Thursday, 16 December 2021


There is something both the aged and the infant do not know anything about.
The church also has closed her eyes on this particular issue. Nobody wants to talk about it but it is very real.
In case you are not aware my brethren, I want to tell you that: SEXUAL IMMORALITY is the last bullet the kingdom of darkness has thrown against the church of God, and the church is wounded very sore that there seems to be no cure or remedy.
I want to make it so clear and not in jargons or vocabularies that, you cannot count the number of people who go to church and proclaim the name of God, that are still living in immorality. They may either be suffering from *lust, masturbation, pornography, adultery, incest, homosexual, lesbianism, sodomy, bestiality and many more* which time will fail me to mention.
Hardly will you come across a young lady who has not been misused by 'so called boyfriends'. And every guy is now dating because of sex.
God is watching all those that are having sex with people they haven't married.
It's a headache for God seeing his own created people perishing in a sin called sexual immorality. How many young men today in the church can you count and point fingers at that fornication has not pulled down?
A pastor slept with his junior pastor's wife, impregnated her, and used the name of God to defend himself that it was God who instructed him to do so.
Sex that is supposed to be between husband and wife only, is now between father and daughter in the church, do I need to tell you there is fire on the mountain?
If sex that is only legalized between a man and his wife, is now between a guy and his girlfriend or between a man and his fiancee, do you need angels to come and sound the warning against sexual immorality?
If sex that is a sacred thing in marriage has become a desecrated thing in dating, what else do you want before you prepare the way of the Lord?
Cry aloud, spare not. And tell the house


1- *Call her like twice daily*
2- *Don't wait until she ask you for money,give out freely.*
3 *Don't tell her she's boring*
4 - *Kiss her on her fore head*
5- *Whenever she tells you she's missing you, and you are not around, try your best to see her that day or do video call*.
6- *Play with her like your sister*
7- *whenever she tells u,baby am sorry, try and forgive/forget*.
8- *Have special time with her and tell her how beautiful she is*.
9- *Don't make her cry*.
10- *If she cry, kiss her tears and tell her she's beautiful*.
11- *Introduce her to your friends* .
12- *Don't promise her heaven and earth wen u don't have it*.
13- *Hold her on her waist while walking together to make her feel protected*.
14. *Tell her how special she is* .
15- *Don't engage her with a ring if u are not sure to marry her,cus women do normally get hurt.. and they can cry nonsense*
16- *She's your baby , handle her with care*.
17- *Text her in the morning and tell her u miss her.*
18. *Don't lay your hands on her.*
19. *Correct her privately wen she's wrong in the public.*
20. *Don't buy her the world with everything but buy her your attention*.


When you hear things like "a man must cheat no matter what you do", my sister it is a scam. Until you understand and accept that men are not created like women, you will continue to join this bandwagon. Most men won't cheat if they have peace of mind and respect from their wives. Because of over familiarity and knowledge of his weakness, you disdain him but when he gets to the office a woman like you treat him like a king, when he goes to the restaurant the ladies there respect him, if he goes to the shopping mall they treat him the way you have never treated him before, the house help treat him like semi god and when he gets to gathering, he's seen as a man of honour by other ladies. But when he gets home, you disrespect him, nag him, insult him and make him feel less of what they made him felt about himself outside. Gradually he starts enjoying the company of those ladies, he stays a little bit with them than coming home. That's the time you start complaining he's coming home late. Even if those ladies didn't give him sex, he begins to see them better than he sees you and in no time he gets attracted to them, he starts giving their needs attention and unconsciously those ladies start to get indebted to him. At this stage, all he needs to sleep with them is just a word or an enclosed room. Because these ladies don't know his weakness like you know, they will treat him well so he can stay with them.
Madam, let me tell you the truth, it's not every man that wants to cheat. Cheating is capital intensive, but some of these side chicks know how to give value for money spent on them but you see it as your right and most times abuse it. Before you say I am encouraging men to cheat, let me ask you ma, is your husband happy at home? Do you appreciate his little efforts to make the family stay happy? Or you make him feel worthless and irresponsible because he is not able to do for you what your friend's husband did for her?
The same way you need love and attention, the same way he needs respect and sex. If you can not meet up with his desire for respect and sex be ready to open the door for side chicks.
I know many women will throw stones at me over this piece...........AIR YOUR VIEW... NO INSULT

Wednesday, 15 December 2021


.1 ---- Sometimes, you need to Let Go, bcoz you will Never Find the Right Person if you are still with the Wrong one
2 ----- Sometimes, Some People think You will be around Forever regardless of what they do, and that's where they mess up
3 ---- Sometimes, We need to be Hurt in order to Grow. We must lose in order to Gain. Sometimes, Life's Lessons are learned through Pain
4 ----- Sometimes, We can't ask Why. Sometimes, We will never Know Why. Sometimes, We just need to Move Forward and Stop Regretting the Past
5 ---- Sometimes, Life Gives You The Test Before You've had Time To Learn the Lesson
6 ---- Sometimes, We just don't Appreciate Those People Who Really Care for us until They Leave Us or Until We Lose Them.

Friday, 10 December 2021


"I have done everything" mentality.
Many couples often claim that they are doing or have done "everything" necessary for their spouses to love them, or change from their bad conducts, yet, they wouldn't change. Are they actually getting it right or they think they are doing "everything" correctly? The human mind is complex.
HAVING THE INTENTION TO DO anything is different from doing it, and IT IS NOT ENOUGH TO DO SOMETHING, IT MUST BE DONE WELL, yet to our minds, we are doing it. There are a few people only who can judge themselves appropriately. It takes a matured mind to take a proper self assessment.
THEREFORE, when we have the excellent intentions to do "everything" necessary for our marriages to work excellently, let what we do become our lifestyle instead of being a mere wishful thinking or an ad-hoc conduct, a temporary behaviour, a pretence or a "test".
WHEN it becomes our habit, we will be doing the "everything" without feeling burdened or noticing it ourselves but it is being observed by others who will then appreciate our character and not just our behaviour.
IF A PERSON OF BAD CHARACTER pretends with a good behaviour, many people will still see the pretence in such a behaviour and refuse to acknowledge it as true. Pretending to be what we are not may stay for long but will surely expire unless we work hard to turn the pretence into our character.
IT MEANS WE NEED TO make sure we are real in our behaviour, learn to improve our conducts and review our character. One of the many good ways of achieving this is to choose wisely those we associate with, whether individuals or groups; acquire self-discipline or find a mentor.

Wednesday, 8 December 2021


"HARMLESS" THINGS PEOPLE DO THAT LEAD TO ILLICIT SEX 1.Calling everyone dear, dearie, dearest, sweet, sweetie, and all those "harmless" pet names. 2. Calling and allowing the opposite sex to call you sexy, curvy, angel, idol, etc. 3. Pouting your mouth and posting the picture on the social media (You give more focus to the lips). 4. Turning your bum to the camera and posting the picture on the social media. Same for ladies who focus more on the chest region. 5. Hugging, touching and embracing every Tom, Dick and Harry. 6. Allowing the opposite sex give you sexy compliments and secretly or publicly enjoying the compliment e.g. "I like your figure", "You've got kissable lips," "Your moustache makes you look so sexy," "Your height is tripping. I like guys who are muscular and six feet tall." 7. You allowed your EX back into your life. 8. You allow the opposite friend to visit you anyday, anytime. 9. You visit the opposite sex friend anyday, any time. 10. You "flirt" harmlessly with the opposite sex. 11. As a married man/woman, you chat with the opposite sex far into the night. 12. You give "harmless" pecks and kisses. 13. Your dates are always done in lonely places. 14. You counsel and pray with the opposite sex in a lonely or dark room. 15. You end up having emotional and physical sexual affair and lose yourself respect for life! These things look harmless but have very serious implications. Jesus says "Flee all appearances of evil"! No, you don't wait until that guy/lady ask for sex before you run! You run at the beginning! Say NO to things that are not proper, say NO to words that turn you on, say NO to people that makes you feel "hot!" Avoid situations and environments that encourage sin. Keep your chastity. Keep your testimony. God bless you. Cheers!


When it comes to the issue of being romantic in marriage, a lot of men are just dry. The best way to describe them is Iroko tree and a mount Zion that cannot be shaken. Their “unromanticness” is thick and second to none. Many wives are frustrated and tired of their marriages because of how unromantic their husbands are. Their husbands are predictable, always doing one thing all the time, no varieties. Many wives are just enduring their marriages but it can be different dear husbands if you will put into practice what I’ll be sharing with you. How do you really love your wife? 1. Shower Her With Affection The Bible commanded husbands to love their wives. It was for a reason, because the basic need of every woman is love, in other words affection. So, shower her with love and affection. Confess your love always to her and back it up with action. “My wife knows that I love her” is not enough. Prove your love to her. Let her feel the love not assume it. Your wife isn’t in your mind to know what's going on there. So, vocalize and “actionize” your affection for her. 2. Speak Her Love Language Everyone has a love language. Love language means those things people do to us that makes us feel loved the most. There are 5 of them, words of affirmation, touching, acts of service, receiving of gifts and spending quality time The best way to love your wife is to speak her love language-the thing(s) that makes her to feel loved the most. So, simply ask your wife, “What are those things that I’m doing or you will want me to start doing that will make you to feel loved most?” Learn her love language and speak it regularly. 3. Listen To Her Many wives have a lot to say but unfortunately their husbands aren’t listening. In fact, so of them see it as a disturbance. When you are always there to listen both to the nonsense and sensible things she has to say, she will feel loved. Remember, when you fail to listen, someone else will do the job for you and you know what that means. 4. Protect Her Among the basic things a woman needs is protection and this is why a lot of women will go for a bad guy that will protect them than to a gentleman they aren’t such will protect them When your woman feel secured with and in you, she will definitely feel loved. Women need protection. Forget about the camouflage attitude some of them put up that they don’t need protection. It’s not true. Deep down within they longed to be protected. So, protect your woman from harm, family members, friends, neighbors etc., she will definitely feel loved. Don’t beat and abuse her, protect her that’s why you have stronger body structure than she. 5. Respect Her On a normal basis, everyone supposed to be respected first as a human. So, respect your woman first as a human. Stop shouting at her. Treat her with respect. Let her feel respected and she will feel loved consequently. Many men don’t regard their wives. They talk to them anyhow they want, treat them badly. Dear husband, you ain’t the only one deserving respect, your wife deserves it too. 6. Give Her Gifts I have seen some husbands bought gifts for their wives, the kind of reaction it provokes in their wives was awesome. Some of them broke down in tears, some of them shouted in excitement etc. For many woman, it’s not really about the gift they cherish but the thought behind the gift. For you to get them a gift means you’re thinking about them and that’s what they cherish. So, once a while surprise her with gifts and she’ll feel loved. “My husband loves me” she will be telling her colleagues. Shoes, clothes, money, bags, gadgets are all type of gift you can give to her. 7. Spend Time With Her For many woman, it’s not really your money they want. What they want is for you to spend quality time with them. They want you more than the money you’re giving to them. A Lot of husbands don’t have time for their wives. They can spend time with their guys drinking and gisting but when their wives want the same from them, they will shun them off. Spend time with her. Don’t talk about the kids or the problems at home. Talk about something else. Watch a movie together. Have time for her. We create time for the things we love. 8. Help Her Domestic chores is a no go area for many men. They can’t even lift a spoon talk less of sweeping the house or washing the dishes. If you want your wife to feel loved then you have to help out in the house. Domestic chores isn’t exclusive for her. Help her wash the dishes, sweep and arrange the house, carry and babysit the baby. Sometimes ask her to relax while you prepare a meal for the family. Sometimes, ask her not to cook while you guys eat out. Just help her. Domestic work no be here. 9. Compliment Her Sometimes when your wife asks you how does she look, she knows that she is cool but she wants you to praise and compliment her. Learn to shower praises on your wife, compliment her appearance, compliment her new hairstyle, praise her food, praise her efforts in the running of the family. Just shower with praises. She will be dying in love. 10. Give Her Attention Many wives are practically begging their husbands for attention. If they are not glued to the TV watching football match, they are on the phones surfing the net. It’s frustrating when your wife is talking to you but you ain’t paying attention. If it’s possible, stop whatever you are doing and give attention her whenever she’s talking to you. She’s feel both respected and loved. 11. Satisfy Her Many wives don’t know what is orgasm since they get married because oga is not doing his job well. Many of them are frustrated. They find it boring and uninteresting when they husbands begins to make a move of “the other room” because it’s the same story every time. So, learn to satisfy her sexually. Don’t be selfish and after your own satisfaction alone, seek hers too. I tell you, when you always satisfy her in bed, she will become Oliver Twist, always asking for more. When you do your best to satisfy her in this area, she will feel loved. 12. Invest in her The Bible says husbands should love their wives as Christ loved the church. How did Jesus loved the church? Ephesians 5:25-27 had the answer. Christ loved the church and He gave Himself for it to sanctify and cleanse it in order to make it a glorious church without spot, wrinkle or blemish. This is how husbands should love their wives by sanctifying and cleansing her in order to make her a better person. That’s investment. When a woman understands that you are committed to both her happiness and to making her a better person, not only that she will love you scatter but she will feel loved. 13. Play With Her In a every woman is a baby girl wanting to play. Create time to play with her. Chase her around the house, pillow fight, whot, ludo, games etc., are the kind of play you should be playing with her. Couples that plays together stay together. Marriage is not a military barracks or zone. Let their fun in your marriage. Marriage is meant to be enjoyed and not endured. 14. Call Her Pet Names I do hear many husbands calling their wives by the name of one of their kids. You will hear things like mama Agatha, mama Emeka, excuse me sir, what are you gathering? What happened to baby girl, Rose, Sweetheart, Honey, Darling, Sweety etc.,? Call your wife romantic names, she will feel loved. Here you have it, husbands, 14 ways you can love your wife. No more excuse. Therefore, go and love your wives!

showing concern on marriage

Please before you start showing concern on marriage show concern on my dreams. Just as I do to myself I advice every young guy here to be careful who you tell your dreams. If you tell your dream to a small mind he will or she will kill it. To every young girl here I urge you to take sometime and study your guy. Before you throw away the engagement find out his dreams. What kind of family do he want to have. Has he gotten enough money to fond that? Let me tell you something. Women have a biological clock frame like the age she wants to marry and the age she want to stop having pregnancy and stuff's like that but men has Financial clock like how much he has in his bank account. The investment he has. How much can he provide for his wife, is he ready to have and provide for a baby. Please give your man some space to catch up because until a man is able to determine who he is, where he is which determines how much he makes he is incomplete as a man. The best you can do for him is to step in and help him up the ladder 🪜 of his dreams. Take Note of this; check how responsible your guy is, check how much he sticks to his words and the effort he put in pursuit of his dreams. From this two factors you can figure out his kind of man and know if he will dump you when he arrives. Be very conscious of lies as grow. The worst foundation any relationship can haves is lies. Infact confidence in an unfaithful man or woman in time of trouble is like a foot out of joint. Be guided on whom to chose

Right To cheat?

Read This Carefully let learn everyday is not about sex.
A man can cheat on his woman and still love her but a woman cannot cheat on her man and still love him. I say this because while men do not have sex with emotions, women can't have sex without attaching emotions to it. This is the reason men simply need a place to have sex while women need a reason to have sex.
Most women who take their husbands to court for divorce are those that cheat on their men. A non cheating woman would most likely never take her husband to court for divorce, unless the man exceedingly abuses her physically and emotionally to the point of killing her.
Men don't equate sex with love. A man can have sex with another woman but still doesn't love her. That's why women who fell in love with married men find it difficult to find happiness in those relationships as they are just being used by those married men. But once a married woman starts sleeping with you, she can even narrates some hidden secretes concerning her husband and she will even tell you why she hates him (her husband). She can even accept poison from you to eliminate her husband.
For men, sex and love are two different things. But for women, sex and love are one and the same things. For men, sex comes first before love (infatuation), but for women love comes first before sex (true love). Therefore, once your woman starts having sex with another man/men, her love shifts from you to that man and she can even start giving that man the best food and love than she gives you.
The fact that your man is cheating on you doesn't mean he has stopped loving you. But I can't say the same for women. Once a woman starts cheating on you, she has fallen for someone else and you people will never live the same again. And she can even kill her husband once she starts cheating on him.
If your wife starts cheating, you should be a lucky man not to die in less than 10 years. It has been found that 95% of women who cheat wish their husbands dead. That is the main reason why it is dangerous for a man to continue staying with a wife who cheats on him. That is why is now encouraged everywhere in the world including in the Bible, for a man to divorce his wife only once she starts cheating on him. Cheating women are more deadly to husbands than ordinarily criminals or weapons. There are many cheating women in the world who invite criminals to break into her house at night only to come and eliminate her man and police officers plus relatives can't detect this as the same woman tend to moan more than any person at the funeral so as to attract sympathy and hide her evil acts.
That's why psychologists discourage women,more than men, from cheating.
Women can't handle the emotional conflict that comes with cheating.
That's the reason an observant and intelligent man will notice that his wife has started cheating on him once he starts doing it because most women tend to lose respect to their husbands and try to avoid sex with them in most times.
Cheating Women will even be giving excuses for not wanting to have sex with their husbands. Study has revealed that nearly 90% of women who cheat find it hard to have enjoyable sex with their husbands, again an intelligent man will detect this once his wife's behavior with regard to sex start changing. But a dull man can never detect this and always tolerate fake excuses from his cheating wife until he is completely eliminated.
Study has shown that every relationship begins to flounder once a woman starts cheating. There are many men who cheat on their partners but still show them true love. But it is very hard to find a relationship in which a woman is cheating and things still remain the same.
I repeat, nearly 100% of cheating women wish their husbands quick death or divorce to have unlimited sex freedom while nearly 100% of cheating men can't wish their wives quick death or divorce. That is why most men cant allow their wives to be physically or verbally abused by their girlfriends. Men will always stand for their wives.
A man would cheat but still love and respect his wife, but the opposite is true with cheating women.
Once your wife starts sleeping with other men/man, just know that your death is near.



When it comes to the passion play, we all know what we need to do. The teases, the foreplay, using protection, feeling safe all of this is something we are confident about.
After a night of passion, maybe all you really want to do is cuddle up to your partner. But there are a number of important things you should do after passionate play. If you’re wondering what you should do after bedroom play for your health and safety, here is the list of the most important ones.
1. Drink Water
Passionate play is definitely an exercise and you need to keep yourself hydrated post the act! Water is amazing for your body to help hydrate after all the sweating. This also allows you to have more water content to pee and remove whatever bacteria or infections that could be blocking your urinary tract.
2. Pee immediately after intercourse
Even if nature doesn’t call after sex, women who suffer from regular UTIs should use the bathroom, recommends Alyssa Dweck, M.D., an ob-gyn from Westchester, N.Y., and author of The Complete A to Z for Your V. “When you have intercourse, bacteria from the rectuml which is in very close proximity to the urethra and the vaginacan get close to the urethra and can cause an infection, especially in women who are prone to UTIs,” says Dweck.
3. Avoid hot water bath
After a night of passion, it’s good to take a shower, but don’t fill up the tub with water. Infections can enter the body through the vaginal openings that are widened by the use of hot water. To maintain good health, stay away from this.
4. Avoid soap
This may not sound well with you, but the fact remains. Your vagina won’t benefit from using soaps and shower gels. In order to avoid irritating and drying your vagina, you should only use water, as your vagina has its own self-cleaning system. This has a long-term influence on many people.
5. Always let yourself dry off after you take a shower
After taking a shower, always allow yourself to dry off before putting on your clothes. Make sure your private regions are dry and warm before putting on your underwear, since extra moisture and warmth is a breeding ground for infections. This is a common blunder made by women, so stay clear of it.
If you’re wondering what to do after bedroom play, it’s wise to get in the habit of taking these precautionary steps. Remember, it’s all for the sake of your long-term health and your partner’s.


– Man Boldly Reveals And Causes Massive Reactions
In this world the little we can do to help one another is to show love and advice anyone we see or hear going through difficult situations and need an advice to move on in life.
A gentleman shares his sad story on social media and asked for people’s advice.
According to this gentleman, his mother always showered praises on him and kept telling him how handsome he was. He said, this continued for a very long time that sometimes, his father complained about that due to how the mother sometimes touched him. One day his mother told him because of how handsome he looked, she would not allow any women to have sex with him first before her. She said it like a joke so he also had no problem with that.
One night while his father was away on a business trip, his mother came into his room in her pants, he was shocked to see his mother in a pant. According to the gentleman, his mother threatened not to allow him marry any one if he did not have sex with him.
Well, he took it as a threat but did not know what came over him to have sex with his own mother. This continued for a long time but he refused to tell the father. Some year’s later, he told his mother he wanted to get married and she responded okay.
The morning before his wedding day, his mother told him to meet her at a hotel, when he went there his mother told him to have his last s3x with her else she will destroy the wedding. Well, he couldn’t refuse because he wanted to save his marriage, so he had s3x with his mother on his wedding day.
According to him, this is still continuing even after he got married, he meets her up to have s3x. Now, he is confuse whether to continue doing that with the mother to save his marriage or tell the wife about that


1. He drops you off and drives back to his wife and kids.
2. He throws away used Condoms as he goes home.
3. He buys sweets to clean your fragrance no matter how expensive it can be.
4. He forgives himself for cheating as he is driving to the mother of his Children.
4 He first takes shower to remove your unwanted sweats.
5. He then convinces him self that he can't leave his Wife and Children because of you.
6. He hugs her and ask his children about education.
7. He eats food cooked by his wife not two pieces of KFC he bought for you.
8. After eating he relax on the couch, and they both go to the bedroom.
9. They discuss about the future while she is lying on his chest.
10. Then they make love (Not sex which he had with you).
11. He doesn't take bath after it because he is used to that Aroma of his Wife.
12. She continues lying on his chest while discussing their investment, policies and planning their Anniversary.
13. And you are alone struggling with sex because he just did a fast.
14. He gave you k1000 and your Mother is boasting that she has a discplined daughter not knowing that you are slowly turning to the resting zone of a bored Husband of some one.
My sister it is not too late, know your values and have goals that Man will never take you anywhere. Find your own Man and God will surely bless you.
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Dominic Etok
You make point there
Like · React · Reply · More · 2 hours ago
Moddy Mwaka Chewe Phiri
Perfectly said, more volume
Like · React · Reply · More · 2 hours ago
Ogechi Joy
But is it most they will have
Like · React · Reply · More · 1 hour ago
Faridah Nakayiza
Huhuhihihi kerp consoling urselves. I ll be fine
Like · React · Reply · More · 1 hour ago
Roseline Obiorah
Tell them ooooio if only they will hear
Like · React · Reply · More · 1 hour ago
Bawuah Solomon
i like it
Like · React · Reply · More · 1 hour ago
Judith Ekene
Like · React · Reply · More · 1 hour ago
Habibat Lawal
That means those side chicks are not worthy to be a wife or husband material,as for me,I will never be a side chick to anyone but remain wife material as already being
Like · React · Reply · More · 1 hour ago
Habibat Lawal replied · 3 replies
Patrick Effaodu
Side chicks sre helpless waiting invain for their rightful suitors n none is forthcoming . Men no longer marry on time bcos they do not want to go into marriage unprepared. Also side chicks prefer what glitters n so turns down proposals of a still struggling suitor that wishes to start marriage at any cost. So these are the dilemmas of the side chick !

Tuesday, 7 December 2021


*1. Always remember that you can grow without destroying others.*
*2. Always remember that your dreams can be fulfilled without sabotaging others.*
*3. Always remember that nobody must go down for you to rise.*
*4. Always remember that nobody must be shamed or embarrassed for your smile to be sustained.*
*5. Always remember that while others are rising, you can also rise.*
*6. Always remember that finding satisfaction in the pain of others will never bring you true happiness.*
*7. Always remember that what you wish others is a prayer for yourself.*
*8. Become the good fire that genuinely lights up others, not one that ruins the joy, goodwill, and expectation of others.*
*9. Never take delight in causing pain or sponsoring the tears of another.*
*10. Never ever use your position in authority to punish others for fear that your position would be taken from you. You never know tomorrow. Life is uncertain.* *Also,never use the position you occupy today to frustrate others, for you never can tell what the future holds tomorrow.*
*11. Allow the true FEAR OF GOD to guide your days, STRENGTHEN YOUR RELATIONSHIPS and SET YOUR COURSE.*
*This is the path to true peace, lasting influence and meaningful living!*
This is a lesson for all....
He who has ears let him hear,


Falling in love with someone can be more complicated as we age and change relationships, bringing our past lives in tow.
When a relationship has to take account of someone else's children as well, it can be a difficilt decision for you to make and should not be one that is taken lightly.
Coping with someone else's, especially when you are not raising children, can be an abrupt and disruptive change in life.
Be conscious that the road ahead will not be smooth running but you have taken time to do the ground work and you are fully aware of what might be ahead, it should be a journey filled with love, dedication and the determination from both you and your spouse to be, that is going to work.
First, understand that you will never replace their mother, so do not try second, understand that the children are probably still grieving.
Give them while still being a step-parent.
Continue making them needs and putting them to sleep if they want to cry, let them listen to them.
Some of them may throw temper, remember, everyone grives differently.
Try to understand that, the child/children will not agree for a while to him replacing his/her mom but try to explain that you are there to help them both.

Saturday, 4 December 2021


1. You have no time for drama
2. You become very selective with your friends and the environment you allow yourself to be in
3. You want work that does more than pay bills, you want work that brings you fulfilment
4. You desire more than sex, you long for intimacy and companionship
5. You blame other people less and take responsibility more
6. You don't get caught up in arguments just to prove you are right
7. You don't blindly follow society. You choose your own path
8. You don't just want to merely exist, you want to build a legacy
9. You become more selfless and mentor others more
10. You learn to say NO without apologising for it

*True love is scarce*

If you have someone who understands you, who is patient with you, who loves you genuinely, who cares about you, who respects you, who is proud of you, who doesn't take a day without calling or texting you, who never fails to fix time for you, who fears to lose you. Please love that person with all of you!.
Don't take his/her care and love for granted because such people are very rare to find these days. Don't let such a person slip off your hands over minor disagreements. If you are the one at fault admit and ask for FORGIVENESS, don't allow pride kill your relationship!
Handle that person with care. Be there for him/her.. Be open to that person, there should be no secrets at all.. Don't be so nagging to such a person. Be trustworthy, faithful and appreciative... Do whatever it takes for the both of you to last forever because if you lose that person, you may never get another like Him/her.. My Brothers and Sisters; True Love is Scarce these days oooh!.. May God help us.


However, sex is enjoyable when both husband and wife participate in it. That is why it should not be one sided action.
Beloved, do not be numbered among those who have lost their spouses to other people and begin to blame the devil for what they refuse to do at the right time.
I see you on top and in charge of your marriage. God bless.


You can’t keep fighting to be with someone who isn’t fighting to be with you,
You can’t keep holding onto someone who is not holding onto you,
You can’t keep planning your future with
someone who doesn’t plan theirs with you,
You can’t keep running back to someone who is running away from you,
You can’t keep loving and caring about someone who shows that they no longer love you,
And you can’t keep taking someone as a priority yet they are taking you as their option.
Trust me it’s a waste of time, money and energy. No matter how hard and hurting it is, you have to let go of such a person and open up a new chapter. You deserve to be happy, loved and cared for not to be sad all the time, to have sleepless nights, to cry and plead for someone’s love. Think about it.
Love is a Beautiful Thing!.


Most Men want to marry a Woman younger than they are..
One of the reasons they give is that Women naturally age faster than Men, pregnancy and child birth bearing the blame.
But the truth is, aging process can be HASTENED or SLOWED DOWN in any person, irrespective of gender or natural processes.
As a Man, you marry a Woman, you expect her to cook, pound pounded yam as breakfast and dinner for you, wash, sweep, with no labor saving devices in the house to help her with these chores
You won't lift a finger to help her either, and there's no body else to assist her.
She still goes to work like you, comes back to prepare meals, bath kids, get them ready for bed, for school, you'll still wake her up at night for oza business, daily, monthly and yearly.
At this rate, if you like marry a toddler, she will age as fast as fast food.
3 major things destroy a Woman's beauty after marriage.
A woman you married that was fair Is now dark.
Skin that was shining is now dull and wrinkling after just 5 years.
She was plumpy when you took her from her father house, now she's almost disappearing.
No, it's not pregnancy, it's not nature.
Na suffer aka sapa.
She is suffering..
Have you seen Genevieve Nnaji at almost 50? She looks 20.
Some Men are stress producers.
They can even wake Madam up by 12 midnight to go and cook beans for them. Plus all the shouting, emotional, verbal, financial and physical abuse.
Why won't she age? If it's you, won't you age? Talk true.
Truth is, Women are naturally beautiful, give them the right environment and atmosphere, reduce the stress and increase the care and money, and see BEAUTY that defies age.
Dear Brother. as you marry, know that how quickly your wife begin to show signs of aging, how beautiful she will look per time, also depends on how well you take care of her. Not just on her age.


1 ----- Follow your heart, but take your brain with you.
2 ----- You don't just wake up one morning and decide you love someone... your mind wakes up and realizes what your heart has known all along.
3 ----- No one can promise they'll never hurt you because at one time or another, it will happen.
4 ----- Love is just a word until you find someone to give it a definition.
5- ----- The bad thing about a girl with a broken heart is that she starts to hand out the pieces to anyone who comes around.

Do not accept that marriage proposal

Dear Singles,
Do not accept a marriage proposal solely on the ground that you got a confirmation in your dream.
'I saw him in my dreams won't right your wrong choice of a marriage partner'.
One thing you probably don't know about the dream world is that, its an open world for both the negative supernatural and positive supernatural. Its not exclusive. So, unless you've developed yourself so well spiritually that you can correctly discern between revelations from the negative and positive supernatural.
The best and more authentic confirmation you can get is that of the 'very still voice' within you. Some call it intuition. 'You just know' even if you cant explain it that the person is a good or bad fit for you. A lot of people waive this feelings then, decide to work with their five senses, reasoning or their unreliable dreams.
If the thought of the person brings mix feelings and restlessness in you its best you slow down, pray more until you get approval. If however, thoughts of the person gives you inner peace, you are very good to go. So long as you are a child of God, you can never make mistake relying on your intuition. Its actually, the voice of the Holy Spirit. Those that can't really explain it call it intuition.
You have to go into marriage with your eyes fully open. Get the authentic confirmation. Its sentiment and error free. Be sure where you got your confirmation from. Marriage has it way of opening up a lot of worm cans. Awareness before time helps you prepare better for the stormy days without sprang up surprises....


1) Research about Them.
Know what to expect, Ask your partner about their culture, how they greet over there, don't go and say "Hi, good afternoon" when they expect you to kneel or lie down to greet, You could learn how to greet in their language too (if you are from a different tribe) , your in-laws will be happy to know you are trying to learnt their ways.
Research about the people you'll be meeting, so you don't say things that may embarrass or offend anyone, like if her elder brother lost his wife, don't go and ask him "how's your wife", that you weren't aware will not be an excuse. Research about how they eat, their individual likes and dislikes etc Don't go to your in-laws place for the first time unprepared. First Impression goes a Long way
2) Dress Well
As a Lady, don't dress like you want to seduce all the Men in his family, even if short skirts is your trade, try and dress well that day, Dress decently, don't be going to visit a Mother in law to be who believes deeply in decent dressing and then dress anyhow, exposing your cleavages and laps, before you hear "My Son, let me have a word with you inside"
As a young Man, dress responsibly, don't dress like a gate-man to see your in-laws, don't wear rumpled clothes, or shoes that look like what a tailor sewed. Apply good perfume with a not too pungent aroma. Represent Well. You will be ADDRESSED the way you DRESS
3) Don't go without a Gift
Don't go empty handed, it may sound cliche, but don't ignore it. Your gift should be tailor made to each pardner, don't just buy any gift you like, the father or mother may have allergies, dislikes, so ask your spouse what best to buy go their parents,
Don't buy for instance, alcoholic wine to a Pentecostal Christian Family as gift, you have failed exam before you even got the question paper. If their father or mother were a writer, a leather jotter will be a perfect gift. Please don't be cheap, don't buy bread by the road side to present to your in-laws,. We are in the 21st century. Be creative
4) Avoid excessive display of physical Intimacy. Don't go and visit your in-laws and be groping or touching their son or daughter all over in their presence, Avoid too much emotional display. It'll make the meeting awkward, Sit down where you were asked to and respect yourself.
They know you love each other, Keep your hands in your pocket and don't let the devil use you. Don't give the impression you both have been having sex. |hued wonder if you are the right person for their child, and You would attract unnecessary suspicion and questions that way.
5) Avoid pressing your Phone excessively.
If can come out as disrespectful, Especially those of you that are addicted to Facebook, you didn't leave your house to your in-laws just to Facebook and press phone. You came for business. Focus.
Switch off the phone or ignore it and focus on making a good impression and befriending your prospective in-laws. Your father in law can not be calling you and you are obviously lost, scrolling and commenting on Facebook..
6) Interact
You are there to make friends. Talk, don't keep to yourself. Laugh, ask questions, answer questions, interact lovingly, compliment the food, compliment their home, compliment their looks, compliment things worthy of compliment, smile, communicate and have Fun Don't go there and be looking like someone that is lost, as if you left your brain and tongue at home. Leave a good impression on their hearts and they'll look forward to your next visit.
7) Don't forget table Manners
We know you like food, but that's not the reason you came, don't eat and be asking for extra 2 plates, and take sway, there'll be subsequent visits for you to do that, don't eat and be dropping soup everywhere, don't talk with your mouth full, when you are not Shrek. Behave when you are offered food.
Don't forget your home training and embarrass your village people, they are watching you. Don't go there and make trouble, even if your profile on Facebook reads "trouble is my middle name" Be a preacher of love at your in-laws place, if anyone intentionally says any thing uncouth at you, smile and act as I you didn't hear it, don't reply in like manner.
If anything is said or done that displeases you, keep quiet, you can take it out on or rather sort it out with your partner when you get back when you leave. Don't go to your in-laws place and pick a fight with his mother of her father.
9) Be Respectful
Be respectful, don't go there and act as if everybody is your mate.
Greet those who are elder to you
10) Offer to Help.
If there's work to be done, offer to help, it's not eye service, it's what you'll do if you were at you own parent's place. If you see his Mom or her Dad doing something you can and know how to do, offer to assist, don't raise your legs for his Mum or her Mum to sweep., It's not done
11) Don't try too hard to please them
Be yourself. No lies, you don't have to agree with everything you see and hear before they'll like you, respectfully opine your views,. You are a Chelsea fan, and his Dad is a Man U fan, you don't have to become a Man U fan just to impress him. Argue lovingly and respectfully, you still earn his respect.
Don't become a "Yes Sir, Yes Ma" person, talk with your convictions and beliefs but respectfully, and don't argue with your in-laws, because some of you are journalists, know when to let an issue drop. And most importantly, even if the first visit didn't go well, don't panic, there will be plenty opportunities to make up in future..... God bless your Relationship.


1 **** A BITTER Woman says "all Men are the same". WISE Woman decides to stop choosing the same types of Men.
2 ----- The Beauty of a Woman can take her to the Palace, but her Character would Determine how Long she stays in Palace. Beauty attracts Men but Characters Keep them.
3 **** Girls get Jealous bcoz They know What other Girls are capable of doing.
4 ---- When True Love and Great Friendship happens at the same time, that's when Maggic occurs.
5 ---- A Real Woman don't choose the guy she thinks will Love her better, She choose the guy who will Love her for Better or Worse.
6 ----- What's Worse? Loving Him and not Telling Him or Loving Him and Knowing He doesn't.
7 ------ Once you have Feelings for Someone, those Feelings will always be there. You may not like them anymore, but you'll still care.
8 **** If you dare to Love Someone, you must dare to take the risk that the Person may Leave you.


Have you ever thought of INTEGRITY and CHARACTER of the BATHROOM?
The Bathroom is a separate part of the house that is purposely designed for bathing and easing ourselves.
A small apartment carved out to see our nakedness, fault and accommodate our dirt.
Are you a Room or a Roof, are you a wall or a war? do you cover people or you expose them? Are you a defender?
Everyone of us comes out of d bathroom better than we entered. The place of relief and refreshing.
>> Are you sure people get better anytime they have contact with you, or they get bitter? Learn from your bathroom.
I have never come across any bathroom that shouts and makes noise, it will never expose your secret and nakedness to others. Once you move out of the bathroom, no one knows what had happened.
In fact let one thousand people take bath in the same bathroom, I can guarantee you, It will never divulge your secret, figure or nakedness to another person. The scars which others cannot see, bathroom sees and knows it.
Are you trust worthy, responsible or dependable? Learn from your bathroom.
Do you know that the bathroom is tolerant, it doesn't matter how dirty and smelly you are in the bathroom, it will never take advantage of your carelessness.
Do you know that at the slightest mistake and errors from others you flare up? Are you patient enough to bear and tolerate the weakness of others? Learn from the bathroom.
Do you notice we run to toilet only when we need it? Yet, it will never block you from accessing it. Bathroom will never ignore or reject you. If you like abandon it for years, any day you feel like going back to use it, it will accept and accommodate you. Your place and space will be reserved for you.
How often do you forgive? how quick do you forget offence? How large is your heart? Do you correct in love or in anger?
The fact that we have mobile toilets does not change the integrity of the bathroom. The Bathroom will never beg anyone to use it, it will never shift ground for any reason. If you are ready to come, it will accept you, but for her to run after you is not possible.
Bathroom will never retain any rubbish and trash you give to it. The entrance to the bathroom is always wide, the channel of transferring your load is small. It has a large heart and will never keep record of wrongs.
How large is your heart?
Do you have integrity at all, can we trust your words, why are you easily influenced? Are you not compromising in the face of trials and tribulations? Especially when men ignore you.
You cannot provoke bathroom, if you like make noise, sing, shout, keep silent, slash water, it will never complain.
Hummmmmm..... Do you think you are better than your bathroom?

Different BUT in relationships

1 ****The world's most beautiful sentence:- But, I Love You! The world's most painful sentence:- I Love You, But!
2 ****Don't fall in love with someone who says the right things. Fall in love with someone who does the right things.
3 **** Knowing a person is like music, what attracts us to them is their melody, and as we get to know who they are, we learn their lyrics.
4 **** Whatever happens, I'll always be thankful for that period of time wherein life allowed me to meet you.
5**** Do you love me? Or am I just a substitute for what you can't have?


1 **** To offer a girl friendship when love is in her heart is like giving a loaf of bread to one who is dying of thirst.
2 ***** Loving someone who is loving another one is like hugging a cactus. The more you hug, the more it hurts.
3 ***** We just have to accept the fact that some people are going to stay in our hearts... even if they don't stay in our lives.
4 **** Real tears are not those that fall from the eyes and cover the face, but those that fall from the heart and cover the soul.
5***** You know what hurts so much? Its when someone made you feel special yesterday but makes you feel like you're a nobody today.


1 ------ Sometimes, you just need to distance yourself from People. If they Care, They will notice. If they don't, you know where you stand.
2 ------- Sometimes, People learn to Lie at some point, bcoz not everyone deserve to know the Truth.
3 ----- Sometimes, to get Someone's Attention, you need to Stop giving them yours.
4 ------ Sometimes, the Only Blessing you need to count is your Heartbeat.
5 ------ Sometimes, you don't Regret your Past. You just Regret the Time you have waste with the Wrong People.
6 ------ Sometimes, You lose the things you're trying so hard to save, just bcoz you hold on to them too tightly.
7 ------ Sometimes, When you give up on Someone. It's not bcoz you don't care anymore but bcoz You realize they don't.

Avoid a contentious wife

*By D.K. Olukoya G.O MFM*
1. Wedding is a day but marriage is a lifetime .
2. A stingy man who is single will still be stingy when married.
3. Silence can never be misquoted.
4. If you want what no one has had, you must do what no one has done.
5. When God wants to bless you, He puts a person in your life. When Satan wants to destroy you, he puts a person in your life.
6. It is better to be single and alone than to be married to the wrong person.
7. Avoid a contentious woman.
8. 3 men to avoid:
a. A hot tempered man.
b. A womanizer.
c. A drunkard.
9. Marrying a comedian does not guarantee a happy marriage.
10. Never be yoked to anyone who will not be yoked to God.
11. 3 words that echo peace in a marriage:
a. I love you .
b. I am sorry .
c. Thank you.
12. Don't waste your time meditating or dwelling on your singleness.
13. Cohabitation is a recipe for marital failure .
14. Deal with anti-marriage dreams.
15. Masturbation is destruction.
16. *Marriage without friendship is like a sky without the sun.*
17. *If you rush into marriage, you may end up with someone who* *will bury your destiny.*
18. *A successful marriage is always a triangle : God, a man and a woman.*
19. Why you marry is as important as who you marry.
20. Much happiness in life depends on your marital choice.
21. A man needs divine wisdom from God in choosing who to marry.
22. Do not place your priority on good looks; no woman is ugly, she just needs rebranding.
23. 3 major characteristics to look for in a woman:
a. Fear of God.
b. Wisdom.
c. Discretion (beauty is vanity).
24. The best way to enslave a woman is to show her love excessively - as a rule, women don't run away from where they're pampered.
25. *Love is not blind;*
*infatuation and lust are blind.*
26. Love puts God first,
lust puts sex first.
27. Test every love with your peace of mind, if it is absent, God is not there.
28. If you are a true friend, you will attract true friends.
29. Caring hearts never lack caring hands.
30. Desperation leads to frustration.
31. Bad marriages can be avoided before they begin.
32. *Keep yourself pure and your bed undefiled.*
33. *It is spiritual insanity to plan to convert someone so you can marry the person.*
34. Wage war against the devil that fought your parents' marriage.
35. Marriage is a covenant, always look before you leap.
36. It is better to be single and believing God to be married than to be married and believing in God to be single.
37. A broken courtship is better than a failed marriage.
38. Do not marry money or property, marry a person.
39. Be presentable.
Do well to forward it to our children, the single and married individuals on your contact list.


1. Coming home late often without a good reason. Who are you from seeing?
2. No longer showing sexual interest in your spouse. Are you getting sex somewhere else?
3. Spending hours on your phone smiling. Who are you chatting with?
4. Exchanging suggestive messages with others yet you claim it is innocent flirting. Why are you making others feel special?
5. Treating other people better than you treat your spouse. Did your spouse stop being your priority?
6. Spending less time with your spouse and cancelling on your planned events. Must your spouse beg to be with you?
7. Your kisses have become cold and forced. Have you stopped being excited for your spouse?
8. Sudden secrecy on your side and getting defensive. Are you living a seperate life?
9. Other people knowing more about you than your spouse and before your spouse. When did you two stop being a team?
10. Your sudden effort to look good and smell good as you don't bother with your spouse. Are you trying to impress someone new?
11. The resurfacing of your ex and you two spending more time together. Has the past come to destroy the home?
12. You suddenly going to bed late when your spouse is asleep. Are you avoiding your spouse?
13. You spending more time with friends who are not pro-marriage or pro-your marriage. Are you being negatively influenced?
14. Hurting your spouse and seeing no need to apologise. Did you stop caring?
15. You praising another and comparing your spouse with them. Do you long to be with them?
16. Hiding your spouse from the public and social media. Don't you want people to know you are married and to whom?
17. You constantly talking of separation but you are still in the marriage. Are you in or out?
18. Giving stories that don't add up. Why are you lying?
19. Ignoring your spouse's phone calls and texts. Are you taking your spouse for granted?
Making your spouse insecure is wrong and selfish. Stop torturing your spouse with questions and assumptions. Get to calm the mind of your spouse, it is your role to make your spouse feel safe and assured


1. You get to have someone to come home to and share company with
2. You get to have someone with whom you can have as much sexual pleasure as you both want
3. You get to have someone to look after and who looks after you
4. You get to walk with someone who is your best friend long term, at a time when even friendships don't last
5. You get to build a future with someone who knows you as an adult. Our parents know who were as children, our spouse knows who we truly are as adults
6. You get to have someone to raise and guide the children with, collective effort
7. You get to have someone who won't give up on you just because of an argument
8. You get to have someone who has your best interest at heart and looks out for you, warns you, corrects and challenges you to be better
9. You get to have someone who shares in your success, your sorrows, your struggles, your good and bad days
10. You get to have a companion. You are not alone, no loneliness. Someone to laugh with and open up to without feeling you are a bother or you are talking too much
11. You get to have someone you are intertwined with to be your strength when you are weak
12. You get to have a prayer partner who prays fervently because whatever affects you affects him/her
13. You get to have a dependable helper you can count on
14. You get to have someone to share responsibilities and roles with at home, lessening the weight
15. You get to have someone to flirt with and be naughty with without judgement
16. You get to have someone who has spent so much time with you that they understand you and can represent you, cover you and get you even without saying a word
17. You get to have someone who worries about you when you are not OK, when an accident happens, when you are quiet or when you come home late
18. You get to have someone to pour your love to knowing that you are not wasting it because this is long term
19. You get to have someone who has given you authority to call on them, ask them for help or do things for you with no pay or demands; all because your spouse loves you and you do the same for your spouse
20. You get to have someone who will be a custodian of your secrets and memories for life instead of talking with person A, then person B, then person C... It is comforting to build with one
21. You get to have someone who teaches you things you never knew, only if you are willing to learn
22. You get to have someone to grow old with whose love has been tried and tested
23. You get to have someone who will continue with your vision and family in case you die
24. You get to have someone you loved and who loved you for life in your brief journey on earth
25. You get to have someone who helps you to fulfil purpose and you two coming together means you can do more


1. Gets you to start the day right. Morning glory has a way of kick starting your day with a smile on your face, warmth in your heart and pep in your step
2. Gets you to good sleep. Love making can knock you out so good. Sleep is sweet when you take each other there
3. Tightens the bond between you two, your love grows deeper with every pleasurable experience
4. Helps you to know your spouse better. When the Scriptures talk about sex, Scripture says "Abraham knew his wife". Love making makes you two let down your guard, you get to know each other deeper
5. Calms your emotions. When you're tense, angry or stressed, love making can give you great relief
6. Helps you two resolve fights. Frictions in marriage will be there, but after talking about it and coming to an understanding, seal it with some love making. Be careful though not to make love and ignore issues
7. Inspires you. Something happens to the brain after a sexual high. You can come up with solutions to save the world after climbing Mount Erotica
8. Makes both of you feel special when you exclusively give each other your bodies. His body is hers, her body is his
9. Inspires spiritual and emotional intimacy. With love making comes pillow talks and heart to heart conversations
10. Grows your family. Baby making through love making
11. Gives you a chance to be naughty. Unleash the flirty and cheeky you on your spouse
12. Gives you pleasure in your tough days. You can do with a good experience, life can be a pain
13. Heals you. Your body rejuvenates when your bodies collide in love
14. Celebrates your union as God intended. Love making is God's gift to your marriage, please your Maker
To enjoy all these benefits, stay faithful to each other. Sex was meant to make you two one in your marriage, not to be the source of pain when you abuse it.


Everyone has taste irrespective of who you are, where you come from, what you do or what you've been through.
There are specific things that tickle your fancy more than others.
You owe no one any apology for having those choices. It's your right.
When it comes to making choice of a partner, you still reserve the right to go after your choice (spec) but where many lose it, is failing to be a worthy compliment of what you admire or desire from the other party.
So I ask, are you your spec's spec?
You like highly hygienic women but you've worn one boxers for over a week now. Your house has not been swept for a month. Your Jean trousers have not smelled water for 3 months now. Thanks to brush, you just brush, fling it and off you go yet you are planning to bring someone's daughter to come and bear the torment of the smell that oozes out from everywhere. Yuck!
You like men with 6 packs, very athletic and smart yet your own stomach is like Innoson's latest version GP tank. No hanty! Be your spec's spec!
If you desire a rich man,as a woman, you have to build yourself in preparation to meeting such a man, by working hard, acquiring skills and above all, acquiring the right knowledge.
If you desire to marry a virtuous woman, build yourself as a virtuous man or you think a man doesn't deserve to have virtues simply because the Bible didn't dedicate a whole chapter for it?
Whatever you desire and want from your partner or people in that first!!!
"When we are willing to be the change we imagine, we have already opened the gate for positive change in our Partners".
Don't expect too much from your partner when you have not built yourself up for a worthy compliment!


1 .. Before, when a Guy takes his Girlfriend home to meet his Parents, Na serious relationship. But now, all na parole. If you like, meet his Ancestors, Babe, you can still end up as ex-girlfriend. Plz be Guided .
2 .. Your Boyfriend told you that you're the only Flower in his Garden, and you blushed? Which Garden has only one Flower? Be Guided
3 .. If people can use "LOL" without even laughing, Surely, they can use "I Love You" without even loving you. Be Guided.
4 .. So many Stupid people are using Smart Phones.. Don't allow illogical comments or post get in your nerves. Be guided.
5 .. Love was never meant to be easy. Whether in finding it or keeping it. Mind you, Love alone is never enough. Be Guided.
6.. .. Some People come into your Life as a Blessing, others as a lessons. Be Guided.
.7. .. To Heal a Wound, you need to stop touching it..


1----I think we all have that one somebody who we love just a little bit too fucking much
2---- Shit gets so much easier in life when you learn to stop walking miles for Cuckoo that wouldn't cross a street for you. Try it!
3-- --- Being married someday is going to be so cool. like you get to come home to your best friend every single day and just do life together.
4 If you leave someone at least tell them why, because what’s more painful than being abandoned is knowing you aren’t worth an explanation.
5 ----- When you're right, no one remembers. When you're wrong, no one forgets.
6 ---- If you wait until you're ready, you'll be waiting the rest of your life.......And Don't wait for the perfect moment, take the moment and make it perfect.

Thursday, 2 December 2021


1 -- Be Friends with People who help you plug phone when you are asleep..
2 ----- Guys will gather and play Video games in a relaxed mood. The minute a cute girl walks into the room, the game becomes a World Cup Final.
3 ----- They say so many People die bcoz of alcohol. Perhaps they never realized how many of them are born bcoz of it.
4-- -- Once a girl decides you are her friend, you're no longer a dating option. You become this complete non-sexual entity like her brother or a lamp.


1 ......Sometimes the person you fall for isn't ready to catch you.
2 ......There's nothing worse than meaning nothing to the person who means everything to you.
3 .......A relationship is like a house. When a lightbulb burns out you do not go and buy a new house, you fix the lightbulb.
4. ......The course of true love never did run smooth.
5. .....Falling in love is like jumping off a building: Your brain tells you, "It's not a good idea" while your heart tells you, "you can fly!"
6 ......She seemed so strong, standing there smiling. Little does anyone know, last night, she fell asleep crying.
7. .....If she's amazing, she wont be easy. If she's easy, she wont be amazing. If she's worth it, you wont give up. If you give up, you're not worthy.


It's difficult to desire to hold someone or be intimate with someone you have an issue against in your heart.
While Some Men/Women actually use the refusal to touch or have anything to do with their partners intimately as a way of punishing them for a perceived wrong (foolishness)
Malice, Resentments can make a person desire less and less of their partner physically and intimately.
When he has a side chic outside.
When she has a side guy outside.
Someone who has eaten to his full outside will always reject the food prepared at home.
When the Wife starts PUTTING ON excess avoidable weight and stops PUTTING IN effort to look good and attractive,
When your appearance leaves nothing to be desired, what do you expect?
Body Odor
Mouth Odor
Armpit Odor
Dirty, bushy and smelly private Part
How can you as a married Man or Woman have odor in your private part? Don't you have conscience?
Time for oza room activities, you pull cloth and it's as if they opened a pit toilet.
Do you want to kill somebody with odor?
This angle should also be looked into before accusing one's spouse of cheating.
Certain medications/drugs or medical conditions can affect mood and desire for intimacy in both Men and Women
Age for example can affect too. And there are drugs that can help to bring back someone's sexual appetite from wherever it went.
Like Fasting.
At such times, there may be a decline in their desire for physical intimacy. Don't over do it.
Every flame left to itself without someone to feed and fan it will naturally go out
If left on its own, with time, the DISTRACTIONS of work, bills, children, family, neighbors, church, will push out the CHEMISTRY between any couple and replace it with HOME ECONOMICS.
A Man who works two different jobs, my sister by the time he gets home, if you like be naked, the only thing such a Man can see and desire at that time is SLEEP.
And vice versa for a stresses woman.
Some People simply Hustle too much and it's killing their Marriage.
No time for Wife/Husband, All work, no play.
A workaholic nature can make you kill the intimacy in your Marriage.
Couples should learn to run their homes in such a way that the demands for luxury are not hyped to the point they become MONEY CENTERED, as this can affect the intimacy in their marriage even if they do get the financial gains from such a lifestyle..
HUSTLE OH, but don't forget your MARRIAGE OH


1*** Keep Calm because Life is too short to stress over People who don't deserve to be an issue.
2*** Keep calm, don't argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience..
3*** Keep calm, don't bother to negatively react to some issues on social media bcoz There are some stupid people using Smart Phones.
4*** Keep calm... Life is super frustrating when you always respond to what people say about you.
5*** Again, Just Keep Calm. Life isn't about pleasing everybody. Stop focusing on how stressed you are and remember how Blessed you are. It could be so much worse.
6*** I repeat, Keep Calm.! If you don't love yourself, you will always be chasing people who don't Love you either

Sit to dialogue it out

When your partner wrong you knowingly or unknowingly, report to no one.
You should both learn to sit down to dialogue and Softly talk about your differences when the situation calms down.
Third party in most cases often add fuel to the burning flame.
Join your heads together and make your marriage work.
Best wishes


A woman who refuses to groom and stay attractive but she does not want him to notice other women.
A woman who brings her sisters and nieces to stay in their house. Worse, she stays up all night chatting and laughing hysterically with them but she can’t stay with him to watch his favorite match.
A woman who manipulates him sexually and then gossips how their marriage is sexless. Worse, she broadcasts among their family friends how their marriage is dry and boring.
A woman who wants her mother to be assisted but not the man’s mother. She talks with her mother on phone all-day long then accuses him of being mama’s boy for calling his mother once a week.
A woman who compares him with other men especially in regard to financial achievements. He wonders why she can’t go and live with that other high-achieving man.
A woman who never gives him some breathing space once a week to be with the boys even after investing all his week-days with her, and doing homework and playing with the kids.
A woman who will not share her income with the family yet she goes to work every day but complains how the man spends money with his relatives.
A woman who prays loudly in the bed-room very early in the morning and goes to church daily but she has no time to fix dinner for her husband.


She'll be there picking fights with guys asking for her phone number everyday, because she has you. While you'll be on the other side asking every girl you meet for her phone number.
-- bro, that is not FAIR !
The same way you get cold and lonely at night longing for the warmth of a woman, is the same way she gets cold and lonely at night longing for the warmth of a man..
But the difference is that she'll be there fighting temptation and ignoring all the calls and pings
from so many guys calling to ask for a minute
of her time. While you are on the other side searching through your phone book for numbers of side chicks you can invite over for the night. -- bro, that is WICKEDNESS!
She stays true to you, depending on what she has, never asking you for anything, because she wants you to build yourself up with the little you have. While you're on the other side spending that little you have on gift presents and lavish dates with women who are not even up to her worth.
-- bro, that is ILLITERACY!
She keeps the communication going, she wants to talk to you with every chance she gets, and with the little call credit she has, because she misses you.
While you're on the other side spending all you have trying to keep communication with women who are not even giving you any attention. -- bro, that is STUPIDITY!
Truth is,
Most times we are busy chasing STONES when we already have all the DIAMONDS we could ever need and sometimes, the people we are busy chasing can not measure up to the standard of what we already have. How long shall we continue in being daft?
Don't leave a delicious meal for a fancy junk food by the corner. There's nothing greener on the other side bro, it's only greener where you water it. So start acting right, and channel all that you have, all that you can be, to that one woman who has possibly channeled her everything to you!

Don't allow your relatives between you and your spouse

Don't allow your friends or family to get between you and your spouse. Don't associate with anyone who hates and disrespect your spouse. Make them clearly understand that you and your spouse are one. Anyone who truly cares about you will honour your choice of spouse and will treat your spouse with dignity and respect.anyone who comes to you to gossip about your spouse is sowing seeds of division in your marriage and should be stopped immediately. Shield your marriage, protect your spouse's position, image and reputation at all cost.Stand up in defense for each other. What God has joined together let no one separate.


What's good about being married? It can give you a sense of belonging, a feeling of security and stability, an ongoing
involvement with a sense of continuity, a home base, a feeling of closeness and intimacy, and a feeling that the future is more certain.
What's bad about being married?
It can bring less control over your time, a need to account to other people, a tendency to lose your identity and get wrapped up in
roles, pressure to conform, boredom with routine, and a sense of obligation loaded
with shoulds and oughts.
What's good about being single?
It can give you a sense of excitement and adventure, control over your own time, more freedom to grow as an independent person, a right to privacy, a sense of your own individuality, and the ability to make your own decisions without compromising or being accountable to others.
What's bad about being single?
It can bring a feeling of being detached and alienated, a feeling of loneliness, more anxiety and risk, fewer supports, a limitation
in what you can do alone, and less certainty about the future.
Since being married and being single both have some positive aspects as well as some
drawbacks, this puts us in a dilemma all our lives. We usually go through life doing a balancing act between trying to satisfy our
need for commitment and our need for freedom. Whenever we get too far out of balance, we feel a need for whatever is missing.

Wednesday, 1 December 2021


By Kuukua Davis
1. Sometimes he may not need s...ex from you at night.
2. He may not be hungry to eat what you have spent hours cooking.
3. He may not come home with gifts for you nor the children as he usually does.
4. He may not wear his usual smiles on his face as he walks into the house.
DONT NAG him dear sister. Rather MOTHER him.
Be the shoulder he can cry on till he smiles again.
Be the STRONG and MATURE woman he can show his vulnerablity to WITHOUT DISPISING him.
The lion grow weak at times.
The supper man looses his balance at times.
Men also have emotions, most of them bottle up so much to play the role of a HERO just to please you.
Learn to give your husband the healing he needs.
If you don't he may get it from somewhere else ( Addictions or another woman ) or die before his time.


1 ***** Difference between mind and heart? Your mind will tell you the smart thing and your heart will tell you what you are going to do anyway.
2 ***** If you really care about someone, you'll make an effort to make things work out instead of leaving them unhappy and confused.
3 ***** Love is like playing the piano. First you must learn to play by the rules, then you must forget the rules and play from your heart.
4 ***** What if finding the love of your life meant changing the life that you love?
5 ***** Why do we love the people that ignore us, and ignore the people that love us?
6 **** The only people you need in your live are those that need you in theirs.

Don't Marry to Manage.

We all have desires, expectations, personality types and elastic limits.
It's not everything we can cope with and remain mentally and physically sane.
Know this, and know Peace, it's not everybody you can marry.
Do not get into the boat of Marriage with someone whose lifestyle, character, and habits you can not tolerate, to avoid "e choke" marriage.
Apostle Johnson Suleman once said, and I quote, "don't HOPE in a future whose today you can't COPE with"
If their MENTAL capacity isn't exciting or stimulating to you and they don't seem interested in upgrading
If their GIVING capacity is nothing to write home about
If their COMMUNICATION capacity is not what can fill your emotional tank, especially you that like gist and talk.
If their SELF CONTROL capacity is dead and buried, they talk before they think, and do before they know, and they don't seem very willing to change NOW, .
If their ideolgies about Marriage, Gender Roles, In-laws, Family isn't something you're comfortable with, THINK TWICE
Most times it's easy to believe they'll change with time, some of them will even promise to, but this isn't always the case for everybody
Some change, some don't.
As a rule, when you see a person with a character defect that you aren't comfortable with, and you still want to marry them, ask yourself this simple question
"What If he/she doesn't change after marriage, can I cope happily with him/her as they are now?"


------- I hate when girls say "I bet you say that to a lot of other girls" Don't you send the same CV to employers when looking for a job?
------ Snoring is men's way of revenge for us having to listen to y'all females while we're awake.
------ Most women don't even need to workout. They burn enough calories jumping to conclusions.
------ If any girl boldly tells you that her favorite food is EBA in this era,put a ring on her finger... She's original.. Wife material 100 yards
------ You came to my house to play FIFA, left my room to get water only for me to come back and see you smiling at my sister. Pls leave my house.
------- After an Emotional hug Girl said to the boy: if you hug me once more like that, I will be Yours forever... Boy: Thanks for the warning;-)
------- Chronic Android phone users don't give a f*ck where they charge their phones. They will be at a Funeral using the socket next to the casket to charge.


When a woman accepts the hand of a man in marriage, he has accepted to perform for and onbehalf of her father those functions of and the will of that her father. That's why such a husband must pay a dowry to her father. By paying a dowry, a husband has applied to the father of a woman, to take over his responsibilities over his daughter.
That is when her father is said to have GIVEN THE HAND OF HER DAUGHTER IN MARRIAGE. Meaning that he has transferred to his son inlaw, his whole responsibilities for SECURITY of body and mind; PROVIDING essential needs of shelter, clothing, food and health. That is, TENDING.
This understanding is basic in all cultures and Religions irrespective of the style or pattern of administering the procedure.
THEREFORE; when a husband lacks the will or ability to carry out these responsibilities through his own fault of negligence or laziness, he has disappointed his father-in-law, his status, his gender and most unfortunately his God.
In some Faith, such a husband is considered worse than a pagan. The worst sin a husband can commit against God who created him a male is to deliberately refuse those functions for which he was created and made the Head of a Home, God's brick for building a godly society. It is sabotaging God's Divine Plan for mankind.
THESE RESPONSIBILITIES are the indices of the love of a husband. They are used to measure the sense, maturity and goodwill of a husband. What makes husbands fathers are responsibilities.


**** Missing Someone is a Part of Loving
Them. If you're Never Apart, You will never
really Know How Strong Your Love is.
**** It's not About Who you Spend the
Most Time With, It's About Who you have
the Best Memories With. If you're Lucky,
that's the same Person.
**** Don't Worry About People Who Hate
You, Worry About the People Who Love.
(One Fake Friend can do you more harm
than 10 Enemies)


1 *** We're not the same person we were a year ago, a month ago, or a week ago. we're constantly changing; experiences don't stop. that's life.
2 *** My biggest fear is getting played while being loyal.
3 *** People take you for granted and then wonder why you left.
4 *** I honestly can't stand people who always have something bad to say about everyone.
5 *** I think the only thing worse than loving someone who doesnt love you back is loving someone who told you they loved you but they didn’t.
6 *** I could never cheat on anyone. Knowing that you destroyed someone's trust is bad, but destroying their perspective on love is far too worse.