Wednesday, 17 April 2024



1. Marry someone you can grow with 

2. You may be a grown up but if you are not grown inside you will be difficult to relate with 

3. Let your growth together as a couple be holistic. Grow spiritually,  emotionally,  mentally, socially, sexually and financially. Don't just focus on one aspect 

4. It is frustrating to be married to someone who has no personal hunger for growth. Growth is first personal before it manifests as a couple 

5. Sometimes troubles will come in your marriage to cause you two to grow in patience, communication and teamwork. Embrace challenges. Couples that have grown together handle challenges better 

6. When you don't see growth in your marriage, it is easy to give up on it. Growth encourages more effort and investment 

7. Your spouse might be more grown in some areas than you, be willing to learn

8. You might be more grown in some areas than your spouse, be willing to teach 

9. No marriage is perfect, but what you two should be aiming at is growth 

10. If you don't grow as a couple then being parents will overwhelm you 

11. The more you celebrate the growth in your marriage rather than what is wrong in your marriage, the stronger your marriage will become 

12. Appreciate the growth your spouse makes no matter how small to encourage him/her. It is a process, not an event

13. When you are working on your own personal growth you will not be jealous or insecure about the growth of your spouse's career or financial gain

14. For any marriage to grow it needs deliberate watering, nurturing and weeding. It won't happen by accident 

15. You both grow faster and more united when you have a joint vision

16. Don't try and copy the same growth of other couples.  Each couple is unique 

17. As you grow as a couple, your preferences and patterns will change; you may not like the same music, the same gifts, the same destination spots you used to when younger; but love should be a constant 

18. In case you two do fall financially, through bad choices, veer away from God or things collapse or seem to be coming to an end; together come back up. Every couple has storms. Sometimes the growth after the fall is greater and stronger. Don't give up, keep walking together 

©️ Dayan Masinde 

In the book MOTO MOTO COUPLE, Akello and I address in depth the 21 issues that affect every relationship/marriage including work, sex, finances, children, in-laws, communication and how rekindle love back in your marriage. She giving the female perspective, I give the man's perspective on each of those 21 issues. 
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