Saturday, 4 December 2021


1 ------ Sometimes, you just need to distance yourself from People. If they Care, They will notice. If they don't, you know where you stand.
2 ------- Sometimes, People learn to Lie at some point, bcoz not everyone deserve to know the Truth.
3 ----- Sometimes, to get Someone's Attention, you need to Stop giving them yours.
4 ------ Sometimes, the Only Blessing you need to count is your Heartbeat.
5 ------ Sometimes, you don't Regret your Past. You just Regret the Time you have waste with the Wrong People.
6 ------ Sometimes, You lose the things you're trying so hard to save, just bcoz you hold on to them too tightly.
7 ------ Sometimes, When you give up on Someone. It's not bcoz you don't care anymore but bcoz You realize they don't.

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