Monday, 22 April 2024


1. Don't just accept every prophesy spoken over you, your spouse or children. Test the spirit

2. Every morning speak a blessing over your spouse and your children

3. Find out the generational struggles, strongholds and troubles your parents and grandparents faced and those of your spouse; and reject them and cancel them

4. Speak to the kind of family, marriage you will  become. Prophesy into your future

5. Find key Bible verses to anchor your family on as a couple. Do you have a verse that you claim as a couple?

6. Don't just pray for food and journey mercies. Make your prayer life richer, there is so much to pray for

7. Interact with your spouse and children and know their daily state. How will you pray effective prayers for them if you don't know their day to day living?

8. Don't use the same tongue that prays for your family to insult or speak negativity to your family. Be consistent in what you say to and about your family, even in moments of anger

9. Find plaques to hang on the wall, computer wallpapers and phone screensavers that are in line with your prayer for your family; display them as a constant reminder

10. Ask God "What is your message for us as family? Where should we go?". God is willing to lead you, if you want to be led

© Dayan Masinde

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