
When you are on your free period that’s doesn’t means that you should go a meet a guy or start sleeping around. Stay away from premarital sex. It is a sin against God which is called fornication.
Sex is mainly made for the married.
Sex is only enjoyable in marriage.

Claiming Rights in Marriage

Two families lived in the same compound. The family of Mr Peter had constant quarrels in their marriage and the other family of Mr Davis lived quietly and friendly.
One day, Mr Peter and his wife had this feeling of jealousy about nice atmosphere in the family of the Davis, then the wife told her husband:
– Go to Davis’ family and look at what they are doing right that we are not doing.
The husband came, hid and started watching through the window luckily at the time he saw Mrs Davis mopping the floor in the living room. Suddenly something distracted her, and she ran to the kitchen. At that time her husband rushed into the living room. He did not notice the bucket of water, he accidentally kicked it and the water in the mop Bucket splashed to the floor.
Then his wife came back from the kitchen and said to him:
– I’m sorry, honey, it’s my fault because I did not remove the bucket from the passage
– No, I‘m sorry, honey, it’s my fault, because I did not notice it was there.
After Mr Peter saw this, he returned home quietly.
When his wife asked him how far;
– Did you see anything?
– Mr Peter said I guess I did, we always seek to be right at every argument But for the Peter's each of them takes the blame on themselves and move on.

Faked cAr key

My best friend bought a brand new car and called to inform me. I was so happy for him. I screamed on the phone in joy and told him I was coming right away.
When I got to his house, he threw the car key on me and told me to drive around and bring the car back to him.
"Omoh you mean am?" I asked in excitement.
He said yes.
I got into the brand new car and drove straight to my house to pick my wife. That was the only place I could drive to. I wanted her to enter a brand new car and feel the excitement.
When I drove into our compound, my wife ran out of the house. I saw the smiles on her face. She was just waiting for me to confirm it.
"I bought a new car baby."
She screamed for joy. Fell to the ground. Rolled in the compound and stood up again. She started singing "Narekelemo". All her face was smeared with dust. She had used her cloth to clean the floor. By the time she got up, she was looking like someone whom soldiers had beaten up with firewood.
I did not know how to tell her it was a joke anymore. She opened the car and entered. I also got into the car.
We started driving around Jos. We were just driving around without a destination. My wife was screaming in the car. She was Shouting like a terrorist. Dancing. Even touching my manhood with style.
After three hours, my friend called me to bring the car home so his Uncle could see.
That was how I took the next U-Turn and started driving to my friend's house. We got to his house and I alighted from the car. I handed the car key to my friend. My wife was still in the car looking at me.
My friend asked why my wife was still tying wrapper and why her face and hair was dusty. I told him she fell down why we stopped to buy something on the road. I begged him to go inside as she may be embarrassed if he came close.
He went in.
I walked to the car and told my wife to come down so we could climb Okada and go home.
The woman became surprised.
"What about our car? Who did you give our car keys to?"
"It was Patrick's new car o. I just wanted you to enjoy what our future will look like."
My wife looked at me. She realized it was all a prank. She alighted from the car without saying a word to me.
That day we boarded Okada. She sat in front and I sat at the back. My wife was just turning from left to right while on the Okada. In my heart I was praying let her not push me on the express. I kept holding the back of the Okada very well.
When we returned home, she entered the house and locked me outside. Despite begging my wife did not open. She left me outside till 2am before she finally opened the door for me.
Man became humble.
I told her thank you as I walked into the house.
A year later I bought our very first car and brought it home. Even though my wife and I had gone to buy the car, she didn't jump or celebrate. I asked her why she had celebrated our friend's car and why she didn't celebrate this one.
She looked at me.
"Praises, I am careful now. Once beaten twice shy. I will celebrate when the car is two months old in our compound."

Friday, 27 August 2021

Why Sex again

There is something both the aged and the infant do not know anything about.
The church also has closed her eyes on this particular issue. Nobody wants to talk about it but it is very real.
In case you are not aware my brethren, I want to tell you that: SEXUAL IMMORALITY is the last bullet the kingdom of darkness has thrown against the church of God, and the church is wounded very sore that there seems to be no cure or remedy.
I want to make it so clear and not in jargons or vocabularies that, you cannot count the number of people who go to church and proclaim the name of God, that are still living in immorality. They may either be suffering from *lust, masturbation, pornography, adultery, incest, homosexual, lesbianism, sodomy, bestiality and many more* which time will fail me to mention.
Hardly will you come across a young lady who has not been misused by 'so called boyfriends'. And every guy is now dating because of sex.
God is watching all those that are having sex with people they haven't married.
It's a headache for God seeing his own created people perishing in a sin called sexual immorality. How many young men today in the church can you count and point fingers at that fornication has not pulled down?
A pastor slept with his junior pastor's wife, impregnated her, and used the name of God to defend himself that it was God who instructed him to do so.
Sex that is supposed to be between husband and wife only, is now between father and daughter in the church, do I need to tell you there is fire on the mountain?
If sex that is only legalized between a man and his wife, is now between a guy and his girlfriend or between a man and his fiancee, do you need angels to come and sound the warning against sexual immorality?
If sex that is a sacred thing in marriage has become a desecrated thing in dating, what else do you want before you prepare the way of the Lord?
Cry aloud, spare not. And tell the house of Jacob their sins, and Israel their transgressions. Pastor why are you not crying aloud? Why are you so mute like ELI? Heaven is shedding tears over the perishing souls every day and you are there raising funds every Sunday to build bigger Auditorium.
You call your members for anointing services and prayer meetings without urging sin out of them.
Some are living together with men that did not pay any dowry on them.
Some commit abortion and cover it up. Some are lesbians and homosexuals. What are you doing about that?
Where has the word of God that says *"flee fornication"* gone to in your Bible? From henceforth, if you don't take this warning and start declaring war against this strange spirit that has taken over the church, you'll have questions to answer.
And those who claim they love holiness messages with negligence to this particular truth about sex have actually missed the mark.
To be active in church and still be committing immorality, God is watching you.
To be a child of God and still having a boyfriend or girlfriend, God is watching you.
To be a choir member or youth leader and still be doing what the married are doing, if you like continue.
All you need is genuine repentance.
God Said : There will come a time when mankind will love five things and forget five things.*
1. They will love the enjoyment of this world and forget the day of judgement.
2. They will love money and forget the day of accountability of how they acquired and spend the money.
3. They will fear things that are created and forget the creator.
4. They will love beautiful mansions and forget their grave.
5. They will love sins and forget to seek for God's forgiveness.
Oh God, bless those who spread this message.
Come to think of this?.......
1. Eternal life = free
2. Church entrance = free
3. Christ's salvation = free
4. God's love = free
5. Breath of life = free
A. Cigarette = pay
B. Prostitution = pay
C. Alcohol =pay
D. Nightclub entrance fee= pay
E. Powers to rule the world = pay
Then why are people paying for hell while PARADISE is free?
Think twice
Believe in Christ and you shall be saved..
We always think of
Valentine's day
Birth day
Father's day
Mother's day
Children's day
Our day,
Farmer's day
Teacher's day
Christmas day
Independence day
Boxing day,
This day,
That day,
Day in Day out.
Have you ever thought of Judgement Day, is it going to be a day of celebration or condemnation for you ?
If you’re safe, what about your friends & loved ones. Show them love by telling them about the Judgement Day. Please pass this to any group and let heaven be happy for you today. Please don't say later, do it now because tomorrow may be too late.


*"Keep your heart with all diligence, For out of it spring the issues of life. (Proverbs 4:23 NKJV)."*
Sex was not only designed by God for reproduction, it was also designed by God for pleasure. The pleasure that can be derived from sex is astonishing. God designed it this way. However, the pleasure of sex should only be derived from sex with your spouse.
The urge for sex is very high in adolescents. The reason is that at the stage of adolescence, the reproductive organs in a boy or girl develop rapidly. The tendency to want to engage in sexual intercourse is very high at this stage, but a high level of self-control must be exerted to overcome the frequent sexual urges otherwise, sexual sin will occur.
Every act of sex is highly dependent on one word called "pornography". Pornography is any display of material such as a video, photo, audio or a book that can arouse sexual desire or excitement. Many times, pornography opens the gateway to masturbation, fornication, lesbianism, gayism, rape, adultery etc. The aim of pornography is to wet your sexual appetite to the point of desiring to have sex at all cost. Pornagraphy can sexually arouse anyone including children and adolescents.
When a man wants to sexually assault a child, the first thing he does most times is to expose the child to a pornographic material (a pornographic video, picture or book). The child becomes sexually aroused by it, then the man or woman begins to sexually abuse the child. This is a frequent characteristic of men with uncontrolled sexual appetite. They introduce you to pornographic materials to sexually arouse you so that they can easily penetrate you.
It's wrong for a lady to display nude photos of herself online. She's only increasing the urge for sex in men and inviting them to sleep with her. If you're interested in breaking free from the grip of masturbation and fornication, *novels with high romance and sex contents should be discarded, movies and videos with sex contents should be deleted and discarded, pornographic photos should be deleted and indecent dressing should be avoided.*
You can't keep deriving pleasure from watching people kiss and have sex, and not want to engage in it. It's practically impossible. The more your eyes are engaged in viewing pornography, the more likely you are to masturbate or fornicate. As you keep exposing your mind to pornography, the thoughts of sex increases rapidly and the urge to physically engage in sex increases too.
*Sexual urge is a sign that you are healthy but engaging in sex before marriage is a sin. Uncontrolled sexual urge is a product of pornography. You can overcome the urge for sex by the power of the Holy Spirit but first of all make a choice not to engage in sexual intercourse until you're married. Secondly, get rid of all pornographic materials. Further instructions will be stated during the series. Please obey.*

Whose Responsibility Is It To Provide?

"But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel." -1 Timothy 5:8 KJV
I want to shake some tables.
I have read countless books; listened to countless messages from renowned pastors; all saying that it is the responsibility of the man to provide for the home and the usual anchor scripture is the one quoted above.
The effect of that message is that generations after generations of ladies have come to see themselves as the responsibility of the man.
It is classic conditioning at play. You hear something too often and you begin to believe it as truth.
Not long ago, I read a post where a lady was advising guys to go for ladies their size because you cannot expect a lady who has been using a very expensive body cream to lower her standard because you, the guy who is now dating her, cannot afford the class of body cream she was using.
As expected, most of the ladies who commented were in support. Ladies who have seen the four walls of a university. Ladies who should be able to apply logical thinking to spot the flaw in such a statement were all in agreement.
I have tried to look for the rationale behind that post. A lady who, obviously, was buying her cream by herself, now has a guy who is interested in her, and suddenly the new guy has an added responsibility - to start buying her cream for her. How that makes any sense, I still cannot fathom.
Unfortunately, the story is not different all over the world. For some ladies, being in a relationship with you means you cater for all their personal needs.
The questions that beg answering are,
1. Who was responsible for those needs before they met you?
2. What happened to the source of income that met those needs before they met you?
3. Why does all that have to stop just because they met you?
I don't deny that the female gender is pleased when her man shows certain gestures like buying stuff for her. But surprising someone and taking responsibility for their needs when they are not handicapped are two different things.
Then you get into the marriage institution and you see the same mindset at play. It is the responsibility of the man to provide for the family.
"Says who?" You ask
"The Bible." They answer.
"Where in the bible?"
"1 Timothy 5:8. But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel."
But is that verse saying the male gender is responsible for providing for the home? Why don't we back up a few verses before and read further a few verses after? Let's say from verse 3 down to verse 16.
What you will find is a mentor, Apostle Paul, writing to his protege, Timothy, instructing him on the subject of catering for widows, not on the subject of marriage.
He mentioned three categories of widows:
1. Widows indeed - elderly, no family members to cater for them.
2. Widows - elderly but with family members that can cater for them.
3. Younger widows - young, vibrant, with strong sexual desires, advised to remarry.
It was while addressing this subject of catering for these three different categories of widows that the verse of 1 Timothy 5:8 was sandwiched in the mix.
In that verse, Paul was specifically instructing Timothy that widows who still have family members around should not be a burden to the church.
That it is the responsibility of the family members of that widow to cater for her. For he (or she) who cannot (refuses to) provide for his (or her) own (widows in the family) has denied the faith.
Paul was not saying it is the responsibility of the man (male gender) to provide cooking money for the home. That was not the subject he was addressing. Unfortunately, that has become the twist we have given the verse.
There is nowhere in the bible where the male gender was given the responsibility of providing cooking money for the home.
The places where responsibilities ware meted out to the male, they were the responsibilities of
1. Leadership. The man is the head of the woman.
2. Love & Protection. Husbands love your wives as Christ loved the church and gave Himself (died) for her.
Beyond those two, no other responsibility was given to the male gender.
In fact, when the wisest man who ever lived wrote about the virtuous woman, one of her qualities was rising up early to provide for the home.
Of course, that does not in any way imply that it is the responsibility of the woman to provide for the home. But the virtuous woman did that.
If providing for the needs of the home is not the responsibility of the man and not the responsibility of the woman, whose responsibility is it?
This therefore calls for wisdom.
We must be mindful of taking cultural practices in the bible and turning them into doctrines. The bible contains both the word of God, the word of the devil, the words of angels and the words of men.
It is not anything that Israel practiced as a nation that automatically becomes a doctrine. Bear in mind that certain dispensations bestows certain responsibilities on people.
The physical structure of the man reveals that he is more suited for manual labour than the woman. So in an agrarian culture, the man farms while the woman takes care of the home. It was the dispensation that bestowed such responsibilities on them.
As time changes, we must also be ready to change with the changing times. The era where only the man went out to work is over. Why then should only the man shoulder the responsibility of the household?
In my home there is no financial responsibility that is mine. All financial responsibilities are ours - my wife and I. Whether from rent to cooking, we are both responsible for the provision of whatever is needed.
When we prepare the budget, it is both our incomes that fund the budget. It is not my responsibility to provide for the home. It is our responsibility. It is our home.
Now, I earn more than my wife so I bear more financial responsibility. When we prepare the budget, I fund a higher portion because I earn a higher income.
If she was earning the higher income, she would bear more responsibility. It is not my home, it is our home. It only makes sense that we must do whatever makes the home work.
Maybe, out of my personal pride as a man, as my income grows, I can decide to fund the budget 100% and ask her to keep her money. But that is a separate matter. It does not make it my sole responsibility to provide for the financial needs of the home.
Now, even though I earn more than my wife does, I don't have a 9 to 5 job. I work from home, so I am at home all day from Monday to Sunday. My wife, on the other hand, has a regular job. She leaves in the morning and returns in the evening.
Seeing that I am at home all day and my wife goes to work, who should take care of our daughter? I, of course. It is only logical that the one who is at home should cater for the baby.
So I clean her up, change her diapers, and change her clothing when she needs changing. Those are not the responsibilities of the wife. They are the responsibilities of the parents.
It will be stupid of me to say that because I am the man then I cannot do such tasks as changing diapers. That my wife must take the baby with her or find someone else to do them when I am at home all day doing nothing besides checking Facebook.
Only two commamdments were given by Paul on the issue of marriage.
The first is, husbands love your wives. The second is, wives submit to your own husband. Nothing outside of those two is a commandment.
There is no commamdment that the man should be the provider of the home.
There is no commandment that the woman should be the one to bathe the kids.
There is no commandment that only the man should work.
There is no commandment that the man must earn more than the wife.
Different dispensations only bestowed certain responsibilities on the different genders that helped them cope with the time. And as time changes we must be willing to make the necessary changes to suit the changing times.
And to you, young lady, that thinks that any man who dates you is automatically responsible for your personal upkeep, that is so 19th century thinking. This is the 21st century. Human up!
Tell me. What do you think about this? Do you agree? Do you disagree? State your case by posting a comment.
Thank you.


Guys comes up with all sorts of stories these days about marriage when truely they want to do damage.
As a lady you should be smart to read between the lines and see the the vivid signs.
But it all lies in your hands to act and take the needed decision.
It is not about dragging the horse to the water, it's whether the horse really wants to drink.
*These sure signs will help you detect the time waster from afar*
If your guy asks you how you want your dream wedding to be, your preferred wedding colours, ring size or likes to raise some important aspect of the wedding, he is particular about them, he's definitely planning to settle down with you.
Men naturally are wired to know the details and intrcacies of every project they want to get involved in.
Yes! Project.
A wedding is like a project to a man, and factors such as accommodation, career development, finances etc are considered.
The interesting thing about this is that to plan all these with you in mind.
He is genuinely concerned about how these details will affect your life.
If a guy goes out of his way consistently and genuinely to do tasks or go on events he normally would not go to, just to make you happy, he is definitely gearing to pop the marriage question.
A guy who is really to get married to a lady genuinely wants her to make progress.
Guys wants their woman to represent them in a good way, so they want to help their woman become better.
Hey! Ladies, this is not to say if your gut is not telling you things, he is not ready to get married.
One thing you have to understand is that, trust is earned.
A guy who wants to get married to you will eventually be open to you when he finds out you are genuinely concerned about his welfare.
We call it 'wife material' he opens his inner thoughts, fears and deep feelings.
If your guy wants you to meet his family, be around him at family events, meet his siblings and people he loves, he really wants to settle down with you.
He has seen you as a member of his family.
He's not ashamed to tell you how much you mean to him.
He is always telling you how special you are to him.
8#. KIDS.
When your guy jokingly asks about the names of your kids, or the number of kids you want to have, he is actually considering the motherly side of the woman he wants to spend his life with.
You have to understand that it takes commitment to raise kids, and for a guy to talk or joke about them often, he really means to spend his life with you.
*You Are A Fountain Of Goodwill, You Will Not Run Dry In Every Aspect Of Your Lives*


1. AFFECTION: Your wife needs your tenderness, love, care, physical touch, embrace, cuddle, etc to feel loved and cared for in marriage. When she is starved in this area, she will be opened to the temptation to have an affair.
2. CONVERSATION: Women must talk. We easily get connected to a man who listens to us, understands us and honestly share his heart and mind with us. We need a gist mate with an open mind and understanding heart.
3. ADMIRATION: Women need lots of admiration too. Praise your wife. Admire her, compliment her especially her looks. We are very conscious of our looks, that is why we make efforts looking good for God, for our husbands, then ourselves.
4. FINANCIAL SECURITY: A woman needs a man who can pay all the bills and take good care of her. Not paying bills on time, owing rent, school fees, not having good food, clothe and shoes to wear, becoming an object of ridicule can destabilize a woman.
5: OPENESS AND HONESTY: Hiding your phone, keeping secret friendship, staying alone with an opposite sex friend whom your spouse must not know about, having secret chat with ladies on facebook, whatsapp, and other social media platform which your spouse must not see, secret business deals, hidden projects etc can destabilize any woman and destroy your marriage.
6. FAMILY COMMITMENT: Every woman wants a man who is committed to the family, the
children and the home. It makes her feel secure, loved and priceless.
You must consciously work on meeting each other's needs. Marriage is not a joke, it is not a child's play, it is hard work, commitment and self sacrifice to ensure your partner's needs are met, and they are happy and fulfilled being married to you.
May the Lord grant us all the grace to do all we need to do to enjoy bliss unlimited in our marriages. Thanks for reading. God bless you, cheers!


Marriage is about meeting needs. We marry because we have needs only a special, opposite sex can meet. But few years down the line, so many couples are grossly disappointed, angry, frustrated and deeply involved in affairs because their needs are not being met in marriage.
You can't meet a need you do not know exists. You can't make your husband/wife happy if you don't know what makes them happy. You can't make them resist emotional/sexual affairs if you are starving them hard in areas they seriously need you to meet their needs.
So what are these needs? How do you meet them to prevent affairs in your marriage, enjoy bliss unlimited in your home and go on to have one of the best marriages in the world?
1. MEN NEED RESPECT IN MARRIAGE: Unconditional respect makes a man feel loved,
valued, confident, take risks and go on to succeed in life. You show this by giving him regard, talking to him with respect, being submissive and obedient to him. Shouting disgracing, insulting, criticizing and making jest of your husband both in private and public show you lack respect for him and this will in turn make it difficult for him to love you.(1 Peter 3:1-3 Amp).
2. ADMIRATION: A man also wants to be admired for his contributions in the home. Admire his work, achievements, career, efforts and looks, this means the world to him .
3. SEXUAL FULFILMENT: Your husband is not asking you for sex because he is an animal, he is asking for sex because he needs it badly, he is wired for it. Making love makes him feel wanted, needed, in love with you, releases tension, gives him pleasure, helps him stable emotionally and physically, gives his best to work, eliminate distractions and help him focus on you only. Refusing him sex and treating him like a pile of shit destroys his self confidence and may have affairs to ascertain his manhood.
4. PHYSICAL ATTRACTIVENESS: Men are moved by sight. They see a lot. Women know this and bombard your husband with all manner of
nude pictures, dressing, perfume, packaging and whatever. Be attractive to your spouse. Stay healthy, eat balance diet, eliminate all body odour, bath and brush your teeth at least twice daily. Wear nice attractive, underwear. Learn to shave. Keep to shape. Let your husband be proud to identify with you in public. Don't look like a slob or his great grand mother, please!
5. SUPPORT: Your husband wants you to support him in any way possible to achieve greatness in life. Support his dream, vision, goals, business and career. Cheer him, encourage him, boost his morale. Support financially to pay bills till his finances stabilizes. Do not reject him, mock him and run him down when he makes mistakes or the business has not picked up as expected. It takes time to achieve success. Rome was not built in a day.
6. GIVE HIM PEACE: A man needs peace of mind to keep his sanity. Nagging criticizing, complaining, abusing, cursing, gossiping him to all friends and foes and running him down can literally, practically drive him insane.
All these needs must be met by his wife at.home, if not your husband is at the risk of having an affair with a woman who meets all or most of these needs in his life


*"Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. (I Corinthians 6:9-10 NKJV)."*
Don't be misled by scientific theories and studies. The Bible might not have mentioned the word "masturbation" but there are several places in the scriptures where God spoke against sexual perversion. Masturbation is a sexual perversion.
*Let's do a little study on sex*
Sex is spiritual. God always creates the spiritual reality of a thing before He unveils its physical reality. Sex was first created in the spirit realm before it was created physically. *(Genesis 1:1).*
God created sex to be between a husband and his wife.
*"Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. (Genesis 2:24 NKJV)."*
God designed sex to be between two people (a male and female), *not* between a man and himself or a woman and herself.
Sex is not for children, it is for matured married adults.
God confined sex to marriage. Any sexual activity done outside the boundaries of marriage is a sin and an abomination to God.
*"Flee sexual immorality. Every sin that a man does is outside the body, but he who commits sexual immorality sins against his own body. (I Corinthians 6:18 NKJV)."*
Anyone you have sex with, you become one with the person. You receive all the person's weaknesses, strengths, curses and blessings, and the person receives yours too. It was through this mystery of sex that Christ took upon Himself our sins and gave us His righteousness. He took all our weaknesses, nailed them to the cross and gave us His strengths. He took upon Himself all our curses and gave us the blessings of God. He took upon Himself our mortal nature and gave us His immortal nature. He received the ultimate consequence of sin (death) and gave us His life (eternal life). *(1 Peter 2:24; Galatians 3:13-14).*
When you have sex with someone, you don't just engage in a physical activity with the person, there's also transference of spiritual possibilities from the person to you and from you to the person. This is why God commanded us to only engage in sexual intercourse with our spouse, not with an harlot or someone else or something else.
Anytime one has sex with someone that's not his spouse, he or she automatically invites a spirit to fill in the role of the spouse. This is to create balance in accordance to God's standard, as God does not permit vacuum in the realm of spirit. *(Luke 11:24-26).*
*Masturbation is sex with yourself. It is sexually arousing yourself until you reach the peak or climax of sexual pleasure (called orgasm), resulting to ejaculation in males/females and vaginal contractions in females*. This is a form of sexual perversion and it attracts a lot of demonic influences to the perpetrator. This consequence also applies to fornication, lesbianism, homosexuality, bestiality, rape, incest, and sexual immorality. May the Holy Spirit give us understanding of each of these themes in this series, in Jesus Name.


As a lady, when many men begin to seek for your hand in marriage and coming to your father's house to look for flowers to pluck that they didn't plant, you should know that you are in your prime.
When you are in your prime, you're more beautiful, you will experience influx of men seeking to have you, you're body is more developed, attractive and enticing and you look more matured etc. Just like the Bible said that all things are beautiful in its time(Eccl.3:11).
Therefore, it's important you maximize this season of your life because it doesn't last forever. Once you pass your prime, men coming for your hand in marriage will reduce in number. They won't come as they used to hence the need to make good use of your prime.
So, what do you do when you have many men coming for you almost at the same time?
1. Don't Commit Anyone Of Them
Don't tell Mr A that you will marry him and tell Mr B that you will marry him also, the same thing with Mr C. Don't do that. Tell them you will get back to them. Take your time and make the best choice.
Accepting marriage proposals from different men is setting up yourself for disaster. Don't do that. If you're not sure of anyone, tell them you'll get back to them.
2. Get To Know Them
These people that are coming for your hand in marriage, who are they? What do they stand for? What are their values, interests, beliefs, vision and ambition in life? What do they do for a living? Are they children of God? Which of them do you really love and which of them really loves you too? Get to know them individually.
That's why dating is there. It helps you to know the sustainability of a potential life partner. Dating isn't for eating fried rice and chicken, licking ice cream, visiting the beach and the cinema etc., but a time to get to know someone. Until you have accepted a man's proposal, you're free to go out with anyone you dim fit.
3. Don't Be Moved By Sight
We all like better things, no doubt. We all want a comfortable life including this man writing this. Nobody comes to the world to suffer but you know that not all that glitters are gold and money isn't everything.
Don't let the car keys they're dangling in your front to deceive you. He's rich, handsome, connected, tall, thick etc., shouldn't deceive you. Go for good qualities first. Check out the stuff they're made of. That car key maybe not be their own.
4. Don't Accept Gifts.
The Bible said that the gift of a man makes a way for him, so men know how to use gifts to have their way with women. Also gifts have a way of blindfolding one from making a sound decision.
Don't allow the shoes, handbags, clothes, fried rice and chicken, vacations, movie tickets etc., to becloud your season of reasoning. Even if you want to collect gifts, make it clear to the person that the gifts won't influence your decision.
5. Pray About It
The Bible says, ask and you shall be given, seek and you shall find, knock and the door shall be opened to you. Also, the Bible says that you shouldn't lean on your own understanding but in all your ways, acknowledge God and He will direct your steps(Matt 7:7; Prov 3:5).
The secret things belongs to God and those things that are revealed belongs to His children. So, go to God in prayers and present the men coming for your hand in marriage and ask Him which one among them is best for you. If you're God's child, He'll direct you.(Deut 29:29)
After your prayers, go ahead and accept whoever you're led to. Don't ever make the choice of a life partner without involving God.
Conclusively, take your time and make the right decision. No competition in marriage. No award for who first marry. No award for best wedding. No award for the internet breaking marriage. No award for having 200 bridesmaids that you don't even know. Take your time.


1. My spouse, you know I love to kiss. So please be brushing your teeth well including your tongue. Bad breath discourages kissing 2. My wife, you know I love licking your clit. So please be having a wash regularly. Wash your vagina so that my tongue enjoys playing around it 3. My husband, you know I love sucking your penis so please keep it clean. Change your underwear daily, shake off the urine after you pee, keep my lollipop clean. Good hygiene=great blowjobs 4. My wife, you know I have eyes for only you. So please help my eyes to enjoy looking at you. Dress sexy for me. In our bedroom, wear lingerie or stay naked with me. Don't hide from me the body I long for 5. My husband, I love cuddling with you. So please don't be repeating your socks, that will make the air stink. Change your socks daily. I hate smelly feet 6. My wife, I know periods are a female thing. So when you are rolling, maintain your hygiene. Change your pads or tampons regularly, take showers, change your underwear. As I cuddle up with you during that time of the month, keep the stench away 7. My husband, I love it when you make love to me with you on top. So please shower, make use of your deodorant and cologne during the day so that when you are pumping inside me I don't smell your sweat 8. My wife, I love holding you close and I know weaves as a hairstyle look good on you. So please be changing your weaves often, make sure you buy quality weaves that are easy to maintain because weaves that stink are a major turn off 9. My husband, I love it when you make me squirt and we make the sheets wet. So since we wet the bed together, I would find it sweet of you if you clean the sheets with me, or put a cover under me when you are about to explode my wetness so that we don't sleep on wet and cold sheets 10. My husband, I love it when you finger me during foreplay. So please keep your finger nails short and clean. Long finger nails can hurt my wet and sensitive honey pot 11. My spouse, my body is all yours, when you're horny I will do you good. So please don't share your body with another, don't bring unfaithfulness or diseases to our bed

Wednesday, 18 August 2021

Rhesus Factor effects

Rhesus Factor is an antigen that exists on the surface of red blood cells in most people (about 85% of humans). It is also referred to as Rh Factor. People who have the Rh factor have “positive”(+) blood types, such as A+, O+ or B+ while those who do not have the Rh factor have “negative” (-) blood types, such as A–, O– or AB–. The “+” and “-” in front of the blood group is the Rhesus factor. Generally, we have A+, A–, B+, B–, AB+, AB–, O+ and O–. Rhesus factor is genetic in nature. It is inherited from the parents, emphatically the father.
How does Rhesus Factor cause miscarriage? If a Rh– woman is impregnated by a man with Rh–, there wouldn’t be any problem. However, if a Rh– woman is impregnated by a man with Rh+, there would be a problem. We have here what is medically called Rhesus Factor Incompatibility . The baby would obviously be Rh+. During child birth, baby inherits their Rh+ from the father. Once the baby’s Rh+ comes in contact with the woman Rh- during delivery, the antibodies are immediately activated by the woman’s body’s immune system.
The activated antibodies would see the new Rh+ as foreign body or a threat and consequently they would be at alert to attack and get rid of the foreign body. Unfortunately as such, after this particular child birth, the woman would keep having miscarriages because the activated antibodies would see subsequent Rh+ pregnancies as foreign bodies and would keep fighting and taking them off.
Women with Rh activated antibodies are said to be Rh sensitized and once these antibodies are activated , they can never be deactivated until the woman dies. Rh induced antibodies are activated in a Rh- woman by child birth, abortion, miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy. If a Rh– woman commits an abortion for a Rh+ man and the antibodies are activated in her system, the woman might end up childless throughout her life except if she later marries another man with with the same Rh–. The possibility of a Rh– woman finding a Rh– man is slim as about 85% of human beings are Rh+.
This is a warning to our young girls who commits abortions all in the name of boyfriend-girlfriend relationships. If you’re a woman with Rh– and your fiance is Rh+, and you haven’t committed abortion for him and you don’t want to leave him, then, you need to take note of the following: In order to prevent the activation of the antibodies, doctors would give women in this category an injection called Rhogam during and after pregnancy to prevent spontaneous abortion due to Rhesus factor incompatibility.
The injection is normally administered 28 weeks into pregnancy, 72 hours after delivery, after ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage or abortion. If the injection is not administered and the antibodies are activated, they would never be deactivated again! In many African cultures up till today, women who are so unfortunate to find themselves having serial spontaneous abortions due to Rhesus factor incompatibility are considered witches by some of their people.
Some of the women would accuse their in-laws of being behind their predicament. So, if you’re a woman with Rh–, you need to be very careful. It might be difficult for you to get a husband with a Rh– because about 85% of human beings are Rh+. So, in order not to find yourself in the aforementioned problem, put all that have been said at the back of your mind and go for genetic counselling. If you have a daughter or a sister with Rh–, counsel them on Rhesus Factor Incompatibility and the dangers lying therein.
It should also be noted that a Rh– person(man or woman) cannot receive blood donation from a Rh+ person even if they have the same blood group. The consequence of such blood transfusion is fatal. It would lead to death as the blood would clot. This is due to the incompatibility in their Rhesus factor. Know your Rhesus factor today!


Patron of the sick
Asked by an angel,
"What do you wish of God?"
St. Roch said,
"Whoever calleth my name, he shall not be hurt with any hurt of illness."
Saint Roch (also known as Rocco or Roque) was the only son of a wealthy nobleman in France, who seems to have been governor of the town of Montpellier. In answer to the persevering prayers of the parents, this child was granted to them. His future career was indicated by a birthmark in the form of a red cross that was deeply marked on his breast.
The parents raised St Roch in a devout manner. Proof was given when, at the age of 20, he lost both parents. He did not use the immense fortune he inherited for his personal benefit, but he sold all the personal property and distributed the proceeds among the poor while he transferred the ownership of the real estate to his uncle. This done, he joined the Third Order of St Francis, put on a pilgrim's garb, and journeyed to Rome to visit the tombs of the Apostles.
When he arrived at Acquapendente in northern Italy about the year 1315, he found that an epidemic had broken out there and was making fearful ravages. Saint Roch did not hasten on, as many another person, fearful for his life, would have done, but according to the example of Christ and the admonition of the beloved disciple (1 John 3:16), he offered his life in the service of his brethren in Christ.
Saint Roch went to the hospital of St John, which was filled with the plague stricken, and offered his services to the brothers there. He also went to individual homes and sought out the sick, serving them without rest by day and by night. God rewarded his heroic charity by causing many to be cured at the mere Sign of the Cross which Saint Roch made over them. When the plague abated, Roch proceeded on his journey to Rome.
In Rome, too, an epidemic had broken out. Besides visiting the holy places, Saint Roch again devoted himself to the care of the sick, many of whom were miraculously cured by him. He performed the same services in many other towns of Italy until he arrived in Piacenza and was himself stricken with the dread disease. In the very hospital where he had cured so many sick, he was now looked upon as an intruder, who as an outsider had no right to claim a place there.
In order not to be a burden to others, he arose, left the house, and with the support of a staff dragged himself wearily to a neighboring woods. There he came upon a dilapidated hut with a bit of straw, where he lay down, thanking God for the quiet lodging.
God Himself provided for his nourishment. As He once took care of Elias, sending him bread by means of a raven, so He now sent bread to Roch by means of a dog from a neighboring country house.
The sick man gradually recovered. When he had regained sufficient strength, he was divinely inspired to return to his native town. There furious warfare was raging. The soldiers whom he encountered thought he was a spy. He was led before the governor of Montpellier, his own uncle, who, however, did not recognize his nephew in the emaciated prisoner, and had the supposed spy cast into prison.
Saint Roch did not say a word in his defense; he wished, like Christ, to accept in silence whatever heaven had ordained for him. Because of the disturbances of the war, he was almost completely forgotten, and languished in prison for 5 years. Then death put an end to his trials on August 16, 1378.
When he felt that his end was drawing near, Saint Roch asked that a priest might come and administer the last sacraments. The priest, on entering the prison, beheld it supernaturally lighted up and the poor captive surrounded with special radiance. As death claimed its victim, a tablet appeared on the wall on which an angelic hand wrote in golden letters the name of Roch, and the prediction that all who would invoke his intercession would be delivered from the plague.
Informed of all that took place, Saint Roch's uncle came to the prison and, shortly after, also the governor's mother, that is, Roch's grandmother. She identified the dead man as her grandson by the birthmark of the red cross on his breast. They gave him a magnificent funeral and had a church built in his honor, in which his body was entombed. His veneration was approved by several popes and soon spread throughout Europe. He was canonized by Pope Urban VIII.

Tuesday, 17 August 2021


The four dogmas of Mary celebrated in the catholic church are
-------------8TH DECEMBER 1854
ASUMPTION OF MARY-------------------- 15TH AUGUST 1950
On December 8, 1854, Pope Pius IX officially declared the Immaculate Conception a dogma of the Church, which means that all Christians are bound to accept it as true. As the Holy Father wrote in the Apostolic Constitution Ineffabilis Deus, "We declare, pronounce, and define that the doctrine which holds that the most Blessed Virgin Mary, in the first instance of her conception, by a singular grace and privilege granted by Almighty God, in view of the merits of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the human race, was preserved free from all stain of original sin, is a doctrine revealed by God and therefore to be believed firmly and constantly by all the faithful."
The four dogmas were officially declared by Pope Pious X11 in 1950 as a dogma of the Church, which means that all Christians are bound to accept it as true.
Mary was preserved from original sin and prepared as a living tabernacle where the savior of the world will incarnate. We notice the pattern in Genesis 3:9-15, 20 and Luke 1:26-38: the drama of the fall of humanity and the drama of the restoration of humanity. Eve was involved in a dialogue which ensued between her and Satan. Mary (the second Eve) was involved in a dialogue between her and the angel Gabriel.
The first dialogue introduced Adam into the drama which led to the fall of humanity while the second dialogue introduced Jesus Christ which led to the restoration or salvation of humanity.
Just has God has planned to save humanity by sending his only begotten son so did he plan to save us by preserving Mary from the stain of original sin.
The woman (Eve) has an active role in the fall of humanity so also the woman in the person of Mary had an active role in the restoration/salvation of the human race.
Also our Blessed virgin mother did what nobody has ever done in history. She corrected the 1st mistake of our earlier mother (EVE)
BVM brought sanity into the world while Eve brought sin into the world (Gen 3:1-15)
BVM was obedient to God when the angels appeared to her (Luke 1: 37- 44) while Eve was disobedient to God by eating the forbidden fruit.
BVM defeated the serpent, darkness, evil and sin (Rev 12) and accepted to be the mother of God while Eve could not defeat the Serpent, darkness sin and death
BVM brought live to the world (Gal 4: 4…..) while Eve brought death into the world (Gen: 19-21)
As the mother of God BVM was assumed body and soul into heaven as the God has stated in the book of psalm her body and legs shall not suffer from sand and death.
The Vatican II document, Lumen gentium, says: "At the message of the Angel, the Virgin Mary received the Word of God in her heart and in her body, and gave Life to the World. Hence she is acknowledged and honoured as being truly the Mother of God and Mother of the Redeemer’ (Lumen Gentium, 52).
Mary the mother of God is venerated in a special way, as "Hyperdulia", the highest of the God's creatures. She is the first lady on earth - personally blessed by God's Arch Angel Gabriel. Elizabeth, the mother of St. John the Baptist acknowledged Mary as the "Mother of God"..

Sunday, 15 August 2021


1) Be Sure what You Want from her First.
it's very bad for a lady you are "toasting" to ask you exactly what you want, and you are stuttering, telling her you people should start first, start wetin first? Na generator?
My friend, will you enter a taxi if the driver is not sure of his destination, and he tells you to enter first? Will you enter?
2) Don't start calling her sweet names yet
You are applying for ADMISSION, don't talk like a GRADUATE.
Aim high, but start small, like referring to her by her name first, when the gbedu don enter body, she'll be the one suggesting sweet names for you to call her. Till then, calm down.
She's still processing your application, she said she'll think about it, which one is "My Love, baby, sweetheart, my pumpkin"
America have not given you visa, you are already speaking "in it, in it"..... kontinu Sir...
3) Give her small Space during the waiting period. .
Even Jesus Christ the Son of God, when he knocks at the door of our heart, he WAITS for us to open eet.
Your own, you want to break the door..
10 missed calls in 10 minutes.
"BABY, what of that thing I told you about?"
(you've broken 2 laws here already)
"Vicky, please don't forget me, I'm waiting"
"My Love, give me a chance na, you won't regret It"
... Uncle, she's already regretting giving you her number..
Give her space to breath and evaluate things, you may pressure her to accept you and you end up regretting it.
Don't stalk her, lest you end up giving her the impression that you are a serial killer.
4) Don't Demand An instant Answer.
Don't ask a lady to give you her answer there and then.
Relationship is not instant noodles.
A right thinking Lady will want to be sure you are normal before saying Yes to you. it's nothing out of the ordinary.
If she says she just wants to be friends with you first, don't walk away, you should be happy when a lady says this, it means she's trying to study and get to know you, it means you have a chance to win her heart and be elected into office if you perform in the primaries (friendship) well..
Be Patient
5) If it becomes apparent that she's just using your proposal to keep herself warm like cardigan, or she's just wasting your time and she's not actually interested in you, Jejely walk away.
is proposal you propose, you didn't commit sin.
Thank You.
Except a lady really really likes you, breaking these laws can turn off any Lady who may have otherwise given you a chance and cost you a potential relationship/marriage.

"Do Not Marry A Man You Can Not Respect" .

Popular relationship expert and cleric, highlights the basic needs of men in marriage.
"Some of you women have husbands who are alive physically, but you have killed them emotionally with the way you speak to them.
Some women talk to their husbands anyhow because they feel they are better than him in some areas. Please, do not have an African or American marriage; have a cultured-based marriage.
Even if he is very short, you saw him like that before you married him. Do not marry a man you can not respect.
The greatest need of a man is not physical intimacy or food. One of his greatest need is respect.
Sometimes, I wake my husband up with a love song. When a man wakes up like this, anything you want he will give it to you.


Second marriages are tricky business, the baggage can be major and multilayered
It's cimplicated and sometimes frustrating.
I am totally against polygamy, i don't know about you.
Some men who have two wives said that, their first wife pushed them into marrying a second wife.
They said, their first wife had no care for their home.
Based on Religion (doctrines/teachings) like the Muslim Counterpart, all i advice is that, a man who has chosen to have a second wife must take care of them.
He must not favour one wife and neglect the other.
He also must not show that he loves one more than the other.
If he begin to show that he prefers one to the other, he has sown a wrong seed in the mind of his wives.
They wives may begin to hate themselves.
Overtime, i have come to realise the one reason men take a second wife.
It is because they are bored with their first wife, (boredom)
Any woman who wants to stop her husband from taking a second wife should do so in a calm, smart way.
If a man's decision to marry a second wife is not based on his religion, his wife can convince him not to take a second wife.
However, wives should wake up to their roles as mothers.
It is possible for a woman to convince her husband not to marry a second wife.
The affected woman should begin to pay attention to her dressing, cooking and other things that would make her husband happy in his home.
It is so easy for a woman to win her husband's heart if she knows the right button to press.
*Almost all men wants to be loved and cared for*
A woman must not be a grandmother to her husband.
She should be his wife and dress like his wife.
She should constantly do things that make the husband happy.
God Bless You.
Your Happiness Is Most Paramount.
Dr okechi cares
What's app +2347065115221
For counseling and prayers


A young couple moved into a new neighborhood. The next morning while eating breakfast, the young woman saw her neighbor through the window hanging the wash outside.
"That laundry is not clean," she said. "She doesn't know how to wash correctly. Perhaps she needs better laundry soap".
Her husband looked on, but remained silent. Every time the neighbour would hang laundry to dry, the young woman would make the same comments.
About one month later, the woman was surprised to see nice clean wash on the line and said to her husband: "Look, she has learnt how to wash correctly. I wonder who taught her this!"
The husband replied: "I got up early this morning and cleaned our windows."
And so it is with life.
What we see when watching others depends on the purity of the window through which we look.
Easy to discuss other people, their lives and things that don't really concern us. Yet we tend to forget that our window isn't that clean after all.
Clean up your window. Good morning brethren!


This is the topmost lie that men lie to woo naive girls into dating them.
If he is not happy he should leave, not bringing a sob story to make you swallow the line and hook up.
My bluv sister, if he is unhappy, you are not his happiness either.
You have heard this statement a thousand times from married men.
He says, he is fed up with his wife and will leave her for you.
It's a lie!
You' ve already heard this comment gazillion time.
He will lie that, he is with the wife for the sake of the kids, while in the real sense, they are very happily married.
Visit his social media accounts and you'll be met by pictures of a perfect family.
This is a lie that most married men are fond of using if he doesn't love her.
What makes you think he will love you?
Wake up girl, he just want to slide you to the sacks.
What makes you believe that he will leave his wife for you?
Some married men use this lie to lure you into accepting his demands knowing very well he will never leave his wife for you.
The only way to avoid this is to avoid him.
No one hates to be told that, they are beautiful, but using this lie to get you is just lame.
Everyone is beautiful in their own ways, sweetie.
He's just making you feel good so that you fall into his trap head first.
He will lie to you that he will find a place for you and leave his matrimonial home.
Men use this lie to make you feel that he's more interested in making a future with you.
It's a lie, be wise!
God Bless You.


In marriage my daughter, you need to be prayerful. You cannot afford to joke with prayer. Some women can go away with it but it is not every woman that can afford that. It all depends on who your husband is. It depends on whether your husband is an Elkanah or an Isaac.
In case you marry an Elkanah you cannot afford to live a prayerless life. Elkanahs are very religious people but they are not spiritual. They love to do the religious activities that come with fanfare. They are quick to do their offerings or take the communion even though they may not know the spiritual implication of what they do. Every year they will go to Shiloh without miss. Every Sunday they will go to Church but they are not praying people. And so an Elkanah would not pray for himself let alone pray for you and for your needs (physical, spiritual, emotional or psychological). If you finally realized that you need to take your destiny into your own hands and rise up and pray, he would discourage you or even prevent you. He would complain about why you attend prayer meetings. He would tell you it is not necessary. Even if you tell him why you have to pray, he would tell you he should be more valuable to you than any need in your life. When Hannah could not have a baby and was seriously praying for it, Elkanah asked her in 1Samuel 1:8 that “Why are you crying, Hannah? Why aren’t you eating? Why be down hearted just because you have no children? You have me-isn’t that better than having ten sons?” If your husband is an Elkanah who thinks that you should not have any other need or priority but rather you should be satisfied because you are married to him then you better be on your knees daily. He does not recognize that you should have a need. Even when he knows your need he would play it down by describing it as JUST. He trivializes your most important need. By the way he talks, you should know that he would not pray about your issue for you. He does not see your need as important. He thinks that he should be the most important thing you ever wanted in this world.
But If you are married to an Isaac, lucky you. You can afford to go to bed and sleep comfortably because an Isaac, unlike an Elkanah, will be on his knees for you. Isaacs are not religious people but very spiritual. They are very sensitive to things of the spirit. In Genesis 25:21, the Bible says that “Isaac pleaded with the LORD on behalf of his wife, because she was unable to have children, and Rebekah became pregnant with twins”. An Isaac is an intercessor. An Isaac would recognize your deepest need and will not rest until it is fulfilled. They do not go to Shiloh every year like Elkanahs but they are connected to the Throne of grace and when they pray Heaven responds with more than you can carry results. His prayers produced twin, the first of its kind in human history then.
Who have you married or who are you planning to marry? Do you know whether he is an Elkanah or an Isaac? Every woman would be looking forward to marrying an Isaac but in case you marry an Elkanah be a Hannah, rise and pray.
Food for thought


He Care for you. He called you every time. He always checked on you. He promised never to leave you. He promised to stand by you no matter what. He was kind and handsome. He promised to marry you.
He asked you for sex. You were shocked. You hesitate to agree. But you later agree because you don’t want to make him angry. You thought he was a good guy. You thought he will keep all his promises. He saw you fully naked. He did whatever he wanted to do with you. You gave him all your pride and dignity and he was happy.
Then he started asking for more. He had sex with you times without number. He suddenly start to act strange! He began to show less care. He began to get mad at you over small things. He began to cheat. He began to use harsh words on you. And he began to see you as a disturbance to him.
Just because you have nothing special to to give him anymore. Just because you have nothing for him to crave anymore! Just because you seem so cheap to him.
Sweetheart, what were you thinking before. Were you expecting him to treat you the same way while you have nothing for him to crave? Were you expecting him to value you while you have proven to be cheap to him? Where you expecting him to stay after he has used you and gotten every exciting part about you? What else would you have to offer? What else would you have to be proud of? He’s gonna move on and start chasing other girls.
He’s gonna move on like he has never had any relationship with you. He is gonna move on unaffected He can’t marry because you are valueless and have nothing to offer so he thought. Stop wondering where things went wrong. It’s straight, things went wrong when you let him had sex with you.
Now you are left with regret, tears, broken heart, disappointments and wonders.
Let me tell you this my dear, most guys are afraid of breaking up with a lady he never had sex with. But once they have that sex, the fear is now “you breaking up with him”.
Sweetheart, it’s far better to break up with him because you refused to have that sex than breaking up with him because you had the sex.
Remember if he truly loves you, he can patiently wait.
Don’t agree even when your parents know him. Don’t agree even if he introduced you to his parents and whole generation.
Some Guys are very good at faking feelings.
And those who have made the mistake “it’s okay” don’t let it happen again!
Not all guys are the same but only few are different. So to be at safer side, ASSUME ALL OF THEM ARE THE SAME.
Don’t let him turn you to a prostitute because you’re not and never will


*The last thing on a Boy's Mind is Marriage.*
*Boys don't think of marriage, they want to make money first, they enter into relationship just for fun and sex, that's why if the lady should get pregnant, they ask her to abort it, or they'll deny her, because they aren't ready for Marriage.*
*Stop dating boys.*
*Boyfriends will keep scaring away serious and well-meaning suitors because they'll be thinking that the boyfriend that always hangs around you actually wants to marry you.*
*This is that spirit that makes you keep raising your finger to show the world that one young man engaged you and when the serious suitors that are ready to settle down see the ring, they'll pass over you because the ring tells them you have been taken.*
*And time is going and uncle isn't saying anything again. The ring have started to rust on your finger in protest.*
*Many engagement rings are actually handcuffs, some are not better than key holders.*
*Aunty, refuse to be Lord of the Rings.*
*This spirit tells you not to accept a marriage proposal in a hurry, to do plenty unnecessary shakara so that the brother will not think you are cheap or desperate.*
*It tells you to tell him to give you nine months to pray, don't pick his calls, ignore his WhatsApp messages, behave as if you are not interested even though you are dying on the inside and truly love the brother.*
*This spirit will not leave you until you hear the brother is getting married to another sister, then your eyes will open and you will start saying "can't he even wait for me?"*
*Wait for you? Because you are Jesus Christ?*
*Aunty, If you love the brother and you perceive he is God's will for you, accept the proposal and leave Matter for Matthias.*
*That spirit that tells you to always talk to brothers anyhow because you are beautiful, educated, and anointed.*
*That spirit that tells you that every brother that greets you is not your class, so you keep ignoring and looking down on them.*
*That spirit that doesn't allow you to greet brothers except those that ride exotic cars.*
*Aunty, calm down and be humble.*
*You won't marry yourself oh.....*
*I am a Catholic and must marry a Catholic.*
*I'm a Deeper Lifer and must marry one who's a Deeper Lifer as well so our marriage will be Deep.*
*I am a Redeemer and must marry a Redeemer, any other Brother isn't Redeemed.*
*Even if God is leading you to him.*
*I'm from Rivers state and must marry from Rivers. River will soon carry you.*
*This spirit has kept many bound, they entered menopause and are about to join the Women's fellowship because of their age.*
*Aunty, understood that every believer is from one tribe called Christ.*
*If God is leading you to another denomination, kindly obey Him, stop delaying yourself by yourself*
*The character of some ladies shocks even the devil.*
*They will open their mouth to insult someone and you will cry for the person..*
*They quarrel and fight in public, no shame, no self respect and no dignity.*
*Their pride, their arrogance, and their attitudes is making all the brothers to run, sorry, FLEE from them like ants running away from fire.*
*Who wan die?*
*This spirit has kept many ladies single, by the time any brother gets close because of her beautiful MASCARA, her CHARACTER will chase him away.*
*Aunty, this year, work on your character, your date will be fixed this year in Jesus Name.*
*That spirit that tells you not to dress well because you are going to heaven, and that you are special Heavenly candidate, is the spirit responsible for your marital delay.*
*You dress and add 10 years to your age.*
*You dress and you look like grandma.*
*You dress and brothers will be greeting you "Good afternoon Ma.", "Yes Ma.", "Thank you Ma"*
*This spirit tells you to use tarpaulin to sew your dress, wear green skirt, yellow blouse and lemon head tie.*
*You are a lady but dress like a man; Sister, no Man wants to marry his fellow man.*
*You dress like a masquerade* .
*Dress well, don't under dress and don't over dress.*
*Dress modestly, smell good because it's not a sin.*
*Bible said don't dress indecently, it never said don't dress well.*
*This is for real, this is why I encourage everyone to be prayerful, prayer isn't only for Pastors, Things are happening. Be spiritual*
*There are people whose marriages have been hijacked in spirit realms and only prayers and God can break such yokes.*
*There are people whose wedding gown has been stolen in the spirit realm and it's only God that can help them recover it.*
*There are people who are operating under evil family pattern and curses, it's only God that can set them free.*
*There are ladies that have been married with children in the spirit realm, it's only God that can deliver them. Be guided!*
FOR relationship Guide,
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A Man Married a Beautiful Girl. He Loved Her Very Much. One Day She Developed a Skin Disease. Slowly She Started to Lose Her Beauty. It So Happened That One Day Her Husband Left for a Tour.
While Returning He Met With an Accident and Lost His Eyesight. However Their Married Life Continued as Usual. But as Days Passed She Lost Her Beauty Gradually. Blind Husband Did Not Know This and There Was Not Any Difference in Their Married Life.
He Continued to Love Her and She Also Loved Him Very Much. One Day She Died. Her Death Brought Him Great Sorrow. He Finished All Her Last Rites and Wanted to Leave That Town.
A Man From Behind Called and Said, Now How Will You Be Able to Walk All Alone? All These Days Your Wife Used to Help You. He Replied,
I Was Acting, Because if She Knew I Could See Her Ugliness It Would Have Pained Her More Than Her Disease. So I Pretended to Be Blind. She Was a Very Good WIFE. I Only Wanted to Keep Her Happy.
*Sometimes It Is Good for Us to Act Blind and Ignore One Another's Shortcomings, in Order to Be Happy*

Saturday, 14 August 2021


Marriage has three stages. The first stage is called honeymoon and lasts about two years. This stage is very sweet, nice, and romantic. This is where you find names like honey, sweetheart, baby, and so on.
In this stage, everything is perfect. This is a stage where a man returns home and dumps his socks and shoes anywhere but in the morning, he will wake up and find them placed where they're supposed to be. This is where madam doesn't go to bed until you return home. She sits in the living room and receives all the mosquito bites waiting for you till you return, takes a shower, and enjoys supper. Even if you return at midnight, you find her waiting for you.
This first stage is beautiful with a lot of tolerance. This is a stage where at night while in bed, you release very toxic gas and your spouse instead apologizes. Remember, you have gassed but again he tells you, "Sorry darling, it's okay." This is unbelievable. Madam has gassed but to you, it's okay. Oh my God, this is sweet. Everything is just merry-making during this stage. In conclusion, enjoy this stage as much as we can.
The second stage lasts for ten years! This is where the honeymoon is over. This stage is red hot. During this stage, perhaps financial challenges have come in. You have given birth and the children are also disturbing you. Sometimes you are yet to give birth but really want to and the pressure on you is mounting from all corners. Landlords have become Landlords. There is a loss of employment. Things are just tight.
Life is hard in this second stage. The man who used to return home early now returns very late. Sometimes he doesn't even return home. There are suspicions of infidelity and cheating. You don't trust each other. You feel your spouse is cheating, and in fact, he or she is cheating. When you return home and leave your shoes outside, in the morning, you find them where you left them. Things are hot here.
This is a stage where at night, you release toxic gas and your partner asks what you ate during supper time yet you ate the same meals. He can even leave the bed and spend the night in the sitting room simply because you gassed. Imagine only gassing.
The second stage is hot. There are fights; spiritual, physical, and in all aspects. This is the stage where you reach the point of considering separating. Each spouse shows his or her true colors in this stage. A night dancer switches on the reggae mixes the music, and punches the baseline. Your relatives taste the greedy side of your wife.
Those who persevere and overcome this stage end up keeping their marriage till death does them part. However, very many hang up the towel in this stage. They quit. In conclusion, Those who are in this stage should fight a little longer, not hang up the towel. There is light at the end of the tunnel. Just a little longer and you are done with this heat.
Finally, there's the last stage. This comes after the ten red hot years. This last stage is lukewarm. It's neither cold nor hot. You gas at large and no one applauds you or complains. You have seen enough of each other. You have known each other's true colors.
In this stage, whatever your partner does no longer surprises you. If she quarrels, you just say that is the nature of this woman. If he is still late out in the night, you don't even bother to call since you know he will return. If she doesn't serve you food and you feel hungry, you just go and serve food otherwise, hunger hits you for nothing
This stage is not for disturbing one another. There is a lot of calmness and commands are few. This is where if you are watching TV with her in the sitting room and you feel thirsty, you don't send her to bring you drinking water but only wait when she's moving in the direction where there is water and you tell her if she is coming back, she can come along with some water. If she asks you to repeat what you just said, you have to pretend like you didn't say anything. All of a sudden, she shocks you and returns with drinking water. There is mutual respect in this stage. In conclusion, Those in this stage should just work for eternity.
Congratulation to those who are in this stage for, they have come from far.
Amen and amen

Friday, 13 August 2021


Rev. Fr. Alfred Agbonlahor.
1. In praying the ROSARY, you are privileged to honour Mary the TRUE MOTHER OF JESUS, THE ONE GOD ALMIGHTY HIMSELF HAS HONOURED.
2. In praying the ROSARY, you are privileged to use the very language of the Archangel Gabriel in praying.
3. In praying the ROSARY, you will be doing the very thing that notable saints of the church did to make heaven.
4. Praying the ROSARY, gives you a good platform for a thorough meditation.
5. Praying the ROSARY, gives you a good access to enjoy the unfailing Intercession of Mary the mother of Jesus.
6. Praying the ROSARY, identifies you as a true Catholic.
7. The ROSARY is the true prayer of the church.
8. Praying the ROSARY helps you to enjoy peace of mind and serenity of spirit.
9. Praying the ROSARY, helps you to follow the life of Christ from birth to his glorious resurrection and ascension into heaven.
10. The ROSARY is a prayer that is very helpful during trials, temptations and tribulations.
11. Praying and meditating on the mysteries of the ROSARY, helps you to appreciate and better understand the salvific works of Jesus.
12. The ROSARY, is one weapon against the kingdom of satan.
13. Praying the ROSARY, is a sign of wisdom.
14. Praying the ROSARY enables you to enjoy unmeritted grace and favour especially when you are truly devoted to it.
15. Praying the ROSARY is a sign that you will go far and last in your Ministry.
16. One secret of marital peace is the family recitation of the ROSARY.
17. No one regrets ever praying the ROSARY.
18. The door of supernatural visitation is always opened for those who pray the ROSARY.
19. The grace of true perseverance is always granted to those who pray the ROSARY.
20. You touch the very heart of Mary the mother of Jesus whenever you pray the ROSARY.
21. Those who pray the ROSARY, are made partakers in the sublime grace that God the almighty father granted to the blessed virgin Mary.
22, Those who pray the Rosary will gain many indulgencecs for the remission of the punishment due to sin.
Rev. Fr. Alfred Agbonlahor, Spiritual Director of Friends of St. PADRE PIO and Catholic Intercessory Prayer Ministry International.


The parish priest of a small town arrived at the church encouraged and motivated to perform another evening Mass, but the hour passed and the town did not come. After 15 minutes delay, three children entered, after 20 minutes two young people entered. So the priest decided to start the mass with the five people . Over the course of Mass, a couple came in who sat on the last benches of the church.
When the priest preached and explained the Gospel, another half-dirty person came in with a rope in his hand. Disappointed and not understanding the cause of the weak involvement of the faithful, the priest celebrated Mass with love and preached with enthusiasm and zeal.
On his way back home he was robbed and beaten by two thieves who carried his folder where his Bible and other valued belongings were. Arriving at the parish house, making the bandages of the wounds, described that day as:
The saddest day of my life, a failure of my ministry, and the most unfruitful day of my career; but... never mind, I do everything with God and for Him.
After five years, the priest decided to share this story with parishioners at church. When he was finished telling the story, a couple in that parish stopped him and said, ′′ Father, the couple in the story that sat at the back was us. We were on the brink of separation because of several problems and disagreements in our home. That night we finally decided to divorce, but first we decided to come to church one last time as a couple and then each one would follow their path. Meanwhile, we left the thought of divorce aside after listening to your homily that same night. As a consequence, today we are here with our home and family restored ".
As the couple spoke, one of the most successful entrepreneurs who helped in the livelihood of that church saluted, asking to speak and giving him the opportunity said, ′′ Father, I am the person who came in half dirty with a rope in my hand. I was on the verge of bankruptcy, lost in drugs, my wife and my kids had left home on account of my behavior. That night I tried to kill myself but the rope broke so I went out to buy another one. When I got on my way, I saw the church open, I decided to come in even though I was really dirty and had a rope in my hand. That night, your homily pierced my heart and I walked out of here a changed person. Today I'm off the drugs, my family came home and I became the most successful businessman in the town."
At the gate of the sacristy entrance, the Deacon shouted, ′′ Father, I was one of those thieves who stole your belongings. The other one died that same night while we were doing the second robbery. In his briefcase, there was a Bible. I read it every time I woke up in the morning. After all this reading, I decided to apply it to my life and participate in this church."
The priest was shocked and started crying along with the faithful. After all, that night he regarded as a night of failure was a very productive night.
Exercise your calling (work / mission) with dedication and zeal.
Give it your best every day, because you are an instrument of good for someone's life.
In the worst days of your life you can still be a blessing to someone else.
God can use the ′′ bad circumstances ′′ of a life to produce the best for others.

Thursday, 12 August 2021


BASICALLY, there seven reasons why degree holders are poor.

Albert Einstein said, “Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think.” Have you ever heard creativity term “Think outside the box”? One of the major reasons why most graduates are poor is simply because they can’t see and think beyond their certificates.
I have seen engineering students work as bankers. I have seen medical doctors with great skills in web and graphic designs. I have seen lawyers that are very dexterous with finances. The list is endless!
The basic truth of life is that the skills that are needed to be much sought after and become more successful in life are not really found within the walls of the classrooms. Your certificate is just a proof that you are teachable, it does not suggest what you are totally capable of doing. You are full of possibilities when you think beyond your degrees and certificates.

I have often advised some of my colleagues, never to leave their gifts dormant while pursuing and hunting for jobs with their certificates. There must be a complementary balance in the pursuit of your passion and in the search for jobs.
Everybody is gifted for something, but the winning edge comes from our ability to work on our gifts and bless the world with it. The very best way to develop yourself is in the direction of your natural talents and interest. In order to live a fulfilled and impactful life, we need to work harder on our gift than our job. We need to discover our gift, develop it, and sell it. Don’t bury your TALENT with your certificates.

It has been found that most of the skills taught in schools are becoming obsolete in the present world. The world has changed a lot, and so are people’s need! It is imperative to know that the present form of university education does not prepare students for the future.
Graduates are becoming endangered species in the face of a changing world. Our archaic methods and approaches of learning are preparing graduates for a world that no longer exist, as we are churning out degree holders every year with certificates that have face value but no intrinsic worth. Most learning institutions are filled up with lecturers and pseudo-educators with lecture notes, methods and approaches that have lost relevance in a changing world.

Certificates and degrees don’t reveal people to themselves; they at most measure our IQ (Intelligent Quotient). I have often tell people that there is no Recovery without Discovery. A poor man is simply someone that has not discovered himself.
The more you discover yourself, the more you realize the treasures that are hidden deep within you. We carry inside ourselves latent treasures that can only be unveiled through self-discovery.

Degrees and certificates can close up your minds to ideas while initiatives open it up. If you are not careful, your degrees and certificates can close up your mind. The purpose of education is to keep your mind perpetually opened towards limitless possibilities!
Fred Smith saw an opportunity for overnight delivery of anything anywhere in the USA, and ultra- fast delivery anywhere in the world, FedEx was born. It will be interesting to know that Fred Smith got a grade “C” in a Yale economics class for an idea that the professor belittled as unworkable.
Fred Smith’s company became the first American business to make over ten billion dollars in annual profit. Beginning with just 186 packages delivered the first night, FedEx now delivers in over two hundred countries using over 6,030 aircraft, 46,000 vehicles and 141,000 employees.

Our certificates and degrees prepare graduates to look for jobs and not open our eyes to life-changing opportunities. You are not poor because you don’t have a job; you are poor because you are not seeing and seizing opportunities.
Being POOR is simply Passing Over Opportunities Repeatedly! What keeps people ahead in life is not their education or degrees, it is simply the opportunity that they seized. Jobs may be scarce but not opportunities.
As long as there is a problem to be solved, there will always be opportunities. It is a waste of our education, exposure, and experiences if after we graduate from school, all we think about is searching for a job. An enlightened and educated mind should be able to see and seize opportunities.

We must be willing to make mistakes and take breakthrough risks. Taking risks and learning from mistakes help us in knowing what works and what does not! When Thomas Edison was being questioned by a mischievous journalist on how he felt for having failed for 999 times before getting the idea of the light bulb, his response stunned the whole world when he confidently said, “I have not failed 999 times, I have only learned 999 ways of how not to make a light bulb”.
Many graduates and degree holders are becoming progressively poor because the skills required in the modern world to get rich are not taught in schools and institutions.
By 2025, we’ll lose over five million jobs to automation. This means that future jobs will look vastly different by the time many people graduate from the university.

*Future jobs will involve KNOWLEDGE PRODUCTION/CREATION* and innovation, and people that are only equipped with skills found in the classroom will definitely be a misfit in an ever-changing world. Skills like critical thinking, creativity, people’s skill, STEM skills (e.g Coding), complex problem-solving skills etc. are central to living a more comprehensive and productive life.
*8 THEREFORE,* in conclusion, My humble and candid advice to graduates and students in institutions is to think wide, deep and outside the box. Take volunteer jobs, and don’t be afraid to navigate fields that are different from your field of learning. Your future career will require you to pull information from many different fields to come up with creative solutions to future problems.
Start by reading as much as you can about anything and everything that interests you. Once you get to college, consider double majoring or minoring in completely different fields. Trust me, it’ll pay off in the long run.
Don’t limit yourself to the classroom. Do something practical. Take a leadership position. Start a business and fail; that’s a better entrepreneurship. Contest an election and lose. It will teach you something political science will not teach you. Attend a seminar. Read books outside the scope of your course.
Think less of becoming an excellent student, but think more of becoming an excellent person. Don’t make the classroom your world, but make the world your classroom. Step forward and try something extra.
Invest in something you believe! Real financial security and freedom is not in your job, but in your passion, gifts, talents, and your ability to see and seize opportunities.